less than 50% of americans think transgenderism is natural

this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds
Who gives a rodent's hind parts what "most people think" . I also don't give a fuck what someone who believes that trans is a mental illness or that children can be indoctrinated to be trans thinks.
Your posing as "sane people just don't care one way or another" is a way of getting the herd to silent assent to your perverse actual belief that the practice should continue.

I'm calling you out. It's not like people here can't search your position on this matter by viewing your other posts.. We get it. The new way the cult of LGBT is trying to sell the unsellable product is to make it vogue "to not care one way or the other". Anything that gets the objective achieved, right?

You people are beyond sick. You are diabolical. You don't even know what the term "self reflection" of your actions means, much less the way to actually employ it.
I've explained why I wouldn't use that term in this connection.

You, of course, are free to do so.

Why are we beating this terminated Equus????
Because words matter. How people express their thoughts matter. I refuse to bow to any policing of language.

Wise up.

Using language with precision....my forte....is not 'policing' language.

That's why I mean what I say and say what I mean.

Try it.
No thanks. I don't abide by your rules when it comes to my speech.

I make no rules.....as I explicitly stated earlier, you can use any terms you choose....you'll simply be less correct.

See what I mean about 'precise'?
No I won't, you'll be. But you can believe as you wish, sister. You're not my enemy.

I hate to have to use another 'horse' reference, but this discussion is akin to leading a horse to water, but....

....you know the rest.
lol....well over 75% of Americans think there are but 2 genders........and those that think there are 68 are mental cases. Virtually everybody thinks that.

this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds
Who gives a rodent's hind parts what "most people think" . I also don't give a fuck what someone who believes that trans is a mental illness or that children can be indoctrinated to be trans thinks.
Of course you don't. LGBTQers are chickenhawks.
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds
Who gives a rodent's hind parts what "most people think" . I also don't give a fuck what someone who believes that trans is a mental illness or that children can be indoctrinated to be trans thinks.
Of course you don't. LGBTQers are chickenhawks.

Ignorant equine excrement

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this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds
Who gives a rodent's hind parts what "most people think" . I also don't give a fuck what someone who believes that trans is a mental illness or that children can be indoctrinated to be trans thinks.
Of course you don't. LGBTQers are chickenhawks.

Ignorant equine excrement

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Exhibit A, everyone knows LGBTQ activists are nothing more than miserable mentally deranged & pedophilic human trash.

this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds

How many Americans believe in Human Rights and that an individual has the rights and freedoms to be as they wish?
. Define human right .... Who is it that you attribute to giving us our lives, our rights, our morals, our senses, our perceptions, our understanding, our realities, our hopes, our dreams, our outlook, our compassion, our caring, and our reasoning ?? Who has taught you what is right and what is wrong in life ? Define the miracle of birth in which giveth life as you see it. Do you denie your own self worth, your understanding of life, your desire for the truth ?? Just look around you and learn, because there will you find the magic in life, and let no man take that away from you if ever you find it. Praise his Holy name, for through his mercy and grace do we live.




Throughout human history, one of the primary purposes of culture was to "normalize" the population. Get everybody on the same page. Establish standards of behavior, taste, dress, language. When people are not predictable within a "normal" range, it causes confusion, hurt, anxiety. And these norms have been enforced not only formally with laws, but also informally with social penalties like mockery, shunning, even expulsion.

Consider bastardy. Society recognized many generations ago that having children with only one parent was detrimental not only to the child, but also to the mother and to society at large. So women who had children out of wedlock were shamed, and as a result, sexual promiscuity was strongly discouraged (remember, this was before the days of The Pill, and other forms of artificial birth control).

But in the '60's in this country, the political Left decided that all norms and standards were bullshit, and that all volitional conduct that did not overtly harm another person (or, God forbid, the PLANET) was morally neutral. And the worst sin of all is to be JUDGMENTAL against another person.

So we had a clear case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater. In an effort to be kind and considerate, we threw out Society's logical and beneficial sanctions against behavior that was truly harmful. Drug abuse. Bastardy. Irresponsible sexual conduct. And those activities proliferated.

Transgenderism is a neurosis, or possibly even a psychosis. Our gender is not a social construct or a choice. (In the absence of biological malformation), it is biologically determined, without question. Indeed every cell in the body of every "transgender" man has two Y chromosomes, and ever cell of every "transgender" woman (other than, ironically, sperm cells) has an X and a Y chromosome. Pretending that it is merely a "lifestyle choice" is a biological and moral absurdity. the suicide rate for transgenders is horribly high, and it DOES NOT CHANGE after "sexual reassignment surgery." Post-op trannies are just as likely to off themselves as pre-op trannies.

Because they are psychologically fucked up. We do them no favors by patronizing their delusions.
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds

How many Americans believe in Human Rights and that an individual has the rights and freedoms to be as they wish?
. Define human right .... Who is it that you attribute to giving us our lives, our rights, our morals, our senses, our perceptions, our understanding, our realities, our hopes, our dreams, our outlook, our compassion, our caring, and our reasoning ?? Who has taught you what is right and what is wrong in life ? Define the miracle of birth in which giveth life as you see it. Do you denie your own self worth, your understanding of life, your desire for the truth ?? Just look around you and learn, because there will you find the magic in life, and let no man take that away from you if ever you find it. Praise his Holy name, for through his mercy and grace do we live.

My definition of Human Rights are, you can do whatever you like as long as you don't harm others.

You talk about the magic of life. Can I ask, do you eat meat and fish?

I ask this because I've found that many "pro-life" people not only eat meat and fish, they are pro-war and pro-executions too and often are pro-policies which lead to ghettos and poor education for the poor and the like, leaving many of those kids they force to be born living in a world without hope and on a path towards crime.

Seems rather hypocritical, don't you think?
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds

How many Americans believe in Human Rights and that an individual has the rights and freedoms to be as they wish?
. Define human right .... Who is it that you attribute to giving us our lives, our rights, our morals, our senses, our perceptions, our understanding, our realities, our hopes, our dreams, our outlook, our compassion, our caring, and our reasoning ?? Who has taught you what is right and what is wrong in life ? Define the miracle of birth in which giveth life as you see it. Do you denie your own self worth, your understanding of life, your desire for the truth ?? Just look around you and learn, because there will you find the magic in life, and let no man take that away from you if ever you find it. Praise his Holy name, for through his mercy and grace do we live.

My definition of Human Rights are, you can do whatever you like as long as you don't harm others.

You talk about the magic of life. Can I ask, do you eat meat and fish?

I ask this because I've found that many "pro-life" people not only eat meat and fish, they are pro-war and pro-executions too and often are pro-policies which lead to ghettos and poor education for the poor and the like, leaving many of those kids they force to be born living in a world without hope and on a path towards crime.

Seems rather hypocritical, don't you think?
Shut up, guy.
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds

How many Americans believe in Human Rights and that an individual has the rights and freedoms to be as they wish?
. Define human right .... Who is it that you attribute to giving us our lives, our rights, our morals, our senses, our perceptions, our understanding, our realities, our hopes, our dreams, our outlook, our compassion, our caring, and our reasoning ?? Who has taught you what is right and what is wrong in life ? Define the miracle of birth in which giveth life as you see it. Do you denie your own self worth, your understanding of life, your desire for the truth ?? Just look around you and learn, because there will you find the magic in life, and let no man take that away from you if ever you find it. Praise his Holy name, for through his mercy and grace do we live.

My definition of Human Rights are, you can do whatever you like as long as you don't harm others.

You talk about the magic of life. Can I ask, do you eat meat and fish?

I ask this because I've found that many "pro-life" people not only eat meat and fish, they are pro-war and pro-executions too and often are pro-policies which lead to ghettos and poor education for the poor and the like, leaving many of those kids they force to be born living in a world without hope and on a path towards crime.

Seems rather hypocritical, don't you think?
Shut up, guy.
Such an intelligent and thoughtful response!! What a zinger!! Way to go!!
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds

How many Americans believe in Human Rights and that an individual has the rights and freedoms to be as they wish?
. Define human right .... Who is it that you attribute to giving us our lives, our rights, our morals, our senses, our perceptions, our understanding, our realities, our hopes, our dreams, our outlook, our compassion, our caring, and our reasoning ?? Who has taught you what is right and what is wrong in life ? Define the miracle of birth in which giveth life as you see it. Do you denie your own self worth, your understanding of life, your desire for the truth ?? Just look around you and learn, because there will you find the magic in life, and let no man take that away from you if ever you find it. Praise his Holy name, for through his mercy and grace do we live.

My definition of Human Rights are, you can do whatever you like as long as you don't harm others.

You talk about the magic of life. Can I ask, do you eat meat and fish?

I ask this because I've found that many "pro-life" people not only eat meat and fish, they are pro-war and pro-executions too and often are pro-policies which lead to ghettos and poor education for the poor and the like, leaving many of those kids they force to be born living in a world without hope and on a path towards crime.

Seems rather hypocritical, don't you think?
Shut up, guy.
Such an intelligent and thoughtful response!! What a zinger!! Way to go!!

Luckily such a response was hidden from my view. It's hardly surprising that someone I put on ignore is proving themselves worthy of their place on my ignore list.
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds

How many Americans believe in Human Rights and that an individual has the rights and freedoms to be as they wish?
. Define human right .... Who is it that you attribute to giving us our lives, our rights, our morals, our senses, our perceptions, our understanding, our realities, our hopes, our dreams, our outlook, our compassion, our caring, and our reasoning ?? Who has taught you what is right and what is wrong in life ? Define the miracle of birth in which giveth life as you see it. Do you denie your own self worth, your understanding of life, your desire for the truth ?? Just look around you and learn, because there will you find the magic in life, and let no man take that away from you if ever you find it. Praise his Holy name, for through his mercy and grace do we live.

My definition of Human Rights are, you can do whatever you like as long as you don't harm others.

You talk about the magic of life. Can I ask, do you eat meat and fish?

I ask this because I've found that many "pro-life" people not only eat meat and fish, they are pro-war and pro-executions too and often are pro-policies which lead to ghettos and poor education for the poor and the like, leaving many of those kids they force to be born living in a world without hope and on a path towards crime.

Seems rather hypocritical, don't you think?
Shut up, guy.
Such an intelligent and thoughtful response!! What a zinger!! Way to go!!
You're a moron. There's no reason to even say anything to you really, I just posted proof that LGBTQ activists are a bunch of sick fucks trying to sexualize children ages 3 and up....for everyone else to see.

Keep your blinders on, faggot.
How many Americans believe in Human Rights and that an individual has the rights and freedoms to be as they wish?
. Define human right .... Who is it that you attribute to giving us our lives, our rights, our morals, our senses, our perceptions, our understanding, our realities, our hopes, our dreams, our outlook, our compassion, our caring, and our reasoning ?? Who has taught you what is right and what is wrong in life ? Define the miracle of birth in which giveth life as you see it. Do you denie your own self worth, your understanding of life, your desire for the truth ?? Just look around you and learn, because there will you find the magic in life, and let no man take that away from you if ever you find it. Praise his Holy name, for through his mercy and grace do we live.

My definition of Human Rights are, you can do whatever you like as long as you don't harm others.

You talk about the magic of life. Can I ask, do you eat meat and fish?

I ask this because I've found that many "pro-life" people not only eat meat and fish, they are pro-war and pro-executions too and often are pro-policies which lead to ghettos and poor education for the poor and the like, leaving many of those kids they force to be born living in a world without hope and on a path towards crime.

Seems rather hypocritical, don't you think?
Shut up, guy.
Such an intelligent and thoughtful response!! What a zinger!! Way to go!!

Luckily such a response was hidden from my view. It's hardly surprising that someone I put on ignore is proving themselves worthy of their place on my ignore list.
Shut up faggot.
this means clearly the need to start indoctrinating kids younger than three to get more acceptance of this mental illness delusion liberal fucking morons are pushing

Most Americans don't believe being trans is natural, study finds

How many Americans believe in Human Rights and that an individual has the rights and freedoms to be as they wish?
. Define human right .... Who is it that you attribute to giving us our lives, our rights, our morals, our senses, our perceptions, our understanding, our realities, our hopes, our dreams, our outlook, our compassion, our caring, and our reasoning ?? Who has taught you what is right and what is wrong in life ? Define the miracle of birth in which giveth life as you see it. Do you denie your own self worth, your understanding of life, your desire for the truth ?? Just look around you and learn, because there will you find the magic in life, and let no man take that away from you if ever you find it. Praise his Holy name, for through his mercy and grace do we live.

My definition of Human Rights are, you can do whatever you like as long as you don't harm others.

You talk about the magic of life. Can I ask, do you eat meat and fish?

I ask this because I've found that many "pro-life" people not only eat meat and fish, they are pro-war and pro-executions too and often are pro-policies which lead to ghettos and poor education for the poor and the like, leaving many of those kids they force to be born living in a world without hope and on a path towards crime.

Seems rather hypocritical, don't you think?
. Wouldn't the problem be that if people are harming others by supporting anything that harms people, and this be it whether in the short term or in the long term as a result of, then the supported thing is not good to be supported if bad don't you agree ??? Is there tremendous denial that the short term or that the long term harm does not exist ?? If it does exist, then is it being hidden, and why is it being hidden (if harm is the results of those things that cause tremendous short term and long term harm, and all due to activities such as drug usage or alcoholism etc. for example), then wouldn't it be wise to not support such things fully (unregulated) as if it causes no harm when it is known that it does ??
Last edited:
You know, back in the 50's and 60's, people were terrified of gays and lesbians, and thought that it was a "choice". Well, since then, gays have come out of the closet and more and more people find out that they know someone who is gay. It's because of that, that gays have become more accepted, because people know more about them and that they won't "infect someone with the gay".

However..............very few people know any, or even about, transgendered people.

You fear the most, what you understand the least.

It is a choice, in that there is no debate.
You know, back in the 50's and 60's, people were terrified of gays and lesbians, and thought that it was a "choice". Well, since then, gays have come out of the closet and more and more people find out that they know someone who is gay. It's because of that, that gays have become more accepted, because people know more about them and that they won't "infect someone with the gay".

However..............very few people know any, or even about, transgendered people.

You fear the most, what you understand the least.

It is a choice, in that there is no debate.

When did you chose to be a bigoted moron?

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You know, back in the 50's and 60's, people were terrified of gays and lesbians, and thought that it was a "choice". Well, since then, gays have come out of the closet and more and more people find out that they know someone who is gay. It's because of that, that gays have become more accepted, because people know more about them and that they won't "infect someone with the gay".

However..............very few people know any, or even about, transgendered people.

You fear the most, what you understand the least.

It is a choice, in that there is no debate.

When did you chose to be a bigoted moron?

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Back in the '50's, soddies were known for raping young boys, that's why people didn't like them. Today, straight(?)couples in the cities consider it a rite of passage to take their small children to pride parades to watch the degenerates simulate sex half naked in the streets.

You know, back in the 50's and 60's, people were terrified of gays and lesbians, and thought that it was a "choice". Well, since then, gays have come out of the closet and more and more people find out that they know someone who is gay. It's because of that, that gays have become more accepted, because people know more about them and that they won't "infect someone with the gay".

However..............very few people know any, or even about, transgendered people.

You fear the most, what you understand the least.

It is a choice, in that there is no debate.

When did you chose to be a bigoted moron?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Back in the '50's, soddies were known for raping young boys, that's why people didn't like them. Today, straight(?)couples in the cities consider it a rite of passage to take their small children to pride parades to watch the degenerates simulate sex half naked in the streets.


Another moron heard from. People both straight and gay have stupidly exposed kids to inappropriate sexual content . What the fuck does that have to do with transgender being a choice?

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