less than 50% of americans think transgenderism is natural

Goose is a kook, and the kook left is on it's deathbed. I look forward to dealing with actual AMERICAN liberals in the future rather than neo-marxist left wing trash.

What a great point.

These are not the Liberals of Scoop Jackson or JFK.....they are Bolsheviks.
These are Degenerates, not liberals or Democrats.

I don't know if I'd go quite that far, as the term has a sexual tint to it....

But this Liberal, Kirsten Powers does a beautiful job of telling how embarrassed she is about what Liberals have become......Fascists.

"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech,"
by Kirsten Powers
This is why we won't get anywhere. Stop using leftist tactics. 'Degenerate' doesn't have to have sexual tints to it.

You can degenerate culture, tradition, etc..

1. de·gen·er·ate
plural noun: degenerates
  1. 1.
    an immoral or corrupt person.
    synonyms: reprobate, debauchee, profligate, libertine, roué

2. "This is why we won't get anywhere."
You may have missed who won the election.
Ma'am, could you please tell me why you mentioned a 'sexual tint' to my verbiage, if you agree with me?
Goose is a kook, and the kook left is on it's deathbed. I look forward to dealing with actual AMERICAN liberals in the future rather than neo-marxist left wing trash.

Kook: Independently minded.

Kook left: political extremists

You adjust the definition of words to suit your self, like a looney lefty.

I was always and still am a fervent, independent, supporter of Trump. I think he can really fix things up without looking to scapegoats.

If neo-marxists are trash then why did you let them take over the ENTIRE society? I spoke up about them. Why didn't you?
What a great point.

These are not the Liberals of Scoop Jackson or JFK.....they are Bolsheviks.
These are Degenerates, not liberals or Democrats.

I don't know if I'd go quite that far, as the term has a sexual tint to it....

But this Liberal, Kirsten Powers does a beautiful job of telling how embarrassed she is about what Liberals have become......Fascists.

"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech,"
by Kirsten Powers
This is why we won't get anywhere. Stop using leftist tactics. 'Degenerate' doesn't have to have sexual tints to it.

You can degenerate culture, tradition, etc..

1. de·gen·er·ate
plural noun: degenerates
  1. 1.
    an immoral or corrupt person.
    synonyms: reprobate, debauchee, profligate, libertine, roué

2. "This is why we won't get anywhere."
You may have missed who won the election.
Ma'am, could you please tell me why you mentioned a 'sexual tint' to my verbiage, if you agree with me?


plural noun: degenerates
  1. 1.
    an immoral or corrupt person.
    synonyms: reprobate, debauchee, profligate, libertine, roué
See the sexual tint?

I use words with precision.
They are not 'degenerates' in the way the term is generally used.

They are ignorant of history, have been warped in political outlook by the school system, and trained to be cowardly, not daring to question what they have done to the Constitution.
Goose is a kook, and the kook left is on it's deathbed. I look forward to dealing with actual AMERICAN liberals in the future rather than neo-marxist left wing trash.

What a great point.

These are not the Liberals of Scoop Jackson or JFK.....they are Bolsheviks.
I'm always supported Trump.

I mean no disrespect, but sense that English is not your first language.

May I inquire as to what language you first learned?
Goose is a kook, and the kook left is on it's deathbed. I look forward to dealing with actual AMERICAN liberals in the future rather than neo-marxist left wing trash.

Kook: Independently minded.

Kook left: political extremists

You adjust the definition of words to suit your self, like a looney lefty.

I was always and still am a fervent, independent, supporter of Trump. I think he can really fix things up without looking to scapegoats.

If neo-marxists are trash then why did you let them take over the ENTIRE society? I spoke up about them. Why didn't you?

"If neo-marxists are trash then why did you let them take over the ENTIRE society? I spoke up about them. Why didn't you?"


On the other hand....the more violent minority often control a majority....

And the Left has always been violent.
Regardless of political affiliation they have the right to do as they so choose, however, they are not entitled to preferential treatment, special laws, or rights beyond those granted to the general population. Mandated restrooms, insurance regulations, and civil suites filed for the express purpose of forcing a baker to bake them a cake is pure crap. If they want to truly live as they so choose then go ahead just not at the expense of the rights and privileges of your neighbor to live their life as they so choose.
Goose is a kook, and the kook left is on it's deathbed. I look forward to dealing with actual AMERICAN liberals in the future rather than neo-marxist left wing trash.

Kook: Independently minded.

Kook left: political extremists

You adjust the definition of words to suit your self, like a looney lefty.

I was always and still am a fervent, independent, supporter of Trump. I think he can really fix things up without looking to scapegoats.

If neo-marxists are trash then why did you let them take over the ENTIRE society? I spoke up about them. Why didn't you?

"If neo-marxists are trash then why did you let them take over the ENTIRE society? I spoke up about them. Why didn't you?"


On the other hand....the more violent minority often control a majority....

And the Left has always been violent.
I agree and they've been terribly violent to me for being of a more independent mind. There is no love lost between me and the extremists.
Not even close.

As president, he upheld the US Constitution and good grief, Political Chic - you just make this shit up as you go along.

Please, just once, can't there be ONE thread of facts instead of your constant lies?

How about we leave it up to readers to decide which of us is lying?
The facts favor PoliticalChic.


I have a couple of problems with the transgender issue. The first comes from a panel discussion on the issue that I watched. A number of the panelists were psychiatric professionals and not one of them could give a coherent reason as to why the disorder was reclassified to a dysphoria. Personally I couldn't care less but at the end of the discussion I couldn't help but feel that the only reason it was changed was politics. The idea that a psychiatric diagnosis can be changed because of political pressure is worrisome to say the least. As one person said, "what's next, is the AMA going to stop saying obesity is a problem because of body image concerns?".

The second problem pertains to children. From the same panel it was stated that upwards of 80% of children that identify as the opposite sex revert back to their birth sex by the time they reach adulthood. I now hear rumblings of people that want to make sex change operations available to children, this sounds like a recipe for disaster.
They are allready feeding kids as young as 9 yrs old with carcinogenic puberty blocking hormones. This amounts to experimentation, not to mention child abuse. They are stopping puberty when that is the time that a great many of these kids become less confused and 'grow out of it' - that is quite sinister imho.
Why do you care?
I care because I don't think we should be allowing this kind of abuse. It's horrific and sounds like something the Nazis would have done. Adults can do what they like, I don't care, but children rely on adults to protect them.
Concern only causes them to be bullied more.
I think putting a boy in a dress probably has the same effect.

They are allready feeding kids as young as 9 yrs old with carcinogenic puberty blocking hormones. This amounts to experimentation, not to mention child abuse. They are stopping puberty when that is the time that a great many of these kids become less confused and 'grow out of it' - that is quite sinister imho.
Why do you care?
I care because I don't think we should be allowing this kind of abuse. It's horrific and sounds like something the Nazis would have done. Adults can do what they like, I don't care, but children rely on adults to protect them.
Concern only causes them to be bullied more.
I think putting a boy in a dress probably has the same effect.

I've often thought of that.
These are Degenerates, not liberals or Democrats.

I don't know if I'd go quite that far, as the term has a sexual tint to it....

But this Liberal, Kirsten Powers does a beautiful job of telling how embarrassed she is about what Liberals have become......Fascists.

"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech,"
by Kirsten Powers
This is why we won't get anywhere. Stop using leftist tactics. 'Degenerate' doesn't have to have sexual tints to it.

You can degenerate culture, tradition, etc..

1. de·gen·er·ate
plural noun: degenerates
  1. 1.
    an immoral or corrupt person.
    synonyms: reprobate, debauchee, profligate, libertine, roué

2. "This is why we won't get anywhere."
You may have missed who won the election.
Ma'am, could you please tell me why you mentioned a 'sexual tint' to my verbiage, if you agree with me?


plural noun: degenerates
  1. 1.
    an immoral or corrupt person.
    synonyms: reprobate, debauchee, profligate, libertine, roué
See the sexual tint?

I use words with precision.
They are not 'degenerates' in the way the term is generally used.

They are ignorant of history, have been warped in political outlook by the school system, and trained to be cowardly, not daring to question what they have done to the Constitution.
The definition says nothing about sexual behavior outright. That's all I'm saying. I'm assuming you are talking about the word 'deviant'?
I have a couple of problems with the transgender issue. The first comes from a panel discussion on the issue that I watched. A number of the panelists were psychiatric professionals and not one of them could give a coherent reason as to why the disorder was reclassified to a dysphoria. Personally I couldn't care less but at the end of the discussion I couldn't help but feel that the only reason it was changed was politics. The idea that a psychiatric diagnosis can be changed because of political pressure is worrisome to say the least. As one person said, "what's next, is the AMA going to stop saying obesity is a problem because of body image concerns?".

The second problem pertains to children. From the same panel it was stated that upwards of 80% of children that identify as the opposite sex revert back to their birth sex by the time they reach adulthood. I now hear rumblings of people that want to make sex change operations available to children, this sounds like a recipe for disaster.
They are allready feeding kids as young as 9 yrs old with carcinogenic puberty blocking hormones. This amounts to experimentation, not to mention child abuse. They are stopping puberty when that is the time that a great many of these kids become less confused and 'grow out of it' - that is quite sinister imho.
Why do you care?
I care because I don't think we should be allowing this kind of abuse. It's horrific and sounds like something the Nazis would have done. Adults can do what they like, I don't care, but children rely on adults to protect them.
Concern only causes them to be bullied more.
I think putting a boy in a dress probably has the same effect.

Interesting piece of history.................did you know that at one time in America, it was the fashion to dress little boys in dresses?

In History: Why little boys wore dresses
Transgenderism is the opposite of natural. Natural is biologically determined. Whacking things off or stitching them on is artifice.
They are allready feeding kids as young as 9 yrs old with carcinogenic puberty blocking hormones. This amounts to experimentation, not to mention child abuse. They are stopping puberty when that is the time that a great many of these kids become less confused and 'grow out of it' - that is quite sinister imho.
Why do you care?
I care because I don't think we should be allowing this kind of abuse. It's horrific and sounds like something the Nazis would have done. Adults can do what they like, I don't care, but children rely on adults to protect them.
Concern only causes them to be bullied more.
I think putting a boy in a dress probably has the same effect.

Interesting piece of history.................did you know that at one time in America, it was the fashion to dress little boys in dresses?

In History: Why little boys wore dresses
Ahhh but they wore a different style of dress than the girls. The distinction was still there.

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