less than 50% of americans think transgenderism is natural

We know that- based on the turnout and the % that Trump got,- only about 22% voted for him with the rest voting against him or abstaining

What we KNOW is that Trump got 304 electoral votes and he won. What we also KNOW is that your bitch got 227 and didn't win. That's all that matters. Cry harder, pussy.
Mind your manners, please. You speak about women just as minority president-elect Donald Trump.

When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.

Depends on how you look at it. The Bill of Rights, 10 of those additions, didn't change anything in the original document and are often considered more a part of the original than changes. That means 17 changes have occurred and many of those were more procedural changes than "corrections".

Since you think it should be more "democratic", get to stepping on having it changed. Until it is, it works the way the Constitution says whether you like it or not. By the way, the Constitution itself says how those changes can come about. Better get started.
Such a task is well beyond my capability.
What we KNOW is that Trump got 304 electoral votes and he won. What we also KNOW is that your bitch got 227 and didn't win. That's all that matters. Cry harder, pussy.
Mind your manners, please. You speak about women just as minority president-elect Donald Trump.

When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.

Depends on how you look at it. The Bill of Rights, 10 of those additions, didn't change anything in the original document and are often considered more a part of the original than changes. That means 17 changes have occurred and many of those were more procedural changes than "corrections".

Since you think it should be more "democratic", get to stepping on having it changed. Until it is, it works the way the Constitution says whether you like it or not. By the way, the Constitution itself says how those changes can come about. Better get started.
Such a task is well beyond my capability.

Sounds to me like you have only one option and that is to STFU.
Mind your manners, please. You speak about women just as minority president-elect Donald Trump.

When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.

Depends on how you look at it. The Bill of Rights, 10 of those additions, didn't change anything in the original document and are often considered more a part of the original than changes. That means 17 changes have occurred and many of those were more procedural changes than "corrections".

Since you think it should be more "democratic", get to stepping on having it changed. Until it is, it works the way the Constitution says whether you like it or not. By the way, the Constitution itself says how those changes can come about. Better get started.
Such a task is well beyond my capability.

Sounds to me like you have only one option and that is to STFU.
You will not hear from me again.
When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.

Depends on how you look at it. The Bill of Rights, 10 of those additions, didn't change anything in the original document and are often considered more a part of the original than changes. That means 17 changes have occurred and many of those were more procedural changes than "corrections".

Since you think it should be more "democratic", get to stepping on having it changed. Until it is, it works the way the Constitution says whether you like it or not. By the way, the Constitution itself says how those changes can come about. Better get started.
Such a task is well beyond my capability.

Sounds to me like you have only one option and that is to STFU.
You will not hear from me again.

Good. You have nothing worthwhile to say.
How do you know that considering many Americans did not vote?
We know that- based on the turnout and the % that Trump got,- only about 22% voted for him with the rest voting against him or abstaining

What we KNOW is that Trump got 304 electoral votes and he won. What we also KNOW is that your bitch got 227 and didn't win. That's all that matters. Cry harder, pussy.
Mind your manners, please. You speak about women just as minority president-elect Donald Trump.

When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.
. Oh so you're for majority vote rules eh ? Funny how when the conservatives threaten with a majority on anything, then you people go into your anti-majority rules ranting and raving. You all do this because you see the majority vote as a huge threat to your agenda's and your narratives pushed, and your willingness to thwart the will of the people with every move you make. Now in this situation the majority rules is a good thing to you ?? You people are so screwed up that it's obvious to even the most ignorant of human beings now. I mean look at what you all pulled with proposition 8 where the people there in a majority voted against gay marriage, but then y'all got a judge to overthrow the citizens of the state wasn't it ? So now you all want majority vote to rule when it favors your agenda and power eh ???? I pray that the silent majority in this nation are not fooled by you demons anymore. You want it both ways, but cut off the majority when it goes against you. Pathetic.
We know that- based on the turnout and the % that Trump got,- only about 22% voted for him with the rest voting against him or abstaining

What we KNOW is that Trump got 304 electoral votes and he won. What we also KNOW is that your bitch got 227 and didn't win. That's all that matters. Cry harder, pussy.
Mind your manners, please. You speak about women just as minority president-elect Donald Trump.

When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.
. Oh so you're for majority vote rules eh ? Funny how when the conservatives threaten with a majority on anything, then you people go into your anti-majority rules ranting and raving. You all do this because you see the majority vote as a huge threat to your agenda's and your narratives pushed, and your willingness to thwart the will of the people with every move you make. Now in this situation the majority rules is a good thing to you ?? You people are so screwed up that it's obvious to even the most ignorant of human beings now. I mean look at what you all pulled with proposition 8 where the people there in a majority voted against gay marriage, but then y'all got a judge to overthrow the citizens of the state wasn't it ? So now you all want majority vote to rule when it favors your agenda and power eh ???? I pray that the silent majority in this nation are not fooled by you demons anymore. You want it both ways, but cut off the majority when it goes against you. Pathetic.
I'm sorry; I think you are confusing me with someone else. For a long time I have believed that democracy was about everyone's vote being equal.
What we KNOW is that Trump got 304 electoral votes and he won. What we also KNOW is that your bitch got 227 and didn't win. That's all that matters. Cry harder, pussy.
Mind your manners, please. You speak about women just as minority president-elect Donald Trump.

When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.
. Oh so you're for majority vote rules eh ? Funny how when the conservatives threaten with a majority on anything, then you people go into your anti-majority rules ranting and raving. You all do this because you see the majority vote as a huge threat to your agenda's and your narratives pushed, and your willingness to thwart the will of the people with every move you make. Now in this situation the majority rules is a good thing to you ?? You people are so screwed up that it's obvious to even the most ignorant of human beings now. I mean look at what you all pulled with proposition 8 where the people there in a majority voted against gay marriage, but then y'all got a judge to overthrow the citizens of the state wasn't it ? So now you all want majority vote to rule when it favors your agenda and power eh ???? I pray that the silent majority in this nation are not fooled by you demons anymore. You want it both ways, but cut off the majority when it goes against you. Pathetic.
I'm sorry; I think you are confusing me with someone else. For a long time I have believed that democracy was about everyone's vote being equal.

Everyone's vote is equal. You get to cast yours and I get to cast mine. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. In 2016, the bitch Hillary lost.
I have to wonder about people like you who are so damned uptight about gender, sex, sexuality etc. So what- if in this case- it is "made up., invented, a fad, a choice ? Unlike with transgender and homosexuality, I honestly can't say that it is not a choice. SO WHAT?? Let them be who and what they are. Why are you so threatened and offended by anyone else's sexual or gender expression? Seems to me that YOU are the freak with the problem.

It is one thing to worry about what perverts do in the privacy of their own homes.

It is another thing entirely, when perverts force their sickness on others, and allow others to be affected by it.

When decent businesspeople are sued and driven out of business, for refusing to support a sick, immoral homosexual mockery of a wedding, then it becomes everyone's business.

When the madness of “transgenderism” is used an an excuse to allow creepy male perverts to follow our wives, daughters, and other female loved ones into women's restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and such, then it is everyone's business.

When decent people are condemned as “bigots” for calling out madness, perversion, and evil for what it is, then it is everyone's business.
Feel free to continue to wallow in you [sic] anti intellectual ignorance and denial.

Says the freak who doesn't even know the difference between boys and girls.

The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.

Feel free to contact your elected misrepresentatives, and ask them to initiate the process of amending the Constitution to change the voting process to the way you think it should be. Unless and until such an amendment is successfully ratified, the current method involving the Electoral College is how it will be done. It doesn't matter what century it is; the Constitution remains this nation's highest law, and it can only be changed through the amendment process.
Transgender is a mental issue and they need help. This isn't hereditary, you aren't born that way, it is a mental defect that needs to be dealt with, not given into.
Could you cite the code for the mental disorder you refer to from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 of the American Psychiatric Association, I wonder.

Regardless of what any self-appointed authority may claim, I think it stands to reason that anyone who believes and insists on claiming something that is very obviously untrue, and for which the proof of its untruth is obvious even to the one making that claim; is prima facie delusional, and thus mentally-defective.

There really isn't any excuse for not knowing the difference between male and female. Someone who can look between his legs, and see well-formed boy parts, and still insists that he is female, is obviously delusional.
Regardless of what any self-appointed authority may claim, I think it stands to reason that anyone who believes and insists on claiming something that is very obviously untrue, and for which the proof of its untruth is obvious even to the one making that claim; is prima facie delusional, and thus mentally-defective.

There really isn't any excuse for not knowing the difference between male and female. Someone who can look between his legs, and see well-formed boy parts, and still insists that he is female, is obviously delusional.

Yes, and the Gold Standard in any DSM volume in psychology is that stark denial of obvious reality, (particularly, coupled with the desire to amputate healthy vital body organs) is insanity defined, crystallized, condensed & purified. As such, the patients are not legally able to consent either to hormones or surgery.

The real issue here are the "sane" Dr.s who are making bank off of these illegal practices, now roping in children. All under the careful approval of the APA. That organization, if it receives ANY federal funding, should have it immediately revoked until such practices are disowned publicly. No money until the entire governing body of the APA comes out to denounce these practices. Until then, or a lawsuit in front of a jury, whichever comes first, MDs will take advantage of that "DSM insanity diagnosis loophole" to keep making bank off of malpractice.

Like I said, an MD prescribing carcinogenic hormones or amputation surgery for someone in denial of their gender to such a degree, is the same as an MD removing someone's kidney to cure their broken wrist: and making the patient, who isn't legally able to consent, sign a waiver that says "you know this kidney removal will in no way mend your broken wrist". It is malpractice defined, crystallized, condensed & purified. How it has gone on this long is absolutely baffling. The only thing I can conclude is that the Obama Administration created a climate of insanity where these types of social injustices-as-cult-values flourished unchallenged. How glad I will be to see that psycho leave Office. Him and his gay "teach the little boys anal fisting in school" education Czar Kevin Jennings.

The Trump/Pence Administration needs to rope in the APA and the FCC too. It's time the roots of the pedophile cabal were pulled up and the entire weed killed off at its deepest point.
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Transgender is a mental issue and they need help. This isn't hereditary, you aren't born that way, it is a mental defect that needs to be dealt with, not given into.
Could you cite the code for the mental disorder you refer to from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 of the American Psychiatric Association, I wonder.

Regardless of what any self-appointed authority may claim, I think it stands to reason that anyone who believes and insists on claiming something that is very obviously untrue, and for which the proof of its untruth is obvious even to the one making that claim; is prima facie delusional, and thus mentally-defective.

There really isn't any excuse for not knowing the difference between male and female. Someone who can look between his legs, and see well-formed boy parts, and still insists that he is female, is obviously delusional.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.
Transgender is a mental issue and they need help. This isn't hereditary, you aren't born that way, it is a mental defect that needs to be dealt with, not given into.
Could you cite the code for the mental disorder you refer to from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 of the American Psychiatric Association, I wonder.

Regardless of what any self-appointed authority may claim, I think it stands to reason that anyone who believes and insists on claiming something that is very obviously untrue, and for which the proof of its untruth is obvious even to the one making that claim; is prima facie delusional, and thus mentally-defective.

There really isn't any excuse for not knowing the difference between male and female. Someone who can look between his legs, and see well-formed boy parts, and still insists that he is female, is obviously delusional.

And yet Liberals still claim to be the pro-science group.

And yet Liberals still claim to be the pro-science group.

When a liberal speaks of “science”, he rarely means by that word what sane people understand it to mean.
Here is what you problem is....you believe this kind of horseshit. You and Conservative 65

Jesse Lee Peterson: ‘Evil’ LGBT Rights Are Destroying America | Right Wing Watch
Conservative activist Jesse Lee Peterson joined Virginia talk radio host Rob Schilling yesterday to discuss how “evil” LGBT rights are in the process of destroying America, “especially in the last eight years”:

Schilling: I want to go back, first of all, just to God having created them man and woman, because we seem to lose track of that. That’s the honest truth given to us in the Bible, so I think that’s a good starting point for all of this.

Peterson: I absolutely agree, and I have to tell you, if we don’t return to that, we’re going to lose total sight of man and woman because the children of the lie, they are pushing for no gender. They don’t want you to identify as a man or as a woman. And we should not be surprised because, as you know, Rob, our battle is a spiritual battle, it’s a warfare between good and evil. Absolutely everything we do is spiritual.

So we need to realize that once you give evil power by letting it have its way, it will destroy you. It will destroy you personally, it will destroy your family, it will destroy your community and your country, and that’s what it’s been doing especially in the last eight years. It’s just been out of control, to a point that they are pushing men and women that are confused about their identities to go into whatever bathroom of choice. That’s not even common sense, you know that has to be evil.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

Doctors don't amputate a kidney to fix a broken wrist. Likewise, they don't amputate a penis & testicles to fix a broken mind.

It is malpractice. Brace yourself, because in the very near future, a lawsuit or a federal action will lay bare the practice for the crime it is & heads will roll. Until then, enjoy your delusional world of make believe..
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

Doctors don't amputate a kidney to fix a broken wrist. Likewise, they don't amputate a penis & testicles to fix a broken mind.

It is malpractice. Brace yourself, because in the very near future, a lawsuit or a federal action will lay bare the practice for the crime it is & heads will roll. Until then, enjoy your delusional world of make believe..
And your knowledge of medicine is more akin to witchcraft than, say, Johns Hopkins.

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