less than 50% of americans think transgenderism is natural

this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds
Most Americans don't believe Donald Trump should be their president.

How do you know that considering many Americans did not vote?
We can extrapolate from the voting statistics which show that Hillary Clinton received millions more votes than Donald Trump.
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds
Most Americans don't believe Donald Trump should be their president.

How do you know that considering many Americans did not vote?
We can extrapolate from the voting statistics which show that Hillary Clinton received millions more votes than Donald Trump.
I will quote your queen Hillary by saying "At This Point What Does It Matter" ?
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds
Most Americans don't believe Donald Trump should be their president.

How do you know that considering many Americans did not vote?
We can extrapolate from the voting statistics which show that Hillary Clinton received millions more votes than Donald Trump.
I will quote your queen Hillary by saying "At This Point What Does It Matter" ?
Without belief in the legitimacy of Trump's presidency, it matters a lot.
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds
Most Americans don't believe Donald Trump should be their president.

How do you know that considering many Americans did not vote?
We can extrapolate from the voting statistics which show that Hillary Clinton received millions more votes than Donald Trump.

You realize that I am not buying your numbers. Let's see them and after a few months we can discuss how wrong you are.
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds
Most Americans don't believe Donald Trump should be their president.

How do you know that considering many Americans did not vote?
We can extrapolate from the voting statistics which show that Hillary Clinton received millions more votes than Donald Trump.

You realize that I am not buying your numbers. Let's see them and after a few months we can discuss how wrong you are.
I only know what I have seen on TV and reading. I did not think there was any dispute about the actual numbers.
It's sad that people are so broken that they don't understand their own genetic sex. It's even more pathetic that we aren't supposed to recognize that and can't point that out without being traumatized to be some kind of boogieman. Liberalism has led us to be such cowards that we are afraid to state facts or our opinions without fear of breaking liberals dogmatic ideals of reality. Funny thing about that. Conservatives used to call Liberals " commies", now liberals call us neo-nazis or, racist, phobics of whatever ilk they don't like. SSDD.
He should be.

More to the point, his doctors should be for doing surgery on someone too out of touch with physical reality to consent to treatment. Jenner should sue. On behalf of all victims of this improper psychiatric care via drugging with hormones & amputations.

Think of all the attention he'd get? Once again he'd be center stage.

Genderless in Japan
View attachment 105602

No such thing as genderless. That's something made up by freaks like you.
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds
Most Americans don't believe Donald Trump should be their president.

How do you know that considering many Americans did not vote?
We know that- based on the turnout and the % that Trump got,- only about 22% voted for him with the rest voting against him or abstaining
When someone thinks they can be a different gender because the feel that way, it could be .00000000003% and it would matter.

I'm minding my business. My business includes making sure some freak doesn't come into a restroom, dressing room, etc. where my wife and kids happen to be because he thinks he's a female.
You gotta stop listening to people like this: Michele Bachmann Hopes Trump Will Reverse ‘Evil’ Gay Rights Causes | Right Wing Watch

You gotta stop listening to those that tell you that someone born a male can become a female because he feels that way. Hate to break it to you but it's not true.
. I bet Bruce Jenner is going through hell in his mind right now.

He should be.
A brief, one minute explanation
of why transsexual adults have a
gender identity different from
their birth-assigned gender:

On 2017-JAN-04, "Citationbob" posted the following comment to an article about transgender individuals on The Blaze web site. He described the difference between girls and boys, between women and men:

"Remember the little boy in the movie Kindergarten Cop?

'Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina'

Yes people, it is really that simple!!!!!

Unfortunately it isn't that simple.

The next day, the author of this essay posted a comment to The Blaze article saying:

"That is true for about 99.4% of the human race who are cisgender individuals. But the remaining 0.6% are transgender. In most cases, this means that their genital structures, which almost always come in a standard male or female shape, define whether they are declared to be male or female at birth. But everybody also has another pair of recently discovered structures in the brain that tell them what their gender identity is. They come in either a male or female type. A transgender adult will have female structures in their genital region and male structures in their brain, or vice versa. This discordance can cause massive conflict in people, often leading to suicide. The brain structures cannot be changed! For some people, the best option is to change their genital structures and/or take hormones so that their body more closely resembles the gender of their brain structures.
See: http://www.religioustolerance.org/sexual-research-discoveries-about-transgender-persons-1.htm#dim

In short, a transgender adult has female genital structures and a male brain, or vice versa. They have a female body and a male brain, or vice versa. This is just what transgender individuals have been saying all along. It turns out that their statements are literally true. They are not confused. Counselling of transgender adults to try to change their gender identity is ineffective.

That's not an explanation. That's an excuse. If you believe that, you have as much of a mental problem as the freaks that think feeling a different gender makes them so.
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds
Most Americans don't believe Donald Trump should be their president.

How do you know that considering many Americans did not vote?
We know that- based on the turnout and the % that Trump got,- only about 22% voted for him with the rest voting against him or abstaining

What we KNOW is that Trump got 304 electoral votes and he won. What we also KNOW is that your bitch got 227 and didn't win. That's all that matters. Cry harder, pussy.
He should be.

More to the point, his doctors should be for doing surgery on someone too out of touch with physical reality to consent to treatment. Jenner should sue. On behalf of all victims of this improper psychiatric care via drugging with hormones & amputations.

Think of all the attention he'd get? Once again he'd be center stage.

Genderless in Japan
View attachment 105602

No such thing as genderless. That's something made up by freaks like you.

I have to wonder about people like you who are so damned uptight about gender, sex, sexuality etc. So what- if in this case- it is "made up., invented, a fad, a choice ? Unlike with transgender and homosexuality, I honestly can't say that it is not a choice. SO WHAT?? Let them be who and what they are. Why are you so threatened and offended by anyone else's sexual or gender expression? Seems to me that YOU are the freak with the problem.
He should be.

More to the point, his doctors should be for doing surgery on someone too out of touch with physical reality to consent to treatment. Jenner should sue. On behalf of all victims of this improper psychiatric care via drugging with hormones & amputations.

Think of all the attention he'd get? Once again he'd be center stage.

Genderless in Japan
View attachment 105602

No such thing as genderless. That's something made up by freaks like you.

I have to wonder about people like you who are so damned uptight about gender, sex, sexuality etc. So what- if in this case- it is "made up., invented, a fad, a choice ? Unlike with transgender and homosexuality, I honestly can't say that it is not a choice. SO WHAT?? Let them be who and what they are. Why are you so threatened and offended by anyone else's sexual or gender expression? Seems to me that YOU are the freak with the problem.

I'm wanting them to be what they are. You're the one that wants them to be something they aren't. If you're born male, you can't be female because you think so and vice versa. You can't express something that's impossible to be.
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds
Most Americans don't believe Donald Trump should be their president.

How do you know that considering many Americans did not vote?
We know that- based on the turnout and the % that Trump got,- only about 22% voted for him with the rest voting against him or abstaining

What we KNOW is that Trump got 304 electoral votes and he won. What we also KNOW is that your bitch got 227 and didn't win. That's all that matters. Cry harder, pussy.
Mind your manners, please. You speak about women just as minority president-elect Donald Trump.

You gotta stop listening to those that tell you that someone born a male can become a female because he feels that way. Hate to break it to you but it's not true.
. I bet Bruce Jenner is going through hell in his mind right now.

He should be.
A brief, one minute explanation
of why transsexual adults have a
gender identity different from
their birth-assigned gender:

On 2017-JAN-04, "Citationbob" posted the following comment to an article about transgender individuals on The Blaze web site. He described the difference between girls and boys, between women and men:

"Remember the little boy in the movie Kindergarten Cop?

'Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina'

Yes people, it is really that simple!!!!!

Unfortunately it isn't that simple.

The next day, the author of this essay posted a comment to The Blaze article saying:

"That is true for about 99.4% of the human race who are cisgender individuals. But the remaining 0.6% are transgender. In most cases, this means that their genital structures, which almost always come in a standard male or female shape, define whether they are declared to be male or female at birth. But everybody also has another pair of recently discovered structures in the brain that tell them what their gender identity is. They come in either a male or female type. A transgender adult will have female structures in their genital region and male structures in their brain, or vice versa. This discordance can cause massive conflict in people, often leading to suicide. The brain structures cannot be changed! For some people, the best option is to change their genital structures and/or take hormones so that their body more closely resembles the gender of their brain structures.
See: http://www.religioustolerance.org/sexual-research-discoveries-about-transgender-persons-1.htm#dim

In short, a transgender adult has female genital structures and a male brain, or vice versa. They have a female body and a male brain, or vice versa. This is just what transgender individuals have been saying all along. It turns out that their statements are literally true. They are not confused. Counselling of transgender adults to try to change their gender identity is ineffective.

That's not an explanation. That's an excuse. If you believe that, you have as much of a mental problem as the freaks that think feeling a different gender makes them so.
Feel free to continue to wallow in you anti intellectual ignorance and denial.
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds
Most Americans don't believe Donald Trump should be their president.

How do you know that considering many Americans did not vote?
We know that- based on the turnout and the % that Trump got,- only about 22% voted for him with the rest voting against him or abstaining

What we KNOW is that Trump got 304 electoral votes and he won. What we also KNOW is that your bitch got 227 and didn't win. That's all that matters. Cry harder, pussy.
Mind your manners, please. You speak about women just as minority president-elect Donald Trump.

When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
You gotta stop listening to those that tell you that someone born a male can become a female because he feels that way. Hate to break it to you but it's not true.
. I bet Bruce Jenner is going through hell in his mind right now.

He should be.
A brief, one minute explanation
of why transsexual adults have a
gender identity different from
their birth-assigned gender:

On 2017-JAN-04, "Citationbob" posted the following comment to an article about transgender individuals on The Blaze web site. He described the difference between girls and boys, between women and men:

"Remember the little boy in the movie Kindergarten Cop?

'Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina'

Yes people, it is really that simple!!!!!

Unfortunately it isn't that simple.

The next day, the author of this essay posted a comment to The Blaze article saying:

"That is true for about 99.4% of the human race who are cisgender individuals. But the remaining 0.6% are transgender. In most cases, this means that their genital structures, which almost always come in a standard male or female shape, define whether they are declared to be male or female at birth. But everybody also has another pair of recently discovered structures in the brain that tell them what their gender identity is. They come in either a male or female type. A transgender adult will have female structures in their genital region and male structures in their brain, or vice versa. This discordance can cause massive conflict in people, often leading to suicide. The brain structures cannot be changed! For some people, the best option is to change their genital structures and/or take hormones so that their body more closely resembles the gender of their brain structures.
See: http://www.religioustolerance.org/sexual-research-discoveries-about-transgender-persons-1.htm#dim

In short, a transgender adult has female genital structures and a male brain, or vice versa. They have a female body and a male brain, or vice versa. This is just what transgender individuals have been saying all along. It turns out that their statements are literally true. They are not confused. Counselling of transgender adults to try to change their gender identity is ineffective.

That's not an explanation. That's an excuse. If you believe that, you have as much of a mental problem as the freaks that think feeling a different gender makes them so.
Feel free to continue to wallow in you anti intellectual ignorance and denial.

Feel free to be an idiot and believe something that can't happen can because a person feels that way.

By the way, your bitch lost the election. I understand how much that hurts.
Transgender is a mental issue and they need help. This isn't hereditary, you aren't born that way, it is a mental defect that needs to be dealt with, not given into.
Most Americans don't believe Donald Trump should be their president.

How do you know that considering many Americans did not vote?
We know that- based on the turnout and the % that Trump got,- only about 22% voted for him with the rest voting against him or abstaining

What we KNOW is that Trump got 304 electoral votes and he won. What we also KNOW is that your bitch got 227 and didn't win. That's all that matters. Cry harder, pussy.
Mind your manners, please. You speak about women just as minority president-elect Donald Trump.

When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.
Transgender is a mental issue and they need help. This isn't hereditary, you aren't born that way, it is a mental defect that needs to be dealt with, not given into.
Could you cite the code for the mental disorder you refer to from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 of the American Psychiatric Association, I wonder.
How do you know that considering many Americans did not vote?
We know that- based on the turnout and the % that Trump got,- only about 22% voted for him with the rest voting against him or abstaining

What we KNOW is that Trump got 304 electoral votes and he won. What we also KNOW is that your bitch got 227 and didn't win. That's all that matters. Cry harder, pussy.
Mind your manners, please. You speak about women just as minority president-elect Donald Trump.

When I speak about a male thinking he's a female I'm not speaking about females. I'm speaking about a mentally ill male trying to do something that simply can't happen.

As for Trump, he got a majority of the type of votes required to be President. Are you one of those idiots that's going to bring up a type of vote even the Constitution doesn't mention when it comes to electing a President?
The Constitution was written a very long time ago and has been changed more than a score of times. It is time that voting became more democratic since we are in the 21st century.

Depends on how you look at it. The Bill of Rights, 10 of those additions, didn't change anything in the original document and are often considered more a part of the original than changes. That means 17 changes have occurred and many of those were more procedural changes than "corrections".

Since you think it should be more "democratic", get to stepping on having it changed. Until it is, it works the way the Constitution says whether you like it or not. By the way, the Constitution itself says how those changes can come about. Better get started.

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