Lenin said the way to crush the middle class is via inflation and taxes - and the Dems are following his advice

Word salad Express I have no interest in reading your communist propaganda. I remember the iron curtain

Your response is just a copout. It's the equivalent of me saying...

" I'm not going to read any of your capitalist propaganda posts. I remember capitalist slavery and colonialism."


Just dismiss the other's posts as false propaganda and provide a list of all past atrocities committed by people who identified with your opponent's economic system, and that's it. We don't have to debate actual economics or anything of substance, we just sanctimoniously pretend we have the moral high ground to condemn our opponent's position based on perceived past crimes committed by other people who claimed to share your opponent's ideas.
Commies DESTROY Capitalists BUILD The Power Elite created Communism and are now using it to destroy the middle class lifestyle in ALL WESTERN COUNTRIES. Maurice Strong said,,,,,,The middle class lifestyle is not sustainable !!!!!!

Who is Maurice Strong excerpt
Maurice Strong, born in Canada, lived in New York, and now exiled in China, but still the power behind Obama and the liberal House and Senate of America. To start to understand this man and his influence read his statement below to a group of reporters.

“In order to save the planet, the group [GIM] decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about? This group of world leaders [GIM] forms a secret society to bring about an economic collapse.”

Maurice Strong - regarding Generation Investment Management LLP

George Soros and his Canadian sidekick, Kyoto architect Maurice Strong, are the brains behind the likes of Al Gore, Mikhail Gorbachev and Barak Obama, all who belong to the above and the “Chicago Climate Exchange” which will make billions on climate change.

So guys, get off of the Left vs Right false dichotomy and try to focus on Classes vs Parties. The left are hopelessly brainwashed into supporting this Agenda which they call Agenda 30 ( 2030).
Your response is just a copout. It's the equivalent of me saying...

" I'm not going to read any of your capitalist propaganda posts. I remember capitalist slavery and colonialism."

View attachment 678517

Just dismiss the other's posts as false propaganda and provide a list of all past atrocities committed by people who identified with your opponent's economic system, and that's it. We don't have to debate actual economics or anything of substance, we just sanctimoniously pretend we have the moral high ground to condemn our opponent's position based on perceived past crimes committed by other people who claimed to share your opponent's ideas.
I have no interest in reading your word salad Express. If Communism was so great why did Russia build a fence to keep people in? Why were people trying to leave?
Your response is just a copout. It's the equivalent of me saying...

" I'm not going to read any of your capitalist propaganda posts. I remember capitalist slavery and colonialism."

View attachment 678517

Just dismiss the other's posts as false propaganda and provide a list of all past atrocities committed by people who identified with your opponent's economic system, and that's it. We don't have to debate actual economics or anything of substance, we just sanctimoniously pretend we have the moral high ground to condemn our opponent's position based on perceived past crimes committed by other people who claimed to share your opponent's ideas.
You really are stretching the deaths.
You really are stretching the deaths.
As if the defenders of capitalism don't do the same. The well quoted so-called "Black Book Of Communism" counts everything from German Nazi invaders dying on the battlefield at the hands of the red army that were simply defending their country, to children that could've been born if not for communism preventing their births..etc. It's absurd. The defenders of capitalism, don't want to debate anything of substance so they resort to self-righteous mud-slinging, as if they had the moral high ground. Capitalism has its own mountain of rotting corpses, so let's stop with the sanctimonious accusations. It's a copout.
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I have no interest in reading your word salad Express. If Communism was so great why did Russia build a fence to keep people in? Why were people trying to leave?

You're making a lot of false assumptions, that I could clarify for you but why should I? You're just going to flippantly dismiss everything that is said to you on the topic, so believe whatever you want to believe about history. You have your own version of history and embrace it, run with it. Enjoy your ignorance. There are millions of Haitians risking their lives right now trying to escape their country and yet it's a capitalist country. Run and exploited by capitalists. Saudi Arabia has an "iron curtain" for its women. They can't even leave their homes without a male chaperone (i.e. "wali") or drive a car. Does that prove capitalism is wrong? No. I would never use such stupid arguments against capitalism, but for some reason you're using these types of arguments against socialism.

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You're making a lot of false assumptions, that I could clarify for you but why should I? You're just going to flippantly dismiss everything that is said to you on the topic, so believe whatever you want to believe about history. You have your own version of history and embrace it, run with it. Enjoy your ignorance.
No false assumptions Russia had built a fence to keep people in armed guards and check points. People tried to leave at the risk of being shot you kids are ignorant of the past.
No false assumptions Russia had built a fence to keep people in armed guards and check points. People tried to leave at the risk of being shot you kids are ignorant of the past.

Yeah right keep believing whatever nonsense toots your horn.

It sets a minimum corporate tax of %15 on earnings of more than a billion.

The JCT analysis measures the cost side of the Democrats’ program but not the benefit side. (It likewise makes no attempt to measure the benefits either of a lower deficit or of lower pollution, both of which would result from the bill.)
1) The deficit reduction would be 1% - and that is IF Dems actually use the revenues that way and don’t find a way for more handouts.

2) Likewise, the benefits of lower pollution would be minimal - only the tiny percentage of people who buy an EV who otherwise would not, due to the credit.

3) Why are out-of-touch Democrats pushing through on a marginal attempt to “reduce pollution” when spending on it will increase inflation, while we are in a 40-year high inflation environment and the woeking class is struggling to put food on the table as it is?

4) The increased taxes on corporations will be borne by consumers, both by increased prices (yup….just what we need with our ALREADY skyrocketing inflation) and loss of workers to rein in costs (yup, just what we need with our existing problems with the supply side).

This bill is the perfect example of Democrats’ attitude to the middle class - a big middle finger while they struggle to buy groceries, find products, and put gas in the tank.
IOW, you can’t defend what the Dems are doing, or how they are following Lenin’s formula to crush the middle class.


Look at the history of Venezuela and where they were before Chavez was elected. ... Look at Cuba. When you have no middle class or a shrinking middle class you open the door to dictators, autocracy, nationalism, racism... All manner of nasty isms.

Ted Cruz thinks he's one of the chosen kings who will be in charge of wealth redistribution in the end times. That's Dominionism.
I didnt even read the article. I know what the bill does. You apparently think its funny they are helping inflation and raising taxes. And then call it fake news when thats literally what it does.
It will increase scrutiny towards the middle class. The CBO said so. Are they fake news too, hack?
I want the rich to pay taxes. Stop with your partisan rant. Its a bullshit general retort. Thats ALL it is. Probably received an email about it, right?
You are so hacked out, you dont have the ability to think.
Grow the fuck up, boomer.
Since you know what the bill does..... Whose taxes are being raised?
As if the defenders of capitalism don't do the same. The well quoted so-called "Black Book Of Communism" counts everything from German Nazi invaders dying on the battlefield at the hands of the red army that were simply defending their country, to children that could've been born if not for communism preventing their births..etc. It's absurd. The defenders of capitalism, don't want to debate anything of substance so they resort to self-righteous mud-slinging, as if they had the moral high ground. Capitalism has its own mountain of rotting corpses, so let's stop with the sanctimonious accusations. It's a copout.
Capitalism is not perfect. But all of the other "isms" were not great either. Al ost all of us live off of the fruits of capitalism and do not like any flaws in anything we purchase.
It's a right wing propaganda piece....just read it....

The richest effected are trying to scare you, the middle class.....in to thinking it's you, they are going after.... :rolleyes:

And yet the groomercrats just passed legislation that exempted the wealthiest from taxes, and put everything on the middle class.

They further want 86,000 more IRS agents to go after the middle class.

And you wonder why this country is on tbe verge of a 2nd civil war.
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Look at the history of Venezuela and where they were before Chavez was elected. ... Look at Cuba. When you have no middle class or a shrinking middle class you open the door to dictators, autocracy, nationalism, racism... All manner of nasty isms.

You just made my point. The reason the Dems are intentionally crushing the middle class, and making it impossible to support themselves, is that they can herald in all the nasty isms.
Ted Cruz thinks he's one of the chosen kings who will be in charge of wealth redistribution in the end times. That's Dominionism.

Eh. Ted Cruz will never be more than a senator. Our problem is with out of touch ruling class Democrats, like Biden and Pelosi.
And yet the groomercrats just passed legislation that exempted the wealthiest from taxes, and put everything on the middle class.

They further want 86,000 more IRS agents to go after the midfle class.

And you wonder why this country is on tbe verge of a 2nd civil war.
Yes. The Dems have declared war in the middle class. A powerful middle class that can support itself - and votes - is the Dems’ enemy. What they are gunning for is to crush the middle class until they become dependent on government crumbs.
Look at what they did to them during covid.
Biggest transfer of wealth to the rich in history.
December 27 2020
Trump signed off on the $2.3 trillion package from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla., days after he expressed displeasure with the spending outlined in the omnibus and complained that the coronavirus relief measure should include direct payments of $2,000 per person, up from $600.

But the delay came after Trump single-handedly brought the government to the brink of a shutdown and unemployment benefits expired for millions of Americans Saturday as the bill went unsigned.

June 13 2020
Building ramparts of secrecy around a $600 billion-plus coronavirus aid program for small businesses, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has moved from delay to denial in refusing outright to disclose the recipients of taxpayer-funded loans.

Mnuchin told Congress at a hearing this week that the names of loan recipients and the amounts are “proprietary information.” While he claimed the information is confidential, ethics advocates and some lawmakers see the move as an attempt to dodge accountability for how the money is spent.
You just made my point. The reason the Dems are intentionally crushing the middle class, and making it impossible to support themselves, is that they can herald in all the nasty isms.

Eh. Ted Cruz will never be more than a senator. Our problem is with out of touch ruling class Democrats, like Biden and Pelosi.

Crushing the middle class has been going on since Dubya was president. Democrats don't want to concentrate all the wealth in the top 3% of the citizenry.
Crushing the middle class has been going on since Dubya was president. Democrats don't want to concentrate all the wealth in the top 3% of the citizenry.

So why do you support those who are doing it now?

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