LEO needs to be reformed

We were not talking about riots in the issue of blacks killing blacks, were we?

Whites kill more whites than cops kill whites. Fact.
Every race kills more of each other than are killed by cops, moron. There are only 1.2 million cops in the country, even fewer than MOOOSLIMS.

And there is no 'war on blacks by the police' either, but Jake just goes along with whatever stupid lie faux 'leftists' come up with. Police shootings are non-existent statistically, despite over 40,000 assaults on police officers every year, and add Jake's love for the 'More Dead Cops Now!' chants so wildly popular with Democrats the last few years and the almost weekly attempts at assassinating police officers and assorted thugs trying to get a big payday out of baiting them, police would be entirely justified if they just shot these gimps first and not risk injury, and also just shoot these BLM protestors on sight as well. Society would lose nothing, the police will be safer, and the hood rats would crawl back down the sewers they crawled out of.
"Every race kills more of each other than are killed by cops" is neither political or ideological.

It is a fact.
His hands were up, OOM: you are not the decider of whether it was legal or not.

Quit lying, Jake. It's just retarded to blatantly lie when the video clearly shows the Darwin Award contestant ignored police orders, walked to his car door and reached either for the handle or to put his hand through the window. At worst this officer should just be given a desk job or serve in some other capacity, like looking in at places like your asylum and see if you're being abused or not, and if you're not being abused, why not and see that the situation is corrected..
And you lie. He walked back to the auto with his hands up. He could not reach through a closed window. The officer not only panicked, she broke the law and shot him. She will be punished appropriately for her behavior.
Go ahead, double down on your obvious lie, Jake. It's not like your nurse will spank you or anything.
Personal attack and nothing on the OP, so you have nothing. Everybody can watch the video. She has been charged, so your comment is simply unfounded and partisan.
Another lie. You just cant' help yourself. I addressed the issue, you avoid it like the plague.
Now besides a personal attack you lie about addressing the issue.
A very inconvenient truth for the liberal narrative.
How about whites killing each other more than cops killing them. A very inconvenient truth.

Hardly a fair comparison since we do not see riots in the streets when a cop shoots a white. Take a look at this article-
5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks
MacDonald also pointed out in her Hillsdale speech that blacks "commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime" in New York City, even though they consist of 23 percent of the city's population.

"The black violent crime rate would actually predict that more than 26 percent of police victims would be black," MacDonald said. "Officer use of force will occur where the police interact most often with violent criminals, armed suspects, and those resisting arrest, and that is in black neighborhoods."

2. More whites and Hispanics die from police homicides than blacks. According to Mac Donald, 12 percent of white and Hispanic homicide deaths were due to police officers, while only four percent of black homicide deaths were the result of police officers.

"If we’re going to have a 'Lives Matter' anti-police movement, it would be more appropriately named "White and Hispanic Lives Matter,'" said Mac Donald in her Hillsdale speech.

Its not who is being shot its what happens after. Right or wrong, cops get an easier ride after and are typically never punished. This is the real reason for riots and shit.

To some degree, cops get the benefit of the doubt because they were hired and trained to do a job that involves carrying a gun and being in possible life and death situations. That being said, investigations are done with the evidence and when warranted, go to trial for a verdict. The riots and shit are people being childish because they aren't getting their way based on their personal wants and beliefs.

Law enforcement gets huge breaks if they break the law. Take every shooting of cops on and off duity and compare them to a civilians. Its the reason for all these riots really.

Bull shit.
His hands were up, OOM: you are not the decider of whether it was legal or not.

Quit lying, Jake. It's just retarded to blatantly lie when the video clearly shows the Darwin Award contestant ignored police orders, walked to his car door and reached either for the handle or to put his hand through the window. At worst this officer should just be given a desk job or serve in some other capacity, like looking in at places like your asylum and see if you're being abused or not, and if you're not being abused, why not and see that the situation is corrected..
And you lie. He walked back to the auto with his hands up. He could not reach through a closed window. The officer not only panicked, she broke the law and shot him. She will be punished appropriately for her behavior.

I already provided you with time stamped pictures with his hands up and then with his hands down. Quit lying.
Yes, it does.


You start out well, but then use a drawing that alludes to one of the biggest lies out there regarding this whole issue.

‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie

When you allude to a known falsehood, you ruin any attempt at trying to make your point come across as valid.

It's the same as the 71% women/men wage gap crap, and the 1 in 5 sexual assault on campus #.

Running with bad information because it fits your narrative sullies your position.

The image correctly portrays the issue.

The man in Tulsa had his hands up.

The man on the ground who was wounded had his hands in the air.

Your opinion of false hood is well know to be false.
There have been police departments for over 150 years.
And this is the ONLY case that fits the hands up don't shoot bullshit anarchist anti police narrative.
This is accurate only in your tiny mind.
Do you really think every police officer starts their shift with "today, if the opportunity presents itself, I'm going to shoot a black person"?...
Because that is what this racist anarchist bullshit narrative is based upon.....That and the anti cop sentiment that comes from the White House.
We were not talking about riots in the issue of blacks killing blacks, were we?

Whites kill more whites than cops kill whites. Fact.
Every race kills more of each other than are killed by cops, moron. There are only 1.2 million cops in the country, even fewer than MOOOSLIMS.

And there is no 'war on blacks by the police' either, but Jake just goes along with whatever stupid lie faux 'leftists' come up with. Police shootings are non-existent statistically, despite over 40,000 assaults on police officers every year, and add Jake's love for the 'More Dead Cops Now!' chants so wildly popular with Democrats the last few years and the almost weekly attempts at assassinating police officers and assorted thugs trying to get a big payday out of baiting them, police would be entirely justified if they just shot these gimps first and not risk injury, and also just shoot these BLM protestors on sight as well. Society would lose nothing, the police will be safer, and the hood rats would crawl back down the sewers they crawled out of.
"Every race kills more of each other than are killed by cops" is neither political or ideological.

It is a fact.
And? It doesn't mean anything to say races kill more of each other than are killed by cops. In fact it undermines your cop hater stance.
There needs to be federal statutes enacted that require police agencies to report how they police. Demographics, criteria for stops, use of force, policy, as well as best practices.

On top of that, statutes that outline what is considered criminal behavior for LEOs including possible charges. Charging police officers under existing statutes is problematic at best. Too often local prosecutors either won't or can't be unbiased. A call for special prosecutors at the state level for every case involving LEOs is needed.

Really just more transparency and possible recourse for federal prosecution if the state does not act honestly.
That would require the Constitution of the US to be amended.
There is no provision in the US Constitution that alludes to or even permits a federal police force or the 'federalization' existing police depts...Plus the posse comatatus ACT prohibits the US government from using its power over the states to enforce state or civil laws.
Only in the event of an emergency or insurrection may the National Guard be deployed to perform police duties. And as we know, the National Guard for each state are under the command of the governors or the respective states.
We were not talking about riots in the issue of blacks killing blacks, were we?

Whites kill more whites than cops kill whites. Fact.
Every race kills more of each other than are killed by cops, moron. There are only 1.2 million cops in the country, even fewer than MOOOSLIMS.

And there is no 'war on blacks by the police' either, but Jake just goes along with whatever stupid lie faux 'leftists' come up with. Police shootings are non-existent statistically, despite over 40,000 assaults on police officers every year, and add Jake's love for the 'More Dead Cops Now!' chants so wildly popular with Democrats the last few years and the almost weekly attempts at assassinating police officers and assorted thugs trying to get a big payday out of baiting them, police would be entirely justified if they just shot these gimps first and not risk injury, and also just shoot these BLM protestors on sight as well. Society would lose nothing, the police will be safer, and the hood rats would crawl back down the sewers they crawled out of.
"Every race kills more of each other than are killed by cops" is neither political or ideological.

It is a fact.
And? It doesn't mean anything to say races kill more of each other than are killed by cops. In fact it undermines your cop hater stance.
IOW, you have no idea what you are saying. :lol:
We were not talking about riots in the issue of blacks killing blacks, were we?

Whites kill more whites than cops kill whites. Fact.
Every race kills more of each other than are killed by cops, moron. There are only 1.2 million cops in the country, even fewer than MOOOSLIMS.

And there is no 'war on blacks by the police' either, but Jake just goes along with whatever stupid lie faux 'leftists' come up with. Police shootings are non-existent statistically, despite over 40,000 assaults on police officers every year, and add Jake's love for the 'More Dead Cops Now!' chants so wildly popular with Democrats the last few years and the almost weekly attempts at assassinating police officers and assorted thugs trying to get a big payday out of baiting them, police would be entirely justified if they just shot these gimps first and not risk injury, and also just shoot these BLM protestors on sight as well. Society would lose nothing, the police will be safer, and the hood rats would crawl back down the sewers they crawled out of.
"Every race kills more of each other than are killed by cops" is neither political or ideological.

It is a fact.
And? It doesn't mean anything to say races kill more of each other than are killed by cops. In fact it undermines your cop hater stance.
IOW, you have no idea what you are saying. :lol:
Funny. I was thinking the same about you.
There needs to be federal statutes enacted that require police agencies to report how they police. Demographics, criteria for stops, use of force, policy, as well as best practices.

On top of that, statutes that outline what is considered criminal behavior for LEOs including possible charges. Charging police officers under existing statutes is problematic at best. Too often local prosecutors either won't or can't be unbiased. A call for special prosecutors at the state level for every case involving LEOs is needed.

Really just more transparency and possible recourse for federal prosecution if the state does not act honestly.
That would require the Constitution of the US to be amended.
There is no provision in the US Constitution that alludes to or even permits a federal police force or the 'federalization' existing police depts...Plus the posse comatatus ACT prohibits the US government from using its power over the states to enforce state or civil laws.
Only in the event of an emergency or insurrection may the National Guard be deployed to perform police duties. And as we know, the National Guard for each state are under the command of the governors or the respective states.
spoon has no idea that when laws are in conflict, the federal law supersedes the state one.

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