LEO needs to be reformed

Yes, it does.


I keep hearing that, but what exactly is the reform you are calling for?

I can' wait to hear it.
It's a shame you don't realize you are using a failed reference to make an otherwise valid point (in this specific shooting, the Tulsa one). But hacks will hack, and you are the hacky-est of the hacks.
You have not taken your aricept this morning obviously.
I don't need it. You on the other hand could probably not find your way out of a three sided box, based on your message board debating acumen.
:lol: You have never been an issue or worry to me. I simply point out where you are wrong, and then sit back and watch you tantrum. The fact is the LEO needs reform, and what worries me is both HRC and DJT are quite willing to federalize the police because of it.
And I called out on you using reference based on a falsehood, i.e. hands up don't shoot. If all you can do is base you position on falsehoods, then you don't have much faith in your position.
And I called you out for being wrong, yet again, I might add. Take it like a man, Marty.

I wasn't wrong. You know you could have had a viable thread here, but you included that inflammatory cartoon, and negated any chance you had at a meaningful discussion on Law Enforcement Reform.
You have not taken your aricept this morning obviously.
I don't need it. You on the other hand could probably not find your way out of a three sided box, based on your message board debating acumen.
:lol: You have never been an issue or worry to me. I simply point out where you are wrong, and then sit back and watch you tantrum. The fact is the LEO needs reform, and what worries me is both HRC and DJT are quite willing to federalize the police because of it.
And I called out on you using reference based on a falsehood, i.e. hands up don't shoot. If all you can do is base you position on falsehoods, then you don't have much faith in your position.
And I called you out for being wrong, yet again, I might add. Take it like a man, Marty.

I wasn't wrong. You know you could have had a viable thread here, but you included that inflammatory cartoon, and negated any chance you had at a meaningful discussion on Law Enforcement Reform.
My thread is viable, as you just pointed out, and Pat's cartoon drives that fact home.
I don't need it. You on the other hand could probably not find your way out of a three sided box, based on your message board debating acumen.
:lol: You have never been an issue or worry to me. I simply point out where you are wrong, and then sit back and watch you tantrum. The fact is the LEO needs reform, and what worries me is both HRC and DJT are quite willing to federalize the police because of it.
And I called out on you using reference based on a falsehood, i.e. hands up don't shoot. If all you can do is base you position on falsehoods, then you don't have much faith in your position.
And I called you out for being wrong, yet again, I might add. Take it like a man, Marty.

I wasn't wrong. You know you could have had a viable thread here, but you included that inflammatory cartoon, and negated any chance you had at a meaningful discussion on Law Enforcement Reform.
My thread is viable, as you just pointed out, and Pat's cartoon drives that fact home.

No, it encourages a lie.
I agree, but I would go further and say black men need to be reformed as well. They tend to kill eachother more then cops kill them.

why should someone be reformed for standing next to their car that broke down?

His car didn't breakdown. It was called in as abandoned and was sitting across both lanes with the motor running and the door standing open. When the officer arrived to investigate, the owner came up from the side of the road and was unresponsive to any of her questions or requests. Yes, he raised his hands and then proceeded to turn his back and walk away from her and back to his vehicle while being told to stop and get on his knees. He never once responded or acknowledged her. When he dropped his hand towards the window, she felt he might be going for a weapon and she fired. The reform on his part is to comply with an officer's requests and if you disagree, get a lawyer after the fact. He would still be alive and her life wouldn't be ruined as a result.

Officer Betty came upon him while reroute to another call. She never received a call about the vehicle in the road.
She also cleared the driver side inside the vehicle before addressing Crutcher.
I agree, but I would go further and say black men need to be reformed as well. They tend to kill eachother more then cops kill them.
A very inconvenient truth for the liberal narrative.
How about whites killing each other more than cops killing them. A very inconvenient truth.

Hardly a fair comparison since we do not see riots in the streets when a cop shoots a white. Take a look at this article-
5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks
MacDonald also pointed out in her Hillsdale speech that blacks "commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime" in New York City, even though they consist of 23 percent of the city's population.

"The black violent crime rate would actually predict that more than 26 percent of police victims would be black," MacDonald said. "Officer use of force will occur where the police interact most often with violent criminals, armed suspects, and those resisting arrest, and that is in black neighborhoods."

2. More whites and Hispanics die from police homicides than blacks. According to Mac Donald, 12 percent of white and Hispanic homicide deaths were due to police officers, while only four percent of black homicide deaths were the result of police officers.

"If we’re going to have a 'Lives Matter' anti-police movement, it would be more appropriately named "White and Hispanic Lives Matter,'" said Mac Donald in her Hillsdale speech.
We were not talking about riots in the issue of blacks killing blacks, were we?

Whites kill more whites than cops kill whites. Fact.
We were not talking about riots in the issue of blacks killing blacks, were we?

Whites kill more whites than cops kill whites. Fact.

Yes, murder rates are nearly identical between the races.
They respond with," bbbut per capita blacks murder more".
Yet somehow they're not able to use the same reasoning to see the point that per capita, blacks are more likely to be killed by police.
Yes, it does.

I keep hearing that, but what exactly is the reform you are calling for? I can' wait to hear it.
So you think all is cool and daisy with the LEO and no reform is needed. You are not realistic.

You are calling for reform, but you get butthurt when asked what the reform is?? It is a perfectly reasonable question, if you know what the fuck you are talking about. Maybe figure that shit out BEFORE posting.

I will be waiting.
Yes, it does.

I keep hearing that, but what exactly is the reform you are calling for? I can' wait to hear it.
So you think all is cool and daisy with the LEO and no reform is needed. You are not realistic.

You are calling for reform, but you get butthurt when asked what the reform is?? It is a perfectly reasonable question, if you know what the fuck you are talking about. Maybe figure that shit out BEFORE posting.

I will be waiting.

Jake never actually offers any ideas or solutions. He just lobs a bomb out there, waits for responses and then insults people. It's his MO.
I agree, but I would go further and say black men need to be reformed as well. They tend to kill eachother more then cops kill them.
A very inconvenient truth for the liberal narrative.
How about whites killing each other more than cops killing them. A very inconvenient truth.

Hardly a fair comparison since we do not see riots in the streets when a cop shoots a white. Take a look at this article-
5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks
MacDonald also pointed out in her Hillsdale speech that blacks "commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime" in New York City, even though they consist of 23 percent of the city's population.

"The black violent crime rate would actually predict that more than 26 percent of police victims would be black," MacDonald said. "Officer use of force will occur where the police interact most often with violent criminals, armed suspects, and those resisting arrest, and that is in black neighborhoods."

2. More whites and Hispanics die from police homicides than blacks. According to Mac Donald, 12 percent of white and Hispanic homicide deaths were due to police officers, while only four percent of black homicide deaths were the result of police officers.

"If we’re going to have a 'Lives Matter' anti-police movement, it would be more appropriately named "White and Hispanic Lives Matter,'" said Mac Donald in her Hillsdale speech.

Its not who is being shot its what happens after. Right or wrong, cops get an easier ride after and are typically never punished. This is the real reason for riots and shit.
And still nothing from the OP on what reform he wants. Certainly there has been ample time to do a Google search and throw something together...
Not the purpose of the OP. But what reforms would you suggest?

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