Lesson from Jimmy Carter: Weakness invites aggression

Shitstain...the US military didn't fail in Iraq, it was the political idiots Bush sent to Iraq that blocked the Sunnis from the political process and in turn caused the rise in insurgency.

Things were fixed in Iraq once the Sunnis were allowed back to the party of rebuilding Iraq....Obama just fucked things up when he pulled out too early, I bet he does that a lot with moooooochelle.

Coming here reminds me stupid people like you are somehow breathing....

Conservatives crack me up with their hilarious "macho man" act. They think they're all manly with their aggressive, chest beating foreign policy. They think they come across as tough guys , but after they screwed up the Iraq war and occupation, they come across as a male ballet dancer with two left feet.

The failure of the conservatives to competently fight the Iraq War gives them the right to stfu about foreign policy. You conservatives can start shutting tfu now. America is ready when you are.
The OP has a point

Bush was considered weak, that is why the terrorists attacked us on 9-11

Years of budget-gutting an intel infrastructure and commitment to preventing information sharing among law enforcement agencies (SEE GORELICK MEMO) is why terrorists attacked US on 9-11. Bush inherited a weakened infrastructure. If it were Bush's fault, Sandy Berger would have had no reason whatsoever to steal and destroy documents during the 2004 9-11 Commission hearings.

The good news is that Obama inherited a very solid intel infrastructure built by Bush, Cheney and Halliburton. A simple thank you will suffice.
Actually they attacked us because Clinton gave them free roam to operate and did so while gutting defense. Al Qaeda operatives who were captured are on record that 9/11 took years of recruiting, training, planning, and financing. Bush was only on the job for less than 8 months and operating under Clinton's final defense-gutted budget when the attacks occured.

Oops...wrongwinger wrong once again!
Clinton warned Bush 8 months in advance that an attack was coming and Bush did nothing about it.

Furthermore, KSM said "on record", the reason for 9/11 was because, in part, our un-conditional support of Israel.

Our warning came in February 1993 when the World Trade Center was attacked and Americans died. What steps did Clinton Administration take to prevent another attack? Bombing an aspirin factory to take the attention of gizzing a blue dress is not sufficient. You liberals love to give Obama an open end to fix what you call Bush's fault yet you expected Bush to make sense of uncorrelated intelligence in 8 months after 8 years of neglect.
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Actually they attacked us because Clinton gave them free roam to operate and did so while gutting defense. Al Qaeda operatives who were captured are on record that 9/11 took years of recruiting, training, planning, and financing. Bush was only on the job for less than 8 months and operating under Clinton's final defense-gutted budget when the attacks occured.

Oops...wrongwinger wrong once again!
Bush was handed the CIA report on the USS Cole when he took office, and did nothing about it.

bin Laden saw that weakness and exploited it.

The USS Cole happened on Clinton's watch. Just exactly what did he do other than read and pass on a report?

The USS Cole happened on Clintons watch

The first World Trade Center bombing happened on Clintons watch

The African Embassy bombing in Tanzania happened on Clintons watch

The African Embassy bombing in Kenya happened on Clintons watch

The Oklahoma City bombing happened on Clintons watch
Actually they attacked us because Clinton gave them free roam to operate and did so while gutting defense. Al Qaeda operatives who were captured are on record that 9/11 took years of recruiting, training, planning, and financing. Bush was only on the job for less than 8 months and operating under Clinton's final defense-gutted budget when the attacks occured.

Oops...wrongwinger wrong once again!
Bush was handed the CIA report on the USS Cole when he took office, and did nothing about it.

bin Laden saw that weakness and exploited it.

The USS Cole happened on Clinton's watch. Just exactly what did he do other than read and pass on a report?

The Cole happened a couple months before Clinton left office. Bush was told that terrorism was a big fucking deal......he ignored it
Bush was handed the CIA report on the USS Cole when he took office, and did nothing about it.

bin Laden saw that weakness and exploited it.

The USS Cole happened on Clinton's watch. Just exactly what did he do other than read and pass on a report?

The USS Cole happened on Clintons watch

The first World Trade Center bombing happened on Clintons watch

The African Embassy bombing in Tanzania happened on Clintons watch

The African Embassy bombing in Kenya happened on Clintons watch

The Oklahoma City bombing happened on Clintons watch

Clinton did take action on OKC.....they arrested and killed the attacker (which I applaud) and blamed AM Talk Radio for it. (which makes no sense to me).
Bush was handed the CIA report on the USS Cole when he took office, and did nothing about it.

bin Laden saw that weakness and exploited it.

The USS Cole happened on Clinton's watch. Just exactly what did he do other than read and pass on a report?

The USS Cole happened on Clintons watch

The first World Trade Center bombing happened on Clintons watch

The African Embassy bombing in Tanzania happened on Clintons watch

The African Embassy bombing in Kenya happened on Clintons watch

The Oklahoma City bombing happened on Clintons watch

9-11 happened on Bushs watch.....not even close
Bush was handed the CIA report on the USS Cole when he took office, and did nothing about it.

bin Laden saw that weakness and exploited it.

The USS Cole happened on Clinton's watch. Just exactly what did he do other than read and pass on a report?

The USS Cole happened on Clintons watch

The first World Trade Center bombing happened on Clintons watch

The African Embassy bombing in Tanzania happened on Clintons watch

The African Embassy bombing in Kenya happened on Clintons watch

The Oklahoma City bombing happened on Clintons watch

Blackhawk Down happened on Clinton's watch.

Benghazi happened on Clinton's watch.
The Russians feared Reagan, they laugh at Obama...and they did with Carter too.

Star Wars bankrupted the Russians because they were stupid enough to believe we could do it back in the 80s, so they tried to counter us.
But here...is different...the Russians now are capitalizing on the fact that Putin ignored Bush (see Georgia...NOTHING happened)...and a weakling (Obama), draws lines and does nothing but bluster. The so-called 'Peace Dividend' garnered by the supposed fall...was spent too early and BY Clinton...NEVER underestimate the Russians, especially Putin...He's Old hat Soviet Communist...and playing us now like a screaming Stratocaster...and enjoying every minute of it...as he regains the lost real-estate. Obama is FECKLESS...wreckless...and John F'ing Kerry isn't any help as isn't Joey Biden. The EU is also powerless as well as THEY should be the ones in there going against Putin.
Weakness inviting aggression was something known long before Jimmy Carter he was not the first to make that mistake and sadly wont be the last. While it's true force can't solve ever problem we have to realize there are some who won't respond to anything but force the key is knowing when to use force and who to use it on.
Bush was handed the CIA report on the USS Cole when he took office, and did nothing about it.

bin Laden saw that weakness and exploited it.

The USS Cole happened on Clinton's watch. Just exactly what did he do other than read and pass on a report?

The Cole happened a couple months before Clinton left office. Bush was told that terrorism was a big fucking deal......he ignored it

Trying to make sense of ambiguous and incongruent intelligence does not mean he was ignoring it.
Except he's not an official. He runs the news agency.

Except that this man is the very definition of the word official:

of·fi·cial [uh-fish-uhl]
of or relating to an authority or public body and its duties, actions, and responsibilities.

He is a government paid official who works for Putin and operates much like a press secretary (disseminating information chosen by Putin for dissemination) and a Secretary of State (sending messages to foreign nations).

I knew Sallow was completely ignorant of basic economics, finance, politics, foreign nations, and current events. But I had no idea he didn't even know definitions of basic words.

And while that may be controlled by the Russian government, there's a certain amount of independence.

Of all the stupid things you've posted, nothing quite illustrates your ignorance like this post here. You clearly have zero knowledge and understanding of Russia under Putin if you believe that the state tv representative has "a certain amount of independence". The man would literally be killed if he shared information that Putin had not authorized for release.

You're so desperate to cover up your previous mistakes that you're literally making shit up. You clearly have no idea who this man is or how Russia operates under Putin.

"....certain amount of independence" :lmao:

Putin won't stand by what this asshat says..even if he agrees.

Why would he when you just admitted above that he is "controlled by the Russian government"? Oops! Someone just exposed their own ignorance and contradicted themselves... :eusa_whistle:

Putin dictates what this man can and cannot say. No amount of made up shit by swallow changes that reality.

And ol' Dmitry isn't Putin's Press secretary.

Yeah - because a press secretary fields questions while this state tv representative simply disseminates whatever information Putin wants "transmitted".

You really should learn what you are talking about.

Says the buffoon who has no idea about Russia, who Dmitry Kiselyov is, what his job function is, or even what the definition of "official" is.... :lol:

Swallow, as always, you've been thoroughly owned in this debate. You're ignorance has been exposed.

Now why don't you pretend to be an expert on encryption algorithms and make some shit up so we can all laugh at you about that as well?
The USS Cole happened on Clinton's watch. Just exactly what did he do other than read and pass on a report?

The Cole happened a couple months before Clinton left office. Bush was told that terrorism was a big fucking deal......he ignored it

Trying to make sense of ambiguous and incongruent intelligence does not mean he was ignoring it.

Bush was trying to establish his legacy. He did not think terrorism was worthy of a great Presidency.

Prior to 9-11 he was looking at invading Iraq and resurrecting Reagan's Star Wars
The USS Cole happened on Clinton's watch. Just exactly what did he do other than read and pass on a report?

The USS Cole happened on Clintons watch

The first World Trade Center bombing happened on Clintons watch

The African Embassy bombing in Tanzania happened on Clintons watch

The African Embassy bombing in Kenya happened on Clintons watch

The Oklahoma City bombing happened on Clintons watch

9-11 happened on Bushs watch.....not even close

9/11 happened on Clinton's watch junior (the recruiting, financing, training, and planning all happened under Clinton's watch because he allowed it to)

Sorry wrongwinger, as always, you are wrong :)
At least our Buffoon-in-chief had the sense to not talk again about His imaginary "red lines". Still, He managed to find new and wonderful ways to invite world mockery of His limp little "sanctions". So I guess He gets a gentleman's "C" for creativity.
The USS Cole happened on Clinton's watch. Just exactly what did he do other than read and pass on a report?

The USS Cole happened on Clintons watch

The first World Trade Center bombing happened on Clintons watch

The African Embassy bombing in Tanzania happened on Clintons watch

The African Embassy bombing in Kenya happened on Clintons watch

The Oklahoma City bombing happened on Clintons watch

9-11 happened on Bushs watch.....not even close

The Cole happened a couple months before Clinton left office. Bush was told that terrorism was a big fucking deal......he ignored it

Trying to make sense of ambiguous and incongruent intelligence does not mean he was ignoring it.

Bush was trying to establish his legacy. He did not think terrorism was worthy of a great Presidency.

Prior to 9-11 he was looking at invading Iraq and resurrecting Reagan's Star Wars

Few things are more comical than when wrongwinger makes shit up to "impress" people (as if he has any idea what went on inside of Bush's head)
Shitstain...the US military didn't fail in Iraq, it was the political idiots Bush sent to Iraq that blocked the Sunnis from the political process and in turn caused the rise in insurgency.

Things were fixed in Iraq once the Sunnis were allowed back to the party of rebuilding Iraq....Obama just fucked things up when he pulled out too early, I bet he does that a lot with moooooochelle.

Coming here reminds me stupid people like you are somehow breathing....

Conservatives crack me up with their hilarious "macho man" act. They think they're all manly with their aggressive, chest beating foreign policy. They think they come across as tough guys , but after they screwed up the Iraq war and occupation, they come across as a male ballet dancer with two left feet.

The failure of the conservatives to competently fight the Iraq War gives them the right to stfu about foreign policy. You conservatives can start shutting tfu now. America is ready when you are.

The American people, and the Iraqi people more importantly, wanted US troops out. It's on you to get past that.
The USS Cole happened on Clintons watch

The first World Trade Center bombing happened on Clintons watch

The African Embassy bombing in Tanzania happened on Clintons watch

The African Embassy bombing in Kenya happened on Clintons watch

The Oklahoma City bombing happened on Clintons watch

9-11 happened on Bushs watch.....not even close

Trying to make sense of ambiguous and incongruent intelligence does not mean he was ignoring it.

Bush was trying to establish his legacy. He did not think terrorism was worthy of a great Presidency.

Prior to 9-11 he was looking at invading Iraq and resurrecting Reagan's Star Wars

Few things are more comical than when wrongwinger makes shit up to "impress" people (as if he has any idea what went on inside of Bush's head)
When he doesn't know what goes on inside his own head. He's a buffoon.
You arm chair generals kill me, I bet none of you have ever seen one day of military service.....
Shitstain...the US military didn't fail in Iraq, it was the political idiots Bush sent to Iraq that blocked the Sunnis from the political process and in turn caused the rise in insurgency.

Things were fixed in Iraq once the Sunnis were allowed back to the party of rebuilding Iraq....Obama just fucked things up when he pulled out too early, I bet he does that a lot with moooooochelle.

Coming here reminds me stupid people like you are somehow breathing....

Conservatives crack me up with their hilarious "macho man" act. They think they're all manly with their aggressive, chest beating foreign policy. They think they come across as tough guys , but after they screwed up the Iraq war and occupation, they come across as a male ballet dancer with two left feet.

The failure of the conservatives to competently fight the Iraq War gives them the right to stfu about foreign policy. You conservatives can start shutting tfu now. America is ready when you are.

The American people, and the Iraqi people more importantly, wanted US troops out. It's on you to get past that.
But at what cost? Can't think beyond just today, can you?

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