Legalize it!

We incarcerate more people than any other nation including China which is 4 times our size. One third of the people in prison are in there for offenses with no identifiable victim, primarily drugs. We waste huge amounts of money on investigations, trials, and imprisonment of marijuana users and dealer yet during the last 10 years marijuana usage has risen significantly.

We need to stop waste law enforcement resources and prison spaces on a victim-less crime that most believe should not even be a crime.

You wouldn't get an argument from me if we treated druggies like they do in China. No prison. Work camp instead. No trial. It's a medical problem. No need for a trial if they test positive. Send the illegals out of the fields. Send druggies there as rehabilitation. Fresh air and sunshine. I would agree to that.

That's fine.

Now....go outside & play......

I suspect coca could be grown ANYWHERE with some research & equipment! Just grow it inside under lamps.

What makes you think a tropical plant requiring two years to mature can be grown to harvest leaves in the US? You would have to pick and dry a lot of leaves.

Obviously, you don't know shit about cannabis.

You don't harvest the leaves, you harvest the buds.

Oh have to harvest the female buds and make sure they don't grow seeds. can have good buds from a plant you grew from a seed in around 5 or 9 months.

Try and learning a bit before you spout bullshit.

If you can follow the posts, I wasn't talking about pot, I was talking about coca.

Are there those on the forum who believe that we are winning the drug war? If you are against gov't interfering in your life then how can you be for anti legalization? Jus wondering

I can see legalizing pot and decriminalizing cocaine in small amounts, but I don't think legalizing it would change much about the black market. The same drug cartels would control it. I think nations could destroy the plantation source in South America.
Kinda new to the whole subject, are you???


[ame=]Marijuana Inc. on MSNBC with Al Roker - Part 1 of 5 - YouTube[/ame]​

See if you can get back from planet Uranus! You can't notice the dates in that conspiracy theory are wrong? What about the claim that the Marijuana tax act of 1937 destroyed cannibis production. Hemp production had dropped to 500 tons, 1200 acres in 1933, because of cheap Manila Hemp, but increased to 400,000 acres between 1942 to 1944, because our supplies of cheap fiber were interrupted by the war. Where was all that nylon you claim would destroy the hemp fiber industry?
I can see legalizing pot and decriminalizing cocaine in small amounts, but I don't think legalizing it would change much about the black market. The same drug cartels would control it. I think nations could destroy the plantation source in South America.
Kinda new to the whole subject, are you???


[ame=]Marijuana Inc. on MSNBC with Al Roker - Part 1 of 5 - YouTube[/ame]​

See if you can get back from planet Uranus! You can't notice the dates in that conspiracy theory are wrong? What about the claim that the Marijuana tax act of 1937 destroyed cannibis production. Hemp production had dropped to 500 tons, 1200 acres in 1933, because of cheap Manila Hemp, but increased to 400,000 acres between 1942 to 1944, because our supplies of cheap fiber were interrupted by the war. Where was all that nylon you claim would destroy the hemp fiber industry?

Wouldn't you be better-served, doing your OWN research????



See if you can get back from planet Uranus! You can't notice the dates in that conspiracy theory are wrong? What about the claim that the Marijuana tax act of 1937 destroyed cannibis production. Hemp production had dropped to 500 tons, 1200 acres in 1933, because of cheap Manila Hemp, but increased to 400,000 acres between 1942 to 1944, because our supplies of cheap fiber were interrupted by the war. Where was all that nylon you claim would destroy the hemp fiber industry?

Wouldn't you be better-served, doing your OWN research????


Act like you know something when you are too stupid to know I'm talking about coca and not pot. You don't even have the sense to know that shit you are posting about pot is made up nonsense. The rich families didn't conspire to put hemp out of business. You can't make cheaper paper with hemp and you can't make cheaper fiber. Is anyone making hemp paper after all these years? Hemp is used for animal bedding in Europe and it's still grown in Africa.
See if you can get back from planet Uranus! You can't notice the dates in that conspiracy theory are wrong? What about the claim that the Marijuana tax act of 1937 destroyed cannibis production. Hemp production had dropped to 500 tons, 1200 acres in 1933, because of cheap Manila Hemp, but increased to 400,000 acres between 1942 to 1944, because our supplies of cheap fiber were interrupted by the war. Where was all that nylon you claim would destroy the hemp fiber industry?

Wouldn't you be better-served, doing your OWN research????


The rich families didn't conspire to put hemp out of business. You can't make cheaper paper with hemp and you can't make cheaper fiber.
oooooooooooooooo....Geeeeeeeeeeeee, Skippy.....

I'M convinced!!!!!

The safest herbal medication known to man and they make it illegal for people to grow for themselves?

that's a crime against humanity, folks.
“*Some of my finest hours have been spent on my back veranda, smoking hemp and observing as far as my eye can see.”
&#8213; Thomas Jefferson

If it's ok with TJ, who I am argue.

Right on point Flopper, thanks.
Must have been thought of as an inherent self-evident right by TJ and GW etc or they would have assuredly written planting seeds and gardening into the bill of rights specifically, but I dont think they ever imagined anyone would bar folks from those rights because we all need those rights to live.
Its beyond me how the pro and anti cannabis folks dont understand such, especially the 'pro' cannabis folks because if they did they surely wouldnt be counting on congress to 'legalize'.
The laws are illegitimate and should be reacted to as such, thats what we have courts for.
The safest herbal medication known to man and they make it illegal for people to grow for themselves?

that's a crime against humanity, folks.
Exactly right editec, thanks.
The pro cannabis folks here dont seem to get that though.
Mr Sherman apparently thinks he knows everything about this subject but he actually makes all pro cannabis folks look like idiots.
The cali person is more worried about 'qualifications' than ramifications of 'legalization' into corporate take over.
The only legitimate place for this issue is court, anything short of reestablishing our self evident rights is simply a betrayal to ourselves and our children.
Ironic that you would post such a cartoon when you are handing this plant and your/our self evident rights over to such as Monsanto et al...frankly Mr Sherman folks of your mentality are more the problem then DEA et al because without folks like you mindlessly arguing with the anti cannabis folks our corporate gov wouldn't stand a chance holding this illusion up long enough to bring about 'legalization'.
What would TJ or GW do in this situation?
I doubt they would be running and begging on their knees to a corrupt congress for rights they knew they were born with...way 2go Mr Sherman, you are an inspiration to us all'

ooops correction...your not going to congress for rights, your going there for a final surrender...
Last edited:
[ame=]Neil Young - Homegrown (Live at Farm Aid 1986) - YouTube[/ame]
“*Some of my finest hours have been spent on my back veranda, smoking hemp and observing as far as my eye can see.”
&#8213; Thomas Jefferson

If it's ok with TJ, who I am argue.

Right on point Flopper, thanks.
Must have been thought of as an inherent self-evident right by TJ and GW etc or they would have assuredly written planting seeds and gardening into the bill of rights specifically, but I dont think they ever imagined anyone would bar folks from those rights because we all need those rights to live.
Its beyond me how the pro and anti cannabis folks dont understand such, especially the 'pro' cannabis folks because if they did they surely wouldnt be counting on congress to 'legalize'.
The laws are illegitimate and should be reacted to as such, thats what we have courts for.

What is illegitimate about the law?
“*Some of my finest hours have been spent on my back veranda, smoking hemp and observing as far as my eye can see.”
&#8213; Thomas Jefferson

If it's ok with TJ, who I am argue.

Right on point Flopper, thanks.
Must have been thought of as an inherent self-evident right by TJ and GW etc or they would have assuredly written planting seeds and gardening into the bill of rights specifically, but I dont think they ever imagined anyone would bar folks from those rights because we all need those rights to live.
Its beyond me how the pro and anti cannabis folks dont understand such, especially the 'pro' cannabis folks because if they did they surely wouldnt be counting on congress to 'legalize'.
The laws are illegitimate and should be reacted to as such, thats what we have courts for.

What is illegitimate about the law?

If you have to ask you wouldn't understand...
Right on point Flopper, thanks.
Must have been thought of as an inherent self-evident right by TJ and GW etc or they would have assuredly written planting seeds and gardening into the bill of rights specifically, but I dont think they ever imagined anyone would bar folks from those rights because we all need those rights to live.
Its beyond me how the pro and anti cannabis folks dont understand such, especially the 'pro' cannabis folks because if they did they surely wouldnt be counting on congress to 'legalize'.
The laws are illegitimate and should be reacted to as such, thats what we have courts for.

What is illegitimate about the law?

If you have to ask you wouldn't understand...

Bullshit! You are saying you can't make a case.
What is illegitimate about the law?

If you have to ask you wouldn't understand...

Bullshit! You are saying you can't make a case.

Thank you, oh Great and Mighty Oz, for telling me what I am saying! Idiot.

In an agrarian society, which is what we were once upon a time, the idea that it could be illegal for a man to grow a plant on his own property for his own use would have been laughed out of the public square. The concept would have been utterly foreign.

Kind of like how the concept of functioning, firing synapses is foreign to you.
If you have to ask you wouldn't understand...

Bullshit! You are saying you can't make a case.

Thank you, oh Great and Mighty Oz, for telling me what I am saying! Idiot.

In an agrarian society, which is what we were once upon a time, the idea that it could be illegal for a man to grow a plant on his own property for his own use would have been laughed out of the public square. The concept would have been utterly foreign.

Kind of like how the concept of functioning, firing synapses is foreign to you.

Take a look at the idiotic way people are supporting pro legalization of marijuana! Let's start off with you. China was an agrarian society when it outlawed opium, which comes from a plant, so they weren't allowed to grow fields of poppies. Egypt was an agrarian society, when it outlawed pot, because everyone was getting lazy and smoking hashish. I support legalizing marijuana, but I have enough sense to know these people wanting it taxed are just wanting cheaper pot. It's better for the economy to have pot as cheap as possible, so more money is available to spend on other things in the economy.

Pointing out the obvious stupidity of what these pro legalization people are doing isn't hurting the effort to legalize pot, in fact all those lies are hurting the effort. Consider that video showing hemp paper with the Declaration of Independence! The Declaration of Independence was written on parchment, not hemp paper. Hemp paper is six times more expensive than paper made from wood. The video claimed the militia clothing was made from hemp and there is only mention of fibers such wool, cotton and linen being used in militia clothing in reality. Buckskin was used in more primitive areas. Hemp did follow sailing ships during the age of discovery, because it was needed for rope, but hemp declined when sails declined. Hemp was still used for rope, until Manila hemp, which isn't hemp, replaced it. Manila hemp was cheaper and didn't need tar to preserve it the way hemp did. When you are making hemp you harvest before the plant flowers, but small amounts would be allowed to go to seed. The best plants for growing hemp are not the best for pot or a drug.

That nonsense about those rich people conspiring to get rid of marijuana is nonsense. Andrew Mellon was rich, but he wasn't the richest man in the country. Hiring the guy who married his niece was just nepotism and the job involved narcotics. Mellon did have bank holdings, but most of his wealth was in other industries and there is no DuPont nylon connection. FDR wasnted to get rid of pot and he hated Mellon. Hearst wasn't involved in the film 'Reefer Madness' and was involved in yellow journalism, just like Dwain Esper was doing in movies, both doing things to sensationalize and make a profit off of it. Hearst had a friendly relationship with the Mexican dictator and I haven't found evidence that he hated Mexicans. Hearst's timber holdings weren't threatened by hemp and that area in Mexico was a ranch in Chihuahua.

Hemp production dropped to 1,200 acres in 1933, but WWII caused it to increase to 400,000 acres from 1942 to 1944, so the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 did not kill pot. The last commercial hemp farm closed in 1957. The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 was eventually replaced by the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, thanks to Tricky Dicky, who didn't like Hippies.

Obviously, there has been some stupid laws when it comes to pot, but claiming such laws are illegitimate and can be struck down by the court is ridiculous. It's legislation and a court can't change that. It is constitutional to prohibit substances and even make a plant a controlled substance. Congress is going to have to change the law and it's better to approach those changes with facts and not act like you're stoned out of your mind. We've only reached the point where 50% of Americans want pot legalized, so if you want to convince more people, don't make stupid arguments that are contrary to facts. That last Gallup poll had 46% against and I doubt those percentages are reflected in Congress yet.
“*Some of my finest hours have been spent on my back veranda, smoking hemp and observing as far as my eye can see.”
&#8213; Thomas Jefferson

If it's ok with TJ, who I am argue.

Right on point Flopper, thanks.
Must have been thought of as an inherent self-evident right by TJ and GW etc or they would have assuredly written planting seeds and gardening into the bill of rights specifically, but I dont think they ever imagined anyone would bar folks from those rights because we all need those rights to live.
Its beyond me how the pro and anti cannabis folks dont understand such, especially the 'pro' cannabis folks because if they did they surely wouldnt be counting on congress to 'legalize'.
The laws are illegitimate and should be reacted to as such, thats what we have courts for.

What is illegitimate about the law?

Congress went beyond their constitutional authority in passing such laws and or instigating international treaties on the same etc.
Any law that denies or precludes me from my self evident rights to provide for my own needs on my own land with respect to stopping me from planting seeds and growing plants is a clear and present example of abuse of congressional power.
The 9th amendment should be sufficient enough for ones understanding of why this is so.

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