less than 50% of americans think transgenderism is natural

It's not a matter of anyone liking or disliking your opinion. The issue is that is JUST an opinion, and an opinion that flies in the face of the FACTS that I have posted here on this thread-which you and others choose to ignore. You boys seem to be afraid of learning anything that will undermine your excuses for your bigotry.

The biological criteria that distinguish male from female are facts. The nonsense that you insist on citing to confound and deny this distinction are nothing more than madness, lies, and delusions; and sane people clearly see them as such.

And you might as well stop crying “Bigotry!” in vain. Nobody is being fooled by it any more.
. Well looky there, they done went and got you speaking in tongues now. The final symptom of your delusional thinking ??:spinner:
It's not a matter of anyone liking or disliking your opinion. The issue is that is JUST an opinion, and an opinion that flies in the face of the FACTS that I have posted here on this thread-which you and others choose to ignore. You boys seem to be afraid of learning anything that will undermine your excuses for your bigotry.

The biological criteria that distinguish male from female are facts. The nonsense that you insist on citing to confound and deny this distinction are nothing more than madness, lies, and delusions; and sane people clearly see them as such.

And you might as well stop crying “Bigotry!” in vain. Nobody is being fooled by it any more.
Gender is not determined by genitalia alone. The medical profession recognizes other criteria such as the biology of the brain.
You're wasting your time with that numb nuts.
I demonstrated how such an opinion as yours is at odds with the American Psychiatric Association. But please yourself.

And I would have thought that after citing the same thing over and over again that I really do accept that view nor do I have to follow that view. There are many people that I believe are mentally off. Pedophiles, rapists, sadists, bipolar, schizophrenics, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smokers, people that enjoy extreme risks and on and on. If a group of doctors that sit on a board somewhere don't agree with me, then I am good with that. My studies seem to support the theory I have.
Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

What is the mental code for people addicted to inhaling toxic smoke into their lungs? I don't sane people behave that way.

Inother words, I have an opinion that you don't like. too bad so sad!
It's not a matter of anyone liking or disliking your opinion. The issue is that is JUST an opinion, and an opinion that flies in the face of the FACTS that I have posted here on this thread-which you and others choose to ignore. You boys seem to be afraid of learning anything that will undermine your excuses for your bigotry.
You haven't posted any facts.
Complete equine excrement! You would not know a fact if it bit you in your hind parts.
Now now, Papageorgio, that is for me to know and you to find out.

So is it normal to be dissatisfied with ones gender?
If by "normal" you mean a statistical norm, then No; most people are happy enough being their assigned gender. On the other hand, if by "normal" you mean that it naturally occurs, due to nature, then Yes; there is a percentage of people who identify with the gender other than assigned to them by anatomy.

I don't believe it is normal. It is a mental disorder as is alcoholism or drug addiction, or bipolar, or depression or a host of other disorders.
I demonstrated how such an opinion as yours is at odds with the American Psychiatric Association. But please yourself.

And I would have thought that after citing the same thing over and over again that I really do accept that view nor do I have to follow that view. There are many people that I believe are mentally off. Pedophiles, rapists, sadists, bipolar, schizophrenics, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smokers, people that enjoy extreme risks and on and on. If a group of doctors that sit on a board somewhere don't agree with me, then I am good with that. My studies seem to support the theory I have.
Your studies ??!! WTF :confused-84::confused-84::confused-84: What studies? :coffee::finger3: You obviously don't know what a study even is.:night:
Public Support for Transgender Rights: A Twenty-Three Country Survey

By Andrew R. Flores, Taylor N.T. Brown, and Andrew S. Park

Transgender rights have emerged as a central feature in the discourse on LGBT rights in many countries; however, little is known about public support for such rights around the globe. This report presents findings from a ground-breaking survey of 17,105 adults across 23 countries about their attitudes towards transgender people and rights.

This study provides evidence of high levels of support for transgender rights, as well as instances of strong opposition. Findings include the following:

–Seventy percent of all respondents agree that transgender people should be allowed to have gender-affirming surgery and should be protected from discrimination by the government. Outside of Asia, the level of support is at least 50 percent in each country.

–A majority of people in each of the countries surveyed support the right of transgender people to change the sex listed on their identity documents.

A majority of respondents from 15 countries agreed that transgender people should be allowed to use the restroom associated with their gender identity. Respondents from Spain (76.7%), Argentina (72.4%), and India (71.6%) were most supportive. A majority of respondents in Russia (53.5%) disagreed that transgender people should be allowed to use the restroom associated with their gender identity.

- See more at: Public Support for Transgender Rights: A Twenty-Three Country Survey
Scholars File Amici Brief On Constitutionality of Mississippi Statute - See more at: Scholars File Amici Brief On Constitutionality of Mississippi Statute

Amici agree with Appellees that HB 1523 discriminates against and burdens
LGBT people in violation of the Equal Protection and Establishment Clauses of the U.S. Constitution. This brief provides relevant demographic, social science, and legal research intended to assist the Court in its consideration of these issues by presenting a fuller picture of Mississippi’s LGBT citizens and the long history of discrimination that they have faced. As scholars who specialize in studying the LGBT population, Amici are particularly well suited to present such research to the Court.

HB 1523 elevates the following three beliefs for special protection under
Mississippi law: (1) “marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman”; (2) “sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage”; and (3) “male (man) or female (woman) refer to an individual’s immutable biological sex as objectively determined by anatomy and genetics at time of birth.”3 Beliefs 1 and 2 demean and disadvantage lesbian, gay, and bisexual (“LGB”) people married to (or who may marry) someone of the same sex, as well as all sexually active unmarried people (especially those who are LGB, given

Belief 1). Belief 3 targets transgender people because their sex assigned at birth does not correspond to their gender identity.
Accordingly, HB 1523 demeans and disadvantages approximately 74,500
LGBT adults, thousands of whom are in same-sex marriages, and tens of thousands of LGBT youth and young adults in Mississippi. In turn, HB 1523 jeopardizes thousands of children who are being raised by LGBT parents in Mississippi. Research demonstrates that LGBT people and their families in Mississippi are socially and economically disadvantaged, and have been subject to a long history of discrimination, prejudice, and violence. Thus, far from granting LGBT people “equal dignity in the eyes of the law,” Obergefell, 135 S. Ct. at 2608, HB 1523 entrenches harmful discrimination against LGBT people and their families.

Research demonstrates that LGBT Mississippians and their families are
vulnerable socio-economically and many are subject to discrimination in
employment, housing, and other important aspects of their lives. HB 1523, by
elevating anti-LGBT religious beliefs over others, demeans and disadvantages
LGBT people in the state. The Court should affirm the District Court’s ruling
It's not a matter of anyone liking or disliking your opinion. The issue is that is JUST an opinion, and an opinion that flies in the face of the FACTS that I have posted here on this thread-which you and others choose to ignore. You boys seem to be afraid of learning anything that will undermine your excuses for your bigotry.

The biological criteria that distinguish male from female are facts. The nonsense that you insist on citing to confound and deny this distinction are nothing more than madness, lies, and delusions; and sane people clearly see them as such.

And you might as well stop crying “Bigotry!” in vain. Nobody is being fooled by it any more.
. Well looky there, they done went and got you speaking in tongues now. The final symptom of your delusional thinking ??:spinner:
Public Support for Transgender Rights: A Twenty-Three Country Survey

By Andrew R. Flores, Taylor N.T. Brown, and Andrew S. Park

Transgender rights have emerged as a central feature in the discourse on LGBT rights in many countries; however, little is known about public support for such rights around the globe. This report presents findings from a ground-breaking survey of 17,105 adults across 23 countries about their attitudes towards transgender people and rights.

This study provides evidence of high levels of support for transgender rights, as well as instances of strong opposition. Findings include the following:

–Seventy percent of all respondents agree that transgender people should be allowed to have gender-affirming surgery and should be protected from discrimination by the government. Outside of Asia, the level of support is at least 50 percent in each country.

–A majority of people in each of the countries surveyed support the right of transgender people to change the sex listed on their identity documents.

A majority of respondents from 15 countries agreed that transgender people should be allowed to use the restroom associated with their gender identity. Respondents from Spain (76.7%), Argentina (72.4%), and India (71.6%) were most supportive. A majority of respondents in Russia (53.5%) disagreed that transgender people should be allowed to use the restroom associated with their gender identity.

- See more at: Public Support for Transgender Rights: A Twenty-Three Country Survey
So says an LGBTQ activist organization....lol

Like we are supposed to ignore their bias...smh.
Funny how you don't want to stop people who have serious mental problems from going into bathrooms, yet you want to stop those who you want to believe do.

Funny how you're not calling for pedophiles who molest young boys from going into the male toilets either.

Child molesters and others who commit crimes are another matter. My preference is that they be kept in prison, where the question of them using public restrooms would be moot.

But simple plain common sense and common decency dictate that men have no business being in women's facilities, or vice versa.

One has to wonder about the motives of those of you who would sacrifice the safety and modesty of women and girls just to cater to a tiny minority of perverted freaks. It's especially ironic given that yours is the side that is so fond of falsely accusing my side of waging a “war on women”.

Sure, they're another matter. But then again who you let into bathrooms would be the same matter, don't you thing?

So, anyone who commits a crime should spend the rest of their life in prison. Wow.

"common sense" and "common decency" dictate that a man who is attracted to men shouldn't be in a bathroom with women because... why exactly is this common sense? Maybe it's just what you've decided, but I want to know why, your train of thought on this one.

How is the safety of women put a risk because men can go into women's bathrooms? I mean, if a man is going to attack a woman in a woman's bathroom, they don't need permission to go into women's bathrooms.

And the modesty? I though women did a crap with the door closed.

This has nothing to do with any "war on women", this is about hatred for those you think are "abnormal". Ie, plain bullying.
. A man going into a man's restroom is going to be noticed for his mental disorder ?? You would call that profiling, and that isn't allowed in your world no matter what signs might be available in the situation right ?? Let's see you would call a profiler every word that you could think of if a person we're to try and be proactive instead of reactive now wouldn't you ?

I'm not really sure what you're going on about, other than if you want to solve the problem of not having mentally disturbed people in the bathroom with you, then you're going to have to deal with mental problems, rather than with bathroom issues. It's not really hard though, is it? Have three bathrooms.

There aren't three genders. There are two. Go into the one of the gender of which you were born. It's that simple.
So is it normal to be dissatisfied with ones gender?
If by "normal" you mean a statistical norm, then No; most people are happy enough being their assigned gender. On the other hand, if by "normal" you mean that it naturally occurs, due to nature, then Yes; there is a percentage of people who identify with the gender other than assigned to them by anatomy.

I don't believe it is normal. It is a mental disorder as is alcoholism or drug addiction, or bipolar, or depression or a host of other disorders.
I demonstrated how such an opinion as yours is at odds with the American Psychiatric Association. But please yourself.

And I would have thought that after citing the same thing over and over again that I really do accept that view nor do I have to follow that view. There are many people that I believe are mentally off. Pedophiles, rapists, sadists, bipolar, schizophrenics, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smokers, people that enjoy extreme risks and on and on. If a group of doctors that sit on a board somewhere don't agree with me, then I am good with that. My studies seem to support the theory I have.
Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

The facts I present are this: 1) If you're born a male, you're a male and can't be a female because you think so. 2) Same for someone being born a female not being a male because she thinks so.

Anything beyond that, whether you live a lie or enable one, proves you have a mental disorder.
If by "normal" you mean a statistical norm, then No; most people are happy enough being their assigned gender. On the other hand, if by "normal" you mean that it naturally occurs, due to nature, then Yes; there is a percentage of people who identify with the gender other than assigned to them by anatomy.

I don't believe it is normal. It is a mental disorder as is alcoholism or drug addiction, or bipolar, or depression or a host of other disorders.
I demonstrated how such an opinion as yours is at odds with the American Psychiatric Association. But please yourself.

And I would have thought that after citing the same thing over and over again that I really do accept that view nor do I have to follow that view. There are many people that I believe are mentally off. Pedophiles, rapists, sadists, bipolar, schizophrenics, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smokers, people that enjoy extreme risks and on and on. If a group of doctors that sit on a board somewhere don't agree with me, then I am good with that. My studies seem to support the theory I have.
Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

The facts I present are this: 1) If you're born a male, you're a male and can't be a female because you think so. 2) Same for someone being born a female not being a male because she thinks so.

Anything beyond that, whether you live a lie or enable one, proves you have a mental disorder.
Boom! Those are facts, Jack!
I don't believe it is normal. It is a mental disorder as is alcoholism or drug addiction, or bipolar, or depression or a host of other disorders.
I demonstrated how such an opinion as yours is at odds with the American Psychiatric Association. But please yourself.

And I would have thought that after citing the same thing over and over again that I really do accept that view nor do I have to follow that view. There are many people that I believe are mentally off. Pedophiles, rapists, sadists, bipolar, schizophrenics, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smokers, people that enjoy extreme risks and on and on. If a group of doctors that sit on a board somewhere don't agree with me, then I am good with that. My studies seem to support the theory I have.
Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

The facts I present are this: 1) If you're born a male, you're a male and can't be a female because you think so. 2) Same for someone being born a female not being a male because she thinks so.

Anything beyond that, whether you live a lie or enable one, proves you have a mental disorder.
Boom! Those are facts, Jack!

Those are the ONLY facts that matter. Anything else is justifying a mental disorder.
Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

True to LGBT cult propaganda artists...your statement isn't totally true, is it? All DSM volumes have one thing in common. And that is the irrefutable definition of insanity as being, without question, ever, the inability to deal with reality on its terms. When a man looks between his legs and see a normal set of male genitalia and declares instead to the world "I am a woman"; that man is, by every definition in every DSM ever printed, CLINICALLY INSANE.

There's no gray area here. No special exceptions made. That man is NOT capable of consent to hormone therapy or surgery, nor to sign the waiver for either that "MDs" & "psychologists" (I use the terms loosely here) warn him "will never actually change your gender".
Your post indicates you would benefit from a course in how to read the DSM-5.

Your posts indicate you need a basic lesson in biology.
I don't believe it is normal. It is a mental disorder as is alcoholism or drug addiction, or bipolar, or depression or a host of other disorders.
I demonstrated how such an opinion as yours is at odds with the American Psychiatric Association. But please yourself.

And I would have thought that after citing the same thing over and over again that I really do accept that view nor do I have to follow that view. There are many people that I believe are mentally off. Pedophiles, rapists, sadists, bipolar, schizophrenics, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, smokers, people that enjoy extreme risks and on and on. If a group of doctors that sit on a board somewhere don't agree with me, then I am good with that. My studies seem to support the theory I have.
Some, if not all of the people you mention have codes for a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5 but transgender is not there. Your opinion is not a respected academic one. In other words, you are wrong. Sorry.

What is the mental code for people addicted to inhaling toxic smoke into their lungs? I don't sane people behave that way.

Inother words, I have an opinion that you don't like. too bad so sad!
It's not a matter of anyone liking or disliking your opinion. The issue is that is JUST an opinion, and an opinion that flies in the face of the FACTS that I have posted here on this thread-which you and others choose to ignore. You boys seem to be afraid of learning anything that will undermine your excuses for your bigotry.

The facts are the if you're born a male, you can't be a female or think you're one because you feel that way. Same with someone born a female trying to be a male. You seem to be too fucking stupid to understand basic biology. My understanding of biology doesn't make me a bigot. It makes me on a much higher intelligence level than you.
It's not a matter of anyone liking or disliking your opinion. The issue is that is JUST an opinion, and an opinion that flies in the face of the FACTS that I have posted here on this thread-which you and others choose to ignore. You boys seem to be afraid of learning anything that will undermine your excuses for your bigotry.

The biological criteria that distinguish male from female are facts. The nonsense that you insist on citing to confound and deny this distinction are nothing more than madness, lies, and delusions; and sane people clearly see them as such.

And you might as well stop crying “Bigotry!” in vain. Nobody is being fooled by it any more.
. Well looky there, they done went and got you speaking in tongues now. The final symptom of your delusional thinking ??:spinner:
. Oops, may have been directed at the wrong poster. If so disregard.
Child molesters and others who commit crimes are another matter. My preference is that they be kept in prison, where the question of them using public restrooms would be moot.

So, anyone who commits a crime should spend the rest of their life in prison. Wow.

No surprise, here. Being a liberal scumbag, you are openly on the side of criminals and perverts, and against that of decent, law-abiding citizens. That is one of the defining characteristics of your depraved ideology.
It's not a matter of anyone liking or disliking your opinion. The issue is that is JUST an opinion, and an opinion that flies in the face of the FACTS that I have posted here on this thread-which you and others choose to ignore. You boys seem to be afraid of learning anything that will undermine your excuses for your bigotry.

The biological criteria that distinguish male from female are facts. The nonsense that you insist on citing to confound and deny this distinction are nothing more than madness, lies, and delusions; and sane people clearly see them as such.

And you might as well stop crying “Bigotry!” in vain. Nobody is being fooled by it any more.
Gender is not determined by genitalia alone. The medical profession recognizes other criteria such as the biology of the brain.
You're wasting your time with that numb nuts.

The latter part of that statement is an excuse for those that want to enable people with mental illnesses to believe they can be something they aren't.
Child molesters and others who commit crimes are another matter. My preference is that they be kept in prison, where the question of them using public restrooms would be moot.

So, anyone who commits a crime should spend the rest of their life in prison. Wow.

No surprise, here. Being a liberal scumbag, you are openly on the side of criminals and perverts, and against that of decent, law-abiding citizens. That is one of the defining characteristics of your depraved ideology.

Enough, I don't come on here to talk to insulters. Ignore list.
Child molesters and others who commit crimes are another matter. My preference is that they be kept in prison, where the question of them using public restrooms would be moot.

So, anyone who commits a crime should spend the rest of their life in prison. Wow.

No surprise, here. Being a liberal scumbag, you are openly on the side of criminals and perverts, and against that of decent, law-abiding citizens. That is one of the defining characteristics of your depraved ideology.

Enough, I don't come on here to talk to insulters. Ignore list.

It's not an insult when it's true, coward.
If the Hollywood swamp could be drained, it might actually be better than draining the Washington swamp. Hollywood has become unhinged. Just a side note.

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