less than 50% of americans think transgenderism is natural

There have been numerous threads on this forum and others that I frequent about Transgender people. I am always astounded by the level of ignorance and animus that is displayed by people who purport to be rational adults. In fact, the childish banter and cruelty is more in keeping with what one would expect to hear on a first-grade playground- but wait, maybe not. First graders are probably more accepting of transgender people, as well as more knowledgeable and sensitive than 99% of the people who I have encountered on these forums.

Worse still, you all -and you know who you are- rarely if ever display a willingness to learn more about Trans people, either out of intellectual laziness, or the fear that you might be persuaded to let go of your fear and prejudices, and see them as actual human beings who are not “mentally ill” but who are experiencing a complex and poorly understood phenomenon that has many causes. Furthermore, you fail to display and understanding of the fact that all cases are not alike, and that there are a number of medical and psychological ways-sometimes controversial- to approach it with the end goal to help these real people-who are not just “freaks” as they are often portrayed to be- lead a life where they are comfortable in their own skin rather that suffer from trauma and possibly end it in suicide.
. Yes 1st graders might be acceptable to alot of things being taught to them, because 1st graders are still in a huge learning stage of life. Look at how impressionable your one year old is in life.. Being introduced to things in which as 1st graders they are more about trust at that point than they are of having their own solid opinions, can lead them to be brainwashed in a school system that has been taken over by demons just for the express purpose of begining the brainwashing process, and yep doing this as early as possible these days. Teaching the little ones to sin is a huge mistake, and it is spoken of as one that man doesn't want to make, yet here this nation is doing those very things, and therefore it is making huge mistakes on and on these days. It looks like the adults need some re-education in order to understand that the eye of a stove will burn if touch it, and that living in denial afterwards is not the answer at all.
There have been numerous threads on this forum and others that I frequent about Transgender people. I am always astounded by the level of ignorance and animus that is displayed by people who purport to be rational adults. In fact, the childish banter and cruelty is more in keeping with what one would expect to hear on a first-grade playground- but wait, maybe not. First graders are probably more accepting of transgender people, as well as more knowledgeable and sensitive than 99% of the people who I have encountered on these forums.

Worse still, you all -and you know who you are- rarely if ever display a willingness to learn more about Trans people, either out of intellectual laziness, or the fear that you might be persuaded to let go of your fear and prejudices, and see them as actual human beings who are not “mentally ill” but who are experiencing a complex and poorly understood phenomenon that has many causes. Furthermore, you fail to display and understanding of the fact that all cases are not alike, and that there are a number of medical and psychological ways-sometimes controversial- to approach it with the end goal to help these real people-who are not just “freaks” as they are often portrayed to be- lead a life where they are comfortable in their own skin rather that suffer from trauma and possibly end it in suicide.
. Yes 1st graders might be acceptable to alot of things being taught to them, because 1st graders are still in a huge learning stage of life. Look at how impressionable your one year old is in life.. Being introduced to things in which as 1st graders they are more about trust at that point than they are of having their own solid opinions, can lead them to be brainwashed in a school system that has been taken over by demons just for the express purpose of begining the brainwashing process, and yep doing this as early as possible these days. Teaching the little ones to sin is a huge mistake, and it is spoken of as one that man doesn't want to make, yet here this nation is doing those very things, and therefore it is making huge mistakes on and on these days. It looks like the adults need some re-education in order to understand that the eye of a stove will burn if touch it, and that living in denial afterwards is not the answer at all.
Holy Franken Fuck!! Really??!! Sin? Brainwashing?? So that's what it all about!! Thank you!!! I understand so much more now!! :banana::banana::banana:
.03% of the population is transgender. Think about that. That number is



Who cares?

Stop peeking at pee pees and just MYOB.

When someone thinks they can be a different gender because the feel that way, it could be .00000000003% and it would matter.

I'm minding my business. My business includes making sure some freak doesn't come into a restroom, dressing room, etc. where my wife and kids happen to be because he thinks he's a female.
No one is being forced or indoctrinated and President Obama has nothing at all to do with it.

Every time you RWNJ traitors get a bee up your collective butts and you get all pissed about the US Constitution, you say Obama wrote it. Just take my word for it. He didn't.

Question -- Why are you jerks upset that drumpf has said there are several parts of the constitution he wants to gut? Hmmm?

Not only did Obama write it, he doesn't follow it.
.03% of the population is transgender. Think about that. That number is



Who cares?

Stop peeking at pee pees and just MYOB.

When someone thinks they can be a different gender because the feel that way, it could be .00000000003% and it would matter.

I'm minding my business. My business includes making sure some freak doesn't come into a restroom, dressing room, etc. where my wife and kids happen to be because he thinks he's a female.
You gotta stop listening to people like this: Michele Bachmann Hopes Trump Will Reverse ‘Evil’ Gay Rights Causes | Right Wing Watch
.03% of the population is transgender. Think about that. That number is



Who cares?

Stop peeking at pee pees and just MYOB.

When someone thinks they can be a different gender because the feel that way, it could be .00000000003% and it would matter.

I'm minding my business. My business includes making sure some freak doesn't come into a restroom, dressing room, etc. where my wife and kids happen to be because he thinks he's a female.
. Or would assume the role as one in order to gain access under such an ignorant allowance of. Pandora's box can't be opened in these ways, and that is what the idiots are attempting to do.
There have been numerous threads on this forum and others that I frequent about Transgender people. I am always astounded by the level of ignorance and animus that is displayed by people who purport to be rational adults.

This, from someone who can't even tell the difference between a boy and a girl.

.03% of the population is transgender. Think about that. That number is



Who cares?

Stop peeking at pee pees and just MYOB.

When someone thinks they can be a different gender because the feel that way, it could be .00000000003% and it would matter.

I'm minding my business. My business includes making sure some freak doesn't come into a restroom, dressing room, etc. where my wife and kids happen to be because he thinks he's a female.
. Or would assume the role as one in order to gain access under such an ignorant allowance of. Pandora's box can't be opened in these ways, and that is what the idiots are attempting to do.

That's the real concern. While those truly thinking they can be another gender because they feel that way aren't the ones that would cause problems, such a mindset where feeling a certain way is accepted opens the door for those that don't truly believe it but want to cause problems.
.03% of the population is transgender. Think about that. That number is



Who cares?

Stop peeking at pee pees and just MYOB.

When someone thinks they can be a different gender because the feel that way, it could be .00000000003% and it would matter.

I'm minding my business. My business includes making sure some freak doesn't come into a restroom, dressing room, etc. where my wife and kids happen to be because he thinks he's a female.
You gotta stop listening to people like this: Michele Bachmann Hopes Trump Will Reverse ‘Evil’ Gay Rights Causes | Right Wing Watch

You gotta stop listening to those that tell you that someone born a male can become a female because he feels that way. Hate to break it to you but it's not true.
There have been numerous threads on this forum and others that I frequent about Transgender people. I am always astounded by the level of ignorance and animus that is displayed by people who purport to be rational adults.

This, from someone who can't even tell the difference between a boy and a girl.

If you think someone born a male can become a female by claiming to feel that way, it's proof you don't know the difference between a boy and a girl.
.03% of the population is transgender. Think about that. That number is



Who cares?

Stop peeking at pee pees and just MYOB.

When someone thinks they can be a different gender because the feel that way, it could be .00000000003% and it would matter.

I'm minding my business. My business includes making sure some freak doesn't come into a restroom, dressing room, etc. where my wife and kids happen to be because he thinks he's a female.
You gotta stop listening to people like this: Michele Bachmann Hopes Trump Will Reverse ‘Evil’ Gay Rights Causes | Right Wing Watch

You gotta stop listening to those that tell you that someone born a male can become a female because he feels that way. Hate to break it to you but it's not true.
. I bet Bruce Jenner is going through hell in his mind right now.
.03% of the population is transgender. Think about that. That number is



Who cares?

Stop peeking at pee pees and just MYOB.

When someone thinks they can be a different gender because the feel that way, it could be .00000000003% and it would matter.

I'm minding my business. My business includes making sure some freak doesn't come into a restroom, dressing room, etc. where my wife and kids happen to be because he thinks he's a female.
You gotta stop listening to people like this: Michele Bachmann Hopes Trump Will Reverse ‘Evil’ Gay Rights Causes | Right Wing Watch

You gotta stop listening to those that tell you that someone born a male can become a female because he feels that way. Hate to break it to you but it's not true.
. I bet Bruce Jenner is going through hell in his mind right now.

He should be.
He should be.

More to the point, his doctors should be for doing surgery on someone too out of touch with physical reality to consent to treatment. Jenner should sue. On behalf of all victims of this improper psychiatric care via drugging with hormones & amputations.

Think of all the attention he'd get? Once again he'd be center stage.
He should be.

More to the point, his doctors should be for doing surgery on someone too out of touch with physical reality to consent to treatment. Jenner should sue. On behalf of all victims of this improper psychiatric care via drugging with hormones & amputations.

Think of all the attention he'd get? Once again he'd be center stage.

He needs to get some mental health help since he thinks he can be a woman by feeling like it.
.03% of the population is transgender. Think about that. That number is



Who cares?

Stop peeking at pee pees and just MYOB.

When someone thinks they can be a different gender because the feel that way, it could be .00000000003% and it would matter.

I'm minding my business. My business includes making sure some freak doesn't come into a restroom, dressing room, etc. where my wife and kids happen to be because he thinks he's a female.
You gotta stop listening to people like this: Michele Bachmann Hopes Trump Will Reverse ‘Evil’ Gay Rights Causes | Right Wing Watch

You gotta stop listening to those that tell you that someone born a male can become a female because he feels that way. Hate to break it to you but it's not true.
. I bet Bruce Jenner is going through hell in his mind right now.

He should be.
A brief, one minute explanation
of why transsexual adults have a
gender identity different from
their birth-assigned gender:


On 2017-JAN-04, "Citationbob" posted the following comment to an article about transgender individuals on The Blaze web site. He described the difference between girls and boys, between women and men:

"Remember the little boy in the movie Kindergarten Cop?

'Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina'

Yes people, it is really that simple!!!!!

Unfortunately it isn't that simple.

The next day, the author of this essay posted a comment to The Blaze article saying:

"That is true for about 99.4% of the human race who are cisgender individuals. But the remaining 0.6% are transgender. In most cases, this means that their genital structures, which almost always come in a standard male or female shape, define whether they are declared to be male or female at birth. But everybody also has another pair of recently discovered structures in the brain that tell them what their gender identity is. They come in either a male or female type. A transgender adult will have female structures in their genital region and male structures in their brain, or vice versa. This discordance can cause massive conflict in people, often leading to suicide. The brain structures cannot be changed! For some people, the best option is to change their genital structures and/or take hormones so that their body more closely resembles the gender of their brain structures.
See: http://www.religioustolerance.org/sexual-research-discoveries-about-transgender-persons-1.htm#dim

In short, a transgender adult has female genital structures and a male brain, or vice versa. They have a female body and a male brain, or vice versa. This is just what transgender individuals have been saying all along. It turns out that their statements are literally true. They are not confused. Counselling of transgender adults to try to change their gender identity is ineffective.
Gender confusion is a result of fucked up parenting coupled with some level of thought processing disorder.......the whole world knows it. The fringe suckers believe all the other crap that rational people say meh to. Its all in the DSM V.


The fringe are gonna hammer home this stuff from now until the cows come home..........few will be moved.:gay::funnyface::funnyface:

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