Leftwingers side with radical Muslims over America because

Many left-wingers in the '30s and '40s actually did sympathize with Hitler. Of course they kept quiet about it once the genocide was exposed.

No, that was right-wingers who were Hitler fans in the 30s and 40s. It cannot POSSIBLY have been leftists, because he killed all he could and threw out of work and out of Germany as many of the rest as possible. This was well-known because of all the refugees in Paris and other places and they wrote a lot about it.
I keep saying this. If you believe that Satan is real, then you begin to understand how the Godless, western left's marriage to Islam. Both have been deceived by Satan and both serve him. It will get worse before God has seen enough and sends Jesus to cleanse this cesspool once and for all. Perhaps the leftists will join their master in the lake of fire.
Jesus is ashamed of you and your cult leader.
Yes, cause Jesus would have approved of suicide bombers, female castration and all the other things Muzzies are given to.
Islam doesnt approve of those those things. Sorry!!!
the radical Muslims are “brown” or because the radical Muslims hate Americans. From AOC to Kapernick to Michael Moore to John Kerry to many board members on this site it’s easy to see where the leftwingers side. They all should be ashamed of themselves.
They are guilty of treason and should be treated accordingly.

Problem solved.


All problems solved.

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