Lesson from Jimmy Carter: Weakness invites aggression

Lets "compare & contrast" with "critical thinking"!

The Democrat's approach and subsequent results:
Jimmy Carter had tried accommodating America's enemies. He cut back on defense. He made humility the hallmark of American diplomacy. Our foes responded with aggression: Iranian revolutionaries danced in the rubble of the U.S. Embassy; the Soviets sponsored armed insurgencies and invaded Afghanistan.

Small wonder that people are saying the world looks like a rerun of the Carter years. The Obama Doctrine possesses many Carteresque attributes: a heavy reliance on treaties and international institutions; a more humble (and, often, apologetic) U.S. presence around the globe, and a diminishment of U.S. hard power.

And the Obama Doctrine has reaped pretty much the same results. When asked if he feared a U.S. military strike against his country's nuclear program, the Iranian president scoffed at the notion.

Meanwhile, after yielding to Russian complaints and canceling plans to build missile defenses against an Iranian attack, Obama signed an arms control treaty which, the Kremlin boasts, will further limit our missile defense. Yet Moscow still complains that the more limited system the Obama administration wants to field is too much. Once again, American concessions have only encouraged Moscow to be more aggressive. And now Russia state tv is boasting that they have the capabilities to turn the U.S. into "radioactive ash".

And lets not forget Bill Clinton ignoring Al Qaeda and pulling out of Mogadishu because he didn't have the political stomach for either - which was the dog whistle signal for our enemies to go on the offensive and eventually lead to 9/11.

The Republican's approach and subsequent results:
As Reagan entered his presidency, the U.S. economy and the American spirit were low. Still, he committed to a policy of "peace through strength." And, even before he put his plan into action, our enemies began to worry.

Yuri Andropov, the chief of the KGB -- the Soviet's spy network -- feared that Reagan planned to attack. "Andropov," wrote Steven Hayward, in his "Age of Reagan"ordered the KGB to organize a special surveillance program in the United States -- code-named Operation RYAN -- to look for signs of preparations for an attack."

Reagan's assertive approach to foreign policy did not spark war. It produced peace. The Kremlin discovered Reagan was not the cowboy they feared. But they respected the more muscular United States. Russia agreed to the most effective arms control treaty in history.

The benefits spread. According to the Canadian-based Human Security project, deaths from political violence worldwide (even accounting for operations in Afghanistan and Iraq) have declined continually since the end of the Cold War ... until recently.

Lesson from Jimmy Carter: Weakness invites aggression

So Iran wasn't entitled to self governance?

They had to endure the results of a CIA backed coup and live under the oppression of an American puppet government?

Let's be clear.

You really believe the Iranians were "self-governed"? :lmao:

We're the Iraqis also "self-governed" under Saddam Hussein? We're the Russians also "self-governed" under Joseph Stalin?

If the strongest argument you can make is an outrageous and completely historically inaccurate one, it really proves you're on the wrong side of the debate.
These idiots live in a Revisionist Dreamland.
The distinguishing characteristic of a modern liberal, is that he makes a point of NEVER learning from his mistakes. He blames them instead on someone else, and therefore believes he has nothing to learn from them.
They never learn from history because they're always revising it to suit their politics. They're NUTZ...and they get a lot of people killed because they ignore real history...they think they can do it better...and still screw up.
Dmitry Kiselyov did just this week (once again we see you are completely uninformed about what is going on)... :eusa_whistle:

Russian news head: We can bomb US into radioactive ash | New York Post

Ah so a Journalist in Russia is in command of the Nuclear Strike force of that country.


Any other pearls of wisdom you have floating about?

Uh-oh...someone had to move the goal posts after being owned with facts. You said (and I quote) "When did a Russian Official, acting on behalf of the Russian government, issue such a threat". Well, Dmitry Kiselyov is a Russian official acting on behalf of Putin himself. You're follow up question (which moves the goal post out of desperation and humiliation at having your lack of knowledge exposed) is as absurd as saying that anyting out of John Carney's mouth doesn't count because he is "not in command of the nuclear strike force" (nice absurd Hollywood lingo there too junior nuclear "strike force" :lol:).

Don't you ever get tired of being owned and having your ignorance exposed? You literally made the absurd claim - in the form of a question - that no Russian official acting on behalf of the Russian government had made that threat when in fact that was exactly what happened.

I would ask you if you have any other "pearls of wisdom" for us but you proved a LONG time ago that you completely lack wisdom in any capacity!

Except he's not an official. He runs the news agency.

And while that may be controlled by the Russian government, there's a certain amount of independence.

Putin won't stand by what this asshat says..even if he agrees.

And ol' Dmitry isn't Putin's Press secretary.

You really should learn what you are talking about.
The honest to God truth hurts, doesn't?

This is where we are today. The chickens have come home to roost.

Why was the Soviet Union able to put up the Iron Curtain? Because we let them.

What truth?

This is the "agreement" you are talking about.

Nuclear weapons and Ukraine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the newly independent Ukraine had on its territory what was the third largest strategic nuclear weapons arsenal in the world. It was larger than those of Britain, France, and China combined. On June 1, 1996 Ukraine became a non-nuclear nation when it sent the last of its 1,900 strategic nuclear warheads to Russia for dismantling.[1] The first shipment of nuclear weapons from Ukraine to Russia (by train) was in March 1994.[2] In return for giving up its nuclear weapons, Ukraine, the United States of America, Russia, and the United Kingdom signed the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, pledging to respect Ukraine territorial integrity, a pledge that was arguably broken by Russia's 2014 invasion of Crimea.[3] However, there is a dispute whether Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances is anything more than a general statement of intent, lacking the rigor of an international treaty and accompanying ratification procedure.

It wasn't a treaty.

But this was a treaty.


That put on display, distinctly, how much the United States appreciates "treaties".

Then, Bush unilaterally invaded Iraq.

That..gave both China and Russia license to adopt the "Bush Doctrine".

They have nukes. That's all you need to play.

So you're making up excuses.

Duly noted.

There isn't one "excuse" in that post.

Feel free.

Come up with anything that sensibly refutes it.
They were afraid to launch an attack while Clinton was President. With Bush they knew thay had a soft President and actually launched FOUR attacks

Bush responded by reading a childrens book

Your a trip and an idiot.
1. Your still blaming bush for obama's lack of being a good president five years after he got elected, but don't put any blame on clinton for 911. Only after 8 months being out of office.

2. Putin is taking over countries, and obama is reasleasing his march madness picks

Bush did not keep us safe....no denying it
And Obama IS? Really? Bush wasn't responsible for 9/11, CLINTON was. But you just love the revisionist horseshit, don't you?
The OP has a point

Bush was considered weak, that is why the terrorists attacked us on 9-11

Actually they attacked us because Clinton gave them free roam to operate and did so while gutting defense. Al Qaeda operatives who were captured are on record that 9/11 took years of recruiting, training, planning, and financing. Bush was only on the job for less than 8 months and operating under Clinton's final defense-gutted budget when the attacks occured.

Oops...wrongwinger wrong once again!

It was reported that the 9/11 attacks took 9 years to plan and prepare for, which means they were busy sending their suicide terrorists to American pilot schools and planning during Clinton's entire term. He said no thanks when offered bin laden on a silver platter. The terrorists had everything in place and were ready to go by the time Bush took office.
The OP has a point

Bush was considered weak, that is why the terrorists attacked us on 9-11

Actually they attacked us because Clinton gave them free roam to operate and did so while gutting defense. Al Qaeda operatives who were captured are on record that 9/11 took years of recruiting, training, planning, and financing. Bush was only on the job for less than 8 months and operating under Clinton's final defense-gutted budget when the attacks occured.

Oops...wrongwinger wrong once again!

It was reported that the 9/11 attacks took 9 years to plan and prepare for, which means they were busy sending their suicide terrorists to American pilot schools and planning during Clinton's entire term. He said no thanks when offered bin laden on a silver platter. The terrorists had everything in place and were ready to go by the time Bush took office.
Exactly. Let's see the resident dumbass rivisionist leftists spin this. ^^
Actually they attacked us because Clinton gave them free roam to operate and did so while gutting defense. Al Qaeda operatives who were captured are on record that 9/11 took years of recruiting, training, planning, and financing. Bush was only on the job for less than 8 months and operating under Clinton's final defense-gutted budget when the attacks occured.

Oops...wrongwinger wrong once again!

It was reported that the 9/11 attacks took 9 years to plan and prepare for, which means they were busy sending their suicide terrorists to American pilot schools and planning during Clinton's entire term. He said no thanks when offered bin laden on a silver platter. The terrorists had everything in place and were ready to go by the time Bush took office.
Exactly. Let's see the resident dumbass rivisionist leftists spin this. ^^

They'll be along shortly to spin. I have already heard some claim that Clinton supposedly warned Bush of what was going on. Those that buy into that one have to ignore the fact that Clinton did nothing all the while he supposedly knew about this. Of course, then there is the whole nutter conspiracy of it being an inside job. That is worse than the birth certificate theory.
The OP has a point

Bush was considered weak, that is why the terrorists attacked us on 9-11

Actually they attacked us because Clinton gave them free roam to operate and did so while gutting defense. Al Qaeda operatives who were captured are on record that 9/11 took years of recruiting, training, planning, and financing. Bush was only on the job for less than 8 months and operating under Clinton's final defense-gutted budget when the attacks occured.

Oops...wrongwinger wrong once again!
Bush was handed the CIA report on the USS Cole when he took office, and did nothing about it.

bin Laden saw that weakness and exploited it.
Lesson from Jimmy Carter: Weakness invites aggression

I've yet to hear any Right-Winger detail what Obama should do to stop Putin from taking Crimea.

That's because they don't have any answers to anything.
Lesson from Jimmy Carter: Weakness invites aggression

I've yet to hear any Right-Winger detail what Obama should do to stop Putin from taking Crimea.

That's because they don't have any answers to anything.
Crimea is ALREADY GONE dumbass. Obama did NOTHING but bluster and draw lines. Putting laughed at his sorry ass. The EU isn't going to do anything either. 11 Diplomats sanctioned...big ass WHOOPIE. Obama is out of his league here...not to mention as POTUS. The dumbass should have NEVER been elected in the first place.
The OP has a point

Bush was considered weak, that is why the terrorists attacked us on 9-11

Actually they attacked us because Clinton gave them free roam to operate and did so while gutting defense. Al Qaeda operatives who were captured are on record that 9/11 took years of recruiting, training, planning, and financing. Bush was only on the job for less than 8 months and operating under Clinton's final defense-gutted budget when the attacks occured.

Oops...wrongwinger wrong once again!
Bush was handed the CIA report on the USS Cole when he took office, and did nothing about it.

bin Laden saw that weakness and exploited it.

The USS Cole happened on Clinton's watch. Just exactly what did he do other than read and pass on a report?
You realize how ridiculous that sounds?

The honest to God truth hurts, doesn't?

This is where we are today. The chickens have come home to roost.

Why was the Soviet Union able to put up the Iron Curtain? Because we let them.

What truth?

This is the "agreement" you are talking about.

Nuclear weapons and Ukraine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the newly independent Ukraine had on its territory what was the third largest strategic nuclear weapons arsenal in the world. It was larger than those of Britain, France, and China combined. On June 1, 1996 Ukraine became a non-nuclear nation when it sent the last of its 1,900 strategic nuclear warheads to Russia for dismantling.[1] The first shipment of nuclear weapons from Ukraine to Russia (by train) was in March 1994.[2] In return for giving up its nuclear weapons, Ukraine, the United States of America, Russia, and the United Kingdom signed the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, pledging to respect Ukraine territorial integrity, a pledge that was arguably broken by Russia's 2014 invasion of Crimea.[3] However, there is a dispute whether Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances is anything more than a general statement of intent, lacking the rigor of an international treaty and accompanying ratification procedure.

It wasn't a treaty.

But this was a treaty.


That put on display, distinctly, how much the United States appreciates "treaties".

Then, Bush unilaterally invaded Iraq.

That..gave both China and Russia license to adopt the "Bush Doctrine".

They have nukes. That's all you need to play.

Look up the word unilaterally and don't use big words that you have no idea what they mean in the future. It makes you look ignorant.
Imagine this all happening when Kennedy was in office.
Nuff said.

Meanwhile....lions watch for the weakest in the herd. You know, the herd that gets thinned out because the leader is off wandering around somewhere grazing and not noticing...or caring...that the pride of lions is now semi surrounding said herd. That clump of grass looks too tasty to pay attention.
The Russians feared Reagan, they laugh at Obama...and they did with Carter too.

Star Wars bankrupted the Russians because they were stupid enough to believe we could do it back in the 80s, so they tried to counter us.
How many times do we have to point out the invasion of Georgia by Russia and the end of the failed and flopped Bush Presidency, with all its oafish, hamhanded, chestbeating aggressiveness?
The distinguishing characteristic of a modern liberal, is that he makes a point of NEVER learning from his mistakes. He blames them instead on someone else, and therefore believes he has nothing to learn from them.

We learned from the failed Bush Presidency: Get out of Iraq, kill Osama bin Laden.

I laugh in your face. :badgrin:
Obama fucked up our gains in Iraq which is now run by Iran and AQI, thanks to Obama.

As for UBL....the intel acquired through waterboarding and GITMO (both opposed by Obama and scum like you) got UBL in the end.

Shut the fuck up, white trash shit.

The distinguishing characteristic of a modern liberal, is that he makes a point of NEVER learning from his mistakes. He blames them instead on someone else, and therefore believes he has nothing to learn from them.

We learned from the failed Bush Presidency: Get out of Iraq, kill Osama bin Laden.

I laugh in your face. :badgrin:
The distinguishing characteristic of a modern liberal, is that he makes a point of NEVER learning from his mistakes. He blames them instead on someone else, and therefore believes he has nothing to learn from them.

We learned from the failed Bush Presidency: Get out of Iraq, kill Osama bin Laden.

I laugh in your face. :badgrin:
Iraq is a MESS due to Obama changing terms of agreements...and bin-laden? He's been on radar for some time...Obama had to be BEGGED to make a fucking decision. :eusa_hand:

So Obama is TOPS in foreign policy just for what you cite? Really? He's a FAILURE. Get used to that word. He makes Carter look like a foreign policy GOD.
Conservatives crack me up with their hilarious "macho man" act. They think they're all manly with their aggressive, chest beating foreign policy. They think they come across as tough guys , but after they screwed up the Iraq war and occupation, they come across as a male ballet dancer with two left feet.

The failure of the conservatives to competently fight the Iraq War gives them the right to stfu about foreign policy. You conservatives can start shutting tfu now. America is ready when you are.

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