LEO needs to be reformed

Yes, it does.


You start out well, but then use a drawing that alludes to one of the biggest lies out there regarding this whole issue.

‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie

When you allude to a known falsehood, you ruin any attempt at trying to make your point come across as valid.

It's the same as the 71% women/men wage gap crap, and the 1 in 5 sexual assault on campus #.

Running with bad information because it fits your narrative sullies your position.

The image correctly portrays the issue.

The man in Tulsa had his hands up.

The man on the ground who was wounded had his hands in the air.

Your opinion of false hood is well know to be false.

The man in Tulsa had his hands up.......until he didn't and was totally ignoring directions from the officers. When an officer tells you to stop and get on your knees and you keep your back to them and keep walking towards your vehicle and then lower your hand towards the window, bad things can happen.
Yeah....I know he had his hands up in the beginning.
You got called out for bullshit, take it like a man.
You calling anyone out is for grins and chuckles, nothing more, Marty. :lol:
It's a shame you don't realize you are using a failed reference to make an otherwise valid point (in this specific shooting, the Tulsa one). But hacks will hack, and you are the hacky-est of the hacks.
You have not taken your aricept this morning obviously.
I don't need it. You on the other hand could probably not find your way out of a three sided box, based on your message board debating acumen.
:lol: You have never been an issue or worry to me. I simply point out where you are wrong, and then sit back and watch you tantrum. The fact is the LEO needs reform, and what worries me is both HRC and DJT are quite willing to federalize the police because of it.

What a coincidence.....
I agree, but I would go further and say black men need to be reformed as well. They tend to kill eachother more then cops kill them.

why should someone be reformed for standing next to their car that broke down?

His car didn't breakdown. It was called in as abandoned and was sitting across both lanes with the motor running and the door standing open. When the officer arrived to investigate, the owner came up from the side of the road and was unresponsive to any of her questions or requests. Yes, he raised his hands and then proceeded to turn his back and walk away from her and back to his vehicle while being told to stop and get on his knees. He never once responded or acknowledged her. When he dropped his hand towards the window, she felt he might be going for a weapon and she fired. The reform on his part is to comply with an officer's requests and if you disagree, get a lawyer after the fact. He would still be alive and her life wouldn't be ruined as a result.
I agree, but I would go further and say black men need to be reformed as well. They tend to kill eachother more then cops kill them.

why should someone be reformed for standing next to their car that broke down?

His car didn't breakdown. It was called in as abandoned and was sitting across both lanes with the motor running and the door standing open. When the officer arrived to investigate, the owner came up from the side of the road and was unresponsive to any of her questions or requests. Yes, he raised his hands and then proceeded to turn his back and walk away from her and back to his vehicle while being told to stop and get on his knees. He never once responded or acknowledged her. When he dropped his hand towards the window, she felt he might be going for a weapon and she fired. The reform on his part is to comply with an officer's requests and if you disagree, get a lawyer after the fact. He would still be alive and her life wouldn't be ruined as a result.
Do you know if they got the results back on his blood test? They found PCP in his car so...
Yes, they were up. You are wrong, as usual.
No. I'm sorry. They were not. I'm not even speculating on whether it was justified or not.
What you believe is not matched with the vids.
It's in the video.
Yes, it is and you are wrong.
This is the still of the exact moment he is hit, you can barely see him before he is hit because of the position of the chopper cam. He falls back and his arms are above his head, doesn't mean he had his hands up when he was shot.
That's one vid and to the point the chopper shields the car, yes, his hands are up. Another is a cop body cam that shows the vic walking hands up to the car door.
Yes, it does.


You start out well, but then use a drawing that alludes to one of the biggest lies out there regarding this whole issue.

‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie

When you allude to a known falsehood, you ruin any attempt at trying to make your point come across as valid.

It's the same as the 71% women/men wage gap crap, and the 1 in 5 sexual assault on campus #.

Running with bad information because it fits your narrative sullies your position.

The image correctly portrays the issue.

The man in Tulsa had his hands up.

The man on the ground who was wounded had his hands in the air.

Your opinion of false hood is well know to be false.

it alludes to "Hands up, Don't shoot" from Ferguson, and we all know that is crap.
We know that the perp was running at the officer, while chanting you won't shoot, while his hands were up. After what had occurred just moments before, I would have shot him, too. But that does not remove the fact his hands were up.

Multiple autopsies say different.
No, they don't.
I agree, but I would go further and say black men need to be reformed as well. They tend to kill eachother more then cops kill them.

why should someone be reformed for standing next to their car that broke down?

His car didn't breakdown. It was called in as abandoned and was sitting across both lanes with the motor running and the door standing open. When the officer arrived to investigate, the owner came up from the side of the road and was unresponsive to any of her questions or requests. Yes, he raised his hands and then proceeded to turn his back and walk away from her and back to his vehicle while being told to stop and get on his knees. He never once responded or acknowledged her. When he dropped his hand towards the window, she felt he might be going for a weapon and she fired. The reform on his part is to comply with an officer's requests and if you disagree, get a lawyer after the fact. He would still be alive and her life wouldn't be ruined as a result.
She killed him and ruined her life.
You start out well, but then use a drawing that alludes to one of the biggest lies out there regarding this whole issue.

‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie

When you allude to a known falsehood, you ruin any attempt at trying to make your point come across as valid.

It's the same as the 71% women/men wage gap crap, and the 1 in 5 sexual assault on campus #.

Running with bad information because it fits your narrative sullies your position.

The image correctly portrays the issue.

The man in Tulsa had his hands up.

The man on the ground who was wounded had his hands in the air.

Your opinion of false hood is well know to be false.

it alludes to "Hands up, Don't shoot" from Ferguson, and we all know that is crap.
We know that the perp was running at the officer, while chanting you won't shoot, while his hands were up. After what had occurred just moments before, I would have shot him, too. But that does not remove the fact his hands were up.

Multiple autopsies say different.
No, they don't.

Yes they do,even the one the family had done showed he didnt have his hands in the air.
I agree, but I would go further and say black men need to be reformed as well. They tend to kill eachother more then cops kill them.

why should someone be reformed for standing next to their car that broke down?

His car didn't breakdown. It was called in as abandoned and was sitting across both lanes with the motor running and the door standing open. When the officer arrived to investigate, the owner came up from the side of the road and was unresponsive to any of her questions or requests. Yes, he raised his hands and then proceeded to turn his back and walk away from her and back to his vehicle while being told to stop and get on his knees. He never once responded or acknowledged her. When he dropped his hand towards the window, she felt he might be going for a weapon and she fired. The reform on his part is to comply with an officer's requests and if you disagree, get a lawyer after the fact. He would still be alive and her life wouldn't be ruined as a result.
Do you know if they got the results back on his blood test? They found PCP in his car so...

Last I heard on local news is that thorough toxicology can take up to 6 weeks.
The image correctly portrays the issue.

The man in Tulsa had his hands up.

The man on the ground who was wounded had his hands in the air.

Your opinion of false hood is well know to be false.

it alludes to "Hands up, Don't shoot" from Ferguson, and we all know that is crap.
We know that the perp was running at the officer, while chanting you won't shoot, while his hands were up. After what had occurred just moments before, I would have shot him, too. But that does not remove the fact his hands were up.

Multiple autopsies say different.
No, they don't.

Yes they do,even the one the family had done showed he didnt have his hands in the air.
Do you understand what is an "autopsy"?
I agree, but I would go further and say black men need to be reformed as well. They tend to kill eachother more then cops kill them.

why should someone be reformed for standing next to their car that broke down?

His car didn't breakdown. It was called in as abandoned and was sitting across both lanes with the motor running and the door standing open. When the officer arrived to investigate, the owner came up from the side of the road and was unresponsive to any of her questions or requests. Yes, he raised his hands and then proceeded to turn his back and walk away from her and back to his vehicle while being told to stop and get on his knees. He never once responded or acknowledged her. When he dropped his hand towards the window, she felt he might be going for a weapon and she fired. The reform on his part is to comply with an officer's requests and if you disagree, get a lawyer after the fact. He would still be alive and her life wouldn't be ruined as a result.
She killed him and ruined her life.

Yes.....because she is just having a splendid time what with the horror of killing someone in the line of duty and the death threats and all. Time of her life! Asshat.
I agree, but I would go further and say black men need to be reformed as well. They tend to kill eachother more then cops kill them.

why should someone be reformed for standing next to their car that broke down?

His car didn't breakdown. It was called in as abandoned and was sitting across both lanes with the motor running and the door standing open. When the officer arrived to investigate, the owner came up from the side of the road and was unresponsive to any of her questions or requests. Yes, he raised his hands and then proceeded to turn his back and walk away from her and back to his vehicle while being told to stop and get on his knees. He never once responded or acknowledged her. When he dropped his hand towards the window, she felt he might be going for a weapon and she fired. The reform on his part is to comply with an officer's requests and if you disagree, get a lawyer after the fact. He would still be alive and her life wouldn't be ruined as a result.
Sounds about right.
it alludes to "Hands up, Don't shoot" from Ferguson, and we all know that is crap.
We know that the perp was running at the officer, while chanting you won't shoot, while his hands were up. After what had occurred just moments before, I would have shot him, too. But that does not remove the fact his hands were up.

Multiple autopsies say different.
No, they don't.

Yes they do,even the one the family had done showed he didnt have his hands in the air.
Do you understand what is an "autopsy"?

Of course.
And all of them proved he didnt have his hands up when shot.
IMHO, most law enforcement in America is already very well trained. That being said, training is an ongoing thing. However, considering that we have upwards to a million cops (well, at least 3 quarters of a million), there are going to be some mistakes.

Since their are millions of interactions between police and the public every week, it's simple probability that their will be a news story about a police encounter that has gone bad. The probability of dying in a car crash for a normal law abiding citizen of any race is many, many, many times higher than dying due to an altercation gone bad with the police.

If anyone needs to be trained, it's the public to know how to react to a cop. Everyone needs to know their rights; however, they also need to know not to resist arrest. People can lawyer up afterward if the police violate any of their rights.
Whether the window was down or up is irrelevant until we know if Shelby was positioned to even know. That he went toward the window makes sense why they fired..
.but perhaps she should've also used a taser.
You got called out for bullshit, take it like a man.
You calling anyone out is for grins and chuckles, nothing more, Marty. :lol:
It's a shame you don't realize you are using a failed reference to make an otherwise valid point (in this specific shooting, the Tulsa one). But hacks will hack, and you are the hacky-est of the hacks.
You have not taken your aricept this morning obviously.
I don't need it. You on the other hand could probably not find your way out of a three sided box, based on your message board debating acumen.
:lol: You have never been an issue or worry to me. I simply point out where you are wrong, and then sit back and watch you tantrum. The fact is the LEO needs reform, and what worries me is both HRC and DJT are quite willing to federalize the police because of it.

And I called out on you using reference based on a falsehood, i.e. hands up don't shoot.

If all you can do is base you position on falsehoods, then you don't have much faith in your position.
I agree, but I would go further and say black men need to be reformed as well. They tend to kill eachother more then cops kill them.

why should someone be reformed for standing next to their car that broke down?

His car didn't breakdown. It was called in as abandoned and was sitting across both lanes with the motor running and the door standing open. When the officer arrived to investigate, the owner came up from the side of the road and was unresponsive to any of her questions or requests. Yes, he raised his hands and then proceeded to turn his back and walk away from her and back to his vehicle while being told to stop and get on his knees. He never once responded or acknowledged her. When he dropped his hand towards the window, she felt he might be going for a weapon and she fired. The reform on his part is to comply with an officer's requests and if you disagree, get a lawyer after the fact. He would still be alive and her life wouldn't be ruined as a result.
She killed him and ruined her life.
Yes.....because she is just having a splendid time what with the horror of killing someone in the line of duty and the death threats and all. Time of her life! Asshat.
Yes, you are an asshat with that remark. No one suggested or insinuated, other than that you "she is just having a splendid time what with the horror of killing someone in the line of duty and the death threats and all. Time of her life!" You are off your meds.
You calling anyone out is for grins and chuckles, nothing more, Marty. :lol:
It's a shame you don't realize you are using a failed reference to make an otherwise valid point (in this specific shooting, the Tulsa one). But hacks will hack, and you are the hacky-est of the hacks.
You have not taken your aricept this morning obviously.
I don't need it. You on the other hand could probably not find your way out of a three sided box, based on your message board debating acumen.
:lol: You have never been an issue or worry to me. I simply point out where you are wrong, and then sit back and watch you tantrum. The fact is the LEO needs reform, and what worries me is both HRC and DJT are quite willing to federalize the police because of it.
And I called out on you using reference based on a falsehood, i.e. hands up don't shoot. If all you can do is base you position on falsehoods, then you don't have much faith in your position.
And I called you out for being wrong, yet again, I might add. Take it like a man, Marty.

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