less than 50% of americans think transgenderism is natural

All the time. If they live their life and present themselves as the opposite gender they were born, there is no difference. When they expect others to treat them as the gender they weren't born, there is no difference.

I care because unlike you, I know the difference and won't treat something that isn't a certain way that way because someone feels like something they simply can't be. It's a mental disorder. If you justify if, you have one, too.

Oh, and no one has has that being a trans is the same as being a biological female. No one. Now, the fact that these people prefer to act like a female, dress like a female, and prefer to be treated as if they are a female does not mean that they believe that they have magically changed into a female. It means they identify as female. Treating them as such does you no harm whatsoever. Demanding that everyone treat them as mentally ill does do harm.

When they live the life of one and expect others to treat them as one, there is no difference.

Identifying as a female and living as one means they're living a life that simply is untrue based on biology.

Since they are mentally ill, they should be treated as mentally ill. The harm is in not doing so.

I'll treat them as the gender they were born because that's the only gender they can be physically or in identification.

So your gender is strictly biological? Hmmm, so when your wife goes thru menopause, you will cease all sexual activity? Because, biologically speaking, that is the point of sex. To reproduce.

Menopause is natural. What you think is OK isn't natural. You should get help with your mental disorder.

I did not say menopause is unnatural. I simply pointed out that sex is, from a biological standpoint, for reproduction.

When one of those freaks born a male thinking he's a female can get pregnant before he goes through menopause, let me know. That's when I'll treat them as a woman.
My knowledge of biology allows me to understand the difference between male and female while also understanding that you don't become the other by thinking you are.

Unlike you that thinks someone born a man can be a female because he thinks so.

I'm am the man. Understanding biology allows me to know that.

Have I said that believing they are female makes them female? No, I have not.

I simply see no value in denying them the life that makes them happy and harms no one. I think video games are a waste of time. So I don't play them. But I don't tell others they shouldn't play them.

When you support someone thinking they are female but born a male being looked at as a female, there is no difference. In other words, since you believe someone born a male should be treated as a female because he thinks so, you have. If you treat them like a female, in your mind, they're a female.

I am not supporting or denying them in anything. I am simply saying what difference does it make?

This thread is a nice place for you to vent your spite. But what is it that you are suggesting? What should be done? Do you want to stop any trans people and scream their gender at them? Is it public humiliation you want? Or criminal action?

When you say they should be treated the gender they WANT to be rather than the one they ARE, you're supporting them.

What I don't want is one being allowed to go in a restroom based on what they THINK they are. As I've said, one need not make the mistake of going in where my wife/daughters are. Humiliation wouldn't be their concern.
I am not justifying anything. I am asking what difference it makes.

You have probably already shared a bathroom with a trans person and probably didn't know it. The threat is between your ears.

What is wrong with treating people like the person they believe they are? If she thinks she is a she, and still has a penis, what harm does treating her like a she do anyone?

Simple life rule for you. Don't be a dick. Contrary to what some people seem to believe, being a dick does not make you tough, strong, or in charge. It just makes you an ass.

When you say it's OK to let someone believe that they can feel like they're something they simply can't be, it's justifying.

Simple rule for life. Learn the truth and don't enable people to live a lie. It's a mental disorder you have.

If he has a penis, he can't be a she no matter how much he thinks so.

What does it matter? You want to sound noble by your claims to deny allowing someone to live a lie. But what business is it of yours?

Do you tell women who dye their hair that they are living a lie? Or women with breast implants?

If someone wants to live life as the opposite gender, what business is that of yours? Mind your own business and leave people alone. I am quite sure that you have things you could be working on to improve your own life and situation. Focus on that and not on nonsense.

And while we are on the topic of minding our own business, since when did being a nosy busybody become a conservative characteristic? Conservatives were once fiercely independent and fought for people's rights to be individuals. Now they whine because people don't fit neat molds of who they think they should be? Since when did worrying about genitalia become a conservative trait?

I don't tell people the sky is green and the grass is blue either even if they think it is.

It's not nonsense to teach people that what they want to believe about gender isn't true. It's teaching facts. You opposed to facts?

When one of those freaks goes into a restroom, dressing room, etc. where my daughters/wife happen to be, it will become my business.

A trans is not a threat to anyone, your daughter included.

No, I am not opposed to any facts. I simply see no point in being an ass just because you think they are mentally ill.

If you hear a parent telling their small child that Santa is coming, do you correct the parent? Or are you opposed to facts?

I don't take your word for it. That's why I'll make sure that trans isn't a threat.

Apparently you are. You're willing to call someone born a male a female because HE thinks he is.

Santa isn't real. These freaks you mentally disturbed enablers protect are. Big difference. Get some help if you're willing to acknowledge and treat someone born a male as a female. You have mental problems.

In the 1970s I was told I had mental problems because I supported racial equality.
In the 2000s I was told I had mental problems because I supported gay marriage.
Now I am being told I have mental problems because I don't think trans people, as a group, are dangerous.

In each case, mental health professionals agree that the groups are not mentally ill.

Unlike you that thinks someone born a man can be a female because he thinks so.

I'm am the man. Understanding biology allows me to know that.

Have I said that believing they are female makes them female? No, I have not.

I simply see no value in denying them the life that makes them happy and harms no one. I think video games are a waste of time. So I don't play them. But I don't tell others they shouldn't play them.

When you support someone thinking they are female but born a male being looked at as a female, there is no difference. In other words, since you believe someone born a male should be treated as a female because he thinks so, you have. If you treat them like a female, in your mind, they're a female.

I am not supporting or denying them in anything. I am simply saying what difference does it make?

This thread is a nice place for you to vent your spite. But what is it that you are suggesting? What should be done? Do you want to stop any trans people and scream their gender at them? Is it public humiliation you want? Or criminal action?

When you say they should be treated the gender they WANT to be rather than the one they ARE, you're supporting them.

What I don't want is one being allowed to go in a restroom based on what they THINK they are. As I've said, one need not make the mistake of going in where my wife/daughters are. Humiliation wouldn't be their concern.

Yeah, I'm sure you would be a real badass. lmao

Use the bathroom based on their genitalia at birth?


Can you imagine the insanity of sending this guy into the ladies room?

Or these guys?

How about we just make all bathrooms single occupancy?
Oh, and no one has has that being a trans is the same as being a biological female. No one. Now, the fact that these people prefer to act like a female, dress like a female, and prefer to be treated as if they are a female does not mean that they believe that they have magically changed into a female. It means they identify as female. Treating them as such does you no harm whatsoever. Demanding that everyone treat them as mentally ill does do harm.

When they live the life of one and expect others to treat them as one, there is no difference.

Identifying as a female and living as one means they're living a life that simply is untrue based on biology.

Since they are mentally ill, they should be treated as mentally ill. The harm is in not doing so.

I'll treat them as the gender they were born because that's the only gender they can be physically or in identification.

So your gender is strictly biological? Hmmm, so when your wife goes thru menopause, you will cease all sexual activity? Because, biologically speaking, that is the point of sex. To reproduce.

Menopause is natural. What you think is OK isn't natural. You should get help with your mental disorder.

I did not say menopause is unnatural. I simply pointed out that sex is, from a biological standpoint, for reproduction.

When one of those freaks born a male thinking he's a female can get pregnant before he goes through menopause, let me know. That's when I'll treat them as a woman.

Nice answer to something I did not ask.

You are the one extolling "natural" as the be all end all standard. But, obviously, you don't hold yourself to such standards.
I thought I made it very clear. The American Psychiatric Association does not consider transgender as a disorder.
Gender Dysphoria can meet the diagnostic criteria for the code DSM-5 302:85 only if the dysphoria (distress) is due to unhappiness about one's gender in social interactions but not because of a stigmatizing culture such as we can read in most comments in this thread.
Gender Dysphoria DSM-5 302.85 (F64.9) - Therapedia

So it's normal to be dissatisfied with your gender? I am completely happy with my gender. Are you happy being your gender?
Now now, Papageorgio, that is for me to know and you to find out.

So is it normal to be dissatisfied with ones gender?
If by "normal" you mean a statistical norm, then No; most people are happy enough being their assigned gender. On the other hand, if by "normal" you mean that it naturally occurs, due to nature, then Yes; there is a percentage of people who identify with the gender other than assigned to them by anatomy.

I don't believe it is normal. It is a mental disorder as is alcoholism or drug addiction, or bipolar, or depression or a host of other disorders.
Or ignorance and bigotry
Yeah, I am. When you refuse to see a difference between a trans and rapists or child molesters, you have ignored anything logical in favor of hate.

Only in the mind of a depraved liberal is it “hate” to recognize the essential difference between male and female, and to give proper recognition to this difference, and to the wisdom of providing and enforcing segregated restroom and dressing facilities for each.

When you say they should be treated the gender they WANT to be rather than the one they ARE, you're supporting them.

What I don't want is one being allowed to go in a restroom based on what they THINK they are. As I've said, one need not make the mistake of going in where my wife/daughters are. Humiliation wouldn't be their concern.

In the 1970s I was told I had mental problems because I supported racial equality.
In the 2000s I was told I had mental problems because I supported gay marriage.
Now I am being told I have mental problems because I don't think trans people, as a group, are dangerous.

In each case, mental health professionals agree that the groups are not mentally ill.

If you don't know the difference between boys and girls, or you don't know or refuse to acknowledge the importances of this distinction, then yes, you have a mental problem; and no number of “experts” saying otherwise will change that.
When you say they should be treated the gender they WANT to be rather than the one they ARE, you're supporting them.

What I don't want is one being allowed to go in a restroom based on what they THINK they are. As I've said, one need not make the mistake of going in where my wife/daughters are. Humiliation wouldn't be their concern.

View attachment 105792
So your daughter is a hard ass lesbian. I`m okay with that. We are what we are.
Funny how you don't want to stop people who have serious mental problems from going into bathrooms, yet you want to stop those who you want to believe do.

Funny how you're not calling for pedophiles who molest young boys from going into the male toilets either.

Child molesters and others who commit crimes are another matter. My preference is that they be kept in prison, where the question of them using public restrooms would be moot.

But simple plain common sense and common decency dictate that men have no business being in women's facilities, or vice versa.

One has to wonder about the motives of those of you who would sacrifice the safety and modesty of women and girls just to cater to a tiny minority of perverted freaks. It's especially ironic given that yours is the side that is so fond of falsely accusing my side of waging a “war on women”.

Sure, they're another matter. But then again who you let into bathrooms would be the same matter, don't you thing?

So, anyone who commits a crime should spend the rest of their life in prison. Wow.

"common sense" and "common decency" dictate that a man who is attracted to men shouldn't be in a bathroom with women because... why exactly is this common sense? Maybe it's just what you've decided, but I want to know why, your train of thought on this one.

How is the safety of women put a risk because men can go into women's bathrooms? I mean, if a man is going to attack a woman in a woman's bathroom, they don't need permission to go into women's bathrooms.

And the modesty? I though women did a crap with the door closed.

This has nothing to do with any "war on women", this is about hatred for those you think are "abnormal". Ie, plain bullying.
. A man going into a man's restroom is going to be noticed for his mental disorder ?? You would call that profiling, and that isn't allowed in your world no matter what signs might be available in the situation right ?? Let's see you would call a profiler every word that you could think of if a person we're to try and be proactive instead of reactive now wouldn't you ?

I'm not really sure what you're going on about, other than if you want to solve the problem of not having mentally disturbed people in the bathroom with you, then you're going to have to deal with mental problems, rather than with bathroom issues. It's not really hard though, is it? Have three bathrooms.
So it's normal to be dissatisfied with your gender? I am completely happy with my gender. Are you happy being your gender?
Now now, Papageorgio, that is for me to know and you to find out.

So is it normal to be dissatisfied with ones gender?
If by "normal" you mean a statistical norm, then No; most people are happy enough being their assigned gender. On the other hand, if by "normal" you mean that it naturally occurs, due to nature, then Yes; there is a percentage of people who identify with the gender other than assigned to them by anatomy.

I don't believe it is normal. It is a mental disorder as is alcoholism or drug addiction, or bipolar, or depression or a host of other disorders.
Or ignorance and bigotry

They are bigots or ignorant? I don't see any of that. It seems to be a mental issue, nothing to do with bigotry or ignorance. It is an error in their brainwaves, just as depression and bipolar disorder have wrong info sent to them, the same is with transgenders.
When you say they should be treated the gender they WANT to be rather than the one they ARE, you're supporting them.

What I don't want is one being allowed to go in a restroom based on what they THINK they are. As I've said, one need not make the mistake of going in where my wife/daughters are. Humiliation wouldn't be their concern.

View attachment 105792
So your daughter is a hard ass lesbian. I`m okay with that. We are what we are.

Why do you call her a hard ass lesbian and not just lesbian? Why the derogatory term for a lesbian?
I thought I made it very clear. The American Psychiatric Association does not consider transgender as a disorder.
Gender Dysphoria can meet the diagnostic criteria for the code DSM-5 302:85 only if the dysphoria (distress) is due to unhappiness about one's gender in social interactions but not because of a stigmatizing culture such as we can read in most comments in this thread.
Gender Dysphoria DSM-5 302.85 (F64.9) - Therapedia

So it's normal to be dissatisfied with your gender? I am completely happy with my gender. Are you happy being your gender?
Now now, Papageorgio, that is for me to know and you to find out.

So is it normal to be dissatisfied with ones gender?
If by "normal" you mean a statistical norm, then No; most people are happy enough being their assigned gender. On the other hand, if by "normal" you mean that it naturally occurs, due to nature, then Yes; there is a percentage of people who identify with the gender other than assigned to them by anatomy.

I don't believe it is normal. It is a mental disorder as is alcoholism or drug addiction, or bipolar, or depression or a host of other disorders.
I demonstrated how such an opinion as yours is at odds with the American Psychiatric Association. But please yourself.
When you say they should be treated the gender they WANT to be rather than the one they ARE, you're supporting them.

What I don't want is one being allowed to go in a restroom based on what they THINK they are. As I've said, one need not make the mistake of going in where my wife/daughters are. Humiliation wouldn't be their concern.

View attachment 105792
So your daughter is a hard ass lesbian. I`m okay with that. We are what we are.

Why do you call her a hard ass lesbian and not just lesbian? Why the derogatory term for a lesbian?
Did you see what she did to that guy`s face?
So it's normal to be dissatisfied with your gender? I am completely happy with my gender. Are you happy being your gender?
Now now, Papageorgio, that is for me to know and you to find out.

So is it normal to be dissatisfied with ones gender?
If by "normal" you mean a statistical norm, then No; most people are happy enough being their assigned gender. On the other hand, if by "normal" you mean that it naturally occurs, due to nature, then Yes; there is a percentage of people who identify with the gender other than assigned to them by anatomy.

I don't believe it is normal. It is a mental disorder as is alcoholism or drug addiction, or bipolar, or depression or a host of other disorders.
I demonstrated how such an opinion as yours is at odds with the American Psychiatric Association. But please yourself.

And I would have thought that after citing the same thing over and over again that I really do accept that view nor do I have to follow that view. There are many people that I believe are mentally off. Pedophiles, rapists, sadists, bipolar, schizophrenics, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smokers, people that enjoy extreme risks and on and on. If a group of doctors that sit on a board somewhere don't agree with me, then I am good with that. My studies seem to support the theory I have.
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When you say they should be treated the gender they WANT to be rather than the one they ARE, you're supporting them.

What I don't want is one being allowed to go in a restroom based on what they THINK they are. As I've said, one need not make the mistake of going in where my wife/daughters are. Humiliation wouldn't be their concern.

View attachment 105792
So your daughter is a hard ass lesbian. I`m okay with that. We are what we are.

Why do you call her a hard ass lesbian and not just lesbian? Why the derogatory term for a lesbian?
Did you see what she did to that guy`s face?

Now now, Papageorgio, that is for me to know and you to find out.

So is it normal to be dissatisfied with ones gender?
If by "normal" you mean a statistical norm, then No; most people are happy enough being their assigned gender. On the other hand, if by "normal" you mean that it naturally occurs, due to nature, then Yes; there is a percentage of people who identify with the gender other than assigned to them by anatomy.

I don't believe it is normal. It is a mental disorder as is alcoholism or drug addiction, or bipolar, or depression or a host of other disorders.
I demonstrated how such an opinion as yours is at odds with the American Psychiatric Association. But please yourself.

And I would have thought that after citing the same thing over and over again that I really do accept that view nor do I have to follow that view. There are many people that I believe are mentally off. Pedophiles, rapists, sadists, bipolar, schizophrenics, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smokers, people that enjoy extreme risks and on and on. If a group of doctors that sit on a board somewhere don't agree with me, then I am good with that. My studies seem to support the theory I have.
Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

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