Legal question on Trump's future

[QUOTE="Freiheit, post: 21251114, member: 55827"]If otherwise your statement is just another opion among
many that are worth what they cos

The English language is a bitch for you, isn't it?[/QUOTE]
Typos may be my fault. Illogic, stupidity, hatred are just some of yours.
As evident by this forum, we can argue about Trump's Russia collusion and his obstruction of justice allegations, etc. for still a while while through Muller prepares his final report.

However, a couple of issues are INDISPUTABLE:

Trump has violated federal election laws through Cohen's payoff to Daniels, and
Trump has violated emolument laws in receiving something of value from foreign governments with his D.C. hotel scamming.

Now, the question arises when Trump is finally out of office and the "shield" of the oval office is no longer applicable. WILL or CAN TRUMP be charged for the above violations???

Just asking.....

Could you be so kind as to provide a link to the emolument laws?


I'll let the reporting educate you.........

Judge Allows Trump Emoluments Clause Lawsuit To Proceed : NPR

Jul 25, 2018 - Federal Lawsuit Against President Trump's Business Interests Allowed To ... goes undefined in the U.S. Constitution's two emoluments clauses.

Federal judge allows emoluments case against Trump to proceed ...

Jul 25, 2018 - D.C. and Maryland are suing President Trump for violating a little-known constitutional provision called "the emoluments clause." (Video: Jenny ...

An update on the Emoluments cases - National Constitution Center 1, 2018 - Since Donald Trump's election in November 2016, three separate lawsuits ... The ForeignEmoluments clause is part of Article I, Section 9, and ...

Judge allows case over foreign gifts to proceed against President ...

Jul 25, 2018 - A federal judge in Maryland on Wednesday denied a motion to dismiss portions of alawsuit alleging that President Donald Trump, through his ... considering whether he violated theemoluments clause in an official cap acity.

Judge Denies Trump's Request to Dismiss Emoluments Lawsuit - The ...

Sep 28, 2018 - A case brought by Democrats in Congress could give them access to a ... cleared a key hurdle on Friday in their effort to sue President Trump over ... If Judge Sullivan finds that Mr. Trump has violated the emoluments clause, ...
Judge: Democrats in Congress can sue Donald Trump in emoluments ... 29, 2018 - The emoluments clause bars presidents from accepting gifts from foreign ... The Department of Justice, which is representing Trump in the case, ...

Trump emoluments clause lawsuit: Dems have standing, judge says ... 28, 2018 - A federal judge ruled that congressional Democrats have standing to sue PresidentDonald Trump over alleged violations of the emoluments ...

Federal judge ruled against Trump in emoluments clause lawsuit ... 25, 2018 - A federal judge just ruled against Trump in one of the biggest cases involving ... The judge ruled that the emoluments clause, which bars public ...

Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit ... 25, 2018 - Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit ... The lawsuitaddressed in court Wednesday focuses on the profit Trump ...

Court: Emoluments Clause Applies To Trump And His Hotel Profits ...
Jul 25, 2018 - A landmark case arguing that Trump has violated the Constitution by ... President Donald Trump is subject to the Constitution's emoluments ...
That question was settled with Nixon and reaffirmed with Clinton.

Hey, moron, the questions about breaches of federal election laws and emolument were settled by Nixon and Clinton????.........Really, fuckhead?

Nixon's cover-up and Clinton's lies to a grand jury were the SAME as the questions posed in the O/P???

Does your mommy turn your computer on for you?
Hey, lady, I only told you the facts...The prez CAN NOT be indicted while still in office, no matter the alleged transgressions...Deal with it and go take a Midol.
Are you just as fucking moronic in real life as you are here?

You could just as easily have written....:I have my head up Trump's orange ass and I can't answer the question posed"......THAT would have been a bit more honest?
You have been involved in this very discussion for many months and know you’re full of shit.
Or you’re suffering from dementia.
As evident by this forum, we can argue about Trump's Russia collusion and his obstruction of justice allegations, etc. for still a while while through Muller prepares his final report.

However, a couple of issues are INDISPUTABLE:

Trump has violated federal election laws through Cohen's payoff to Daniels, and
Trump has violated emolument laws in receiving something of value from foreign governments with his D.C. hotel scamming.

Now, the question arises when Trump is finally out of office and the "shield" of the oval office is no longer applicable. WILL or CAN TRUMP be charged for the above violations???

Just asking.....
/---/Allow me to dispute them anyway.
"Trump has violated federal election laws through Cohen's payoff to Daniels" Not if he used his own money.
"Trump has violated emolument laws" Whether or not one concludes that Trump’s business dealings violate the letter or the spirit of the Emoluments Clause, the underlying controversy is almost certainly non-justiciable. It is difficult to conceive of a scenario in which someone would have standing to challenge Trump’s arrangements, and even harder to think what sort of remedy could be ordered by a court. In other words, if there are concerns about how President Trump handles his various investments, the only remedies will be political. Opinion | The Emoluments Clause — is Donald Trump violating its letter or spirit?
An ex-president certainly can be charged with crimes committed while in office. A citizen holding the office of president is granted no immunity to criminal or civil prosecution or litigation during or following his or her term in office. However, all the duties of the president are not detailed in the constitution and federal. Actions that would surely be considered a crime by a citizen may well not be considered a crime by the president. For example, a president is given wide latitude both by federal laws and the constitution when comes to foreign affairs and protection of the nation.

Although I mostly agree with you about the grey areas.....bear in mind that the possible breach of federal election laws were breached PRIOR to Trump officially infecting the oval office.
Violation of federal election laws could be applicable to a presidential candidate before or after the election.

There is no statue against collusion. However, if the president made deals with the Russians or directed that they be made that clearly corrupted the election process or any other way defrauded the American people, Trump could be charged under the Federal Conspiracy Act, while president or after leaving the presidency.
Last edited:
An ex-president certainly can be charged with crimes committed while in office. A citizen holding the office of president is granted no immunity to criminal or civil prosecution or litigation during or following his or her term in office. However, all the duties of the president are not detailed in the constitution and federal. Actions that would surely be considered a crime by a citizen may well not be considered a crime by the president. For example, a president is given wide latitude both by federal laws and the constitution when comes to foreign affairs and protection of the nation.

Although I mostly agree with you about the grey areas.....bear in mind that the possible breach of federal election laws were breached PRIOR to Trump officially infecting the oval office.
Violation of federal election laws would be applicable to presidential candidate before or after the election.

There is no statue against collusion. However, if the president made deals with the Russians that clearly corrupted the election process, Trump could be charged under the Federal Conspiracy Act, while president or after leaving the presidency.
/----/ There is zero evidence of Trump Russian collusion - if there was then Muller would have leaked it before the midterm to bolster the Blue wave theory.
Muller got nothing.jpg
As evident by this forum, we can argue about Trump's Russia collusion and his obstruction of justice allegations, etc. for still a while while through Muller prepares his final report.

However, a couple of issues are INDISPUTABLE:

Trump has violated federal election laws through Cohen's payoff to Daniels, and
Trump has violated emolument laws in receiving something of value from foreign governments with his D.C. hotel scamming.

Now, the question arises when Trump is finally out of office and the "shield" of the oval office is no longer applicable. WILL or CAN TRUMP be charged for the above violations???

Just asking.....

Could you be so kind as to provide a link to the emolument laws?


Its the clause that would convict Hillary and countless members of congress past and present if enforced.

No, the OP claimed the existence of "laws", plural. I would like to read these laws, but can't seem to find them.

That question was settled with Nixon and reaffirmed with Clinton.

Hey, moron, the questions about breaches of federal election laws and emolument were settled by Nixon and Clinton????.........Really, fuckhead?

Nixon's cover-up and Clinton's lies to a grand jury were the SAME as the questions posed in the O/P???

Does your mommy turn your computer on for you?
Hey, lady, I only told you the facts...The prez CAN NOT be indicted while still in office, no matter the alleged transgressions...Deal with it and go take a Midol.
You're probably correct, although it is debatable. However, impeachment is not. It is clearly the method the founders created to remove a president guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. Once removed from office he can face criminal indictment.
As evident by this forum, we can argue about Trump's Russia collusion and his obstruction of justice allegations, etc. for still a while while through Muller prepares his final report.

However, a couple of issues are INDISPUTABLE:

Trump has violated federal election laws through Cohen's payoff to Daniels, and
Trump has violated emolument laws in receiving something of value from foreign governments with his D.C. hotel scamming.

Now, the question arises when Trump is finally out of office and the "shield" of the oval office is no longer applicable. WILL or CAN TRUMP be charged for the above violations???

Just asking.....

Could you be so kind as to provide a link to the emolument laws?


I'll let the reporting educate you.........

Judge Allows Trump Emoluments Clause Lawsuit To Proceed : NPR

Jul 25, 2018 - Federal Lawsuit Against President Trump's Business Interests Allowed To ... goes undefined in the U.S. Constitution's two emoluments clauses.

Federal judge allows emoluments case against Trump to proceed ...

Jul 25, 2018 - D.C. and Maryland are suing President Trump for violating a little-known constitutional provision called "the emoluments clause." (Video: Jenny ...

An update on the Emoluments cases - National Constitution Center 1, 2018 - Since Donald Trump's election in November 2016, three separate lawsuits ... The ForeignEmoluments clause is part of Article I, Section 9, and ...

Judge allows case over foreign gifts to proceed against President ...

Jul 25, 2018 - A federal judge in Maryland on Wednesday denied a motion to dismiss portions of alawsuit alleging that President Donald Trump, through his ... considering whether he violated theemoluments clause in an official cap acity.

Judge Denies Trump's Request to Dismiss Emoluments Lawsuit - The ...

Sep 28, 2018 - A case brought by Democrats in Congress could give them access to a ... cleared a key hurdle on Friday in their effort to sue President Trump over ... If Judge Sullivan finds that Mr. Trump has violated the emoluments clause, ...
Judge: Democrats in Congress can sue Donald Trump in emoluments ... 29, 2018 - The emoluments clause bars presidents from accepting gifts from foreign ... The Department of Justice, which is representing Trump in the case, ...

Trump emoluments clause lawsuit: Dems have standing, judge says ... 28, 2018 - A federal judge ruled that congressional Democrats have standing to sue PresidentDonald Trump over alleged violations of the emoluments ...

Federal judge ruled against Trump in emoluments clause lawsuit ... 25, 2018 - A federal judge just ruled against Trump in one of the biggest cases involving ... The judge ruled that the emoluments clause, which bars public ...

Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit ... 25, 2018 - Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit ... The lawsuitaddressed in court Wednesday focuses on the profit Trump ...

Court: Emoluments Clause Applies To Trump And His Hotel Profits ...
Jul 25, 2018 - A landmark case arguing that Trump has violated the Constitution by ... President Donald Trump is subject to the Constitution's emoluments ...

Wow, all those repetitive links and not one federal statute in sight. Go figure.
As evident by this forum, we can argue about Trump's Russia collusion and his obstruction of justice allegations, etc. for still a while while through Muller prepares his final report.

However, a couple of issues are INDISPUTABLE:

Trump has violated federal election laws through Cohen's payoff to Daniels, and
Trump has violated emolument laws in receiving something of value from foreign governments with his D.C. hotel scamming.

Now, the question arises when Trump is finally out of office and the "shield" of the oval office is no longer applicable. WILL or CAN TRUMP be charged for the above violations???

Just asking.....

Could you be so kind as to provide a link to the emolument laws?


I'll let the reporting educate you.........

Judge Allows Trump Emoluments Clause Lawsuit To Proceed : NPR

Jul 25, 2018 - Federal Lawsuit Against President Trump's Business Interests Allowed To ... goes undefined in the U.S. Constitution's two emoluments clauses.

Federal judge allows emoluments case against Trump to proceed ...

Jul 25, 2018 - D.C. and Maryland are suing President Trump for violating a little-known constitutional provision called "the emoluments clause." (Video: Jenny ...

An update on the Emoluments cases - National Constitution Center 1, 2018 - Since Donald Trump's election in November 2016, three separate lawsuits ... The ForeignEmoluments clause is part of Article I, Section 9, and ...

Judge allows case over foreign gifts to proceed against President ...

Jul 25, 2018 - A federal judge in Maryland on Wednesday denied a motion to dismiss portions of alawsuit alleging that President Donald Trump, through his ... considering whether he violated theemoluments clause in an official cap acity.

Judge Denies Trump's Request to Dismiss Emoluments Lawsuit - The ...

Sep 28, 2018 - A case brought by Democrats in Congress could give them access to a ... cleared a key hurdle on Friday in their effort to sue President Trump over ... If Judge Sullivan finds that Mr. Trump has violated the emoluments clause, ...
Judge: Democrats in Congress can sue Donald Trump in emoluments ... 29, 2018 - The emoluments clause bars presidents from accepting gifts from foreign ... The Department of Justice, which is representing Trump in the case, ...

Trump emoluments clause lawsuit: Dems have standing, judge says ... 28, 2018 - A federal judge ruled that congressional Democrats have standing to sue PresidentDonald Trump over alleged violations of the emoluments ...

Federal judge ruled against Trump in emoluments clause lawsuit ... 25, 2018 - A federal judge just ruled against Trump in one of the biggest cases involving ... The judge ruled that the emoluments clause, which bars public ...

Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit ... 25, 2018 - Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit ... The lawsuitaddressed in court Wednesday focuses on the profit Trump ...

Court: Emoluments Clause Applies To Trump And His Hotel Profits ...
Jul 25, 2018 - A landmark case arguing that Trump has violated the Constitution by ... President Donald Trump is subject to the Constitution's emoluments ...

Wow, all those repetitive links and not one federal statute in sight. Go figure.
If Trump actually colluded with the Russians to defraud the American people of a fair election or any deal he made that defrauds the government, he could be charge under
18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States.
As evident by this forum, we can argue about Trump's Russia collusion and his obstruction of justice allegations, etc. for still a while while through Muller prepares his final report.

However, a couple of issues are INDISPUTABLE:

Trump has violated federal election laws through Cohen's payoff to Daniels, and
Trump has violated emolument laws in receiving something of value from foreign governments with his D.C. hotel scamming.

Now, the question arises when Trump is finally out of office and the "shield" of the oval office is no longer applicable. WILL or CAN TRUMP be charged for the above violations???

Just asking.....

Could you be so kind as to provide a link to the emolument laws?


I'll let the reporting educate you.........

Judge Allows Trump Emoluments Clause Lawsuit To Proceed : NPR

Jul 25, 2018 - Federal Lawsuit Against President Trump's Business Interests Allowed To ... goes undefined in the U.S. Constitution's two emoluments clauses.

Federal judge allows emoluments case against Trump to proceed ...

Jul 25, 2018 - D.C. and Maryland are suing President Trump for violating a little-known constitutional provision called "the emoluments clause." (Video: Jenny ...

An update on the Emoluments cases - National Constitution Center 1, 2018 - Since Donald Trump's election in November 2016, three separate lawsuits ... The ForeignEmoluments clause is part of Article I, Section 9, and ...

Judge allows case over foreign gifts to proceed against President ...

Jul 25, 2018 - A federal judge in Maryland on Wednesday denied a motion to dismiss portions of alawsuit alleging that President Donald Trump, through his ... considering whether he violated theemoluments clause in an official cap acity.

Judge Denies Trump's Request to Dismiss Emoluments Lawsuit - The ...

Sep 28, 2018 - A case brought by Democrats in Congress could give them access to a ... cleared a key hurdle on Friday in their effort to sue President Trump over ... If Judge Sullivan finds that Mr. Trump has violated the emoluments clause, ...
Judge: Democrats in Congress can sue Donald Trump in emoluments ... 29, 2018 - The emoluments clause bars presidents from accepting gifts from foreign ... The Department of Justice, which is representing Trump in the case, ...

Trump emoluments clause lawsuit: Dems have standing, judge says ... 28, 2018 - A federal judge ruled that congressional Democrats have standing to sue PresidentDonald Trump over alleged violations of the emoluments ...

Federal judge ruled against Trump in emoluments clause lawsuit ... 25, 2018 - A federal judge just ruled against Trump in one of the biggest cases involving ... The judge ruled that the emoluments clause, which bars public ...

Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit ... 25, 2018 - Judge rejects Trump attempt to dismiss emoluments clause lawsuit ... The lawsuitaddressed in court Wednesday focuses on the profit Trump ...

Court: Emoluments Clause Applies To Trump And His Hotel Profits ...
Jul 25, 2018 - A landmark case arguing that Trump has violated the Constitution by ... President Donald Trump is subject to the Constitution's emoluments ...

Wow, all those repetitive links and not one federal statute in sight. Go figure.
For emoluments its Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 in Constitution. Its known as "title of nobility".
Get ready for the deep dive.
As evident by this forum, we can argue about Trump's Russia collusion and his obstruction of justice allegations, etc. for still a while while through Muller prepares his final report.

However, a couple of issues are INDISPUTABLE:

Trump has violated federal election laws through Cohen's payoff to Daniels, and
Trump has violated emolument laws in receiving something of value from foreign governments with his D.C. hotel scamming.

Now, the question arises when Trump is finally out of office and the "shield" of the oval office is no longer applicable. WILL or CAN TRUMP be charged for the above violations???

Just asking.....

Duspute, no he hasn’t, lie one slapped down. Dispute, no he hasn’t, lie two slapped down.

So you have no more indisputable facts that are lies? Presidents from George Washington to Present day have had ongoing businesses that did business with foreign governments in many ways and continued throughout their presidency and that is no emolument.

No payments were made from campaign funds by Trump. Find some more lies.

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