Legalized Drugs

Drug legalization supporters having second thoughts as crime skyrockets.
I don't do drugs and consume very little alcohol.

That is great, but keep in mind a few things:
  1. Just because you don't need drugs doesn't mean someone else doesn't.
  2. Just because someone else cannot handle drugs and medication responsibly doesn't mean no one can.
  3. One size fits all solutions usually end up fitting no one.

And the stupid troll trolls on.
This is why I think cannabis should be legal. It helps manage if you have brain seizures and also for me, I have it prescribed for nausea. I was diagnosed with a disease that causes me to be sick and vomit and feel nauseous and the weed really helps my stomach issues.

I clearly abuse weed and I am the weed addict you are talking about. I admit this. But so what? People abuse booze, food, sex etc as you also have pointed out Why is weed legally excluded from that while other vices are legal?

Because weed on average tends to attract a certain type of person. It tends to attract people with no ambition, little intelligence, don't have a lot of value to society, and tend to be self absorbed.

Not saying all pot smokers are like that but an inordinate amount of them are. Especially in younger people.

For every 1 pot smoker I've seen or known there are 50 I know that drink and live perfectly decent lives, but all the pot smokers I've known tend to just skate by in life, don't speak very good English and aren't good for anything.

Certain vices attract on average a certain type of person. Cigarettes and alcohol users are the vast majority in this country by a huge amount but most are perfectly fine. Pot smokers on average tend to useless. Heroine and meth users tend to be criminals and terrible citizens. There are different levels depending on your vice of choice.
Alcohol kills the most people of any drug in existence, not even close.

Yet it is both "regulated" and sold directly by the state.

Food for thought.

Yet the media and our political leaders say nothing about it.

Yeah but those numbers are extrapolated.

95,000 deaths related to alcohol. But how many people drank that year? Every single day 10s maybe 100s of millions of people drink alcohol, every single day.

Let's say 200,000 people a day drink alcohol (I'd bet a paycheck that is wayyyyyy under estimated) in a year about 73 million people drank alcohol.

There are 330 million people in America. 200,000 is .6% of the population. To think only .6% of the population drink everyday is incorrect. So yes 95k sounds like a lot but compared to the real numbers they are quite tiny.
Because weed on average tends to attract a certain type of person. It tends to attract people with no ambition, little intelligence, don't have a lot of value to society, and tend to be self absorbed.

Not saying all pot smokers are like that but an inordinate amount of them are. Especially in younger people.

For every 1 pot smoker I've seen or known there are 50 I know that drink and live perfectly decent lives, but all the pot smokers I've known tend to just skate by in life, don't speak very good English and aren't good for anything.

Certain vices attract on average a certain type of person. Cigarettes and alcohol users are the vast majority in this country by a huge amount but most are perfectly fine. Pot smokers on average tend to useless. Heroine and meth users tend to be criminals and terrible citizens. There are different levels depending on your vice of choice.

Yeah but those numbers are extrapolated.

95,000 deaths related to alcohol. But how many people drank that year? Every single day 10s maybe 100s of millions of people drink alcohol, every single day.

Let's say 200,000 people a day drink alcohol (I'd bet a paycheck that is wayyyyyy under estimated) in a year about 73 million people drank alcohol.

There are 330 million people in America. 200,000 is .6% of the population. To think only .6% of the population drink everyday is incorrect. So yes 95k sounds like a lot but compared to the real numbers they are quite tiny.
I know so many alcoholics lots who have gone to jail for getting drunk and violent.

You are sharing your perspective from your life experience.

But my perspective is shaped by a different experience.

I have found potheads to be more creative, accepting, and easygoing.

Yes, I agree I have met the potheads who are couch-locked and who basically lounge all the time.

But if that is the consequence so what?

It's not like they drove drunk and killed a family, it's not like they got drunk and beat their spouse or kids, and it's not like they blacked out drunk and cheated with no memory.

Sex addicts risk giving someone else a terminal illness of aids or an std. Food addicts at risk for heart attacks.

My point is why are some vices legally allowed but weed is not? It's not worse than the vices previously mentioned.
Seems like they have a more fundamental problem and are masking that by placing the blame for it on a mere circumstance or consequence of the fundamental problem they're masking...

From the FOX News author's piece in reference to the original source material...

''According to the report, drug problems in urban areas are worse than they have been in decades...''

It is a moot question as it will never be outlawed because of the tax revenue. Your understanding of government is very limited as is your IQ.
it will never be outlawed because there may be a hell of a lot of people addicted to nicotine......including many in DC......
If more folks lived a healthy lifestyle like me there would be less death and disease.
you realize how many in shape healthy people have thought that very same thing ....and died a few years later of some disease they did know they had or a malfunctioning organ ...quite a few....
the guy smoking tobacco cant help it......the guy smoking the pot can stop for 3 weeks or better without craving it physically anyway, like the cig guy who would be going nuts.........
Both are addicting.
you realize how many in shape healthy people have thought that very same thing ....and died a few years later of some disease they did know they had or a malfunctioning organ ...quite a few....
Very true but the odds are better with a healthy lifestyle.
i knew smokers who had a cigarette every 15 minutes,guys who always had a beer with them and im sure there are pot smokers who over do it to,,,,but most do it moderately.....
The folks I know that smoke pot do it quite a lot. I drink beer in moderation.
Because weed on average tends to attract a certain type of person. It tends to attract people with no ambition, little intelligence, don't have a lot of value to society, and tend to be self absorbed.

Not saying all pot smokers are like that but an inordinate amount of them are. Especially in younger people.

For every 1 pot smoker I've seen or known there are 50 I know that drink and live perfectly decent lives, but all the pot smokers I've known tend to just skate by in life, don't speak very good English and aren't good for anything.

Certain vices attract on average a certain type of person. Cigarettes and alcohol users are the vast majority in this country by a huge amount but most are perfectly fine. Pot smokers on average tend to useless. Heroine and meth users tend to be criminals and terrible citizens. There are different levels depending on your vice of choice.

Yeah but those numbers are extrapolated.

95,000 deaths related to alcohol. But how many people drank that year? Every single day 10s maybe 100s of millions of people drink alcohol, every single day.

Let's say 200,000 people a day drink alcohol (I'd bet a paycheck that is wayyyyyy under estimated) in a year about 73 million people drank alcohol.

There are 330 million people in America. 200,000 is .6% of the population. To think only .6% of the population drink everyday is incorrect. So yes 95k sounds like a lot but compared to the real numbers they are quite tiny.
don't speak very good English
what the fuck does that mean?....

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