less than 50% of americans think transgenderism is natural

Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

True to LGBT cult propaganda artists...your statement isn't totally true, is it? All DSM volumes have one thing in common. And that is the irrefutable definition of insanity as being, without question, ever, the inability to deal with reality on its terms. When a man looks between his legs and see a normal set of male genitalia and declares instead to the world "I am a woman"; that man is, by every definition in every DSM ever printed, CLINICALLY INSANE.

There's no gray area here. No special exceptions made. That man is NOT capable of consent to hormone therapy or surgery, nor to sign the waiver for either that "MDs" & "psychologists" (I use the terms loosely here) warn him "will never actually change your gender".

What is actually going on is malpractice. I use again the example of an MD removing a kidney to cure a broken wrist, but not until after he has the insane patient before him, (who is convinced that removing his kidney will fix his broken wrist...check the DSM for details..) sign a waiver that says "you know removing your kidney will not actually fix your wrist".

We move away from the insane, who are that way without question. We now shine the spotlight on people who are taking money to take advantage of the insane and treating them with quackery "medicine" just to make a buck. Which is against the law in most states. It's time to call these cards on the table. At a minimum, licensing boards must revoke licenses. And lawsuits must begin. The insane must be protected from these medical-predators.
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Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

True to LGBT cult propaganda artists...your statement isn't totally true, is it? All DSM volumes have one thing in common. And that is the irrefutable definition of insanity as being, without question, ever, the inability to deal with reality on its terms. When a man looks between his legs and see a normal set of male genitalia and declares instead to the world "I am a woman"; that man is, by every definition in every DSM ever printed, CLINICALLY INSANE.

There's no gray area here. No special exceptions made. That man is NOT capable of consent to hormone therapy or surgery, nor to sign the waiver for either that "MDs" & "psychologists" (I use the terms loosely here) warn him "will never actually change your gender".
Your post indicates you would benefit from a course in how to read the DSM-5.
The DSM 5 is very clear on transgenderism. As one gets older, you realize just how many mental cases are actually out there.........its many, many. The culture warriors spend their lives trying to change the landscape........like the climate change k00ks, have influenced very few.:up:
Most Americans are fucking stupid.

This is news?
No. The news is that the cult of LGBT is lying about "most Americans don't think amputation & drugging the mentally ill is bad". It's just a lie. They're up against the fact so when that happens, they just lie. They have their moles at the APA's highest levels simply lie about stuff for them and then sell it to the public "as fact".

It's akin to lobotomies in the 1950s to cure "hysteria" of bored housewives. The practice itself is insane; as are those OK-ing it. Nevermind the patients who also are playing 20 cards shy of a full deck.
Most Americans are fucking stupid.

This is news?
No. The news is that the cult of LGBT is lying about "most Americans don't think amputation & drugging the mentally ill is bad". It's just a lie. They're up against the fact so when that happens, they just lie. They have their moles at the APA's highest levels simply lie about stuff for them and then sell it to the public "as fact".

It's akin to lobotomies in the 1950s to cure "hysteria" of bored housewives. The practice itself is insane; as are those OK-ing it. Nevermind the patients who also are playing 20 cards shy of a full deck.
It remains a fact that transgender is not a mental disorder according to the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5.
So is it normal to be dissatisfied with ones gender?
If by "normal" you mean a statistical norm, then No; most people are happy enough being their assigned gender. On the other hand, if by "normal" you mean that it naturally occurs, due to nature, then Yes; there is a percentage of people who identify with the gender other than assigned to them by anatomy.

I don't believe it is normal. It is a mental disorder as is alcoholism or drug addiction, or bipolar, or depression or a host of other disorders.
I demonstrated how such an opinion as yours is at odds with the American Psychiatric Association. But please yourself.

And I would have thought that after citing the same thing over and over again that I really do accept that view nor do I have to follow that view. There are many people that I believe are mentally off. Pedophiles, rapists, sadists, bipolar, schizophrenics, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smokers, people that enjoy extreme risks and on and on. If a group of doctors that sit on a board somewhere don't agree with me, then I am good with that. My studies seem to support the theory I have.
Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

What is the mental code for people addicted to inhaling toxic smoke into their lungs? I don't sane people behave that way.

Inother words, I have an opinion that you don't like. too bad so sad!
Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

True to LGBT cult propaganda artists...your statement isn't totally true, is it? All DSM volumes have one thing in common. And that is the irrefutable definition of insanity as being, without question, ever, the inability to deal with reality on its terms. When a man looks between his legs and see a normal set of male genitalia and declares instead to the world "I am a woman"; that man is, by every definition in every DSM ever printed, CLINICALLY INSANE.

There's no gray area here. No special exceptions made. That man is NOT capable of consent to hormone therapy or surgery, nor to sign the waiver for either that "MDs" & "psychologists" (I use the terms loosely here) warn him "will never actually change your gender".

What is actually going on is malpractice. I use again the example of an MD removing a kidney to cure a broken wrist, but not until after he has the insane patient before him, (who is convinced that removing his kidney will fix his broken wrist...check the DSM for details..) sign a waiver that says "you know removing your kidney will not actually fix your wrist".

We move away from the insane, who are that way without question. We now shine the spotlight on people who are taking money to take advantage of the insane and treating them with quackery "medicine" just to make a buck. Which is against the law in most states. It's time to call these cards on the table. At a minimum, licensing boards must revoke licenses. And lawsuits must begin. The insane must be protected from these medical-predators.

Giving into ones feelings seems to be okay. Transgender, homosexuality, cross dressing, pedophilia, rape, smoking, have no genes linking the behavior to the person. It's giving into a desire. Drug and alcohol addiction actually have a genetics to link to their behavior, yet society looks with disdain at those individuals. Funny how it seems to work.
If by "normal" you mean a statistical norm, then No; most people are happy enough being their assigned gender. On the other hand, if by "normal" you mean that it naturally occurs, due to nature, then Yes; there is a percentage of people who identify with the gender other than assigned to them by anatomy.

I don't believe it is normal. It is a mental disorder as is alcoholism or drug addiction, or bipolar, or depression or a host of other disorders.
I demonstrated how such an opinion as yours is at odds with the American Psychiatric Association. But please yourself.

And I would have thought that after citing the same thing over and over again that I really do accept that view nor do I have to follow that view. There are many people that I believe are mentally off. Pedophiles, rapists, sadists, bipolar, schizophrenics, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smokers, people that enjoy extreme risks and on and on. If a group of doctors that sit on a board somewhere don't agree with me, then I am good with that. My studies seem to support the theory I have.
Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

What is the mental code for people addicted to inhaling toxic smoke into their lungs? I don't sane people behave that way.

Inother words, I have an opinion that you don't like. too bad so sad!
It's not a matter of anyone liking or disliking your opinion. The issue is that is JUST an opinion, and an opinion that flies in the face of the FACTS that I have posted here on this thread-which you and others choose to ignore. You boys seem to be afraid of learning anything that will undermine your excuses for your bigotry.
Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

True to LGBT cult propaganda artists...your statement isn't totally true, is it? All DSM volumes have one thing in common. And that is the irrefutable definition of insanity as being, without question, ever, the inability to deal with reality on its terms. When a man looks between his legs and see a normal set of male genitalia and declares instead to the world "I am a woman"; that man is, by every definition in every DSM ever printed, CLINICALLY INSANE.

There's no gray area here. No special exceptions made. That man is NOT capable of consent to hormone therapy or surgery, nor to sign the waiver for either that "MDs" & "psychologists" (I use the terms loosely here) warn him "will never actually change your gender".

What is actually going on is malpractice. I use again the example of an MD removing a kidney to cure a broken wrist, but not until after he has the insane patient before him, (who is convinced that removing his kidney will fix his broken wrist...check the DSM for details..) sign a waiver that says "you know removing your kidney will not actually fix your wrist".

We move away from the insane, who are that way without question. We now shine the spotlight on people who are taking money to take advantage of the insane and treating them with quackery "medicine" just to make a buck. Which is against the law in most states. It's time to call these cards on the table. At a minimum, licensing boards must revoke licenses. And lawsuits must begin. The insane must be protected from these medical-predators.

Giving into ones feelings seems to be okay. Transgender, homosexuality, cross dressing, pedophilia, rape, smoking, have no genes linking the behavior to the person. It's giving into a desire. Drug and alcohol addiction actually have a genetics to link to their behavior, yet society looks with disdain at those individuals. Funny how it seems to work.
Since when does genetics determine whether a behavior, or characteristic of a person determine societies acceptance of whatever. Have they found a religious gene yet?
I don't believe it is normal. It is a mental disorder as is alcoholism or drug addiction, or bipolar, or depression or a host of other disorders.
I demonstrated how such an opinion as yours is at odds with the American Psychiatric Association. But please yourself.

And I would have thought that after citing the same thing over and over again that I really do accept that view nor do I have to follow that view. There are many people that I believe are mentally off. Pedophiles, rapists, sadists, bipolar, schizophrenics, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smokers, people that enjoy extreme risks and on and on. If a group of doctors that sit on a board somewhere don't agree with me, then I am good with that. My studies seem to support the theory I have.
Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

What is the mental code for people addicted to inhaling toxic smoke into their lungs? I don't sane people behave that way.

Inother words, I have an opinion that you don't like. too bad so sad!
It's not a matter of anyone liking or disliking your opinion. The issue is that is JUST an opinion, and an opinion that flies in the face of the FACTS that I have posted here on this thread-which you and others choose to ignore. You boys seem to be afraid of learning anything that will undermine your excuses for your bigotry.

I never read your posts entirely, if at all, I find you boring and not entertaining, unless you become more interesting I am going to continue to ignore most of what you post. That is just the way it is. I am not bigoted, I accept who they are, I disagree with the diagnosis.
It's not a matter of anyone liking or disliking your opinion. The issue is that is JUST an opinion, and an opinion that flies in the face of the FACTS that I have posted here on this thread-which you and others choose to ignore. You boys seem to be afraid of learning anything that will undermine your excuses for your bigotry.

The biological criteria that distinguish male from female are facts. The nonsense that you insist on citing to confound and deny this distinction are nothing more than madness, lies, and delusions; and sane people clearly see them as such.

And you might as well stop crying “Bigotry!” in vain. Nobody is being fooled by it any more.
I don't believe it is normal. It is a mental disorder as is alcoholism or drug addiction, or bipolar, or depression or a host of other disorders.
I demonstrated how such an opinion as yours is at odds with the American Psychiatric Association. But please yourself.

And I would have thought that after citing the same thing over and over again that I really do accept that view nor do I have to follow that view. There are many people that I believe are mentally off. Pedophiles, rapists, sadists, bipolar, schizophrenics, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smokers, people that enjoy extreme risks and on and on. If a group of doctors that sit on a board somewhere don't agree with me, then I am good with that. My studies seem to support the theory I have.
Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

What is the mental code for people addicted to inhaling toxic smoke into their lungs? I don't sane people behave that way.

Inother words, I have an opinion that you don't like. too bad so sad!
It's not a matter of anyone liking or disliking your opinion. The issue is that is JUST an opinion, and an opinion that flies in the face of the FACTS that I have posted here on this thread-which you and others choose to ignore. You boys seem to be afraid of learning anything that will undermine your excuses for your bigotry.
You haven't posted any facts.
It's not a matter of anyone liking or disliking your opinion. The issue is that is JUST an opinion, and an opinion that flies in the face of the FACTS that I have posted here on this thread-which you and others choose to ignore. You boys seem to be afraid of learning anything that will undermine your excuses for your bigotry.

The biological criteria that distinguish male from female are facts. The nonsense that you insist on citing to confound and deny this distinction are nothing more than madness, lies, and delusions; and sane people clearly see them as such.

And you might as well stop crying “Bigotry!” in vain. Nobody is being fooled by it any more.
It's not a matter of anyone liking or disliking your opinion. The issue is that is JUST an opinion, and an opinion that flies in the face of the FACTS that I have posted here on this thread-which you and others choose to ignore. You boys seem to be afraid of learning anything that will undermine your excuses for your bigotry.

The biological criteria that distinguish male from female are facts. The nonsense that you insist on citing to confound and deny this distinction are nothing more than madness, lies, and delusions; and sane people clearly see them as such.

And you might as well stop crying “Bigotry!” in vain. Nobody is being fooled by it any more.
Gender is not determined by genitalia alone. The medical profession recognizes other criteria such as the biology of the brain.
I demonstrated how such an opinion as yours is at odds with the American Psychiatric Association. But please yourself.

And I would have thought that after citing the same thing over and over again that I really do accept that view nor do I have to follow that view. There are many people that I believe are mentally off. Pedophiles, rapists, sadists, bipolar, schizophrenics, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smokers, people that enjoy extreme risks and on and on. If a group of doctors that sit on a board somewhere don't agree with me, then I am good with that. My studies seem to support the theory I have.
Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

What is the mental code for people addicted to inhaling toxic smoke into their lungs? I don't sane people behave that way.

Inother words, I have an opinion that you don't like. too bad so sad!
It's not a matter of anyone liking or disliking your opinion. The issue is that is JUST an opinion, and an opinion that flies in the face of the FACTS that I have posted here on this thread-which you and others choose to ignore. You boys seem to be afraid of learning anything that will undermine your excuses for your bigotry.

I never read your posts entirely, if at all, I find you boring and not entertaining, unless you become more interesting I am going to continue to ignore most of what you post. That is just the way it is. I am not bigoted, I accept who they are, I disagree with the diagnosis.
I demonstrated how such an opinion as yours is at odds with the American Psychiatric Association. But please yourself.

And I would have thought that after citing the same thing over and over again that I really do accept that view nor do I have to follow that view. There are many people that I believe are mentally off. Pedophiles, rapists, sadists, bipolar, schizophrenics, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smokers, people that enjoy extreme risks and on and on. If a group of doctors that sit on a board somewhere don't agree with me, then I am good with that. My studies seem to support the theory I have.
Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

What is the mental code for people addicted to inhaling toxic smoke into their lungs? I don't sane people behave that way.

Inother words, I have an opinion that you don't like. too bad so sad!
It's not a matter of anyone liking or disliking your opinion. The issue is that is JUST an opinion, and an opinion that flies in the face of the FACTS that I have posted here on this thread-which you and others choose to ignore. You boys seem to be afraid of learning anything that will undermine your excuses for your bigotry.

I never read your posts entirely, if at all, I find you boring and not entertaining, unless you become more interesting I am going to continue to ignore most of what you post. That is just the way it is. I am not bigoted, I accept who they are, I disagree with the diagnosis.

You never read my posts entirely!! And I'm sure that you never followed the links that I provided either. Thank you for confirming that you have made the CHOICE to remain willfully ignorant.

You fined ME boring??? You have know idea what I think of you. I'm not trying to entertain you. I'm trying to educate you but you appear to be uneducable and unfortunately, I'm not certified in special ed.

You're not a bigot? Horseshit. You keep insisting that trans people are mentally ill, and you post this:

There are many people that I believe are mentally off. Pedophiles, rapists, sadists, bipolar, schizophrenics, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smokers, people that enjoy extreme risks and on and on. If a group of doctors that sit on a board somewhere don't agree with me, then I am good with that. My studies seem to support the theory I have.

You lump them together with" Pedophiles, rapists, sadists, bipolar, schizophrenics, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smokers, people that enjoy extreme risks and on and on." Give me a fucking break! Do you even have a rudimentary understanding of what a bigot is? Can you possibly be that devoid of any honestly or introspection?

Tell us what you're views on transsexual rights are. I don't recall your actually addressing that. Should they have protections from discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations? Should they be supported and accepted for who they are, or treated like mentally ill freaks that need to be cured or removed from society. Tell us whether or not you see them as a threat or detriment to society and what you think "should be done about them" Answer honestly and then we can discuss further whether or not you are a bigot.
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