less than 50% of americans think transgenderism is natural

While I don't think it's "natural"...I also don't give two flying craps what other people do as long as it doesn't affect me. So some guys want to chop their privates off? Who cares?
While I don't think it's "natural"...I also don't give two flying craps what other people do as long as it doesn't affect me. So some guys want to chop their privates off? Who cares?

This is the best point made. Just because over 50% of people think sex change is unnatural doesn't mean they want to DO anything about it.

I'd say it's about 10% of people at the very highest, who see it as something that needs to be stopped. That's an horrendously high % though, considering how justified they feel about it.
You know, back in the 50's and 60's, people were terrified of gays and lesbians, and thought that it was a "choice". Well, since then, gays have come out of the closet and more and more people find out that they know someone who is gay. It's because of that, that gays have become more accepted, because people know more about them and that they won't "infect someone with the gay".

However..............very few people know any, or even about, transgendered people.

You fear the most, what you understand the least.
They all know now. It's all throughout the media and the schools.

They don't know any transgendered people but they ALL know of them, very keenly right now.

Knowing about someone, and actually knowing them are 2 different things. When I was growing up in Montana, I never knew of anyone in my community that was gay. When I got to my first command in the military, I became friends with a dude named Paul, and about 6 months after we started hanging out, he told me he was gay. I told him we wouldn't have any problems if he didn't hit on me, and that I would never hit on him. Well.............not only did I find out that gay men are natural magnets for pretty women, I also learned that they make GREAT wingmen. Girls go up to him, he talks me up to them, they go out with me.

On my last sea tour, I rented a room from a lesbian couple who was also in the Navy. Probably one of the better places I lived, and yeah, there were a lot of LGBT people that came through that house, but nobody ever gave me a problem, and we were all good friends.

That is where I learned that transgendered males aren't into women, they are into other males.

Interestingly enough, out of all the times that I hung out with them, I only got bothered ONCE, and when my friends saw some guy hassling me, they came in, one claimed to be my boyfriend and told him to buzz off. Other than that, I never had a problem hanging around them.

Nope, if a person can swallow their bias and actually get to know someone who has a different sexual identity than them, they will find that other than their choice for sexual partners, they are pretty much like everyone else.
Each to their own. I find gay people and transmen intolerable. Not all transmen are into other men you know?

Well, I might have had a different reaction if Paul had told me from the outset that he was gay, because like I said, there were none that I knew of back were I lived in Montana, and, all I knew about gay people was what I'd heard from friends and family (who incidentally didn't know any gays either and were highly bigoted against them).

But, he and I started hanging out together, going to bars, shooting pool and checking out all the stuff the ports we were in had to offer. It was only after 6 months of friendship that he told me he was gay. Like I said, I told him I was straight, and as long as he respected that, we could remain friends, and, I'm kinda glad I met him, because not only was he a GREAT wingman (like I said, this dude was a pure magnet for ladies), but he was smart and had a pretty decent attitude.

And, it was because of him that I looked at gay people as just regular people, they just have a different view of sex.
Sounds like you had a great time with him, and were in a great place in your life at that time.

Great place in my life? Not really, it was my first tour in the Navy, and I was trying to figure out what I'd just done. However, having good friends made it easier.

One of the things that I learned from Paul was about female impersonator shows. There was a club in Norfolk called the "Q" club, and they had impersonator shows once in a while. Paul suggested one night to go check them out, and I gotta tell you, most of those men are some of the most talented people I've ever seen. Not only did they look like who they were impersonating, but most of them ACTUALLY SANG, and I gotta tell you, more times than not, I was wondering if I was seeing the actual artist on the stage. I learned a lot of interesting things from him. And, I also learned that not all gays are attracted to all men. After I'd told Paul that I was straight and he had to respect that, he told me it's no problem, I wasn't his type, because I was short, wiry and had dark hair.

Living with the lesbian couple was a pretty eye opening experience as well, because they would take me out to bars with them on a regular basis. Ever been to a lesbian bar where the lesbians are friendly and dance all night with you? I have, and gotta tell you, it's a lot of fun.
They all know now. It's all throughout the media and the schools.

They don't know any transgendered people but they ALL know of them, very keenly right now.

Knowing about someone, and actually knowing them are 2 different things. When I was growing up in Montana, I never knew of anyone in my community that was gay. When I got to my first command in the military, I became friends with a dude named Paul, and about 6 months after we started hanging out, he told me he was gay. I told him we wouldn't have any problems if he didn't hit on me, and that I would never hit on him. Well.............not only did I find out that gay men are natural magnets for pretty women, I also learned that they make GREAT wingmen. Girls go up to him, he talks me up to them, they go out with me.

On my last sea tour, I rented a room from a lesbian couple who was also in the Navy. Probably one of the better places I lived, and yeah, there were a lot of LGBT people that came through that house, but nobody ever gave me a problem, and we were all good friends.

That is where I learned that transgendered males aren't into women, they are into other males.

Interestingly enough, out of all the times that I hung out with them, I only got bothered ONCE, and when my friends saw some guy hassling me, they came in, one claimed to be my boyfriend and told him to buzz off. Other than that, I never had a problem hanging around them.

Nope, if a person can swallow their bias and actually get to know someone who has a different sexual identity than them, they will find that other than their choice for sexual partners, they are pretty much like everyone else.
Each to their own. I find gay people and transmen intolerable. Not all transmen are into other men you know?

Well, I might have had a different reaction if Paul had told me from the outset that he was gay, because like I said, there were none that I knew of back were I lived in Montana, and, all I knew about gay people was what I'd heard from friends and family (who incidentally didn't know any gays either and were highly bigoted against them).

But, he and I started hanging out together, going to bars, shooting pool and checking out all the stuff the ports we were in had to offer. It was only after 6 months of friendship that he told me he was gay. Like I said, I told him I was straight, and as long as he respected that, we could remain friends, and, I'm kinda glad I met him, because not only was he a GREAT wingman (like I said, this dude was a pure magnet for ladies), but he was smart and had a pretty decent attitude.

And, it was because of him that I looked at gay people as just regular people, they just have a different view of sex.
Sounds like you had a great time with him, and were in a great place in your life at that time.

Great place in my life? Not really, it was my first tour in the Navy, and I was trying to figure out what I'd just done. However, having good friends made it easier.

One of the things that I learned from Paul was about female impersonator shows. There was a club in Norfolk called the "Q" club, and they had impersonator shows once in a while. Paul suggested one night to go check them out, and I gotta tell you, most of those men are some of the most talented people I've ever seen. Not only did they look like who they were impersonating, but most of them ACTUALLY SANG, and I gotta tell you, more times than not, I was wondering if I was seeing the actual artist on the stage. I learned a lot of interesting things from him. And, I also learned that not all gays are attracted to all men. After I'd told Paul that I was straight and he had to respect that, he told me it's no problem, I wasn't his type, because I was short, wiry and had dark hair.

Living with the lesbian couple was a pretty eye opening experience as well, because they would take me out to bars with them on a regular basis. Ever been to a lesbian bar where the lesbians are friendly and dance all night with you? I have, and gotta tell you, it's a lot of fun.
Believe me, I've seen much of that and it's awful.
While I don't think it's "natural"...I also don't give two flying craps what other people do as long as it doesn't affect me. So some guys want to chop their privates off? Who cares?
let's just assume that only paying for it impacts you, which isn't the case. your insurance has to cover it, meaning that cost, the HUGE cost, is shifted. and there are only limited resources. you know they turn down people for coverage for experimental cancer treatment right? that people desperate with no other hope to just survive, have to pay tens of thousands while you are fine with an elective procedure meant solely to enable a mentally ill person ??
No one is being forced or indoctrinated and President Obama has nothing at all to do with it.

Every time you RWNJ traitors get a bee up your collective butts and you get all pissed about the US Constitution, you say Obama wrote it. Just take my word for it. He didn't.

Question -- Why are you jerks upset that drumpf has said there are several parts of the constitution he wants to gut? Hmmm?

Oh and making laws where they can use the same bathrooms is a choice huh. When you can't choose it's forced. WHen the majority do not want to accept something it is forced.

When you go to school wth do you call that " FORCED" why if you don't go to school your parents go to jail and really if someone didn't want to send their kid to school that's their damn business. Is it hurting anyone no.

Can a man who is NOT transgender but a child molester decide to put a wig and dress on so he can watch little girls. Uhmmmm yeah .
While I don't think it's "natural"...I also don't give two flying craps what other people do as long as it doesn't affect me. So some guys want to chop their privates off? Who cares?

This is the best point made. Just because over 50% of people think sex change is unnatural doesn't mean they want to DO anything about it.

I'd say it's about 10% of people at the very highest, who see it as something that needs to be stopped. That's an horrendously high % though, considering how justified they feel about it.
Yes, I'm sure 90% of people think there's nothing wrong whatsoever with chopping off one's healthy genitals in a game of pretend that you never can achieve; which is why the MDs make you sign a waiver at surgery that says "you know this isn't going to actually change your gender"..
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I have a couple of problems with the transgender issue. The first comes from a panel discussion on the issue that I watched. A number of the panelists were psychiatric professionals and not one of them could give a coherent reason as to why the disorder was reclassified to a dysphoria. Personally I couldn't care less but at the end of the discussion I couldn't help but feel that the only reason it was changed was politics. The idea that a psychiatric diagnosis can be changed because of political pressure is worrisome to say the least. As one person said, "what's next, is the AMA going to stop saying obesity is a problem because of body image concerns?".

The second problem pertains to children. From the same panel it was stated that upwards of 80% of children that identify as the opposite sex revert back to their birth sex by the time they reach adulthood. I now hear rumblings of people that want to make sex change operations available to children, this sounds like a recipe for disaster.
The less then 50 percent is correct, only it's only about .03 percent who think that crap is normal.
While I don't think it's "natural"...I also don't give two flying craps what other people do as long as it doesn't affect me. So some guys want to chop their privates off? Who cares?

This is the best point made. Just because over 50% of people think sex change is unnatural doesn't mean they want to DO anything about it.

I'd say it's about 10% of people at the very highest, who see it as something that needs to be stopped. That's an horrendously high % though, considering how justified they feel about it.
Yes, I'm sure 90% of people think there's nothing wrong whatsoever with chopping off one's healthy genitals in a game of pretend that you never can achieve; which is why the MDs make you sign a waiver at surgery that says "you know this isn't going to actually change your gender"..
90% +
It shouldn't be a political issue.
. Obama & Co. made it a political issue.
No one is being forced or indoctrinated and President Obama has nothing at all to do with it.

Every time you RWNJ traitors get a bee up your collective butts and you get all pissed about the US Constitution, you say Obama wrote it. Just take my word for it. He didn't.

Question -- Why are you jerks upset that drumpf has said there are several parts of the constitution he wants to gut? Hmmm?

Barack Hussein Obama: Titular head of the LBGT Movement.

Not even close.

As president, he upheld the US Constitution and good grief, Political Chic - you just make this shit up as you go along.

Please, just once, can't there be ONE thread of facts instead of your constant lies?
No one is being forced or indoctrinated and President Obama has nothing at all to do with it.

Every time you RWNJ traitors get a bee up your collective butts and you get all pissed about the US Constitution, you say Obama wrote it. Just take my word for it. He didn't.

Question -- Why are you jerks upset that drumpf has said there are several parts of the constitution he wants to gut? Hmmm?

Oh and making laws where they can use the same bathrooms is a choice huh. When you can't choose it's forced. WHen the majority do not want to accept something it is forced.

When you go to school wth do you call that " FORCED" why if you don't go to school your parents go to jail and really if someone didn't want to send their kid to school that's their damn business. Is it hurting anyone no.

Can a man who is NOT transgender but a child molester decide to put a wig and dress on so he can watch little girls. Uhmmmm yeah .

You're talking about the fundie nutters.

Why do those very same nutters believe that what they do in the bedroom is my business and that I should have some control over it?
I have a couple of problems with the transgender issue. The first comes from a panel discussion on the issue that I watched. A number of the panelists were psychiatric professionals and not one of them could give a coherent reason as to why the disorder was reclassified to a dysphoria. Personally I couldn't care less but at the end of the discussion I couldn't help but feel that the only reason it was changed was politics. The idea that a psychiatric diagnosis can be changed because of political pressure is worrisome to say the least. As one person said, "what's next, is the AMA going to stop saying obesity is a problem because of body image concerns?".

The second problem pertains to children. From the same panel it was stated that upwards of 80% of children that identify as the opposite sex revert back to their birth sex by the time they reach adulthood. I now hear rumblings of people that want to make sex change operations available to children, this sounds like a recipe for disaster.
They are allready feeding kids as young as 9 yrs old with carcinogenic puberty blocking hormones. This amounts to experimentation, not to mention child abuse. They are stopping puberty when that is the time that a great many of these kids become less confused and 'grow out of it' - that is quite sinister imho.
I have a couple of problems with the transgender issue. The first comes from a panel discussion on the issue that I watched. A number of the panelists were psychiatric professionals and not one of them could give a coherent reason as to why the disorder was reclassified to a dysphoria. Personally I couldn't care less but at the end of the discussion I couldn't help but feel that the only reason it was changed was politics. The idea that a psychiatric diagnosis can be changed because of political pressure is worrisome to say the least. As one person said, "what's next, is the AMA going to stop saying obesity is a problem because of body image concerns?".

The second problem pertains to children. From the same panel it was stated that upwards of 80% of children that identify as the opposite sex revert back to their birth sex by the time they reach adulthood. I now hear rumblings of people that want to make sex change operations available to children, this sounds like a recipe for disaster.
They are allready feeding kids as young as 9 yrs old with carcinogenic puberty blocking hormones. This amounts to experimentation, not to mention child abuse. They are stopping puberty when that is the time that a great many of these kids become less confused and 'grow out of it' - that is quite sinister imho.
Why do you care?
I have a couple of problems with the transgender issue. The first comes from a panel discussion on the issue that I watched. A number of the panelists were psychiatric professionals and not one of them could give a coherent reason as to why the disorder was reclassified to a dysphoria. Personally I couldn't care less but at the end of the discussion I couldn't help but feel that the only reason it was changed was politics. The idea that a psychiatric diagnosis can be changed because of political pressure is worrisome to say the least. As one person said, "what's next, is the AMA going to stop saying obesity is a problem because of body image concerns?".

The second problem pertains to children. From the same panel it was stated that upwards of 80% of children that identify as the opposite sex revert back to their birth sex by the time they reach adulthood. I now hear rumblings of people that want to make sex change operations available to children, this sounds like a recipe for disaster.
They are allready feeding kids as young as 9 yrs old with carcinogenic puberty blocking hormones. This amounts to experimentation, not to mention child abuse. They are stopping puberty when that is the time that a great many of these kids become less confused and 'grow out of it' - that is quite sinister imho.
Why do you care?
I care about children and corrupting the psychiatric profession is not a good thing.
I have a couple of problems with the transgender issue. The first comes from a panel discussion on the issue that I watched. A number of the panelists were psychiatric professionals and not one of them could give a coherent reason as to why the disorder was reclassified to a dysphoria. Personally I couldn't care less but at the end of the discussion I couldn't help but feel that the only reason it was changed was politics. The idea that a psychiatric diagnosis can be changed because of political pressure is worrisome to say the least. As one person said, "what's next, is the AMA going to stop saying obesity is a problem because of body image concerns?".

The second problem pertains to children. From the same panel it was stated that upwards of 80% of children that identify as the opposite sex revert back to their birth sex by the time they reach adulthood. I now hear rumblings of people that want to make sex change operations available to children, this sounds like a recipe for disaster.
They are allready feeding kids as young as 9 yrs old with carcinogenic puberty blocking hormones. This amounts to experimentation, not to mention child abuse. They are stopping puberty when that is the time that a great many of these kids become less confused and 'grow out of it' - that is quite sinister imho.
Mengele would be proud.
I have a couple of problems with the transgender issue. The first comes from a panel discussion on the issue that I watched. A number of the panelists were psychiatric professionals and not one of them could give a coherent reason as to why the disorder was reclassified to a dysphoria. Personally I couldn't care less but at the end of the discussion I couldn't help but feel that the only reason it was changed was politics. The idea that a psychiatric diagnosis can be changed because of political pressure is worrisome to say the least. As one person said, "what's next, is the AMA going to stop saying obesity is a problem because of body image concerns?".

The second problem pertains to children. From the same panel it was stated that upwards of 80% of children that identify as the opposite sex revert back to their birth sex by the time they reach adulthood. I now hear rumblings of people that want to make sex change operations available to children, this sounds like a recipe for disaster.
They are allready feeding kids as young as 9 yrs old with carcinogenic puberty blocking hormones. This amounts to experimentation, not to mention child abuse. They are stopping puberty when that is the time that a great many of these kids become less confused and 'grow out of it' - that is quite sinister imho.
Why do you care?
I care because I don't think we should be allowing this kind of abuse. It's horrific and sounds like something the Nazis would have done. Adults can do what they like, I don't care, but children rely on adults to protect them.
I have a couple of problems with the transgender issue. The first comes from a panel discussion on the issue that I watched. A number of the panelists were psychiatric professionals and not one of them could give a coherent reason as to why the disorder was reclassified to a dysphoria. Personally I couldn't care less but at the end of the discussion I couldn't help but feel that the only reason it was changed was politics. The idea that a psychiatric diagnosis can be changed because of political pressure is worrisome to say the least. As one person said, "what's next, is the AMA going to stop saying obesity is a problem because of body image concerns?".

The second problem pertains to children. From the same panel it was stated that upwards of 80% of children that identify as the opposite sex revert back to their birth sex by the time they reach adulthood. I now hear rumblings of people that want to make sex change operations available to children, this sounds like a recipe for disaster.
They are allready feeding kids as young as 9 yrs old with carcinogenic puberty blocking hormones. This amounts to experimentation, not to mention child abuse. They are stopping puberty when that is the time that a great many of these kids become less confused and 'grow out of it' - that is quite sinister imho.
Why do you care?
Don't you care?

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