Lefty USC Professor tells students the 2016 election was inspired by “racism”

Your daughter probably marched in Charlottesville or applauded them.
A few racist idiots on both sides showed up and started shit with each other.

The stated issue for Charlottesville was removing the statue of Robert E. Lee (but that was just a pretext).

I am not one of those people who really gives a shit about images of the confederacy. My great (x3) grandfather was in the Louisiana Cavalry. He was a farmer who never owned slaves, but he not only had to compete with slave owners, he was conscripted and forced to go fight a war to maintain the competitive advantage of his competition (slave labor). I don't think he really had much love for the confederacy, based on my great (x3) grandmother's journal entries.

So, I don't really care about preserving the icons of the confederacy.

But, that's not the real issue. Robert E. Lee was not the real target. Arlington is 100 miles away.

But, Monticello is in Charlottesville.

The REAL objective is to re-write history and scrub it clean of Thomas Jefferson.


IT'S PART OF THE COMMUNIST REVOLUTION. The legacy of Thomas Jefferson is a HUGE roadblock to the tyrannical authoritarians leading the drive for the complete destruction of liberty.

That's why these communist ass wipes always point out that he was a slave owner, conveniently leaving out the part where he was also the guy who took the first step to end the practice (Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves of 1807). They also make shit up about him raping his slaves, having zero evidence that such actions were non-consensual, and conveniently leaving out the fact that he considered some of them to be close family.

Charlottesville was not about racism. It was an act designed to lay the groundwork for de-legitimizing the very founding of our nation so the commies can kill the constitution and steal all our property.

^ total nonsense. Maybe go to Charittesville sometime. Great town, great music, great people. If they don’t want a statue in their community, they should have the right to remove it. Unite the Right should never have gone there.

Was the removal of the statues voted on?
It sure was. And groups from outside the community that had likely never even visited sued to force them to keep it. Then an army of Nazi’s descended on the city to defend the statue, committed murder, and got called “fine people” by the President.
Your daughter probably marched in Charlottesville or applauded them.
A few racist idiots on both sides showed up and started shit with each other.

The stated issue for Charlottesville was removing the statue of Robert E. Lee (but that was just a pretext).

I am not one of those people who really gives a shit about images of the confederacy. My great (x3) grandfather was in the Louisiana Cavalry. He was a farmer who never owned slaves, but he not only had to compete with slave owners, he was conscripted and forced to go fight a war to maintain the competitive advantage of his competition (slave labor). I don't think he really had much love for the confederacy, based on my great (x3) grandmother's journal entries.

So, I don't really care about preserving the icons of the confederacy.

But, that's not the real issue. Robert E. Lee was not the real target. Arlington is 100 miles away.

But, Monticello is in Charlottesville.

The REAL objective is to re-write history and scrub it clean of Thomas Jefferson.


IT'S PART OF THE COMMUNIST REVOLUTION. The legacy of Thomas Jefferson is a HUGE roadblock to the tyrannical authoritarians leading the drive for the complete destruction of liberty.

That's why these communist ass wipes always point out that he was a slave owner, conveniently leaving out the part where he was also the guy who took the first step to end the practice (Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves of 1807). They also make shit up about him raping his slaves, having zero evidence that such actions were non-consensual, and conveniently leaving out the fact that he considered some of them to be close family.

Charlottesville was not about racism. It was an act designed to lay the groundwork for de-legitimizing the very founding of our nation so the commies can kill the constitution and steal all our property.

^ total nonsense. Maybe go to Charittesville sometime. Great town, great music, great people. If they don’t want a statue in their community, they should have the right to remove it. Unite the Right should never have gone there.

Was the removal of the statues voted on?
It sure was. And groups from outside the community that had likely never even visited sued to force them to keep it. Then an army of Nazi’s descended on the city to defend the statue, committed murder, and got called “fine people” by the President.

NO, NO, NO....The People did not vote...nutless city councilman voted...FUCK THAT!
Your daughter probably marched in Charlottesville or applauded them.
A few racist idiots on both sides showed up and started shit with each other.

The stated issue for Charlottesville was removing the statue of Robert E. Lee (but that was just a pretext).

I am not one of those people who really gives a shit about images of the confederacy. My great (x3) grandfather was in the Louisiana Cavalry. He was a farmer who never owned slaves, but he not only had to compete with slave owners, he was conscripted and forced to go fight a war to maintain the competitive advantage of his competition (slave labor). I don't think he really had much love for the confederacy, based on my great (x3) grandmother's journal entries.

So, I don't really care about preserving the icons of the confederacy.

But, that's not the real issue. Robert E. Lee was not the real target. Arlington is 100 miles away.

But, Monticello is in Charlottesville.

The REAL objective is to re-write history and scrub it clean of Thomas Jefferson.


IT'S PART OF THE COMMUNIST REVOLUTION. The legacy of Thomas Jefferson is a HUGE roadblock to the tyrannical authoritarians leading the drive for the complete destruction of liberty.

That's why these communist ass wipes always point out that he was a slave owner, conveniently leaving out the part where he was also the guy who took the first step to end the practice (Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves of 1807). They also make shit up about him raping his slaves, having zero evidence that such actions were non-consensual, and conveniently leaving out the fact that he considered some of them to be close family.

Charlottesville was not about racism. It was an act designed to lay the groundwork for de-legitimizing the very founding of our nation so the commies can kill the constitution and steal all our property.

^ total nonsense. Maybe go to Charittesville sometime. Great town, great music, great people. If they don’t want a statue in their community, they should have the right to remove it. Unite the Right should never have gone there.

Was the removal of the statues voted on?
It sure was. And groups from outside the community that had likely never even visited sued to force them to keep it. Then an army of Nazi’s descended on the city to defend the statue, committed murder, and got called “fine people” by the President.

NO, NO, NO....The People did not vote...nutless city councilman voted...FUCK THAT!
So...how did the city councilmembers get into their positions?
The professor was correct. Your daughter probably marched in Charlottesville or applauded them.

The Kenyan garnered 96% of the black vote in 2008 and 93% in 2012....That takes the cake.
My daughters are full blown White Nationalists, they would have loved to carry a torch in Charlottesville.
Again....who is this Kenyan you are referring to?
Brave kid... and yes racism was a big part of Obama's election, all the blacks rushed in to vote for him because of the correct skin color.

However, Obama himself wasn't half as racist as the likes of Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi, who actually think walls and borders are evil. They are racist against their own citizens - the worst kind of racism.
95% of black voters are Democrats.....it's not that Democrats voted for the Democrat to CRCs....:71: It's because they are........wait for it..........................waaaaaaaay---cist!!!!!
The professor was correct. Your daughter probably marched in Charlottesville or applauded them.

The Kenyan garnered 96% of the black vote in 2008 and 93% in 2012....That takes the cake.
My daughters are full blown White Nationalists, they would have loved to carry a torch in Charlottesville.
Again....who is this Kenyan you are referring to?

WTF, how many Kenyan's do you know?
One......an exchange student when I was in HS.
My daughter stops him and tells the entire lecture hall that the Obama elections were the most racist in modern history....A few kids clap and the rest shit their pants.
I’m so proud of my girl.

Yep, racism is handed down parent to child, you must be very proud to teach your child to hate those she has never met.

How do you arrive at that based on what’s been said?
I teach my daughters the law of total probability early on and they draw their own conclusions. Why do you hate those who practice basic principles?

What do you tell them about people who post thousands of times on an internet messageboard under an alias like "BrokeLoser"?

"Hey girls, that's someone you should strive to be like!"

Versus telling them to strive to be like RDD_1210 ?
The know better than to defend foreign criminals and beg for free shit...they’re nothing like RDD_1210

So it's be like me or be like you?
If someone only thinks in a binary manner, they must be broke and a loser.....:71:
The professor was correct. Your daughter probably marched in Charlottesville or applauded them.

The Kenyan garnered 96% of the black vote in 2008 and 93% in 2012....That takes the cake.
My daughters are full blown White Nationalists, they would have loved to carry a torch in Charlottesville.
Again....who is this Kenyan you are referring to?

WTF, how many Kenyan's do you know?
One......an exchange student when I was in HS.

Was his name Barry?
Your daughter probably marched in Charlottesville or applauded them.
A few racist idiots on both sides showed up and started shit with each other.

The stated issue for Charlottesville was removing the statue of Robert E. Lee (but that was just a pretext).

I am not one of those people who really gives a shit about images of the confederacy. My great (x3) grandfather was in the Louisiana Cavalry. He was a farmer who never owned slaves, but he not only had to compete with slave owners, he was conscripted and forced to go fight a war to maintain the competitive advantage of his competition (slave labor). I don't think he really had much love for the confederacy, based on my great (x3) grandmother's journal entries.

So, I don't really care about preserving the icons of the confederacy.

But, that's not the real issue. Robert E. Lee was not the real target. Arlington is 100 miles away.

But, Monticello is in Charlottesville.

The REAL objective is to re-write history and scrub it clean of Thomas Jefferson.


IT'S PART OF THE COMMUNIST REVOLUTION. The legacy of Thomas Jefferson is a HUGE roadblock to the tyrannical authoritarians leading the drive for the complete destruction of liberty.

That's why these communist ass wipes always point out that he was a slave owner, conveniently leaving out the part where he was also the guy who took the first step to end the practice (Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves of 1807). They also make shit up about him raping his slaves, having zero evidence that such actions were non-consensual, and conveniently leaving out the fact that he considered some of them to be close family.

Charlottesville was not about racism. It was an act designed to lay the groundwork for de-legitimizing the very founding of our nation so the commies can kill the constitution and steal all our property.

^ total nonsense. Maybe go to Charittesville sometime. Great town, great music, great people. If they don’t want a statue in their community, they should have the right to remove it. Unite the Right should never have gone there.

Was the removal of the statues voted on?
It sure was. And groups from outside the community that had likely never even visited sued to force them to keep it. Then an army of Nazi’s descended on the city to defend the statue, committed murder, and got called “fine people” by the President.
Spot on.
His kid is already smarter than the professor who starts moral fagging during lecture.
The professor was correct. Your daughter probably marched in Charlottesville or applauded them.

The Kenyan garnered 96% of the black vote in 2008 and 93% in 2012....That takes the cake.
My daughters are full blown White Nationalists, they would have loved to carry a torch in Charlottesville.
Again....who is this Kenyan you are referring to?

WTF, how many Kenyan's do you know?
One......an exchange student when I was in HS.

Was his name Barry?
Your daughter probably marched in Charlottesville or applauded them.
A few racist idiots on both sides showed up and started shit with each other.

The stated issue for Charlottesville was removing the statue of Robert E. Lee (but that was just a pretext).

I am not one of those people who really gives a shit about images of the confederacy. My great (x3) grandfather was in the Louisiana Cavalry. He was a farmer who never owned slaves, but he not only had to compete with slave owners, he was conscripted and forced to go fight a war to maintain the competitive advantage of his competition (slave labor). I don't think he really had much love for the confederacy, based on my great (x3) grandmother's journal entries.

So, I don't really care about preserving the icons of the confederacy.

But, that's not the real issue. Robert E. Lee was not the real target. Arlington is 100 miles away.

But, Monticello is in Charlottesville.

The REAL objective is to re-write history and scrub it clean of Thomas Jefferson.


IT'S PART OF THE COMMUNIST REVOLUTION. The legacy of Thomas Jefferson is a HUGE roadblock to the tyrannical authoritarians leading the drive for the complete destruction of liberty.

That's why these communist ass wipes always point out that he was a slave owner, conveniently leaving out the part where he was also the guy who took the first step to end the practice (Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves of 1807). They also make shit up about him raping his slaves, having zero evidence that such actions were non-consensual, and conveniently leaving out the fact that he considered some of them to be close family.

Charlottesville was not about racism. It was an act designed to lay the groundwork for de-legitimizing the very founding of our nation so the commies can kill the constitution and steal all our property.

^ total nonsense. Maybe go to Charittesville sometime. Great town, great music, great people. If they don’t want a statue in their community, they should have the right to remove it. Unite the Right should never have gone there.

Was the removal of the statues voted on?
It sure was. And groups from outside the community that had likely never even visited sued to force them to keep it. Then an army of Nazi’s descended on the city to defend the statue, committed murder, and got called “fine people” by the President.

NO, NO, NO....The People did not vote...nutless city councilman voted...FUCK THAT!
Who votes for them? Oops! Too fucking stupid. Go fuck yourself, idiot.
Your daughter probably marched in Charlottesville or applauded them.
A few racist idiots on both sides showed up and started shit with each other.

The stated issue for Charlottesville was removing the statue of Robert E. Lee (but that was just a pretext).

I am not one of those people who really gives a shit about images of the confederacy. My great (x3) grandfather was in the Louisiana Cavalry. He was a farmer who never owned slaves, but he not only had to compete with slave owners, he was conscripted and forced to go fight a war to maintain the competitive advantage of his competition (slave labor). I don't think he really had much love for the confederacy, based on my great (x3) grandmother's journal entries.

So, I don't really care about preserving the icons of the confederacy.

But, that's not the real issue. Robert E. Lee was not the real target. Arlington is 100 miles away.

But, Monticello is in Charlottesville.

The REAL objective is to re-write history and scrub it clean of Thomas Jefferson.


IT'S PART OF THE COMMUNIST REVOLUTION. The legacy of Thomas Jefferson is a HUGE roadblock to the tyrannical authoritarians leading the drive for the complete destruction of liberty.

That's why these communist ass wipes always point out that he was a slave owner, conveniently leaving out the part where he was also the guy who took the first step to end the practice (Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves of 1807). They also make shit up about him raping his slaves, having zero evidence that such actions were non-consensual, and conveniently leaving out the fact that he considered some of them to be close family.

Charlottesville was not about racism. It was an act designed to lay the groundwork for de-legitimizing the very founding of our nation so the commies can kill the constitution and steal all our property.

^ total nonsense. Maybe go to Charittesville sometime. Great town, great music, great people. If they don’t want a statue in their community, they should have the right to remove it. Unite the Right should never have gone there.

Was the removal of the statues voted on?
It sure was. And groups from outside the community that had likely never even visited sued to force them to keep it. Then an army of Nazi’s descended on the city to defend the statue, committed murder, and got called “fine people” by the President.
Spot on.

There were fine people is what he said, and that's the truth. The amount of fine people decreased substantially when Antifa decided to show up without a permit.
I love these threads......it draws the CRC "not-racists" in like a static charge draws lint.
A few racist idiots on both sides showed up and started shit with each other.

The stated issue for Charlottesville was removing the statue of Robert E. Lee (but that was just a pretext).

I am not one of those people who really gives a shit about images of the confederacy. My great (x3) grandfather was in the Louisiana Cavalry. He was a farmer who never owned slaves, but he not only had to compete with slave owners, he was conscripted and forced to go fight a war to maintain the competitive advantage of his competition (slave labor). I don't think he really had much love for the confederacy, based on my great (x3) grandmother's journal entries.

So, I don't really care about preserving the icons of the confederacy.

But, that's not the real issue. Robert E. Lee was not the real target. Arlington is 100 miles away.

But, Monticello is in Charlottesville.

The REAL objective is to re-write history and scrub it clean of Thomas Jefferson.


IT'S PART OF THE COMMUNIST REVOLUTION. The legacy of Thomas Jefferson is a HUGE roadblock to the tyrannical authoritarians leading the drive for the complete destruction of liberty.

That's why these communist ass wipes always point out that he was a slave owner, conveniently leaving out the part where he was also the guy who took the first step to end the practice (Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves of 1807). They also make shit up about him raping his slaves, having zero evidence that such actions were non-consensual, and conveniently leaving out the fact that he considered some of them to be close family.

Charlottesville was not about racism. It was an act designed to lay the groundwork for de-legitimizing the very founding of our nation so the commies can kill the constitution and steal all our property.

^ total nonsense. Maybe go to Charittesville sometime. Great town, great music, great people. If they don’t want a statue in their community, they should have the right to remove it. Unite the Right should never have gone there.

Was the removal of the statues voted on?
It sure was. And groups from outside the community that had likely never even visited sued to force them to keep it. Then an army of Nazi’s descended on the city to defend the statue, committed murder, and got called “fine people” by the President.
Spot on.

There were fine people is what he said, and that's the truth. The amount of fine people decreased substantially when Antifa decided to show up without a permit.
Of course....some of the fine people:

and another fine person driving the car:
A few racist idiots on both sides showed up and started shit with each other.

The stated issue for Charlottesville was removing the statue of Robert E. Lee (but that was just a pretext).

I am not one of those people who really gives a shit about images of the confederacy. My great (x3) grandfather was in the Louisiana Cavalry. He was a farmer who never owned slaves, but he not only had to compete with slave owners, he was conscripted and forced to go fight a war to maintain the competitive advantage of his competition (slave labor). I don't think he really had much love for the confederacy, based on my great (x3) grandmother's journal entries.

So, I don't really care about preserving the icons of the confederacy.

But, that's not the real issue. Robert E. Lee was not the real target. Arlington is 100 miles away.

But, Monticello is in Charlottesville.

The REAL objective is to re-write history and scrub it clean of Thomas Jefferson.


IT'S PART OF THE COMMUNIST REVOLUTION. The legacy of Thomas Jefferson is a HUGE roadblock to the tyrannical authoritarians leading the drive for the complete destruction of liberty.

That's why these communist ass wipes always point out that he was a slave owner, conveniently leaving out the part where he was also the guy who took the first step to end the practice (Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves of 1807). They also make shit up about him raping his slaves, having zero evidence that such actions were non-consensual, and conveniently leaving out the fact that he considered some of them to be close family.

Charlottesville was not about racism. It was an act designed to lay the groundwork for de-legitimizing the very founding of our nation so the commies can kill the constitution and steal all our property.

^ total nonsense. Maybe go to Charittesville sometime. Great town, great music, great people. If they don’t want a statue in their community, they should have the right to remove it. Unite the Right should never have gone there.

Was the removal of the statues voted on?
It sure was. And groups from outside the community that had likely never even visited sued to force them to keep it. Then an army of Nazi’s descended on the city to defend the statue, committed murder, and got called “fine people” by the President.
Spot on.

There were fine people is what he said, and that's the truth. The amount of fine people decreased substantially when Antifa decided to show up without a permit.
Those skinhead pricks are disgusting people. Glad so many were outed and lost their jobs and exposed
My daughter stops him and tells the entire lecture hall that the Obama elections were the most racist in modern history....A few kids clap and the rest shit their pants.
I’m so proud of my girl.

Yep, racism is handed down parent to child, you must be very proud to teach your child to hate those she has never met.

How do you arrive at that based on what’s been said?
I teach my daughters the law of total probability early on and they draw their own conclusions. Why do you hate those who practice basic principles?

I don't hate anyone; racism is ignorance and to be pitied, if and only if the racist does not flaunt the law or act in a completely iniquitous manner.
^ total nonsense. Maybe go to Charittesville sometime. Great town, great music, great people. If they don’t want a statue in their community, they should have the right to remove it. Unite the Right should never have gone there.
I don't disagree that they have the right to remove that statue.

I am saying that the Robert E. Lee statue is not the real target.

Thomas Jefferson is.

My daughter stops him and tells the entire lecture hall that the Obama elections were the most racist in modern history....A few kids clap and the rest shit their pants.
I’m so proud of my girl.

Your girl lacks logic it seems. The Obama elections being about race does not exclude the 2016 election from being inspired by racism.

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