Legalized pot...What national debt?


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
58% now favor legalizing Marijuana. With Colorado and Washington already having done it, how long before the rest of the states and the federal government realize that it's like legalizing gambling and the lottery. TAX IT, AND NOT HAVE A DEFICIT!

For decades, gambling was only legal in Nevada and New Jersey. Then other states started to realize that all that money was leaving their state and going to those two states. The power ball and mega millions lottery's are raking in big bucks for schools and roads for almost all states now.

I think that within two years, a lot of other states and the federal government are going to see that Colorado and Washington have lower crime, no deficit, a lot less prison costs, and a lot less drunk driving accidents.

The federal government can't afford to not tax it like they do with alcohol and gasoline. Somebody has to pay off the $17 trillion national debt, and I'm sure the cons would rather have the stoners pay it off, rather than their rich friends.
Just the savings from stopping the drug war, which is a war we have been waging on our own people for forty years, will go a long way toward ending our deficits, let alone any potential tax revenue.
Just the savings from stopping the drug war, which is a war we have been waging on our own people for forty years, will go a long way toward ending our deficits, let alone any potential tax revenue.

That could be a drawback. All those DEA agents out of a job. And a lot of ATF, judges and lawyers would lose a lot of jobs too. That would be such a shame.
Not this stupid shit again... I mean seriously, I'm all for legalizing pot... but thinking that taxing pot will end the debt is beyond fucking retarded.
How much is alcohol taxed? Are the costs of alcohol related issues paid for with the taxes on alcohol? No. Not even close. It will work out the same way with pot.
Not this stupid shit again... I mean seriously, I'm all for legalizing pot... but thinking that taxing pot will end the debt is beyond fucking retarded.

It's not just the taxing of pot, it's the whole different attitude of the country. When pot is legal, there won't be such a demand for war. That alone will save a trillion dollars a year.
58% now favor legalizing Marijuana. With Colorado and Washington already having done it, how long before the rest of the states and the federal government realize that it's like legalizing gambling and the lottery. TAX IT, AND NOT HAVE A DEFICIT!

For decades, gambling was only legal in Nevada and New Jersey. Then other states started to realize that all that money was leaving their state and going to those two states. The power ball and mega millions lottery's are raking in big bucks for schools and roads for almost all states now.

I think that within two years, a lot of other states and the federal government are going to see that Colorado and Washington have lower crime, no deficit, a lot less prison costs, and a lot less drunk driving accidents.

The federal government can't afford to not tax it like they do with alcohol and gasoline. Somebody has to pay off the $17 trillion national debt, and I'm sure the cons would rather have the stoners pay it off, rather than their rich friends.

Gambling and lotteries are a tax on the mathematically illiterate. The states are preying on their own people.

But I am all for legalizing pot. It is no more dangerous or addictive than alcohol. In fact, a pretty good case could be made that it is less so.
How much is alcohol taxed? Are the costs of alcohol related issues paid for with the taxes on alcohol? No. Not even close. It will work out the same way with pot.

So our gov't isn't currently paying for pot related issues today because no one smokes it (given that it's illegal)? Gov't doesn't pay for issues related to meth, cocaine, heroin because no one does those either?
Maryland has a bill to decriminalize pot, right now. If passed, it will be like California, a one hundred dollar fine max. It was on the news tonight. The dominoes are falling.

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