Leopard tanks soon operational?

It's nothing new to me that Nazis call others Nazis, Nazi. In your case I do not see a big chance for you to try to speak with god - or how do you see your chances to do so? Everything is better than hell, isn't it?
God and Hell. ?

I see you are into Mumbo Jumbo .

Anyway, am enjoying watching dear MrP's boys teaching the US and Ukey Nazis how to win .

The two Nazi teams that have not won anything between them in over one hundred efforts since WW2

Reinhard Gehlen is turning red with anger in his grave watching the Fourth Reich taking such a terrible beating .
There is also the false impression, pushed by some weapon dealers (in German), that there are 'hundreds' of Leopards available. This is nonsense. Not every Leopard is like the other. The most standardized variant is Leopard 2A4 one. In the end Ukraine could receive may be 50 of those. The current German standard tank is the Leopard 2A7 which had three upgrades since the A4 version came out. Various countries have versions in between, often with their own upgraded gun control and communication systems. It would not make any sense from a training and maintenance point to give Ukraine a smorgasbord of various Leopard types. The logistics to support those would immediately become unfeasible.

There are also other issues. Soviet era tanks have a weight of about 40 metric tons. All he 'western' Abrams, Leopard, British Challenger and French Leclerc main battle tanks have a battle weight in the 60 metric ton class. I doubt that Ukraine rural roads and bridges were constructed with such tanks in mind. What use is a tank when you can not move it around without destroying your own supply routes?

There is also the important issue of training. This does not only include the technology of the tank but its tactical use in the field. The Turkish experience in Syria showed that bad tank tactics inevitably lead to bad outcomes, no matter how good the tanks are.
Tanks are vulnerable to RPGs and similar weapons. The US has an urban warfare upgrade kit for the M2.
However, I agree. The few tanks are more of a morale boost than a military advantage for Ukraine..
Americans flying the Ukrainian flag need to ask themselves some questions
There is a war in Yemen. 500,000 people have been killed. US weapons have been used. Why don't you care about them?
US killed hundreds of thousands of kids in Iraq. Why didnt you care about them?
Americans flying the Ukrainian flag need to ask themselves some questions
There is a war in Yemen. 500,000 people have been killed. US weapons have been used. Why don't you care about them?
US killed hundreds of thousands of kids in Iraq. Why didnt you care about them?
I can assure you they will never ask themselves those questions. Most don’t even know there is a war in Yemen, thanks to a corrupt state run media.
The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis. -Harold Pinter
"Is it really worth investing so much effort in Ukraine? It is almost unthinkable that Russia will lose," - Former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori
NATO countries sending all their shit to Ukraine "but are not part of the conflict" is by far the greatest Orwellian thing happening

There is no nazis in Ukraine!
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With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher
View attachment 750324

Economics is for me totally uninteresting in case of war. Short: Who makes money with war is a criminal.
bad bad news for the horde

Litwin. We "Germanics" start and end wars - that's all. We don't lose or win. We throw everything into the swamps what belongs to our enemies - including our enemies; because it . is not honorful to make an honorful enemy to a slave. And we adopt the children of our dead enemies and make them to our own children and heirs.

If you like to speak about antiquated stuff in the beginning of a situation which is able to produce a nuclear war and the end of all mankind - why not to speak about such an antiquated stuff?
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Really? I remember you starting wars, others finished them. Sadly, you forgot that.

If you would really know something about history then you would know that you say bullshit, Stalinist.

Germany (more correct "Prussia") had absolutelly nothing to do with the start of world war 1. And world war 2 was started together from Hitler and Stalin by eliminating Poland again. You fought for the Soviets in world war 2. Oh sorry: You are a Russian. The "you" in the sentences before meant: The USA and their allies fought for Stalin - what was also not good for Russia. as well for other big parts of East Europe.

And Germans are by the way not Germanics. Celts, Germanics and Romans (including Jews) had been the most important ancestors of us Germans. But indeed perhaps not Germanics in the Bronce Age but only we Germans in the Middle Ages adopted children of our dead enemies and made them to our heirs.
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People creaming over the tanks thinking it's going to be Kursk 1943. During the entire SMO I think we have a total of 3 recorded tank duels. Majority will be observed through the lens of ATGM units or forward observers calling in artillery on them, much like we saw in Kherson.

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