Lenin said the way to crush the middle class is via inflation and taxes - and the Dems are following his advice

The increased IRA budget is to go after the half who pays taxes, and that includes the middle class.
Nope. You are manufacturing bullshit.

Did you even read the budget for yourself, parrot?
STFU, you old, toothless, impotent clown.
They were called the FRANKFURT SCHOOL and they realized that Economic Marxism was not going to cause an uprising by the proles, SO they decided to lay the groundwork for a CULTURAL REVOLUTION which would attack all foundations of civil society. Racism, Feminism , Homosexuality are just tools to bring about the destruction of culture and therefore Capitalism. Anybody that goes along with this is mentally ill.
Did you read the article, gullible fool?
Ah. So all you can do is parrot your favorite propagandist rather than research the facts for yourself.

Just as I figured.

You are being lied to, parrot. You BEG to be lied to. You DESERVE to be lied to.
Silly Booboo! Democrats are making it worse with their Inflation Increasing Act.

  • PWBM estimates that the Inflation Reduction Act, as written, would reduce cumulative deficits by $248 billion over the budget window.

  • The Act would very slightly increase inflation until 2024 and decrease inflation thereafter. These point estimates are statistically indistinguishable from zero, thereby indicating low confidence that the legislation will have any impact on inflation.

They were called the FRANKFURT SCHOOL and they realized that Economic Marxism was not going to cause an uprising by the proles, SO they decided to lay the groundwork for a CULTURAL REVOLUTION which would attack all foundations of civil society. Racism, Feminism , Homosexuality are just tools to bring about the destruction of culture and therefore Capitalism. Anybody that goes along with this is mentally ill.
Anybody who listens to you is mentally ill.

Don't worry, lot's of folks here will listen to you.

That's the bill which increases tax enforcement funding for the IRS to catch tax cheats.

Here is a direct quote from that bill:

3) NO TAX INCREASES ON CERTAIN TAXPAYERS.—Nothing in this subsection is intended to increase taxes on any taxpayer with a taxable income below $400,000.

The American Stinker lied once again.
You’re quoting what the lying DEMONcrats put out in their site? They’re counting on people like you to actually believe it.

Notice the word “intended.” Why not say nothing in the subsection WILL increase taxes on under $400k”? Because….whoops!….oh well, it wasn’t our intention. Just hapoened.
You’re quoting what the lying DEMONcrats put out in their site? They’re counting on people like you to actually believe it.

Notice the word “intended.” Why not say nothing in the subsection WILL increase taxes on under $400k”? Because….whoops!….oh well, it wasn’t our intention. Just hapoened.
I quoted the ACTUAL BILL, retard.

Geezus, there really are some so blind they cannot see.
I quoted the ACTUAL BILL, retard.

Geezus, there really are some so blind they cannot see.
retard, retard, retard!

When you learn to debate like a civilized person, you will get the honor of a response from me. As of now, you are too much of a crass liberal to deserve my attention.

Grow up. It’s due to people like you that we are in this mess.
retard, retard, retard!

When you learn to debate like a civilized person, you will get the honor of a response from me. As of now, you are too much of a crass liberal to deserve my attention.

Grow up. It’s due to people like you that we are in this mess.

Yep, when you have nothing on substance you go bitching about style.

"Why would someone not be nice to me when I post baseless rants about evil opposition? They are so mean." :itsok:

Bravo! Now put that tail between your legs and run along bullshit peddler.
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The six-fold increase is NOT to hire more workers to process refunds faster or answer the phone. It is to create an army of investigators looking to go after middle income workers. Eventually, the Dems will use this to target their political opponents, much like the IRS did under Obama.

Well they can't come after me until they process my refund ;)
Dumbass I hope you don't mind me calling you that well I really don't care. But it's stupid to raise taxes while in a recession. It only hurts the middle class. Which is what communist want to happen. It doesn't effect the wealthy because having money gives them an insulation buffer. It doesn't effect the poor because they have the government trough to go to. In a communist system you don't have a middle class. You have the poor and the wealthy. Withe the wealthy calling the shots

The USSR and every other nation that has openly defined itself as Marxist or Socialist, has never claimed to have a communist economy or society. Communism is the goal, hence some socialists (and political parties), identify themselves as "communists", but that doesn't imply that there has ever been a "communist state" (that's an oxymoron). The USSR was the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Notice it wasn't the USCR or the Union Of Soviet Communist Republics. North Korea is the DPRK or Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), not CPRK, the Communist People's Republic Of Korea. Why? Because according to Marx, communism is defined as:

A society that is stateless, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money.
"In Marxist thought, a communist society or the communist system is the type of society and economic system postulated to emerge from technological advances in the productive forces, representing the ultimate goal of the political ideology of communism. A communist society is characterized by common ownership of the means of production with free access[1][2] to the articles of consumption and is often classless, stateless, and moneyless,[3][4][5][6] implying the end of the exploitation of labour.[7][8]"

"Some political philosophies, particularly anarchism, consider the state an unwelcome institution and stateless societies the ideal, while Marxism considers that in a post-capitalist society the state would be unnecessary and wither away."

The difference between the anarchists and the socialists or "communists" is that we achieve communism through a process called socialism. Anarchists want to immediately destroy the state with all of its institutions, without forming a new state and institutions. In anarchism, you instantly jump into instant statelessness as opposed to communism, where statelessness is achieved through a process of socialism. In socialism, there's a revolutionary state apparatus to protect and advance the interests of the working class (The Dictatorship Of The Proletariat/Working Class). The function of the socialist state, is to further socialize production and eliminate the private or capitalist exploitation of human labor, until technology permits our labor to be completely personalized. Socialism exists until the individual consumer/worker, has complete control over the means of production (produces everything he or she consumes without the need for anyone else, including a state), rendering all human relationships between adults, 100% consentual, without coercion, abuse or exploitation.

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You’re quoting what the lying DEMONcrats put out in their site? They’re counting on people like you to actually believe it.

Notice the word “intended.” Why not say nothing in the subsection WILL increase taxes on under $400k”? Because….whoops!….oh well, it wasn’t our intention. Just hapoened.
It sets a minimum corporate tax of %15 on earnings of more than a billion.

The JCT analysis measures the cost side of the Democrats’ program but not the benefit side. (It likewise makes no attempt to measure the benefits either of a lower deficit or of lower pollution, both of which would result from the bill.)
The USSR and every other nation that has openly defined itself as Marxist or Socialist, has never claimed to have a communist economy or society. Communism is the goal, hence some socialists (and political parties), identify themselves as "communists", but that doesn't imply that there has ever been a "communist state" (that's an oxymoron). The USSR was the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Notice it wasn't the USCR or the Union Of Soviet Communist Republics. North Korea is the DPRK or Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), not CPRK, the Communist People's Republic Of Korea. Why? Because according to Marx, communism is defined as:

A society that is stateless, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money.
"In Marxist thought, a communist society or the communist system is the type of society and economic system postulated to emerge from technological advances in the productive forces, representing the ultimate goal of the political ideology of communism. A communist society is characterized by common ownership of the means of production with free access[1][2] to the articles of consumption and is often classless, stateless, and moneyless,[3][4][5][6] implying the end of the exploitation of labour.[7][8]"

"Some political philosophies, particularly anarchism, consider the state an unwelcome institution and stateless societies the ideal, while Marxism considers that in a post-capitalist society the state would be unnecessary and wither away."

The difference between the anarchists and the socialists or "communists" is that we achieve communism through a process called socialism. Anarchists want to immediately destroy the state with all of its institutions, without forming a new state and institutions. In anarchism, you instantly jump into instant statelessness as opposed to communism, where statelessness is achieved through a process of socialism. In socialism, there's a revolutionary state apparatus to protect and advance the interests of the working class (The Dictatorship Of The Proletariat/Working Class). The function of the socialist state, is to further socialize production and eliminate the private or capitalist exploitation of human labor, until technology permits our labor to be completely personalized. Socialism exists until the individual consumer/worker, has complete control over the means of production (produces everything he or she consumes without the need for anyone else, including a state), rendering all human relationships between adults, 100% consentual, without coercion, abuse or exploitation.

Word salad Express I have no interest in reading your communist propaganda. I remember the iron curtain

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