Leon Panetta hits Obama on shutdown: Clinton Negotiated


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Whoa geeze. Finally a lib that will speak the truth no matter the consequences.
Of course he still criticizes the R's; that's to be expected BUT he lays it on the line over Obama's failures and how Clinton "did the right thing".

Two quotes that stand out.

First this killer. If you can't negotiate, get someone who can. Smack!:eusa_whistle:

Panetta said even if the president believes Republicans have been impossible to negotiate with, he should still stay at it, including appointing someone to negotiate in his place, if that’s what it takes.

“You can’t, just because you’ve engaged in some set of negotiations and they haven’t gone anywhere, for one reason or another there’s been a breakdown, [that] is no reason to walk away from the table,” Panetta said.

“If the president, for whatever reason, feels he can’t do it because the Republicans don’t want to confront him, then he ought to be willing to delegate that responsibility to someone who can do it.”

And then on President Clinton. :eusa_whistle:

Panetta, who served as OMB director and chief of staff to former President Bill Clinton, said during the 1995-1996 shutdown, Clinton handled the situation differently.

“We were negotiating up to the last minute in the Oval Office,” Panetta said, describing a scene with all the congressional leaders huddled with the president and vice president, according to The Washington Post.

“Some of us were nervous that Bill Clinton was bending over backwards to try to see if he could get a deal.”

Leon Panetta hits Obama on shutdown - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com
That is why Clinton could come out of a pile of cow shit smelling like roses. he's slick willy.

Without a word of a lie I have always respected the President known as President William Jefferson Clinton.

His failures as a husband and a man aside, President Clinton dug in like an Alabama tick when it came to negotiations whether it was with Newt or with Arafat. He refused to walk away from the table without striking a bargain.

President Clinton worked harder than any President before him or after him to date to try to bring peace between Palestine and Israel.

He will go down in history as a winner and a champion for these efforts. It was not President Clinton's fault that Arafat withdrew from the negotiations and shut the process down.

The President got Arafat everything he could.

I believe that right now President Clinton and those that surrounded him are in shock at the games Obama and Reid are playing at the moment.
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Either Leon Panetta can be trusted or he can't. He's prolly unhappy with Obama right now. Leon Panetta told jeff sessions that the pentagon gets its permission to go to war from the UN and would then inform congress of its intentions, rather than the other way around. Don't you remember Sessions saying that that takes his breath away?
That is why Clinton could come out of a pile of cow shit smelling like roses. he's slick willy.

Without a word of a lie I have always respected the President known as President William Jefferson Clinton.

His failures as a husband and a man aside, President Clinton dug in like an Alabama tick when it came to negotiations whether it was with Newt or with Arafat. He refused to walk away from the table without striking a bargain.

President Clinton worked harder than any President before him or after him to date to try to bring peace between Palestine and Israel.

He will go down in history as a winner and a champion for these efforts. It was not President Clinton's fault that Arafat withdrew from the negotiations and shut the process down.

The President got Arafat everything he could.

I believe that right now President Clinton and those that surrounded him are in shock at the games Obama and Reid are playing at the moment.

President Clinton is fully supportive of Obama, with nary a criticism.
Either Leon Panetta can be trusted or he can't. He's prolly unhappy with Obama right now. Leon Panetta told jeff sessions that the pentagon gets its permission to go to war from the UN and would then inform congress of its intentions, rather than the other way around. Don't you remember Sessions saying that that takes his breath away?

Panetta should never have been Secretary of Defense. I believe we all know that. I bet even Panetta would admit to that as well.

I think his appointment was a "hold your enemies" closer appointment. He's still Clinton's man.
That is why Clinton could come out of a pile of cow shit smelling like roses. he's slick willy.

Without a word of a lie I have always respected the President known as President William Jefferson Clinton.

His failures as a husband and a man aside, President Clinton dug in like an Alabama tick when it came to negotiations whether it was with Newt or with Arafat. He refused to walk away from the table without striking a bargain.

President Clinton worked harder than any President before him or after him to date to try to bring peace between Palestine and Israel.

He will go down in history as a winner and a champion for these efforts. It was not President Clinton's fault that Arafat withdrew from the negotiations and shut the process down.

The President got Arafat everything he could.

I believe that right now President Clinton and those that surrounded him are in shock at the games Obama and Reid are playing at the moment.

President Clinton is fully supportive of Obama, with nary a criticism.

Ah but times they are a changin' to quote a great wordsmith.


Clinton was out today saying debate is good in Washington. Panetta is out there blatantly saying that Obama sucks at negotiation and should appoint someone else.

A former spokeperson for Clinton was out saying that Democrats shouldn't stay comfortable with the polls that they are reading.

I'm watching them "become" again. The Clintons are a force to be reckoned with. I'm waiting for old Jimmy to hit the talk circuit any day now.

It's coming.
Either Leon Panetta can be trusted or he can't. He's prolly unhappy with Obama right now. Leon Panetta told jeff sessions that the pentagon gets its permission to go to war from the UN and would then inform congress of its intentions, rather than the other way around. Don't you remember Sessions saying that that takes his breath away?

Panetta should never have been Secretary of Defense. I believe we all know that. I bet even Panetta would admit to that as well.

I think his appointment was a "hold your enemies" closer appointment. He's still Clinton's man.

Ok man, just making sure you weren't putting to much value on Panetta.
Obama and his comrades in arms are taking a beating from more than Panetta over this wasteful fascist new entitlement that DOESN'T even WORK...the only ones not disgusted with all this are his sheep base...they can't wait to start living off others

these people in this administration should be run out of office they are so incompetent and wasted BILLIONS of our taxpayers money just to make you people SLAVES to the Federal Government and Obama..man he is laughing at the dupes and at the rest of us who had no choice in this

but remember, it's the TEA PARTIES fault
Without a word of a lie I have always respected the President known as President William Jefferson Clinton.

His failures as a husband and a man aside, President Clinton dug in like an Alabama tick when it came to negotiations whether it was with Newt or with Arafat. He refused to walk away from the table without striking a bargain.

President Clinton worked harder than any President before him or after him to date to try to bring peace between Palestine and Israel.

He will go down in history as a winner and a champion for these efforts. It was not President Clinton's fault that Arafat withdrew from the negotiations and shut the process down.

The President got Arafat everything he could.

I believe that right now President Clinton and those that surrounded him are in shock at the games Obama and Reid are playing at the moment.

President Clinton is fully supportive of Obama, with nary a criticism.

Ah but times they are a changin' to quote a great wordsmith.


Clinton was out today saying debate is good in Washington. Panetta is out there blatantly saying that Obama sucks at negotiation and should appoint someone else.

A former spokeperson for Clinton was out saying that Democrats shouldn't stay comfortable with the polls that they are reading.

I'm watching them "become" again. The Clintons are a force to be reckoned with. I'm waiting for old Jimmy to hit the talk circuit any day now.

It's coming.

Oh, I wish Jimmy would chime in. But he'll have much different to say than Billy, they are two very different democrats.
I accept some budget cuts to deal with the shutdown.

but the debt ceiling should have been raised MONTHS ago, no questions asked!!!
I accept some budget cuts to deal with the shutdown.

but the debt ceiling should have been raised MONTHS ago, no questions asked!!!

No! Somebody has got to take this bull by the horns and stop living on borrowed money and start living within our means. Are we that used to living beyond our means that now we are demanding the government raise the debt level? What's too much debt, 40 trillion, 100 trillion? What's your number?
I accept some budget cuts to deal with the shutdown.

but the debt ceiling should have been raised MONTHS ago, no questions asked!!!

No! Somebody has got to take this bull by the horns and stop living on borrowed money and start living within our means. Are we that used to living beyond our means that now we are demanding the government raise the debt level? What's too much debt, 40 trillion, 100 trillion? What's your number?

I take it that you are aok with using the debt ceiling and the shut down of our government as "bargaining" tools. Is that correct? If so.......

will you support the Dems (or at least give them a pass) if they were to use the same tactics to impose higher taxes on the ultra rich? or strict gun control measures?

Isn't it true that IF this is such a good idea, that the Repugs should have no problem when the same tactic is used against them?

I mean you could have a radical group of left wingers willing to do just what the Republicans are doing with the same rational; that's what they were sent to Congress to do by their constituents. Gun control and higher taxes.

You good with this idea?
I accept some budget cuts to deal with the shutdown.

but the debt ceiling should have been raised MONTHS ago, no questions asked!!!

No! Somebody has got to take this bull by the horns and stop living on borrowed money and start living within our means. Are we that used to living beyond our means that now we are demanding the government raise the debt level? What's too much debt, 40 trillion, 100 trillion? What's your number?

I take it that you are aok with using the debt ceiling and the shut down of our government as "bargaining" tools. Is that correct? If so.......

will you support the Dems (or at least give them a pass) if they were to use the same tactics to impose higher taxes on the ultra rich? or strict gun control measures?

Isn't it true that IF this is such a good idea, that the Repugs should have no problem when the same tactic is used against them?

I mean you could have a radical group of left wingers willing to do just what the Republicans are doing with the same rational; that's what they were sent to Congress to do by their constituents. Gun control and higher taxes.

You good with this idea?

No of course I wouldn't, namely because we don't NEED higher taxes on the rich, or anybody else for that matter, or more stricter gun control.
Obama is trying to strip/seize the power of Congress and their duties controlling power of the purse. It's is not POTUS duty to control the debt limit whatsoever. Unconstitutional. All so he can spend more

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You fucking MORONS...The Democrats have done nothing but compromise each time the GOP has taken hostages. When they took hostages in 2010 Democrats agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts (despite running and WINNING on repealing them). In 2011 the GOP again took hostage the debt ceiling and demanded HUGE spending cuts. Remember the $4 Trillion "Grand Bargain"? No, of course you don't. Well, it included cuts to SS, Medicare and domestic spending (that we desperately need). Did those compromises satisfy the Teatards? Nope...and we ended up with Sequestration.

Fuck you and your fucking "compromise". No more goddamn caving to hostage taker demands.
You fucking MORONS...The Democrats have done nothing but compromise each time the GOP has taken hostages. When they took hostages in 2010 Democrats agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts (despite running and WINNING on repealing them). In 2011 the GOP again took hostage the debt ceiling and demanded HUGE spending cuts. Remember the $4 Trillion "Grand Bargain"? No, of course you don't. Well, it included cuts to SS, Medicare and domestic spending (that we desperately need). Did those compromises satisfy the Teatards? Nope...and we ended up with Sequestration.

Fuck you and your fucking "compromise". No more goddamn caving to hostage taker demands.

you're becoming shrill and hysterical
paper bags for all you...good gawd all over this government

you people could care less this ObamaNoCare is going to HURT people and take away their freedoms of choice...that is only held for abortions in your small worlds and anything Obama does to people is just AOK
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That is why Clinton could come out of a pile of cow shit smelling like roses. he's slick willy.

Without a word of a lie I have always respected the President known as President William Jefferson Clinton.

His failures as a husband and a man aside, President Clinton dug in like an Alabama tick when it came to negotiations whether it was with Newt or with Arafat. He refused to walk away from the table without striking a bargain.

President Clinton worked harder than any President before him or after him to date to try to bring peace between Palestine and Israel.

He will go down in history as a winner and a champion for these efforts. It was not President Clinton's fault that Arafat withdrew from the negotiations and shut the process down.

The President got Arafat everything he could.

I believe that right now President Clinton and those that surrounded him are in shock at the games Obama and Reid are playing at the moment.

Clinton was a rapist and a serial abuser of women. NOTHING can undo that. Nothing.

He was also a gutless coward when it came to taking out osama bin floatin'

As to his domestic policy? Okay.

How about him having Hitlery going around the Country threatening every University in the Country with the direst of consequences if they didn't abide by Title IX in the strictest of terms?

How about him threatening Banks, through regulators, with dire consequences if they didn't abide by the CRA rules and quotas that his Administration had just put on steroids (which is what caused the Financial Meltdown, BTW).

How about him allowing Janet Reno to get Jamie Gorelick to erect the "Wall" between the CIA, FBI, Military Intelligence and the NSA so they couldn't legally share information about terrorists?

Speaking of Reno, how about him keeping her on when she just got done MURDERING by BURNING ALIVE a couple dozen CHILDREN including INFANTS in Waco?

Fuck Bill the rapist Clinton. The man was a scumbag. A total, complete and utter scumbag who cared NOTHING for this Country or the people in it.

Only himself.

While I'm on a rant, let me tell you this....

Every President in our History up to the rapist loved our Country.

They may have had different ways of showing it. Even FDR loved America. He just thought we should have an extremely powerful and sheltering government. He meant well. I wouldn't and don't agree with his policies, but there's no doubt in mind he loved this Country.

Even Nixon loved our Country, so did Jimmy the peanut and Reagan.

Until Clinton.

Know who Clinton loved? Clinton loved Clinton. That's it. Nobody else. Just himself.

THE most self-serving piece of shit ever.

George W loved our Country. All Republican Presidents love(d) our Country.

But now....?

Instead of having a president like Clinton that is indifferent, a president like Clinton who simply didn't care all that much about anything other than his own power and narcissism...

Now we have a president that actively and passionately HATES our Country.

Hates everything about it. Hates our 'whiteness' -- Hates our power, hates our goodness, hates our history, hates our Military, hates our Veterans and most of all....

Hates Conservatives.... Which is about 60% of the Country.

Fuck dimocraps. ALL of them. They are ALL scumbags.

Especially Clinton and obama
I accept some budget cuts to deal with the shutdown.

but the debt ceiling should have been raised MONTHS ago, no questions asked!!!

No! Somebody has got to take this bull by the horns and stop living on borrowed money and start living within our means. Are we that used to living beyond our means that now we are demanding the government raise the debt level? What's too much debt, 40 trillion, 100 trillion? What's your number?

I take it that you are aok with using the debt ceiling and the shut down of our government as "bargaining" tools. Is that correct? If so.......

will you support the Dems (or at least give them a pass) if they were to use the same tactics to impose higher taxes on the ultra rich? or strict gun control measures?

Isn't it true that IF this is such a good idea, that the Repugs should have no problem when the same tactic is used against them?

I mean you could have a radical group of left wingers willing to do just what the Republicans are doing with the same rational; that's what they were sent to Congress to do by their constituents. Gun control and higher taxes.

You good with this idea?

Absolutely! the best way to fight overspending adn borrowing money is to continue borrowing money and then sit around and talk about how much to borrow next time. Democrats aren't economically skilled and therefore should never control the purse. Ever.
No! Somebody has got to take this bull by the horns and stop living on borrowed money and start living within our means. Are we that used to living beyond our means that now we are demanding the government raise the debt level? What's too much debt, 40 trillion, 100 trillion? What's your number?

I take it that you are aok with using the debt ceiling and the shut down of our government as "bargaining" tools. Is that correct? If so.......

will you support the Dems (or at least give them a pass) if they were to use the same tactics to impose higher taxes on the ultra rich? or strict gun control measures?

Isn't it true that IF this is such a good idea, that the Repugs should have no problem when the same tactic is used against them?

I mean you could have a radical group of left wingers willing to do just what the Republicans are doing with the same rational; that's what they were sent to Congress to do by their constituents. Gun control and higher taxes.

You good with this idea?

Absolutely! the best way to fight overspending adn borrowing money is to continue borrowing money and then sit around and talk about how much to borrow next time. Democrats aren't economically skilled and therefore should never control the purse. Ever.

That is because most dimocrap politicians are Professional Politicians.

They go to a famous, renowned school (more like a resort) to get a useless law degree, get a bullshit job in a bullshit but well-connected Law Firm who does a lot of government litigation...

Such as when the gubmint sued JP Morgan, it was well-known that if they didn't hire the right Law Firms, they were going down.

So JP Morgan spent $9 BILLION ($9,000,000,000) on Legal Costs to pay a 100 million dollar fine.

The Law Firm(s) got rich off of that.

Just like, if you get caught in most Cities with drugs on you and you go to the 'right' lawyer, he'll tell you, "Give me Ten Thousand Dollars and don't ask any questions."

Gotta find the 'right' lawyer, though.

Anyway, dimocraps are professional politicians. Thieves, liars, corrupt scumbags who know nothing about anything except how to run scams on people.

And I'm not talking about just the guys at the top. I'm talking about 90% of them.... Even the appointees.

obama is a lawyer, the sasquatch is a lawyer, Joe Biden is a lawyer, Algore (aka; ManBearPig) is a lawyer, John (I was in Vietnam) Kerry is a lawyer, Bill Clinton is a lawyer, Hitlery is a Lawyer....

Meanwhile, Mitt Romney had an MBA from Harvard, George W Bush has an MBA from Yale, John McCain retired as Navy Captain.....

Professional Politicians? Not a one among them.

The last 'professional politician' we Republicans had for a president? Richard Nixon.

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