less than 50% of americans think transgenderism is natural

I have a couple of problems with the transgender issue. The first comes from a panel discussion on the issue that I watched. A number of the panelists were psychiatric professionals and not one of them could give a coherent reason as to why the disorder was reclassified to a dysphoria. Personally I couldn't care less but at the end of the discussion I couldn't help but feel that the only reason it was changed was politics. The idea that a psychiatric diagnosis can be changed because of political pressure is worrisome to say the least. As one person said, "what's next, is the AMA going to stop saying obesity is a problem because of body image concerns?".

The second problem pertains to children. From the same panel it was stated that upwards of 80% of children that identify as the opposite sex revert back to their birth sex by the time they reach adulthood. I now hear rumblings of people that want to make sex change operations available to children, this sounds like a recipe for disaster.
They are allready feeding kids as young as 9 yrs old with carcinogenic puberty blocking hormones. This amounts to experimentation, not to mention child abuse. They are stopping puberty when that is the time that a great many of these kids become less confused and 'grow out of it' - that is quite sinister imho.
Why do you care?
Don't you care?
I just wish they'd shut up about it.
I have a couple of problems with the transgender issue. The first comes from a panel discussion on the issue that I watched. A number of the panelists were psychiatric professionals and not one of them could give a coherent reason as to why the disorder was reclassified to a dysphoria. Personally I couldn't care less but at the end of the discussion I couldn't help but feel that the only reason it was changed was politics. The idea that a psychiatric diagnosis can be changed because of political pressure is worrisome to say the least. As one person said, "what's next, is the AMA going to stop saying obesity is a problem because of body image concerns?".

The second problem pertains to children. From the same panel it was stated that upwards of 80% of children that identify as the opposite sex revert back to their birth sex by the time they reach adulthood. I now hear rumblings of people that want to make sex change operations available to children, this sounds like a recipe for disaster.
They are allready feeding kids as young as 9 yrs old with carcinogenic puberty blocking hormones. This amounts to experimentation, not to mention child abuse. They are stopping puberty when that is the time that a great many of these kids become less confused and 'grow out of it' - that is quite sinister imho.
Why do you care?
I care because I don't think we should be allowing this kind of abuse. It's horrific and sounds like something the Nazis would have done. Adults can do what they like, I don't care, but children rely on adults to protect them.
Concern only causes them to be bullied more.
I have a couple of problems with the transgender issue. The first comes from a panel discussion on the issue that I watched. A number of the panelists were psychiatric professionals and not one of them could give a coherent reason as to why the disorder was reclassified to a dysphoria. Personally I couldn't care less but at the end of the discussion I couldn't help but feel that the only reason it was changed was politics. The idea that a psychiatric diagnosis can be changed because of political pressure is worrisome to say the least. As one person said, "what's next, is the AMA going to stop saying obesity is a problem because of body image concerns?".

The second problem pertains to children. From the same panel it was stated that upwards of 80% of children that identify as the opposite sex revert back to their birth sex by the time they reach adulthood. I now hear rumblings of people that want to make sex change operations available to children, this sounds like a recipe for disaster.
They are allready feeding kids as young as 9 yrs old with carcinogenic puberty blocking hormones. This amounts to experimentation, not to mention child abuse. They are stopping puberty when that is the time that a great many of these kids become less confused and 'grow out of it' - that is quite sinister imho.
Why do you care?
I care because I don't think we should be allowing this kind of abuse. It's horrific and sounds like something the Nazis would have done. Adults can do what they like, I don't care, but children rely on adults to protect them.
Concern only causes them to be bullied more.
I think putting a boy in a dress probably has the same effect.
I have a couple of problems with the transgender issue. The first comes from a panel discussion on the issue that I watched. A number of the panelists were psychiatric professionals and not one of them could give a coherent reason as to why the disorder was reclassified to a dysphoria. Personally I couldn't care less but at the end of the discussion I couldn't help but feel that the only reason it was changed was politics. The idea that a psychiatric diagnosis can be changed because of political pressure is worrisome to say the least. As one person said, "what's next, is the AMA going to stop saying obesity is a problem because of body image concerns?".

The second problem pertains to children. From the same panel it was stated that upwards of 80% of children that identify as the opposite sex revert back to their birth sex by the time they reach adulthood. I now hear rumblings of people that want to make sex change operations available to children, this sounds like a recipe for disaster.
They are allready feeding kids as young as 9 yrs old with carcinogenic puberty blocking hormones. This amounts to experimentation, not to mention child abuse. They are stopping puberty when that is the time that a great many of these kids become less confused and 'grow out of it' - that is quite sinister imho.
Why do you care?
I care because I don't think we should be allowing this kind of abuse. It's horrific and sounds like something the Nazis would have done. Adults can do what they like, I don't care, but children rely on adults to protect them.
Concern only causes them to be bullied more.
I think putting a boy in a dress probably has the same effect.
Well stop putting him in one. :D
I have a couple of problems with the transgender issue. The first comes from a panel discussion on the issue that I watched. A number of the panelists were psychiatric professionals and not one of them could give a coherent reason as to why the disorder was reclassified to a dysphoria. Personally I couldn't care less but at the end of the discussion I couldn't help but feel that the only reason it was changed was politics. The idea that a psychiatric diagnosis can be changed because of political pressure is worrisome to say the least. As one person said, "what's next, is the AMA going to stop saying obesity is a problem because of body image concerns?".

The second problem pertains to children. From the same panel it was stated that upwards of 80% of children that identify as the opposite sex revert back to their birth sex by the time they reach adulthood. I now hear rumblings of people that want to make sex change operations available to children, this sounds like a recipe for disaster.
They are allready feeding kids as young as 9 yrs old with carcinogenic puberty blocking hormones. This amounts to experimentation, not to mention child abuse. They are stopping puberty when that is the time that a great many of these kids become less confused and 'grow out of it' - that is quite sinister imho.
Why do you care?
Don't you care?
I just wish they'd shut up about it.

Its the phony christians who make all the noise but in fact, hearing about injustice or rights being denied Americans reminds us all to keep fighting for equality for all.

BTW, your avi of the crooked lying Ivanka made me remember reading where Bristol is desperately sucking up to her. What a disgusting bunch RWNJ traitors are.
I have a couple of problems with the transgender issue. The first comes from a panel discussion on the issue that I watched. A number of the panelists were psychiatric professionals and not one of them could give a coherent reason as to why the disorder was reclassified to a dysphoria. Personally I couldn't care less but at the end of the discussion I couldn't help but feel that the only reason it was changed was politics. The idea that a psychiatric diagnosis can be changed because of political pressure is worrisome to say the least. As one person said, "what's next, is the AMA going to stop saying obesity is a problem because of body image concerns?".

The second problem pertains to children. From the same panel it was stated that upwards of 80% of children that identify as the opposite sex revert back to their birth sex by the time they reach adulthood. I now hear rumblings of people that want to make sex change operations available to children, this sounds like a recipe for disaster.
They are allready feeding kids as young as 9 yrs old with carcinogenic puberty blocking hormones. This amounts to experimentation, not to mention child abuse. They are stopping puberty when that is the time that a great many of these kids become less confused and 'grow out of it' - that is quite sinister imho.
Why do you care?
Don't you care?
I just wish they'd shut up about it.

Its the phony christians who make all the noise but in fact, hearing about injustice or rights being denied Americans reminds us all to keep fighting for equality for all.

BTW, your avi of the crooked lying Ivanka made me remember reading where Bristol is desperately sucking up to her. What a disgusting bunch RWNJ traitors are.
It really isn't going to affect me whether the world gets more right or more left.
Well, it is a choice. Personal liberty!
. Not when it's being pushed in the classrooms as an agenda it's no choice. It's called indoctrination, and that's what Obama and crew has for their legacy now. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Amen to this. If people are being forced to have anything to do with it when they do not want to have anything to do with it, then its no longer a choice which is actually how things go for a person who is being raped. When a person is not able to walk away from it, then its rape, so I see no other way to label this matter.

God bless you always!!!

It shouldn't be a political issue.
. Obama & Co. made it a political issue.
No one is being forced or indoctrinated and President Obama has nothing at all to do with it.

Every time you RWNJ traitors get a bee up your collective butts and you get all pissed about the US Constitution, you say Obama wrote it. Just take my word for it. He didn't.

Question -- Why are you jerks upset that drumpf has said there are several parts of the constitution he wants to gut? Hmmm?

Barack Hussein Obama: Titular head of the LBGT Movement.

Not even close.

As president, he upheld the US Constitution and good grief, Political Chic - you just make this shit up as you go along.

Please, just once, can't there be ONE thread of facts instead of your constant lies?

How about we leave it up to readers to decide which of us is lying?
It shouldn't be a political issue.
. Obama & Co. made it a political issue.
No one is being forced or indoctrinated and President Obama has nothing at all to do with it.

Every time you RWNJ traitors get a bee up your collective butts and you get all pissed about the US Constitution, you say Obama wrote it. Just take my word for it. He didn't.

Question -- Why are you jerks upset that drumpf has said there are several parts of the constitution he wants to gut? Hmmm?

Barack Hussein Obama: Titular head of the LBGT Movement.

Not even close.

As president, he upheld the US Constitution and good grief, Political Chic - you just make this shit up as you go along.

Please, just once, can't there be ONE thread of facts instead of your constant lies?

How about we leave it up to readers to decide which of us is lying?
There isn't any readers.

If the mainstream media is fake news, then what would reading USMB be, crazy news?

While I don't think it's "natural"...I also don't give two flying craps what other people do as long as it doesn't affect me. So some guys want to chop their privates off? Who cares?

This is the best point made. Just because over 50% of people think sex change is unnatural doesn't mean they want to DO anything about it.

I'd say it's about 10% of people at the very highest, who see it as something that needs to be stopped. That's an horrendously high % though, considering how justified they feel about it.
Yes, I'm sure 90% of people think there's nothing wrong whatsoever with chopping off one's healthy genitals in a game of pretend that you never can achieve; which is why the MDs make you sign a waiver at surgery that says "you know this isn't going to actually change your gender"..

OK folks, just to be clear here, "The Great Goose" who is the pitcher for the church of LGBT in this topic, wants you to believe that 90%+ of regular everyday people think hacking off your genitals, leaving you a halfling freak; which the MDs involved warned you of in a waiver before hand is ...*drum roll* .....Just fine with the regular folks!!

And in related "news" (propaganda/outright lying), "most people support gay marriage!". Except as indicated by this poll, which demonstrates when people think about gay marriage and not the propaganda behind it, 85% OPPOSE gay marriage...to present day: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

85% from republicans, independents AND democrats. Democrats need look no further than this poll above as to why they lost all seats of power to the conservatives. It seems that the parasitic cult that has latched itself onto the democratic label, has a lot of fun lying...BIGLY...all the time..."goin' for broke" as indicated in the enormity of Goose's lie above. But that fun seems to end on election day when the real polling numbers come in.
It shouldn't be a political issue.
. Obama & Co. made it a political issue.
No one is being forced or indoctrinated and President Obama has nothing at all to do with it.

Every time you RWNJ traitors get a bee up your collective butts and you get all pissed about the US Constitution, you say Obama wrote it. Just take my word for it. He didn't.

Question -- Why are you jerks upset that drumpf has said there are several parts of the constitution he wants to gut? Hmmm?

Barack Hussein Obama: Titular head of the LBGT Movement.

Not even close.

As president, he upheld the US Constitution and good grief, Political Chic - you just make this shit up as you go along.

Please, just once, can't there be ONE thread of facts instead of your constant lies?

How about we leave it up to readers to decide which of us is lying?
There isn't any readers.

If the mainstream media is fake news, then what would reading USMB be, crazy news?


1. "...aren't...."

2. For those on the Right, the USMB represents samizdat.
Goose is a kook, and the kook left is on it's deathbed. I look forward to dealing with actual AMERICAN liberals in the future rather than neo-marxist left wing trash.
Goose is a kook, and the kook left is on it's deathbed. I look forward to dealing with actual AMERICAN liberals in the future rather than neo-marxist left wing trash.

What a great point.

These are not the Liberals of Scoop Jackson or JFK.....they are Bolsheviks.
These are Degenerates, not liberals or Democrats.

I don't know if I'd go quite that far, as the term has a sexual tint to it....

But this Liberal, Kirsten Powers does a beautiful job of telling how embarrassed she is about what Liberals have become......Fascists.

"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech,"
by Kirsten Powers
Goose is a kook, and the kook left is on it's deathbed. I look forward to dealing with actual AMERICAN liberals in the future rather than neo-marxist left wing trash.

What a great point.

These are not the Liberals of Scoop Jackson or JFK.....they are Bolsheviks.
These are Degenerates, not liberals or Democrats.

I don't know if I'd go quite that far, as the term has a sexual tint to it....

But this Liberal, Kirsten Powers does a beautiful job of telling how embarrassed she is about what Liberals have become......Fascists.

"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech,"
by Kirsten Powers
This is why we won't get anywhere. Stop using leftist tactics. 'Degenerate' doesn't have to have sexual tints to it.

You can degenerate culture, tradition, etc..
Goose is a kook, and the kook left is on it's deathbed. I look forward to dealing with actual AMERICAN liberals in the future rather than neo-marxist left wing trash.

What a great point.

These are not the Liberals of Scoop Jackson or JFK.....they are Bolsheviks.
These are Degenerates, not liberals or Democrats.

I don't know if I'd go quite that far, as the term has a sexual tint to it....

But this Liberal, Kirsten Powers does a beautiful job of telling how embarrassed she is about what Liberals have become......Fascists.

"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech,"
by Kirsten Powers
This is why we won't get anywhere. Stop using leftist tactics. 'Degenerate' doesn't have to have sexual tints to it.

You can degenerate culture, tradition, etc..

1. de·gen·er·ate
plural noun: degenerates
  1. 1.
    an immoral or corrupt person.
    synonyms: reprobate, debauchee, profligate, libertine, roué

2. "This is why we won't get anywhere."
You may have missed who won the election.
Goose is a kook, and the kook left is on it's deathbed. I look forward to dealing with actual AMERICAN liberals in the future rather than neo-marxist left wing trash.

What a great point.

These are not the Liberals of Scoop Jackson or JFK.....they are Bolsheviks.
These are Degenerates, not liberals or Democrats.

I don't know if I'd go quite that far, as the term has a sexual tint to it....

But this Liberal, Kirsten Powers does a beautiful job of telling how embarrassed she is about what Liberals have become......Fascists.

"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech,"
by Kirsten Powers
This is why we won't get anywhere. Stop using leftist tactics. 'Degenerate' doesn't have to have sexual tints to it.

You can degenerate culture, tradition, etc..

1. de·gen·er·ate
plural noun: degenerates
  1. 1.
    an immoral or corrupt person.
    synonyms: reprobate, debauchee, profligate, libertine, roué

2. "This is why we won't get anywhere."
You may have missed who won the election.
I didn't. But we actually have to fight still.
It shouldn't be a political issue.
. Obama & Co. made it a political issue.
No one is being forced or indoctrinated and President Obama has nothing at all to do with it.

Every time you RWNJ traitors get a bee up your collective butts and you get all pissed about the US Constitution, you say Obama wrote it. Just take my word for it. He didn't.

Question -- Why are you jerks upset that drumpf has said there are several parts of the constitution he wants to gut? Hmmm?

Barack Hussein Obama: Titular head of the LBGT Movement.

Not even close.

As president, he upheld the US Constitution and good grief, Political Chic - you just make this shit up as you go along.

Please, just once, can't there be ONE thread of facts instead of your constant lies?

How about we leave it up to readers to decide which of us is lying?
There isn't any readers.

If the mainstream media is fake news, then what would reading USMB be, crazy news?


1. "...aren't...."

2. For those on the Right, the USMB represents samizdat.

It shouldn't be a political issue.
. Obama & Co. made it a political issue.
No one is being forced or indoctrinated and President Obama has nothing at all to do with it.

Every time you RWNJ traitors get a bee up your collective butts and you get all pissed about the US Constitution, you say Obama wrote it. Just take my word for it. He didn't.

Question -- Why are you jerks upset that drumpf has said there are several parts of the constitution he wants to gut? Hmmm?

Barack Hussein Obama: Titular head of the LBGT Movement.

Not even close.

As president, he upheld the US Constitution and good grief, Political Chic - you just make this shit up as you go along.

Please, just once, can't there be ONE thread of facts instead of your constant lies?

How about we leave it up to readers to decide which of us is lying?
There isn't any readers.

If the mainstream media is fake news, then what would reading USMB be, crazy news?


1. "...aren't...."

2. For those on the Right, the USMB represents samizdat.

It's a tiny little internet community. One that I very much enjoy and I want the owners to know that.

I can see it means a lot to you too :)

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