less than 50% of americans think transgenderism is natural

It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

One does not have to be an expert in order to recognize a mental disorder. If you're a male thinking you can be a female because you feel that way, you have a mental disorder. It simply can't happen.

Has anyone claimed that people can change biological gender because they THINK they are? No. No one at all. But you are arguing against what no one has said.

Now, there are people who feel they are better suited to live their life as the opposite gender. They are the only ones who know how they feel. You arguing with that is laughable.

The bottom line is that it does not matter. Who cares if someone wants to be a trans?

All the time. If they live their life and present themselves as the opposite gender they were born, there is no difference. When they expect others to treat them as the gender they weren't born, there is no difference.

I care because unlike you, I know the difference and won't treat something that isn't a certain way that way because someone feels like something they simply can't be. It's a mental disorder. If you justify if, you have one, too.

Oh, and no one has has that being a trans is the same as being a biological female. No one. Now, the fact that these people prefer to act like a female, dress like a female, and prefer to be treated as if they are a female does not mean that they believe that they have magically changed into a female. It means they identify as female. Treating them as such does you no harm whatsoever. Demanding that everyone treat them as mentally ill does do harm.

When they live the life of one and expect others to treat them as one, there is no difference.

Identifying as a female and living as one means they're living a life that simply is untrue based on biology.

Since they are mentally ill, they should be treated as mentally ill. The harm is in not doing so.

I'll treat them as the gender they were born because that's the only gender they can be physically or in identification.

So your gender is strictly biological? Hmmm, so when your wife goes thru menopause, you will cease all sexual activity? Because, biologically speaking, that is the point of sex. To reproduce.
It seems you are the one self-appointing as an expert on mental disorders. I thought as much.

Doctors don't amputate a kidney to fix a broken wrist. Likewise, they don't amputate a penis & testicles to fix a broken mind.

It is malpractice. Brace yourself, because in the very near future, a lawsuit or a federal action will lay bare the practice for the crime it is & heads will roll. Until then, enjoy your delusional world of make believe..
And your knowledge of medicine is more akin to witchcraft than, say, Johns Hopkins.

My knowledge of biology allows me to understand the difference between male and female while also understanding that you don't become the other by thinking you are.

Unlike you that thinks someone born a man can be a female because he thinks so.

I'm am the man. Understanding biology allows me to know that.

Have I said that believing they are female makes them female? No, I have not.

I simply see no value in denying them the life that makes them happy and harms no one. I think video games are a waste of time. So I don't play them. But I don't tell others they shouldn't play them.
One does not have to be an expert in order to recognize a mental disorder. If you're a male thinking you can be a female because you feel that way, you have a mental disorder. It simply can't happen.

Has anyone claimed that people can change biological gender because they THINK they are? No. No one at all. But you are arguing against what no one has said.

Now, there are people who feel they are better suited to live their life as the opposite gender. They are the only ones who know how they feel. You arguing with that is laughable.

The bottom line is that it does not matter. Who cares if someone wants to be a trans?

All the time. If they live their life and present themselves as the opposite gender they were born, there is no difference. When they expect others to treat them as the gender they weren't born, there is no difference.

I care because unlike you, I know the difference and won't treat something that isn't a certain way that way because someone feels like something they simply can't be. It's a mental disorder. If you justify if, you have one, too.

I am not justifying anything. I am asking what difference it makes.

You have probably already shared a bathroom with a trans person and probably didn't know it. The threat is between your ears.

What is wrong with treating people like the person they believe they are? If she thinks she is a she, and still has a penis, what harm does treating her like a she do anyone?

Simple life rule for you. Don't be a dick. Contrary to what some people seem to believe, being a dick does not make you tough, strong, or in charge. It just makes you an ass.

When you say it's OK to let someone believe that they can feel like they're something they simply can't be, it's justifying.

Simple rule for life. Learn the truth and don't enable people to live a lie. It's a mental disorder you have.

If he has a penis, he can't be a she no matter how much he thinks so.

What does it matter? You want to sound noble by your claims to deny allowing someone to live a lie. But what business is it of yours?

Do you tell women who dye their hair that they are living a lie? Or women with breast implants?

If someone wants to live life as the opposite gender, what business is that of yours? Mind your own business and leave people alone. I am quite sure that you have things you could be working on to improve your own life and situation. Focus on that and not on nonsense.

And while we are on the topic of minding our own business, since when did being a nosy busybody become a conservative characteristic? Conservatives were once fiercely independent and fought for people's rights to be individuals. Now they whine because people don't fit neat molds of who they think they should be? Since when did worrying about genitalia become a conservative trait?

I don't tell people the sky is green and the grass is blue either even if they think it is.

It's not nonsense to teach people that what they want to believe about gender isn't true. It's teaching facts. You opposed to facts?

When one of those freaks goes into a restroom, dressing room, etc. where my daughters/wife happen to be, it will become my business.
One does not have to be an expert in order to recognize a mental disorder. If you're a male thinking you can be a female because you feel that way, you have a mental disorder. It simply can't happen.

Has anyone claimed that people can change biological gender because they THINK they are? No. No one at all. But you are arguing against what no one has said.

Now, there are people who feel they are better suited to live their life as the opposite gender. They are the only ones who know how they feel. You arguing with that is laughable.

The bottom line is that it does not matter. Who cares if someone wants to be a trans?

All the time. If they live their life and present themselves as the opposite gender they were born, there is no difference. When they expect others to treat them as the gender they weren't born, there is no difference.

I care because unlike you, I know the difference and won't treat something that isn't a certain way that way because someone feels like something they simply can't be. It's a mental disorder. If you justify if, you have one, too.

Oh, and no one has has that being a trans is the same as being a biological female. No one. Now, the fact that these people prefer to act like a female, dress like a female, and prefer to be treated as if they are a female does not mean that they believe that they have magically changed into a female. It means they identify as female. Treating them as such does you no harm whatsoever. Demanding that everyone treat them as mentally ill does do harm.

When they live the life of one and expect others to treat them as one, there is no difference.

Identifying as a female and living as one means they're living a life that simply is untrue based on biology.

Since they are mentally ill, they should be treated as mentally ill. The harm is in not doing so.

I'll treat them as the gender they were born because that's the only gender they can be physically or in identification.

So your gender is strictly biological? Hmmm, so when your wife goes thru menopause, you will cease all sexual activity? Because, biologically speaking, that is the point of sex. To reproduce.

Menopause is natural. What you think is OK isn't natural. You should get help with your mental disorder.
Doctors don't amputate a kidney to fix a broken wrist. Likewise, they don't amputate a penis & testicles to fix a broken mind.

It is malpractice. Brace yourself, because in the very near future, a lawsuit or a federal action will lay bare the practice for the crime it is & heads will roll. Until then, enjoy your delusional world of make believe..
And your knowledge of medicine is more akin to witchcraft than, say, Johns Hopkins.

My knowledge of biology allows me to understand the difference between male and female while also understanding that you don't become the other by thinking you are.

Unlike you that thinks someone born a man can be a female because he thinks so.

I'm am the man. Understanding biology allows me to know that.

Have I said that believing they are female makes them female? No, I have not.

I simply see no value in denying them the life that makes them happy and harms no one. I think video games are a waste of time. So I don't play them. But I don't tell others they shouldn't play them.

When you support someone thinking they are female but born a male being looked at as a female, there is no difference. In other words, since you believe someone born a male should be treated as a female because he thinks so, you have. If you treat them like a female, in your mind, they're a female.
And your knowledge of medicine is more akin to witchcraft than, say, Johns Hopkins.

My knowledge of biology allows me to understand the difference between male and female while also understanding that you don't become the other by thinking you are.

Unlike you that thinks someone born a man can be a female because he thinks so.

I'm am the man. Understanding biology allows me to know that.

Have I said that believing they are female makes them female? No, I have not.

I simply see no value in denying them the life that makes them happy and harms no one. I think video games are a waste of time. So I don't play them. But I don't tell others they shouldn't play them.

When you support someone thinking they are female but born a male being looked at as a female, there is no difference. In other words, since you believe someone born a male should be treated as a female because he thinks so, you have. If you treat them like a female, in your mind, they're a female.
. They have resorted to saying what business is it of yours now right ? Good grief.. Like you said, it's when the space becomes to small in which causes their world to crash into your world, and then they demand by force that you agree to their world as it directly comes in conflict with your world, but they are right and you will be wrong of course right ?? It's amazing how they can't see the folly in their whole reasoning here, even as you explain it to them that when they come into the restroom with your wife or daughter, then the line has been finally crossed. I see it as the same. No one cares about their bull crap, but when they try and destroy Christianity as an agenda or seek to force people against their will to participate in their lifestyle (cake Baker or photographer) or they seek to go as far as creating laws that force the people to accept them into the girls restroom even though they were born a boy or a man is taking it way to far for most.
Has anyone claimed that people can change biological gender because they THINK they are? No. No one at all. But you are arguing against what no one has said.

Now, there are people who feel they are better suited to live their life as the opposite gender. They are the only ones who know how they feel. You arguing with that is laughable.

The bottom line is that it does not matter. Who cares if someone wants to be a trans?

All the time. If they live their life and present themselves as the opposite gender they were born, there is no difference. When they expect others to treat them as the gender they weren't born, there is no difference.

I care because unlike you, I know the difference and won't treat something that isn't a certain way that way because someone feels like something they simply can't be. It's a mental disorder. If you justify if, you have one, too.

I am not justifying anything. I am asking what difference it makes.

You have probably already shared a bathroom with a trans person and probably didn't know it. The threat is between your ears.

What is wrong with treating people like the person they believe they are? If she thinks she is a she, and still has a penis, what harm does treating her like a she do anyone?

Simple life rule for you. Don't be a dick. Contrary to what some people seem to believe, being a dick does not make you tough, strong, or in charge. It just makes you an ass.

When you say it's OK to let someone believe that they can feel like they're something they simply can't be, it's justifying.

Simple rule for life. Learn the truth and don't enable people to live a lie. It's a mental disorder you have.

If he has a penis, he can't be a she no matter how much he thinks so.

What does it matter? You want to sound noble by your claims to deny allowing someone to live a lie. But what business is it of yours?

Do you tell women who dye their hair that they are living a lie? Or women with breast implants?

If someone wants to live life as the opposite gender, what business is that of yours? Mind your own business and leave people alone. I am quite sure that you have things you could be working on to improve your own life and situation. Focus on that and not on nonsense.

And while we are on the topic of minding our own business, since when did being a nosy busybody become a conservative characteristic? Conservatives were once fiercely independent and fought for people's rights to be individuals. Now they whine because people don't fit neat molds of who they think they should be? Since when did worrying about genitalia become a conservative trait?

I don't tell people the sky is green and the grass is blue either even if they think it is.

It's not nonsense to teach people that what they want to believe about gender isn't true. It's teaching facts. You opposed to facts?

When one of those freaks goes into a restroom, dressing room, etc. where my daughters/wife happen to be, it will become my business.

A trans is not a threat to anyone, your daughter included.

No, I am not opposed to any facts. I simply see no point in being an ass just because you think they are mentally ill.

If you hear a parent telling their small child that Santa is coming, do you correct the parent? Or are you opposed to facts?
Has anyone claimed that people can change biological gender because they THINK they are? No. No one at all. But you are arguing against what no one has said.

Now, there are people who feel they are better suited to live their life as the opposite gender. They are the only ones who know how they feel. You arguing with that is laughable.

The bottom line is that it does not matter. Who cares if someone wants to be a trans?

All the time. If they live their life and present themselves as the opposite gender they were born, there is no difference. When they expect others to treat them as the gender they weren't born, there is no difference.

I care because unlike you, I know the difference and won't treat something that isn't a certain way that way because someone feels like something they simply can't be. It's a mental disorder. If you justify if, you have one, too.

Oh, and no one has has that being a trans is the same as being a biological female. No one. Now, the fact that these people prefer to act like a female, dress like a female, and prefer to be treated as if they are a female does not mean that they believe that they have magically changed into a female. It means they identify as female. Treating them as such does you no harm whatsoever. Demanding that everyone treat them as mentally ill does do harm.

When they live the life of one and expect others to treat them as one, there is no difference.

Identifying as a female and living as one means they're living a life that simply is untrue based on biology.

Since they are mentally ill, they should be treated as mentally ill. The harm is in not doing so.

I'll treat them as the gender they were born because that's the only gender they can be physically or in identification.

So your gender is strictly biological? Hmmm, so when your wife goes thru menopause, you will cease all sexual activity? Because, biologically speaking, that is the point of sex. To reproduce.

Menopause is natural. What you think is OK isn't natural. You should get help with your mental disorder.

I did not say menopause is unnatural. I simply pointed out that sex is, from a biological standpoint, for reproduction.
And your knowledge of medicine is more akin to witchcraft than, say, Johns Hopkins.

My knowledge of biology allows me to understand the difference between male and female while also understanding that you don't become the other by thinking you are.

Unlike you that thinks someone born a man can be a female because he thinks so.

I'm am the man. Understanding biology allows me to know that.

Have I said that believing they are female makes them female? No, I have not.

I simply see no value in denying them the life that makes them happy and harms no one. I think video games are a waste of time. So I don't play them. But I don't tell others they shouldn't play them.

When you support someone thinking they are female but born a male being looked at as a female, there is no difference. In other words, since you believe someone born a male should be treated as a female because he thinks so, you have. If you treat them like a female, in your mind, they're a female.

I am not supporting or denying them in anything. I am simply saying what difference does it make?

This thread is a nice place for you to vent your spite. But what is it that you are suggesting? What should be done? Do you want to stop any trans people and scream their gender at them? Is it public humiliation you want? Or criminal action?
And your knowledge of medicine is more akin to witchcraft than, say, Johns Hopkins.

Speaking of John Hopkins. Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’
I shudder to think of the harm Dr. Paul R. McHugh of Johns Hopkins must have done with his backward attitude to sexuality. His tone and arrogance reminds me of some religious counselors who claim to be able to change gays into heterosexuals. It is a good thing that McHugh's dogma is, according to McHugh, "illegal in some states – California, New Jersey, and Massachusetts – have passed laws barring psychiatrists, “even with parental permission, from striving to restore natural gender feelings to a transgender minor,” he said." (from your citation). I also note that McHugh failed to privide the code from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 for transgenderism being a mental disorder. Furthermore, the article you cite is not a publication from Johns Hopkins but an article, not in a professional journal but from Time magazine cover story and reproduced by cnsnews.com, a eight-wing website that does not produce all sides of a debate but has an editorial spin, similar to FOX News.

A different opinion from Time magazine was printed later than McHugh's reactionary opinion which states, "In the last couple of decades, many medical institutions have moved away from the view that being transgender is the result of mental illness, as they previously did with homosexuality" and noting that "the social rejection and violence that many transgender people experience appears to be the primary source of their mental distress, as opposed to the distress being solely the result of being transgender." In other words the thinking espoused by McHugh is actually causing great emotional pain on transgender people.
Is Being Transgender a Mental Disorder?

So it's a physical disorder? I have a tough time believing that when the source of the desire is in the mind.
It is not so much the mind but the brain that controls everything, including hormones, sexual orientation and what it means to be masculine or feminine or some of both.

So it's not a physical disorder? So it is a mental disorder like being bipolar feeding the brain wrong information.
The American Psychiatric Association does not consider transgender as a mental disorder unlike bipolar which has the code of 296.
DSM-5 Diagnostic Codes for Bipolar Disorder | Psych Central
"The latest edition of the mental health manual used by psychiatrists to diagnose disorders reveals a change in thinking on gender identity. The perspective change is similar to a decision made in 1973, when the American Psychiatric Association eliminated homosexuality from its disorders’ list."
Gender Dysphoria: DSM-5 Reflects Shift In Perspective On Gender Identity | The Huffington Post
It is important to note that for gender dysphoria to be attributed in the diagnosis, a person must experience distress as "an inherent part of being transgender". This exposes the quackery of Dr. Paul R. McHugh who continues to use the false nomenclature of transgender being a mental disorder and failing to understand that the distress experienced by transgender people can be caused by attitudes of people like him, some parents, churches, and ignorant people. Furthermore a diagnosis of transgender as a mental disorder does not exist and one of gender dysphoria can only be assigned if the distress is due solely as a result of the cross-gender identification rather than "a culture that stigmatizes people who do not conform to gender norms".
And my knowledge of biology and psychology allows me to understand that it does not effect me at all if someone's physical gender does not match their who they believe they are. No, they do not become the other gender. But why do you care if they are trans? What possible difference can it make?

Do you have a wife? Any sisters? Any daughters?

If some creepy male pervert, who claims to be “transgender”, follows any of them into a women's restroom, locker room, dressing room, or similar facility, then it is your business, and your responsibility, to protect your female loved ones from that pervert.
Beware of intellectual dishonesty where as these days people have learned how to take their education, and to use it to create some bad disillusions within society and the world now. The idea is to take scientific mumbo jumbo, and use it to then muddy the waters so much so, that people will just think we'll it must be right, because look at that report and it's sofisticated intellectual read in it. Many things aren't rocket science, even though they are presented as such.
Oh, and no one has has that being a trans is the same as being a biological female. No one.

Talking About “Male Bodies” and “Female Bodies” Is Inaccurate and Dangerous

Now, the fact that these people prefer to act like a female, dress like a female, and prefer to be treated as if they are a female does not mean that they believe that they have magically changed into a female. It means they identify as female.

It's nonsense. Claiming to “identify” as something you are not means nothing, other than as a symptom of mental illness.

Treating them as such does you no harm whatsoever. Demanding that everyone treat them as mentally ill does do harm.

Knowingly treating lies as truth, knowingly treating madness as sanity, knowingly treating perversion as decency; is inherently harmful. To deny that it does harm is only to be part of the very harm that you deny.
This thread is a nice place for you to vent your spite. But what is it that you are suggesting? What should be done? Do you want to stop any trans people and scream their gender at them? Is it public humiliation you want? Or criminal action?

Forcing the presence of a male audience on a woman or girl,. while she is undressing or otherwise in an intimate situation, without her consent, is sexual abuse. That's a criminal matter. Anyone who has any willing part in doing so ought to be criminally prosecuted, and labeled as a sex offender.
I shudder to think of the harm Dr. Paul R. McHugh of Johns Hopkins must have done with his backward attitude to sexuality. His tone and arrogance reminds me of some religious counselors who claim to be able to change gays into heterosexuals. It is a good thing that McHugh's dogma is, according to McHugh, "illegal in some states – California, New Jersey, and Massachusetts – have passed laws barring psychiatrists, “even with parental permission, from striving to restore natural gender feelings to a transgender minor,” he said." (from your citation). I also note that McHugh failed to privide the code from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 for transgenderism being a mental disorder. Furthermore, the article you cite is not a publication from Johns Hopkins but an article, not in a professional journal but from Time magazine cover story and reproduced by cnsnews.com, a eight-wing website that does not produce all sides of a debate but has an editorial spin, similar to FOX News.

A different opinion from Time magazine was printed later than McHugh's reactionary opinion which states, "In the last couple of decades, many medical institutions have moved away from the view that being transgender is the result of mental illness, as they previously did with homosexuality" and noting that "the social rejection and violence that many transgender people experience appears to be the primary source of their mental distress, as opposed to the distress being solely the result of being transgender." In other words the thinking espoused by McHugh is actually causing great emotional pain on transgender people.
Is Being Transgender a Mental Disorder?

So it's a physical disorder? I have a tough time believing that when the source of the desire is in the mind.
It is not so much the mind but the brain that controls everything, including hormones, sexual orientation and what it means to be masculine or feminine or some of both.

So it's not a physical disorder? So it is a mental disorder like being bipolar feeding the brain wrong information.
The American Psychiatric Association does not consider transgender as a mental disorder unlike bipolar which has the code of 296.
DSM-5 Diagnostic Codes for Bipolar Disorder | Psych Central
"The latest edition of the mental health manual used by psychiatrists to diagnose disorders reveals a change in thinking on gender identity. The perspective change is similar to a decision made in 1973, when the American Psychiatric Association eliminated homosexuality from its disorders’ list."
Gender Dysphoria: DSM-5 Reflects Shift In Perspective On Gender Identity | The Huffington Post
It is important to note that for gender dysphoria to be attributed in the diagnosis, a person must experience distress as "an inherent part of being transgender". This exposes the quackery of Dr. Paul R. McHugh who continues to use the false nomenclature of transgender being a mental disorder and failing to understand that the distress experienced by transgender people can be caused by attitudes of people like him, some parents, churches, and ignorant people. Furthermore a diagnosis of transgender as a mental disorder does not exist and one of gender dysphoria can only be assigned if the distress is due solely as a result of the cross-gender identification rather than "a culture that stigmatizes people who do not conform to gender norms".

What is it then? A physical disorder? You keep dodging what type of disorder it is, I am asking you is it a physical or mental disorder?
And my knowledge of biology and psychology allows me to understand that it does not effect me at all if someone's physical gender does not match their who they believe they are. No, they do not become the other gender. But why do you care if they are trans? What possible difference can it make?

Do you have a wife? Any sisters? Any daughters?

If some creepy male pervert, who claims to be “transgender”, follows any of them into a women's restroom, locker room, dressing room, or similar facility, then it is your business, and your responsibility, to protect your female loved ones from that pervert.

What you are describing is a rapist or a pedophile, not a trans person. They are not the same thing.
Do you have a wife? Any sisters? Any daughters?

If some creepy male pervert, who claims to be “transgender”, follows any of them into a women's restroom, locker room, dressing room, or similar facility, then it is your business, and your responsibility, to protect your female loved ones from that pervert.

What you are describing is a rapist or a pedophile, not a trans person. They are not the same thing.

A male pervert, seeking entry into places designated for women, where women are in an exposed state, is, for all intents and purposes, the same thing.

There is no useful point to be made in defending one form of sexual abuse on the sole basis that it is of a different form than another form of sexual abuse.

At the end of it all, the only real point is that you defend the sexual abuse of girls and women.
Do you have a wife? Any sisters? Any daughters?

If some creepy male pervert, who claims to be “transgender”, follows any of them into a women's restroom, locker room, dressing room, or similar facility, then it is your business, and your responsibility, to protect your female loved ones from that pervert.

What you are describing is a rapist or a pedophile, not a trans person. They are not the same thing.

A male pervert, seeking entry into places designated for women, where women are in an exposed state, is, for all intents and purposes, the same thing.

There is no useful point to be made in defending one form of sexual abuse on the sole basis that it is of a different form than another form of sexual abuse.

At the end of it all, the only real point is that you defend the sexual abuse of girls and women.

Absolute bullshit. I am not defending any sexual abuse at all.

But you demand that only biological women be allowed in the women's restrooms, locker rooms, dressings rooms ect. So you have no problem with lesbians in those places. And they are sexually attracted to women.
I shudder to think of the harm Dr. Paul R. McHugh of Johns Hopkins must have done with his backward attitude to sexuality. His tone and arrogance reminds me of some religious counselors who claim to be able to change gays into heterosexuals. It is a good thing that McHugh's dogma is, according to McHugh, "illegal in some states – California, New Jersey, and Massachusetts – have passed laws barring psychiatrists, “even with parental permission, from striving to restore natural gender feelings to a transgender minor,” he said." (from your citation). I also note that McHugh failed to privide the code from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 for transgenderism being a mental disorder. Furthermore, the article you cite is not a publication from Johns Hopkins but an article, not in a professional journal but from Time magazine cover story and reproduced by cnsnews.com, a eight-wing website that does not produce all sides of a debate but has an editorial spin, similar to FOX News.

A different opinion from Time magazine was printed later than McHugh's reactionary opinion which states, "In the last couple of decades, many medical institutions have moved away from the view that being transgender is the result of mental illness, as they previously did with homosexuality" and noting that "the social rejection and violence that many transgender people experience appears to be the primary source of their mental distress, as opposed to the distress being solely the result of being transgender." In other words the thinking espoused by McHugh is actually causing great emotional pain on transgender people.
Is Being Transgender a Mental Disorder?

So it's a physical disorder? I have a tough time believing that when the source of the desire is in the mind.
It is not so much the mind but the brain that controls everything, including hormones, sexual orientation and what it means to be masculine or feminine or some of both.

So it's not a physical disorder? So it is a mental disorder like being bipolar feeding the brain wrong information.
The American Psychiatric Association does not consider transgender as a mental disorder unlike bipolar which has the code of 296.
DSM-5 Diagnostic Codes for Bipolar Disorder | Psych Central
"The latest edition of the mental health manual used by psychiatrists to diagnose disorders reveals a change in thinking on gender identity. The perspective change is similar to a decision made in 1973, when the American Psychiatric Association eliminated homosexuality from its disorders’ list."
Gender Dysphoria: DSM-5 Reflects Shift In Perspective On Gender Identity | The Huffington Post
It is important to note that for gender dysphoria to be attributed in the diagnosis, a person must experience distress as "an inherent part of being transgender". This exposes the quackery of Dr. Paul R. McHugh who continues to use the false nomenclature of transgender being a mental disorder and failing to understand that the distress experienced by transgender people can be caused by attitudes of people like him, some parents, churches, and ignorant people. Furthermore a diagnosis of transgender as a mental disorder does not exist and one of gender dysphoria can only be assigned if the distress is due solely as a result of the cross-gender identification rather than "a culture that stigmatizes people who do not conform to gender norms".

What is it then? A physical disorder? You keep dodging what type of disorder it is, I am asking you is it a physical or mental disorder?
I thought I made it very clear. The American Psychiatric Association does not consider transgender as a disorder.
Gender Dysphoria can meet the diagnostic criteria for the code DSM-5 302:85 only if the dysphoria (distress) is due to unhappiness about one's gender in social interactions but not because of a stigmatizing culture such as we can read in most comments in this thread.
Gender Dysphoria DSM-5 302.85 (F64.9) - Therapedia

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