Leftists, you AGREE that it's good for govt. officials to lie and commit crime to get Trump...

No idea. I do know he had no less knowledge about the business than the other members of the board did.

Then an investigation would, presumably, demonstrate Hunter and Joe's innocence. An investigation would clear their "good" name, right?

You need a good reason to investigate a person. Reasonable cause which is usually backed by evidence.

You didn't feel that way when a special counsel was appointed to investigate potential Trump-Russia "collusion".
Did you say the same when a special investigator investigated Bill Clinton for four years before impeachment proceedings?
There was no appearance of impropriety. That claim wasn't even considered until Biden Became Trump's political opponent. Can you show a single reference to that claim before Trump started whining about it?

There's a shitload appearance of "impropriety". It just came up recently because a new president was elected in Ukraine, a president that has promised to root out corruption.

Just be honest. Admit it. You don't want an investigation because you're afraid that it might demonstrate that Joe Biden and son Hunter were engaged in corruption.

But the new president had no focus on Biden what so ever until Trump pressured him.

He had only been in office 2 months when Trump asked him to look into it. There are also reports that Ukraine officials were contacting American officials and encouraging them to look into Biden.

You oppose an investigation because you want to protect corrupt Democrats.

What reports? Even according to disgruntled Sholkin Hunter himself was never under any investigation or suspicion.

Ya....I would like to see those reports.
There was no appearance of impropriety. That claim wasn't even considered until Biden Became Trump's political opponent. Can you show a single reference to that claim before Trump started whining about it?

There's a shitload appearance of "impropriety". It just came up recently because a new president was elected in Ukraine, a president that has promised to root out corruption.

Just be honest. Admit it. You don't want an investigation because you're afraid that it might demonstrate that Joe Biden and son Hunter were engaged in corruption.

But the new president had no focus on Biden what so ever until Trump pressured him.

He had only been in office 2 months when Trump asked him to look into it. There are also reports that Ukraine officials were contacting American officials and encouraging them to look into Biden.

You oppose an investigation because you want to protect corrupt Democrats.

That sure is becoming a common excuse for you.

I oppose any investigation that is purely for personal political purposes. If there were reports begging the US to investigate Biden we wouldhave seen them, noot mention they wouldnt need us in order to do their own investigations.
There was no appearance of impropriety. That claim wasn't even considered until Biden Became Trump's political opponent. Can you show a single reference to that claim before Trump started whining about it?

There's a shitload appearance of "impropriety". It just came up recently because a new president was elected in Ukraine, a president that has promised to root out corruption.

Just be honest. Admit it. You don't want an investigation because you're afraid that it might demonstrate that Joe Biden and son Hunter were engaged in corruption.

But the new president had no focus on Biden what so ever until Trump pressured him.

He had only been in office 2 months when Trump asked him to look into it. There are also reports that Ukraine officials were contacting American officials and encouraging them to look into Biden.

You oppose an investigation because you want to protect corrupt Democrats.

What reports? Even according to disgruntled Sholkin Hunter himself was never under any investigation or suspicion.

Ya....I would like to see those reports.

Me too. If you ever find any proof like that, your claims might mean something.
Ya....I would like to see those reports.

Based on your delusional denials that Hillary did anything wrong when she transmitted classified documents through her private server, I'm pretty sure that Joe and Hunter Biden could announce that they DID engage in corruption and you'd still deny all of it.
Ya....I would like to see those reports.

Based on your delusional denials that Hillary did anything wrong when she transmitted classified documents through her private server, I'm pretty sure that Joe and Hunter Biden could announce that they DID engage in corruption and you'd still deny all of it.

Seems that you are pretty sure of lots of stuff that just isn't true.
Ya....I would like to see those reports.

Based on your delusional denials that Hillary did anything wrong when she transmitted classified documents through her private server, I'm pretty sure that Joe and Hunter Biden could announce that they DID engage in corruption and you'd still deny all of it.

Speaking of delusional where are those reports you keep mentioning?
...right? You support it, right?

I don't think its good for anyone to lie and commit crimes

I don't think its good for Trump to lie- but he does it all the time.
I don't think its good for Trump to commit crimes- but he is certainly doing that now- breaking the Whistleblower law, witness intimidation, bribery, soliciting campaign assistance from a foreign leader.

If you have as much evidence of any government official lying and breaking the law as we do so far for Trump- please share- I will support the prosecution of anyone who committed a crime.
No idea. I do know he had no less knowledge about the business than the other members of the board did.

Then an investigation would, presumably, demonstrate Hunter and Joe's innocence. An investigation would clear their "good" name, right?

Depends on the 'investigation' doesn't it?

Odd isn't it that the President didn't provide any evidence of any wrong doing to Ukraine - just an accusation.
Odd also that the President did it all with great secrecy- but insisted on a public declaration of an investigation by the President of the Ukraine.

No pressure on Ukraine there to invent something to please President Trump. None at all.
Ya....I would like to see those reports.

Based on your delusional denials that Hillary did anything wrong when she transmitted classified documents through her private server, I'm pretty sure that Joe and Hunter Biden could announce that they DID engage in corruption and you'd still deny all of it.

Wait- what crimes has Clinton been formally charged with? I missed that.

If you have any evidence of crimes committed by either of the Biden's feel free to share that evidence.

But we all know that we could have a photo of Trump handing the nuclear codes to Putin- and you would still deny any wrong doing on his part.
There was no appearance of impropriety. That claim wasn't even considered until Biden Became Trump's political opponent. Can you show a single reference to that claim before Trump started whining about it?

There's a shitload appearance of "impropriety". It just came up recently because a new president was elected in Ukraine, a president that has promised to root out corruption.

Just be honest. Admit it. You don't want an investigation because you're afraid that it might demonstrate that Joe Biden and son Hunter were engaged in corruption.

But the new president had no focus on Biden what so ever until Trump pressured him.

He had only been in office 2 months when Trump asked him to look into it. There are also reports that Ukraine officials were contacting American officials and encouraging them to look into Biden.

You oppose an investigation because you want to protect corrupt Democrats.

That sure is becoming a common excuse for you.

I oppose any investigation that is purely for personal political purposes. If there were reports begging the US to investigate Biden we wouldhave seen them, noot mention they wouldnt need us in order to do their own investigations.

Yeah- if this was really about investigating corruption:
a) It would not have been a secret call by Trump to get public declaration of an investigation on only two people- both named Biden.
b) It would have been initiated by American law enforcement- not the President
c) Or it would have been initiated by Ukrainean officials.
d) And if it was really about fighting corruption- where was the push by the White House for Ukraine to investigate Paul Manafort?
...right? You support it, right?
No, I do not support that theory. I do support their duty to tell the truth in keeping with their oath of office and expose the charlatan and con man Trump for his nefarious activities. You do agree, right or are you one of those ignorant, uninformed and uneducated Trump supporters who believes that would be ok for Trump to shoot someone on 5th avenue?
those ignorant, uninformed and uneducated Trump supporters who believes that would be ok for Trump to shoot someone on 5th avenue?

Trump's lawyers argue he can't be charged while in office — even if he shoots someone

"Carey Dunne, New York District Attorney Cy Vance Jr.'s general counsel, said the president's position is too absolute.

There could be examples in which a state should be able to conduct a criminal investigation of a sitting president, "if, for example, he did pull out a handgun and shoot someone on Fifth Avenue."

Asked about that, Consovoy said a president could be charged with such a crime once he was out of office or if he was impeached and removed from office. "This is not a permanent immunity," he said.

"I'm talking about while in office. Nothing could be done? That's your position?" Judge Denny Chin asked.

"That is correct," Consovoy said."
I don't think its good for Trump to commit crimes- but he is certainly doing that now- breaking the Whistleblower law, witness intimidation, bribery, soliciting campaign assistance from a foreign leader.

Trump hasn't committed any crimes. Besides, Hillary's innumerable crimes didn't stop you from voting for her. Thanks for the laugh.
Ya....I would like to see those reports.

I had heard that some official in Ukraine had tried to tip off the DOJ but they were ignored. It's impossible to find anything on it now on Google because Google frequently censors information that casts Democrats in a less-than-glorious light.
Ya....I would like to see those reports.

On another note, no amount of damning facts would EVER compel you to acknowledge corruption by anyone on the left. It requires honesty and integrity to acknowledge such things, and you lack those qualities.
Seems that you are pretty sure of lots of stuff that just isn't true.

If Ivanka got a job in Ukraine working as an "advisor" at about the same time that Trump was sending a BILLION to them, wouldn't that peak your curiosity? Wouldn't you like to know how in the Hell she got such a lucrative position in such a far-away locale and with little experience in the industry?

Or would you just say that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing and you don't want any investigation?

We both know what your response would be.

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