Lesbian Marrieds & Their 3 Adopted Kids Die. 3 Kids Still Missing

Like I said- the ONLY reason you started this thread is because the parents were gay

You must be really good... Do you charge a lot? :banghead:
I think pay per posters are given a flat rate per post.

Tell us more about how much you are getting paid for your posts- this might be the only honest post you have ever made.

I see you projecting there. FAIL

LOL no you see me mocking Silly.

I can say with great conviction that I am paid less than half of what Silhouette is paid for her posts.
Like I said- the ONLY reason you started this thread is because the parents were gay

You must be really good... Do you charge a lot? :banghead:
I think pay per posters are given a flat rate per post.

Tell us more about how much you are getting paid for your posts- this might be the only honest post you have ever made.

I see you projecting there. FAIL

LOL no you see me mocking Silly.

I can say with great conviction that I am paid less than half of what Silhouette is paid for her posts.

Yet you do have a pay rate, aye?
The neighbor said the African Americans left with all 6 kids in a hurry just after they didn't answer the door when CPS & the Sheriff showed up.

The neighbor said the Jews left with all 6 kids in a hurry just after they didn't answer the door when CPS & the Sheriff showed up.

The neighbor said the Christians left with all 6 kids in a hurry just after they didn't answer the door when CPS & the Sheriff showed up.
Ok, how about "The two married women" left with all 6 kids in a hurry..."

No? Not vague enough yet to protect the "pure as the driven snow" myth of zero lesbian domestic violence?

The only one promoting a 'myth of zero lesbian domestic violence'- is you- it is your straw man.

The only reason why you mention this tragedy is to attack gays.

And yes- it is no different than if you started a thread about the Married Jews who killed their kids.

Bigotry is bigotry.

And bigots like you use the tragic deaths of kids to promote your bigotry.

Oh, STFU you dolt. People with double digit IQs make you look bad.
I'm in the wrong business.
A gal as mouthy as I am should be fabulously rich!
You must be really good... Do you charge a lot? :banghead:
I think pay per posters are given a flat rate per post.

Tell us more about how much you are getting paid for your posts- this might be the only honest post you have ever made.

I see you projecting there. FAIL

LOL no you see me mocking Silly.

I can say with great conviction that I am paid less than half of what Silhouette is paid for her posts.

Yet you do have a pay rate, aye?

Oh absolutely- I checked with the head office and I am getting the same pay rate for posting as you are.

Half what Silhouette is getting though.
The neighbor said the African Americans left with all 6 kids in a hurry just after they didn't answer the door when CPS & the Sheriff showed up.

The neighbor said the Jews left with all 6 kids in a hurry just after they didn't answer the door when CPS & the Sheriff showed up.

The neighbor said the Christians left with all 6 kids in a hurry just after they didn't answer the door when CPS & the Sheriff showed up.
Ok, how about "The two married women" left with all 6 kids in a hurry..."

No? Not vague enough yet to protect the "pure as the driven snow" myth of zero lesbian domestic violence?

The only one promoting a 'myth of zero lesbian domestic violence'- is you- it is your straw man.

The only reason why you mention this tragedy is to attack gays.

And yes- it is no different than if you started a thread about the Married Jews who killed their kids.

Bigotry is bigotry.

And bigots like you use the tragic deaths of kids to promote your bigotry.

Oh, STFU you dolt. People with double digit IQs make you look bad.

Poor little snowflake. Getting upset when bigots are called out on their bigotry.

I guess it cuts a little to close for home for you.
My pay rate for posting in Sil’s threads have allowed be to open a Griffon farm. #Blessed
My pay rate for posting in Sil’s threads have allowed be to open a Griffon farm. #Blessed

So, how many Griffons are you running per acre?


They must not eat very much. What if one goes feral? :eek:

Ambrosia is quite filling.

Eh, It gives me cold sores on the side of my mouth. My cousin makes it all the time, by the gallons. I eat 1/2 cup, good for the year.
In what looks to be murder/suicide, two lesbian marrieds, Jennifer & Sarah Hart from the Northwest drove their car off a cliff into the ocean. 3 of the 6 adopted kids' bodies & 2 adults found. 3 kids still missing & presumed dead.

Child in viral Portland police hug photo missing, 5 family members dead after California cliff crash

The family left home in a hurry just after a visit from child protective services and the sheriff. One of the lesbians had been convicted of domestic violence:

The three children killed weren't using safety equipment and "came out" of the vehicle at some point, the highway patrol said. The women were found inside.....Neighbors in Woodland told KOIN (6) they suspected the couple's children may have been abused.....A Clark County deputy had accompanied Cowlitz County Child Protective Services to the family's home Friday but nobody answered the door, Sgt. Brent Waddell, a Clark County Sheriff's Office spokesman, told The Oregonian/OregonLive on Wednesday....The women left in a hurry with all six kids shortly after the visit by CPS, a neighbor told KOIN.

Sarah Hart was convicted of domestic assault in Minnesota in 2011, court records show.
Domestic Violence Likely More Frequent for Same-Sex Couples - Northwestern Now

One of the children was in a viral video about "Black Lives Matter":

In 2014, a photograph of a tear-stricken Devonte hugging Sgt. Bret Barnum during a tense "Black Lives Matter" demonstration in downtown Portland went viral.

The photo, originally published by The Oregonian/OregonLive, was featured on NBC's "Today" show, ABC News, CBS News, MSNBC, Fox News, USA Today and Time.com. It reached No. 1 on the social-sharing website Reddit and got widespread Facebook attention.

Too bad kids' lives don't matter. Three of the children were ejected from the car when it landed upside down in the Pacific Ocean after being apparently driven into the sea. Authorities surmise they were not wearing seat belts. The case is still under investigation.
The fact that they were a lesbian couple is irrelevant. A fair number of heterosexual couples have committed murder/suicide and included their children in the process.
In what looks to be murder/suicide, two lesbian marrieds, Jennifer & Sarah Hart from the Northwest drove their car off a cliff into the ocean. 3 of the 6 adopted kids' bodies & 2 adults found. 3 kids still missing & presumed dead.

Child in viral Portland police hug photo missing, 5 family members dead after California cliff crash

The family left home in a hurry just after a visit from child protective services and the sheriff. One of the lesbians had been convicted of domestic violence:

The three children killed weren't using safety equipment and "came out" of the vehicle at some point, the highway patrol said. The women were found inside.....Neighbors in Woodland told KOIN (6) they suspected the couple's children may have been abused.....A Clark County deputy had accompanied Cowlitz County Child Protective Services to the family's home Friday but nobody answered the door, Sgt. Brent Waddell, a Clark County Sheriff's Office spokesman, told The Oregonian/OregonLive on Wednesday....The women left in a hurry with all six kids shortly after the visit by CPS, a neighbor told KOIN.

Sarah Hart was convicted of domestic assault in Minnesota in 2011, court records show.
Domestic Violence Likely More Frequent for Same-Sex Couples - Northwestern Now

One of the children was in a viral video about "Black Lives Matter":

In 2014, a photograph of a tear-stricken Devonte hugging Sgt. Bret Barnum during a tense "Black Lives Matter" demonstration in downtown Portland went viral.

The photo, originally published by The Oregonian/OregonLive, was featured on NBC's "Today" show, ABC News, CBS News, MSNBC, Fox News, USA Today and Time.com. It reached No. 1 on the social-sharing website Reddit and got widespread Facebook attention.

Too bad kids' lives don't matter. Three of the children were ejected from the car when it landed upside down in the Pacific Ocean after being apparently driven into the sea. Authorities surmise they were not wearing seat belts. The case is still under investigation.
The fact that they were a lesbian couple is irrelevant. A fair number of heterosexual couples have committed murder/suicide and included their children in the process.

It is relevant in the sense that a couple are arguing over at the Dumont v Lyon thread that kids are far safer with lesbians than in homes where there are normal father & mother. The link in the OP here shows evidence there may be more of a predisposition in gay couplings for domestic violence per capital of that demographic.

The Dumont case is where lesbians are trying to force Michigan adoption agencies to adopt out orphans to married homes where the marriage contract banishes a father from the home for life.
Remember the heterosexual woman who drowned her kids because her boyfriend didn't want them? Then she put on a show for weeks, professing grief.
Remember the heterosexual woman who drowned her kids because her boyfriend didn't want them? Then she put on a show for weeks, professing grief.
Yes there's insanity all around. It just happens to be more prolific in the LGBT demographic. Read the second OP link when you get a minute.
In what looks to be murder/suicide, two lesbian marrieds, Jennifer & Sarah Hart from the Northwest drove their car off a cliff into the ocean. 3 of the 6 adopted kids' bodies & 2 adults found. 3 kids still missing & presumed dead.

Child in viral Portland police hug photo missing, 5 family members dead after California cliff crash

The family left home in a hurry just after a visit from child protective services and the sheriff. One of the lesbians had been convicted of domestic violence:

The three children killed weren't using safety equipment and "came out" of the vehicle at some point, the highway patrol said. The women were found inside.....Neighbors in Woodland told KOIN (6) they suspected the couple's children may have been abused.....A Clark County deputy had accompanied Cowlitz County Child Protective Services to the family's home Friday but nobody answered the door, Sgt. Brent Waddell, a Clark County Sheriff's Office spokesman, told The Oregonian/OregonLive on Wednesday....The women left in a hurry with all six kids shortly after the visit by CPS, a neighbor told KOIN.

Sarah Hart was convicted of domestic assault in Minnesota in 2011, court records show.
Domestic Violence Likely More Frequent for Same-Sex Couples - Northwestern Now

One of the children was in a viral video about "Black Lives Matter":

In 2014, a photograph of a tear-stricken Devonte hugging Sgt. Bret Barnum during a tense "Black Lives Matter" demonstration in downtown Portland went viral.

The photo, originally published by The Oregonian/OregonLive, was featured on NBC's "Today" show, ABC News, CBS News, MSNBC, Fox News, USA Today and Time.com. It reached No. 1 on the social-sharing website Reddit and got widespread Facebook attention.

Too bad kids' lives don't matter. Three of the children were ejected from the car when it landed upside down in the Pacific Ocean after being apparently driven into the sea. Authorities surmise they were not wearing seat belts. The case is still under investigation.
The fact that they were a lesbian couple is irrelevant. A fair number of heterosexual couples have committed murder/suicide and included their children in the process.

It is relevant in the sense that a couple are arguing over at the Dumont v Lyon thread that kids are far safer with lesbians than in homes where there are normal father & mother. .

No one in Dumont v. Lyon is arguing that.

Stop listening to the voices in your head- they lie to you.

What some bigots lie about is that children are not safe in homes with gay parents.

The reality is that there bad parents do happen- but there is no evidence that straight or gay parents are more or less likely to endanger children.
Remember the heterosexual woman who drowned her kids because her boyfriend didn't want them? Then she put on a show for weeks, professing grief.
Yes there's insanity all around. It just happens to be more prolific in the LGBT demographic. Read the second OP link when you get a minute.

What your link says is this:

CHICAGO --- Domestic violence occurs at least as frequently, and likely even more so, between same-sex couples compared to opposite-sex couples, according to a review of literature by Northwestern Medicine® scientists.

'likely even more so'

And that is the entire basis for this thread?

That same sex couples may have more violence between each other- so you start a thread about lesbians who may have killed their kids?

You are no different than the anti-semite who starts threads like this- except that thread would be

Jews and their 3 adopted kids die
What a terrible tragedy. Of course if the parents weren't lesbians you would never have started a thread.

You are just using this tragedy to attack gays again.

How do I know this?

Because you never started a thread regarding this case:
These Parents Kept 13 Kids Shackled As Slaves In Their Home

These Parents Kept 13 Kids Shackled As Slaves In Their Home

Now I suppose I could have started a thread like yours then:
Heterosexuals Married kept their 13 kids shackle as Slaves- but then that would make it all about attacking heterosexuals and heterosexual marriage.

I would be acting like you.

So my heart goes out to these kids- no one deserves to be killed by their parents.

Shame that all those kids are to you is a tool to attack gays.

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