less than 50% of americans think transgenderism is natural

Transgender is a mental issue and they need help. This isn't hereditary, you aren't born that way, it is a mental defect that needs to be dealt with, not given into.
Could you cite the code for the mental disorder you refer to from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 of the American Psychiatric Association, I wonder.

Show me where it is hereditary. It is a disorder, you may call it what you will but changing ones sex is impossible and it is a mind issue, not a physical issue.
What we KNOW is that Trump got 304 electoral votes and he won. What we also KNOW is that your bitch got 227 and didn't win. That's all that matters. Cry harder, pussy.
Mind your manners, please. You speak about women just as minority president-elect Donald Trump.

When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.
. Oh so you're for majority vote rules eh ? Funny how when the conservatives threaten with a majority on anything, then you people go into your anti-majority rules ranting and raving. You all do this because you see the majority vote as a huge threat to your agenda's and your narratives pushed, and your willingness to thwart the will of the people with every move you make. Now in this situation the majority rules is a good thing to you ?? You people are so screwed up that it's obvious to even the most ignorant of human beings now. I mean look at what you all pulled with proposition 8 where the people there in a majority voted against gay marriage, but then y'all got a judge to overthrow the citizens of the state wasn't it ? So now you all want majority vote to rule when it favors your agenda and power eh ???? I pray that the silent majority in this nation are not fooled by you demons anymore. You want it both ways, but cut off the majority when it goes against you. Pathetic.
I'm sorry; I think you are confusing me with someone else. For a long time I have believed that democracy was about everyone's vote being equal.

We aren't a democracy, we are a republic. Didn't school teach you that or were they too busy teaching you that Johnny has two mothers?
Transgender is a mental issue and they need help. This isn't hereditary, you aren't born that way, it is a mental defect that needs to be dealt with, not given into.
Could you cite the code for the mental disorder you refer to from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 of the American Psychiatric Association, I wonder.

Regardless of what any self-appointed authority may claim, I think it stands to reason that anyone who believes and insists on claiming something that is very obviously untrue, and for which the proof of its untruth is obvious even to the one making that claim; is prima facie delusional, and thus mentally-defective.

There really isn't any excuse for not knowing the difference between male and female. Someone who can look between his legs, and see well-formed boy parts, and still insists that he is female, is obviously delusional.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

Seems to be more of an expert than you.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

Doctors don't amputate a kidney to fix a broken wrist. Likewise, they don't amputate a penis & testicles to fix a broken mind.

It is malpractice. Brace yourself, because in the very near future, a lawsuit or a federal action will lay bare the practice for the crime it is & heads will roll. Until then, enjoy your delusional world of make believe..
And your knowledge of medicine is more akin to witchcraft than, say, Johns Hopkins.

Speaking of John Hopkins. Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’
Mind your manners, please. You speak about women just as minority president-elect Donald Trump.

When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.
. Oh so you're for majority vote rules eh ? Funny how when the conservatives threaten with a majority on anything, then you people go into your anti-majority rules ranting and raving. You all do this because you see the majority vote as a huge threat to your agenda's and your narratives pushed, and your willingness to thwart the will of the people with every move you make. Now in this situation the majority rules is a good thing to you ?? You people are so screwed up that it's obvious to even the most ignorant of human beings now. I mean look at what you all pulled with proposition 8 where the people there in a majority voted against gay marriage, but then y'all got a judge to overthrow the citizens of the state wasn't it ? So now you all want majority vote to rule when it favors your agenda and power eh ???? I pray that the silent majority in this nation are not fooled by you demons anymore. You want it both ways, but cut off the majority when it goes against you. Pathetic.
I'm sorry; I think you are confusing me with someone else. For a long time I have believed that democracy was about everyone's vote being equal.

We aren't a democracy, we are a republic. Didn't school teach you that or were they too busy teaching you that Johnny has two mothers?
Republicanism and democracy are not mutually exclusive.
When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.
. Oh so you're for majority vote rules eh ? Funny how when the conservatives threaten with a majority on anything, then you people go into your anti-majority rules ranting and raving. You all do this because you see the majority vote as a huge threat to your agenda's and your narratives pushed, and your willingness to thwart the will of the people with every move you make. Now in this situation the majority rules is a good thing to you ?? You people are so screwed up that it's obvious to even the most ignorant of human beings now. I mean look at what you all pulled with proposition 8 where the people there in a majority voted against gay marriage, but then y'all got a judge to overthrow the citizens of the state wasn't it ? So now you all want majority vote to rule when it favors your agenda and power eh ???? I pray that the silent majority in this nation are not fooled by you demons anymore. You want it both ways, but cut off the majority when it goes against you. Pathetic.
I'm sorry; I think you are confusing me with someone else. For a long time I have believed that democracy was about everyone's vote being equal.

We aren't a democracy, we are a republic. Didn't school teach you that or were they too busy teaching you that Johnny has two mothers?
Republicanism and democracy are not mutually exclusive.

Sir, the Electoral College is what we have had in place for over 200 years. Get your Congressman to change the Constitution, I have no issue. If you want to continue to whine and cry because you lost, then you have nothing. The rules were in place and followed, that you misunderstood that everyones vote was equal, that's your mistake. Learn from it.
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It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

Doctors don't amputate a kidney to fix a broken wrist. Likewise, they don't amputate a penis & testicles to fix a broken mind.

It is malpractice. Brace yourself, because in the very near future, a lawsuit or a federal action will lay bare the practice for the crime it is & heads will roll. Until then, enjoy your delusional world of make believe..
And your knowledge of medicine is more akin to witchcraft than, say, Johns Hopkins.

Speaking of John Hopkins. Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’
I shudder to think of the harm Dr. Paul R. McHugh of Johns Hopkins must have done with his backward attitude to sexuality. His tone and arrogance reminds me of some religious counselors who claim to be able to change gays into heterosexuals. It is a good thing that McHugh's dogma is, according to McHugh, "illegal in some states – California, New Jersey, and Massachusetts – have passed laws barring psychiatrists, “even with parental permission, from striving to restore natural gender feelings to a transgender minor,” he said." (from your citation). I also note that McHugh failed to privide the code from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 for transgenderism being a mental disorder. Furthermore, the article you cite is not a publication from Johns Hopkins but an article, not in a professional journal but from Time magazine cover story and reproduced by cnsnews.com, a eight-wing website that does not produce all sides of a debate but has an editorial spin, similar to FOX News.

A different opinion from Time magazine was printed later than McHugh's reactionary opinion which states, "In the last couple of decades, many medical institutions have moved away from the view that being transgender is the result of mental illness, as they previously did with homosexuality" and noting that "the social rejection and violence that many transgender people experience appears to be the primary source of their mental distress, as opposed to the distress being solely the result of being transgender." In other words the thinking espoused by McHugh is actually causing great emotional pain on transgender people.
Is Being Transgender a Mental Disorder?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.
. Oh so you're for majority vote rules eh ? Funny how when the conservatives threaten with a majority on anything, then you people go into your anti-majority rules ranting and raving. You all do this because you see the majority vote as a huge threat to your agenda's and your narratives pushed, and your willingness to thwart the will of the people with every move you make. Now in this situation the majority rules is a good thing to you ?? You people are so screwed up that it's obvious to even the most ignorant of human beings now. I mean look at what you all pulled with proposition 8 where the people there in a majority voted against gay marriage, but then y'all got a judge to overthrow the citizens of the state wasn't it ? So now you all want majority vote to rule when it favors your agenda and power eh ???? I pray that the silent majority in this nation are not fooled by you demons anymore. You want it both ways, but cut off the majority when it goes against you. Pathetic.
I'm sorry; I think you are confusing me with someone else. For a long time I have believed that democracy was about everyone's vote being equal.

We aren't a democracy, we are a republic. Didn't school teach you that or were they too busy teaching you that Johnny has two mothers?
Republicanism and democracy are not mutually exclusive.

Sir, the Electoral College is what we have had in place for over 200 years. Get your Congressman to change the Constitution, I have no issue. If you want to continue to whine and cry because you lost, then you have nothing. The rules were in place and followed, that you misunderstood that everyones vote was equal, that's your mistake. Learn from it.
Quit the mocking tone if you expect people to debate with you.
How do you know that considering many Americans did not vote?
We know that- based on the turnout and the % that Trump got,- only about 22% voted for him with the rest voting against him or abstaining

What we KNOW is that Trump got 304 electoral votes and he won. What we also KNOW is that your bitch got 227 and didn't win. That's all that matters. Cry harder, pussy.
Mind your manners, please. You speak about women just as minority president-elect Donald Trump.

When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.

Go right ahead and try to change it. WE won't let you.
. Oh so you're for majority vote rules eh ? Funny how when the conservatives threaten with a majority on anything, then you people go into your anti-majority rules ranting and raving. You all do this because you see the majority vote as a huge threat to your agenda's and your narratives pushed, and your willingness to thwart the will of the people with every move you make. Now in this situation the majority rules is a good thing to you ?? You people are so screwed up that it's obvious to even the most ignorant of human beings now. I mean look at what you all pulled with proposition 8 where the people there in a majority voted against gay marriage, but then y'all got a judge to overthrow the citizens of the state wasn't it ? So now you all want majority vote to rule when it favors your agenda and power eh ???? I pray that the silent majority in this nation are not fooled by you demons anymore. You want it both ways, but cut off the majority when it goes against you. Pathetic.
I'm sorry; I think you are confusing me with someone else. For a long time I have believed that democracy was about everyone's vote being equal.

We aren't a democracy, we are a republic. Didn't school teach you that or were they too busy teaching you that Johnny has two mothers?
Republicanism and democracy are not mutually exclusive.

Sir, the Electoral College is what we have had in place for over 200 years. Get your Congressman to change the Constitution, I have no issue. If you want to continue to whine and cry because you lost, then you have nothing. The rules were in place and followed, that you misunderstood that everyones vote was equal, that's your mistake. Learn from it.
Quit the mocking tone if you expect people to debate with you.

I'm not mocking anyone, I am simply saying the rules have been in place for over 200 years and if you want it change, then make the effort to change them. This is the fifth this has happened and no effort has been made to change the Constitution, just people that complain when it happens. My guy lost, your guy lost and Trump won, I still go to work and my life goes on. I don't care to make excuses for my candidate, he didn't get his message out but that is life. Take care and debate someone else.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

Doctors don't amputate a kidney to fix a broken wrist. Likewise, they don't amputate a penis & testicles to fix a broken mind.

It is malpractice. Brace yourself, because in the very near future, a lawsuit or a federal action will lay bare the practice for the crime it is & heads will roll. Until then, enjoy your delusional world of make believe..
And your knowledge of medicine is more akin to witchcraft than, say, Johns Hopkins.

Speaking of John Hopkins. Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’
I shudder to think of the harm Dr. Paul R. McHugh of Johns Hopkins must have done with his backward attitude to sexuality. His tone and arrogance reminds me of some religious counselors who claim to be able to change gays into heterosexuals. It is a good thing that McHugh's dogma is, according to McHugh, "illegal in some states – California, New Jersey, and Massachusetts – have passed laws barring psychiatrists, “even with parental permission, from striving to restore natural gender feelings to a transgender minor,” he said." (from your citation). I also note that McHugh failed to privide the code from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 for transgenderism being a mental disorder. Furthermore, the article you cite is not a publication from Johns Hopkins but an article, not in a professional journal but from Time magazine cover story and reproduced by cnsnews.com, a eight-wing website that does not produce all sides of a debate but has an editorial spin, similar to FOX News.

A different opinion from Time magazine was printed later than McHugh's reactionary opinion which states, "In the last couple of decades, many medical institutions have moved away from the view that being transgender is the result of mental illness, as they previously did with homosexuality" and noting that "the social rejection and violence that many transgender people experience appears to be the primary source of their mental distress, as opposed to the distress being solely the result of being transgender." In other words the thinking espoused by McHugh is actually causing great emotional pain on transgender people.
Is Being Transgender a Mental Disorder?

So it's a physical disorder? I have a tough time believing that when the source of the desire is in the mind.
We know that- based on the turnout and the % that Trump got,- only about 22% voted for him with the rest voting against him or abstaining

What we KNOW is that Trump got 304 electoral votes and he won. What we also KNOW is that your bitch got 227 and didn't win. That's all that matters. Cry harder, pussy.
Mind your manners, please. You speak about women just as minority president-elect Donald Trump.

When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.

Go right ahead and try to change it. WE won't let you.

If it changes fine, the rules are the rules. The issue is they want it to work 100% for them and when it doesn't, they want it changed and then when it doesn't work in their favor they want to change it back. Look at the nuclear option, they voted for it and now they claim it needs to be changed back. Pretty childish games.
I hold sound science in higher esteem than bizarre left wrong-wing perversions and delusions. Only to a depraved liberal freak is that a “problem”.
Bullshit !! You have ignored or ridiculed every one of the links that I have posted to scientific evidence.

You links prove nothing. The distinction between boys and girls, between men and women, is one of simple, obvious, biology and morphology. It's not exactly rocket science. An average five-year-old knows the difference between a boy and a girl.
I hold sound science in higher esteem than bizarre left wrong-wing perversions and delusions. Only to a depraved liberal freak is that a “problem”.
Bullshit !! You have ignored or ridiculed every one of the links that I have posted to scientific evidence.

You links prove nothing. The distinction between boys and girls, between men and women, is one of simple, obvious, biology and morphology. It's not exactly rocket science. An average five-year-old knows the difference between a boy and a girl.
Man you are a willfully ignorant ass hat!! The science that I presented and that you are either incapable of understanding or afraid to deal with in an honest way is clear. Many people are not 100% male or female and the differences manifest themselves on many levels and in different ways. You are seriously mentally or intellectually challenged dude. Not wasting another key stroke on you.
Man you are a willfully ignorant ass hat!! … You are seriously mentally or intellectually challenged dude.

Said by the freak who doesn't know the difference between boys and girls.

We know that- based on the turnout and the % that Trump got,- only about 22% voted for him with the rest voting against him or abstaining

What we KNOW is that Trump got 304 electoral votes and he won. What we also KNOW is that your bitch got 227 and didn't win. That's all that matters. Cry harder, pussy.
Mind your manners, please. You speak about women just as minority president-elect Donald Trump.

When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.

Go right ahead and try to change it. WE won't let you.
That sounds seditious.
When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.
. Oh so you're for majority vote rules eh ? Funny how when the conservatives threaten with a majority on anything, then you people go into your anti-majority rules ranting and raving. You all do this because you see the majority vote as a huge threat to your agenda's and your narratives pushed, and your willingness to thwart the will of the people with every move you make. Now in this situation the majority rules is a good thing to you ?? You people are so screwed up that it's obvious to even the most ignorant of human beings now. I mean look at what you all pulled with proposition 8 where the people there in a majority voted against gay marriage, but then y'all got a judge to overthrow the citizens of the state wasn't it ? So now you all want majority vote to rule when it favors your agenda and power eh ???? I pray that the silent majority in this nation are not fooled by you demons anymore. You want it both ways, but cut off the majority when it goes against you. Pathetic.
I'm sorry; I think you are confusing me with someone else. For a long time I have believed that democracy was about everyone's vote being equal.

We aren't a democracy, we are a republic. Didn't school teach you that or were they too busy teaching you that Johnny has two mothers?
Republicanism and democracy are not mutually exclusive.

They aren't the same as you freaks would like to believe.
. Oh so you're for majority vote rules eh ? Funny how when the conservatives threaten with a majority on anything, then you people go into your anti-majority rules ranting and raving. You all do this because you see the majority vote as a huge threat to your agenda's and your narratives pushed, and your willingness to thwart the will of the people with every move you make. Now in this situation the majority rules is a good thing to you ?? You people are so screwed up that it's obvious to even the most ignorant of human beings now. I mean look at what you all pulled with proposition 8 where the people there in a majority voted against gay marriage, but then y'all got a judge to overthrow the citizens of the state wasn't it ? So now you all want majority vote to rule when it favors your agenda and power eh ???? I pray that the silent majority in this nation are not fooled by you demons anymore. You want it both ways, but cut off the majority when it goes against you. Pathetic.
I'm sorry; I think you are confusing me with someone else. For a long time I have believed that democracy was about everyone's vote being equal.

We aren't a democracy, we are a republic. Didn't school teach you that or were they too busy teaching you that Johnny has two mothers?
Republicanism and democracy are not mutually exclusive.

Sir, the Electoral College is what we have had in place for over 200 years. Get your Congressman to change the Constitution, I have no issue. If you want to continue to whine and cry because you lost, then you have nothing. The rules were in place and followed, that you misunderstood that everyones vote was equal, that's your mistake. Learn from it.
Quit the mocking tone if you expect people to debate with you.

Idiots like you should be mocked for being an idiot unwilling to learn.

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