Lefty propaganda on this forum requires hip boots to enter..


Active Member
May 18, 2014
All this economic "good news" that is being posted by all the southpaws in here is supposedly, it seems to me, posted for the sole purpose of trying to make Obama look good...as if any good news had a smidgen to do with BS. If you think you are fooling anyone with all this liberal propaganda....think again. Everyone has wised up to this dude a long time ago, but he, and you, can't accept the fact that he is irrelevant. You know he is the smartest guy in the room, right? If you don't believe me, just ask him.

a video response

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhwW2gv6SO0]Obama's Tough Speech - YouTube[/ame]
There is plenty of propaganda to go around on both sides of the aisle.

"I know jack shit about whether or not you're accurate, so I'll just bitch."

Great nickname. Nothing but noise.
All this economic "good news" that is being posted by all the southpaws in here is supposedly, it seems to me, posted for the sole purpose of trying to make Obama look good...as if any good news had a smidgen to do with BS. If you think you are fooling anyone with all this liberal propaganda....think again. Everyone has wised up to this dude a long time ago, but he, and you, can't accept the fact that he is irrelevant. You know he is the smartest guy in the room, right? If you don't believe me, just ask him.


Actually, the economy is getting better, but it's not due to anything Obama or Republicans have done. It's just a cycle, and we're coming out of a rough cycle, so now things are getting better. Interestingly, no matter who is in office over the next decade, things are likely to get much better as we are likely to see a decent sized baby boom which is going to drive the economy for quite some time.

As for Obama, he knows he is not going to be able to accomplish anything of any real relevance for the rest of his term. He is using Republican's hatred of him to turn the electorate against them, and it's going to work. Regardless what you might think of Obama, tactically and strategically as a politician, he's a damn genius. He is playing Republicans like a fiddle. You will see the end result of this in 2016.
I guess we can all go home now. We've been given the word. :cool:

Come on konradv. I didn't say my assessment of the situation was the be all and end all of the argument. I said that was the truth, as I saw it. Actually, I agree with auditor. It IS a cycle but I still maintain that term limits are needed and are way overdue. Especially in Nevada, and there are Repubs who also need to hang it up.
All this economic "good news" that is being posted by all the southpaws in here is supposedly, it seems to me, posted for the sole purpose of trying to make Obama look good...as if any good news had a smidgen to do with BS. If you think you are fooling anyone with all this liberal propaganda....think again. Everyone has wised up to this dude a long time ago, but he, and you, can't accept the fact that he is irrelevant. You know he is the smartest guy in the room, right? If you don't believe me, just ask him.


as we all know numbers don 't lie ... the fact that you're incapable of understanding what these numbers mean, thats typical of a repub-lie-tard...:lol::lol::lol:
All this economic "good news" that is being posted by all the southpaws in here is supposedly, it seems to me, posted for the sole purpose of trying to make Obama look good...as if any good news had a smidgen to do with BS. If you think you are fooling anyone with all this liberal propaganda....think again. Everyone has wised up to this dude a long time ago, but he, and you, can't accept the fact that he is irrelevant. You know he is the smartest guy in the room, right? If you don't believe me, just ask him.


Actually, the economy is getting better, but it's not due to anything Obama or Republicans have done. It's just a cycle, and we're coming out of a rough cycle, so now things are getting better. Interestingly, no matter who is in office over the next decade, things are likely to get much better as we are likely to see a decent sized baby boom which is going to drive the economy for quite some time.

As for Obama, he knows he is not going to be able to accomplish anything of any real relevance for the rest of his term. He is using Republican's hatred of him to turn the electorate against them, and it's going to work. Regardless what you might think of Obama, tactically and strategically as a politician, he's a damn genius. He is playing Republicans like a fiddle. You will see the end result of this in 2016.

translation= he can't figure it out how it happen ... soooooooooo he makes it up ... do you feel better now???

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