less than 50% of americans think transgenderism is natural

It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

Doctors don't amputate a kidney to fix a broken wrist. Likewise, they don't amputate a penis & testicles to fix a broken mind.

It is malpractice. Brace yourself, because in the very near future, a lawsuit or a federal action will lay bare the practice for the crime it is & heads will roll. Until then, enjoy your delusional world of make believe..
And your knowledge of medicine is more akin to witchcraft than, say, Johns Hopkins.

Speaking of John Hopkins. Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’
I shudder to think of the harm Dr. Paul R. McHugh of Johns Hopkins must have done with his backward attitude to sexuality. His tone and arrogance reminds me of some religious counselors who claim to be able to change gays into heterosexuals. It is a good thing that McHugh's dogma is, according to McHugh, "illegal in some states – California, New Jersey, and Massachusetts – have passed laws barring psychiatrists, “even with parental permission, from striving to restore natural gender feelings to a transgender minor,” he said." (from your citation). I also note that McHugh failed to privide the code from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 for transgenderism being a mental disorder. Furthermore, the article you cite is not a publication from Johns Hopkins but an article, not in a professional journal but from Time magazine cover story and reproduced by cnsnews.com, a eight-wing website that does not produce all sides of a debate but has an editorial spin, similar to FOX News.

A different opinion from Time magazine was printed later than McHugh's reactionary opinion which states, "In the last couple of decades, many medical institutions have moved away from the view that being transgender is the result of mental illness, as they previously did with homosexuality" and noting that "the social rejection and violence that many transgender people experience appears to be the primary source of their mental distress, as opposed to the distress being solely the result of being transgender." In other words the thinking espoused by McHugh is actually causing great emotional pain on transgender people.
Is Being Transgender a Mental Disorder?

So it's a physical disorder? I have a tough time believing that when the source of the desire is in the mind.
It is not so much the mind but the brain that controls everything, including hormones, sexual orientation and what it means to be masculine or feminine or some of both.
Mind your manners, please. You speak about women just as minority president-elect Donald Trump.

When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.
. Oh so you're for majority vote rules eh ? Funny how when the conservatives threaten with a majority on anything, then you people go into your anti-majority rules ranting and raving. You all do this because you see the majority vote as a huge threat to your agenda's and your narratives pushed, and your willingness to thwart the will of the people with every move you make. Now in this situation the majority rules is a good thing to you ?? You people are so screwed up that it's obvious to even the most ignorant of human beings now. I mean look at what you all pulled with proposition 8 where the people there in a majority voted against gay marriage, but then y'all got a judge to overthrow the citizens of the state wasn't it ? So now you all want majority vote to rule when it favors your agenda and power eh ???? I pray that the silent majority in this nation are not fooled by you demons anymore. You want it both ways, but cut off the majority when it goes against you. Pathetic.
I'm sorry; I think you are confusing me with someone else. For a long time I have believed that democracy was about everyone's vote being equal.

We aren't a democracy, we are a republic. Didn't school teach you that or were they too busy teaching you that Johnny has two mothers?

He was too busy learning that Johnny's daddy can be his mommy if he feels that way and vice versa.
I hold sound science in higher esteem than bizarre left wrong-wing perversions and delusions. Only to a depraved liberal freak is that a “problem”.
Bullshit !! You have ignored or ridiculed every one of the links that I have posted to scientific evidence.

You links prove nothing. The distinction between boys and girls, between men and women, is one of simple, obvious, biology and morphology. It's not exactly rocket science. An average five-year-old knows the difference between a boy and a girl.
It is that simple for most but not all.
Transgender is a mental issue and they need help. This isn't hereditary, you aren't born that way, it is a mental defect that needs to be dealt with, not given into.
Could you cite the code for the mental disorder you refer to from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 of the American Psychiatric Association, I wonder.

Regardless of what any self-appointed authority may claim, I think it stands to reason that anyone who believes and insists on claiming something that is very obviously untrue, and for which the proof of its untruth is obvious even to the one making that claim; is prima facie delusional, and thus mentally-defective.

There really isn't any excuse for not knowing the difference between male and female. Someone who can look between his legs, and see well-formed boy parts, and still insists that he is female, is obviously delusional.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

One does not have to be an expert in order to recognize a mental disorder. If you're a male thinking you can be a female because you feel that way, you have a mental disorder. It simply can't happen.
I hold sound science in higher esteem than bizarre left wrong-wing perversions and delusions. Only to a depraved liberal freak is that a “problem”.
Bullshit !! You have ignored or ridiculed every one of the links that I have posted to scientific evidence.

You links prove nothing. The distinction between boys and girls, between men and women, is one of simple, obvious, biology and morphology. It's not exactly rocket science. An average five-year-old knows the difference between a boy and a girl.
It is that simple for most but not all.

Those that don't understand that simplicity and still think they can be the only other possible gender because they feel that way have a mental disorder.
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds

What the fuck does natural have to do with anything?

Is your posting on this forum natural?
Is the car in your profile pic natural?
Is medical care natural?
Is air conditioning or refrigeration natural?

It's natural to post on discussion forums.

It's natural to post pictures on them.

It's natural to get something fixed if it's not working properly.

It's natural for air conditioning to work the way it work to condition the air.

It's not natural for someone born a male to think they are a female (vice versa). You can't become the other gender by simply feeling you are.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

Doctors don't amputate a kidney to fix a broken wrist. Likewise, they don't amputate a penis & testicles to fix a broken mind.

It is malpractice. Brace yourself, because in the very near future, a lawsuit or a federal action will lay bare the practice for the crime it is & heads will roll. Until then, enjoy your delusional world of make believe..
And your knowledge of medicine is more akin to witchcraft than, say, Johns Hopkins.

My knowledge of biology allows me to understand the difference between male and female while also understanding that you don't become the other by thinking you are.
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds

What the fuck does natural have to do with anything?

Is your posting on this forum natural?
Is the car in your profile pic natural?
Is medical care natural?
Is air conditioning or refrigeration natural?

It's natural to post on discussion forums.

It's natural to post pictures on them.

It's natural to get something fixed if it's not working properly.

It's natural for air conditioning to work the way it work to condition the air.

It's not natural for someone born a male to think they are a female (vice versa). You can't become the other gender by simply feeling you are.

I think you don't have a clue what "natural" means. Internet forums, pictures, and a/c not natural.

Gender is more than a penis or vagina. There are mental and emotional aspects to each.

And you want to decide that based on "natural"? Utter nonsense. Like someone said earlier, quite trying to sneak a peek at people's genitals and mind your own business.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

Doctors don't amputate a kidney to fix a broken wrist. Likewise, they don't amputate a penis & testicles to fix a broken mind.

It is malpractice. Brace yourself, because in the very near future, a lawsuit or a federal action will lay bare the practice for the crime it is & heads will roll. Until then, enjoy your delusional world of make believe..
And your knowledge of medicine is more akin to witchcraft than, say, Johns Hopkins.

My knowledge of biology allows me to understand the difference between male and female while also understanding that you don't become the other by thinking you are.

And my knowledge of biology and psychology allows me to understand that it does not effect me at all if someone's physical gender does not match their who they believe they are. No, they do not become the other gender. But why do you care if they are trans? What possible difference can it make?
Transgender is a mental issue and they need help. This isn't hereditary, you aren't born that way, it is a mental defect that needs to be dealt with, not given into.
Could you cite the code for the mental disorder you refer to from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 of the American Psychiatric Association, I wonder.

Regardless of what any self-appointed authority may claim, I think it stands to reason that anyone who believes and insists on claiming something that is very obviously untrue, and for which the proof of its untruth is obvious even to the one making that claim; is prima facie delusional, and thus mentally-defective.

There really isn't any excuse for not knowing the difference between male and female. Someone who can look between his legs, and see well-formed boy parts, and still insists that he is female, is obviously delusional.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

One does not have to be an expert in order to recognize a mental disorder. If you're a male thinking you can be a female because you feel that way, you have a mental disorder. It simply can't happen.

Has anyone claimed that people can change biological gender because they THINK they are? No. No one at all. But you are arguing against what no one has said.

Now, there are people who feel they are better suited to live their life as the opposite gender. They are the only ones who know how they feel. You arguing with that is laughable.

The bottom line is that it does not matter. Who cares if someone wants to be a trans?
Transgender is a mental issue and they need help. This isn't hereditary, you aren't born that way, it is a mental defect that needs to be dealt with, not given into.
Could you cite the code for the mental disorder you refer to from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 of the American Psychiatric Association, I wonder.

Regardless of what any self-appointed authority may claim, I think it stands to reason that anyone who believes and insists on claiming something that is very obviously untrue, and for which the proof of its untruth is obvious even to the one making that claim; is prima facie delusional, and thus mentally-defective.

There really isn't any excuse for not knowing the difference between male and female. Someone who can look between his legs, and see well-formed boy parts, and still insists that he is female, is obviously delusional.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

One does not have to be an expert in order to recognize a mental disorder. If you're a male thinking you can be a female because you feel that way, you have a mental disorder. It simply can't happen.

Has anyone claimed that people can change biological gender because they THINK they are? No. No one at all. But you are arguing against what no one has said.

Now, there are people who feel they are better suited to live their life as the opposite gender. They are the only ones who know how they feel. You arguing with that is laughable.

The bottom line is that it does not matter. Who cares if someone wants to be a trans?

All the time. If they live their life and present themselves as the opposite gender they were born, there is no difference. When they expect others to treat them as the gender they weren't born, there is no difference.

I care because unlike you, I know the difference and won't treat something that isn't a certain way that way because someone feels like something they simply can't be. It's a mental disorder. If you justify if, you have one, too.
Could you cite the code for the mental disorder you refer to from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 of the American Psychiatric Association, I wonder.

Regardless of what any self-appointed authority may claim, I think it stands to reason that anyone who believes and insists on claiming something that is very obviously untrue, and for which the proof of its untruth is obvious even to the one making that claim; is prima facie delusional, and thus mentally-defective.

There really isn't any excuse for not knowing the difference between male and female. Someone who can look between his legs, and see well-formed boy parts, and still insists that he is female, is obviously delusional.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

One does not have to be an expert in order to recognize a mental disorder. If you're a male thinking you can be a female because you feel that way, you have a mental disorder. It simply can't happen.

Has anyone claimed that people can change biological gender because they THINK they are? No. No one at all. But you are arguing against what no one has said.

Now, there are people who feel they are better suited to live their life as the opposite gender. They are the only ones who know how they feel. You arguing with that is laughable.

The bottom line is that it does not matter. Who cares if someone wants to be a trans?

All the time. If they live their life and present themselves as the opposite gender they were born, there is no difference. When they expect others to treat them as the gender they weren't born, there is no difference.

I care because unlike you, I know the difference and won't treat something that isn't a certain way that way because someone feels like something they simply can't be. It's a mental disorder. If you justify if, you have one, too.

I am not justifying anything. I am asking what difference it makes.

You have probably already shared a bathroom with a trans person and probably didn't know it. The threat is between your ears.

What is wrong with treating people like the person they believe they are? If she thinks she is a she, and still has a penis, what harm does treating her like a she do anyone?

Simple life rule for you. Don't be a dick. Contrary to what some people seem to believe, being a dick does not make you tough, strong, or in charge. It just makes you an ass.
Could you cite the code for the mental disorder you refer to from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 of the American Psychiatric Association, I wonder.

Regardless of what any self-appointed authority may claim, I think it stands to reason that anyone who believes and insists on claiming something that is very obviously untrue, and for which the proof of its untruth is obvious even to the one making that claim; is prima facie delusional, and thus mentally-defective.

There really isn't any excuse for not knowing the difference between male and female. Someone who can look between his legs, and see well-formed boy parts, and still insists that he is female, is obviously delusional.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

One does not have to be an expert in order to recognize a mental disorder. If you're a male thinking you can be a female because you feel that way, you have a mental disorder. It simply can't happen.

Has anyone claimed that people can change biological gender because they THINK they are? No. No one at all. But you are arguing against what no one has said.

Now, there are people who feel they are better suited to live their life as the opposite gender. They are the only ones who know how they feel. You arguing with that is laughable.

The bottom line is that it does not matter. Who cares if someone wants to be a trans?

All the time. If they live their life and present themselves as the opposite gender they were born, there is no difference. When they expect others to treat them as the gender they weren't born, there is no difference.

I care because unlike you, I know the difference and won't treat something that isn't a certain way that way because someone feels like something they simply can't be. It's a mental disorder. If you justify if, you have one, too.

Oh, and no one has has that being a trans is the same as being a biological female. No one. Now, the fact that these people prefer to act like a female, dress like a female, and prefer to be treated as if they are a female does not mean that they believe that they have magically changed into a female. It means they identify as female. Treating them as such does you no harm whatsoever. Demanding that everyone treat them as mentally ill does do harm.
Doctors don't amputate a kidney to fix a broken wrist. Likewise, they don't amputate a penis & testicles to fix a broken mind.

It is malpractice. Brace yourself, because in the very near future, a lawsuit or a federal action will lay bare the practice for the crime it is & heads will roll. Until then, enjoy your delusional world of make believe..
And your knowledge of medicine is more akin to witchcraft than, say, Johns Hopkins.

Speaking of John Hopkins. Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’
I shudder to think of the harm Dr. Paul R. McHugh of Johns Hopkins must have done with his backward attitude to sexuality. His tone and arrogance reminds me of some religious counselors who claim to be able to change gays into heterosexuals. It is a good thing that McHugh's dogma is, according to McHugh, "illegal in some states – California, New Jersey, and Massachusetts – have passed laws barring psychiatrists, “even with parental permission, from striving to restore natural gender feelings to a transgender minor,” he said." (from your citation). I also note that McHugh failed to privide the code from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 for transgenderism being a mental disorder. Furthermore, the article you cite is not a publication from Johns Hopkins but an article, not in a professional journal but from Time magazine cover story and reproduced by cnsnews.com, a eight-wing website that does not produce all sides of a debate but has an editorial spin, similar to FOX News.

A different opinion from Time magazine was printed later than McHugh's reactionary opinion which states, "In the last couple of decades, many medical institutions have moved away from the view that being transgender is the result of mental illness, as they previously did with homosexuality" and noting that "the social rejection and violence that many transgender people experience appears to be the primary source of their mental distress, as opposed to the distress being solely the result of being transgender." In other words the thinking espoused by McHugh is actually causing great emotional pain on transgender people.
Is Being Transgender a Mental Disorder?

So it's a physical disorder? I have a tough time believing that when the source of the desire is in the mind.
It is not so much the mind but the brain that controls everything, including hormones, sexual orientation and what it means to be masculine or feminine or some of both.

So it's not a physical disorder? So it is a mental disorder like being bipolar feeding the brain wrong information.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

Doctors don't amputate a kidney to fix a broken wrist. Likewise, they don't amputate a penis & testicles to fix a broken mind.

It is malpractice. Brace yourself, because in the very near future, a lawsuit or a federal action will lay bare the practice for the crime it is & heads will roll. Until then, enjoy your delusional world of make believe..
And your knowledge of medicine is more akin to witchcraft than, say, Johns Hopkins.

My knowledge of biology allows me to understand the difference between male and female while also understanding that you don't become the other by thinking you are.
Regardless of what any self-appointed authority may claim, I think it stands to reason that anyone who believes and insists on claiming something that is very obviously untrue, and for which the proof of its untruth is obvious even to the one making that claim; is prima facie delusional, and thus mentally-defective.

There really isn't any excuse for not knowing the difference between male and female. Someone who can look between his legs, and see well-formed boy parts, and still insists that he is female, is obviously delusional.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

One does not have to be an expert in order to recognize a mental disorder. If you're a male thinking you can be a female because you feel that way, you have a mental disorder. It simply can't happen.

Has anyone claimed that people can change biological gender because they THINK they are? No. No one at all. But you are arguing against what no one has said.

Now, there are people who feel they are better suited to live their life as the opposite gender. They are the only ones who know how they feel. You arguing with that is laughable.

The bottom line is that it does not matter. Who cares if someone wants to be a trans?

All the time. If they live their life and present themselves as the opposite gender they were born, there is no difference. When they expect others to treat them as the gender they weren't born, there is no difference.

I care because unlike you, I know the difference and won't treat something that isn't a certain way that way because someone feels like something they simply can't be. It's a mental disorder. If you justify if, you have one, too.

I am not justifying anything. I am asking what difference it makes.

You have probably already shared a bathroom with a trans person and probably didn't know it. The threat is between your ears.

What is wrong with treating people like the person they believe they are? If she thinks she is a she, and still has a penis, what harm does treating her like a she do anyone?

Simple life rule for you. Don't be a dick. Contrary to what some people seem to believe, being a dick does not make you tough, strong, or in charge. It just makes you an ass.

When you say it's OK to let someone believe that they can feel like they're something they simply can't be, it's justifying.

Simple rule for life. Learn the truth and don't enable people to live a lie. It's a mental disorder you have.

If he has a penis, he can't be a she no matter how much he thinks so.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

Doctors don't amputate a kidney to fix a broken wrist. Likewise, they don't amputate a penis & testicles to fix a broken mind.

It is malpractice. Brace yourself, because in the very near future, a lawsuit or a federal action will lay bare the practice for the crime it is & heads will roll. Until then, enjoy your delusional world of make believe..
And your knowledge of medicine is more akin to witchcraft than, say, Johns Hopkins.

My knowledge of biology allows me to understand the difference between male and female while also understanding that you don't become the other by thinking you are.

Unlike you that thinks someone born a man can be a female because he thinks so.

I'm am the man. Understanding biology allows me to know that.
Regardless of what any self-appointed authority may claim, I think it stands to reason that anyone who believes and insists on claiming something that is very obviously untrue, and for which the proof of its untruth is obvious even to the one making that claim; is prima facie delusional, and thus mentally-defective.

There really isn't any excuse for not knowing the difference between male and female. Someone who can look between his legs, and see well-formed boy parts, and still insists that he is female, is obviously delusional.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

One does not have to be an expert in order to recognize a mental disorder. If you're a male thinking you can be a female because you feel that way, you have a mental disorder. It simply can't happen.

Has anyone claimed that people can change biological gender because they THINK they are? No. No one at all. But you are arguing against what no one has said.

Now, there are people who feel they are better suited to live their life as the opposite gender. They are the only ones who know how they feel. You arguing with that is laughable.

The bottom line is that it does not matter. Who cares if someone wants to be a trans?

All the time. If they live their life and present themselves as the opposite gender they were born, there is no difference. When they expect others to treat them as the gender they weren't born, there is no difference.

I care because unlike you, I know the difference and won't treat something that isn't a certain way that way because someone feels like something they simply can't be. It's a mental disorder. If you justify if, you have one, too.

Oh, and no one has has that being a trans is the same as being a biological female. No one. Now, the fact that these people prefer to act like a female, dress like a female, and prefer to be treated as if they are a female does not mean that they believe that they have magically changed into a female. It means they identify as female. Treating them as such does you no harm whatsoever. Demanding that everyone treat them as mentally ill does do harm.

When they live the life of one and expect others to treat them as one, there is no difference.

Identifying as a female and living as one means they're living a life that simply is untrue based on biology.

Since they are mentally ill, they should be treated as mentally ill. The harm is in not doing so.

I'll treat them as the gender they were born because that's the only gender they can be physically or in identification.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

One does not have to be an expert in order to recognize a mental disorder. If you're a male thinking you can be a female because you feel that way, you have a mental disorder. It simply can't happen.

Has anyone claimed that people can change biological gender because they THINK they are? No. No one at all. But you are arguing against what no one has said.

Now, there are people who feel they are better suited to live their life as the opposite gender. They are the only ones who know how they feel. You arguing with that is laughable.

The bottom line is that it does not matter. Who cares if someone wants to be a trans?

All the time. If they live their life and present themselves as the opposite gender they were born, there is no difference. When they expect others to treat them as the gender they weren't born, there is no difference.

I care because unlike you, I know the difference and won't treat something that isn't a certain way that way because someone feels like something they simply can't be. It's a mental disorder. If you justify if, you have one, too.

I am not justifying anything. I am asking what difference it makes.

You have probably already shared a bathroom with a trans person and probably didn't know it. The threat is between your ears.

What is wrong with treating people like the person they believe they are? If she thinks she is a she, and still has a penis, what harm does treating her like a she do anyone?

Simple life rule for you. Don't be a dick. Contrary to what some people seem to believe, being a dick does not make you tough, strong, or in charge. It just makes you an ass.

When you say it's OK to let someone believe that they can feel like they're something they simply can't be, it's justifying.

Simple rule for life. Learn the truth and don't enable people to live a lie. It's a mental disorder you have.

If he has a penis, he can't be a she no matter how much he thinks so.

What does it matter? You want to sound noble by your claims to deny allowing someone to live a lie. But what business is it of yours?

Do you tell women who dye their hair that they are living a lie? Or women with breast implants?

If someone wants to live life as the opposite gender, what business is that of yours? Mind your own business and leave people alone. I am quite sure that you have things you could be working on to improve your own life and situation. Focus on that and not on nonsense.

And while we are on the topic of minding our own business, since when did being a nosy busybody become a conservative characteristic? Conservatives were once fiercely independent and fought for people's rights to be individuals. Now they whine because people don't fit neat molds of who they think they should be? Since when did worrying about genitalia become a conservative trait?

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