Lesson from Jimmy Carter: Weakness invites aggression

The Cole happened a couple months before Clinton left office. Bush was told that terrorism was a big fucking deal......he ignored it

Sure.......Clinton told Bush that terrorists were going to fly a bunch of planes into skyscrapers.

And Bush ignored him. :D

See what Richard Clarke had to say about Bushs interest in the threat of terrorism

Did Richard Clarke ever saying anything about terrorists flying jets into skyscrapers?

No, he did not. Nobody did.

Dude, tell the nurse to cut back on the morphine drip, mkay?
Sure.......Clinton told Bush that terrorists were going to fly a bunch of planes into skyscrapers.

And Bush ignored him. :D

See what Richard Clarke had to say about Bushs interest in the threat of terrorism

Did Richard Clarke ever saying anything about terrorists flying jets into skyscrapers?

No, he did not. Nobody did.

Dude, tell the nurse to cut back on the morphine drip, mkay?

You mean other than the PDB that said, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike" US that specifically talked about how hijacking planes might be a possibility?

Bush's response.

"Well, you've covered your ass!" and then he went fishing.

A month later, the towers fell.
Sure.......Clinton told Bush that terrorists were going to fly a bunch of planes into skyscrapers.

And Bush ignored him. :D

See what Richard Clarke had to say about Bushs interest in the threat of terrorism

Did Richard Clarke ever saying anything about terrorists flying jets into skyscrapers?

No, he did not. Nobody did.

Dude, tell the nurse to cut back on the morphine drip, mkay?

No and he never said anything about 9AM on Sept 11 either

But he did mention the threat of AlQaeda and the need for stricter security measures. Bush would not even meet with him....he had an invasion of Iraq to plan......now, if only he had a reason
How many Americans died?

Go check and tell me what you find
Love erecting strawmen, don't you?:eusa_hand:

Do you even know what that means or just spout it out because others do?

Of course he knows.

It's clear you constantly spout out demented platitudes about how great Obama is.

Nobody actually believes them.

It's become a debate on who is the most delusional, you, TM, or rdean.

Personally, I feel it's a tossup.....
See what Richard Clarke had to say about Bushs interest in the threat of terrorism

Did Richard Clarke ever saying anything about terrorists flying jets into skyscrapers?

No, he did not. Nobody did.

Dude, tell the nurse to cut back on the morphine drip, mkay?

No and he never said anything about 9AM on Sept 11 either

But he did mention the threat of AlQaeda and the need for stricter security measures. Bush would not even meet with him....he had an invasion of Iraq to plan......now, if only he had a reason

Mentioning al Qaeda as being a threat was pretty much an example of "Tell Me Something I Don't Know Dumb-ass".

You seem to forget that al Qaeda could attack anywhere they consider to be a soft target. So unless you want to turn the entire world into a police state I think you need to shelve your amateurish opinions on national security.
Take into consideration the fact that the consulate in Benghazi was attacked twice before the attack on Sept. 11, 2012 and they still couldn't seem to figure out what they needed to stop another one. Yet you feel the need to criticize Bush when in fact he prevented another attack on our homeland up until the Boston Marathon bombing.
Did Richard Clarke ever saying anything about terrorists flying jets into skyscrapers?

No, he did not. Nobody did.

Dude, tell the nurse to cut back on the morphine drip, mkay?

No and he never said anything about 9AM on Sept 11 either

But he did mention the threat of AlQaeda and the need for stricter security measures. Bush would not even meet with him....he had an invasion of Iraq to plan......now, if only he had a reason

Mentioning al Qaeda as being a threat was pretty much an example of "Tell Me Something I Don't Know Dumb-ass".

You seem to forget that al Qaeda could attack anywhere they consider to be a soft target. So unless you want to turn the entire world into a police state I think you need to shelve your amateurish opinions on national security.

It was just shit canned by the Bush administration. They had bigger fish to fry than worry about some rag heads

http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB147/clarke memo.pdf
Take into consideration the fact that the consulate in Benghazi was attacked twice before the attack on Sept. 11, 2012 and they still couldn't seem to figure out what they needed to stop another one. Yet you feel the need to criticize Bush when in fact he prevented another attack on our homeland up until the Boston Marathon bombing.

Yawn, guy, you are still trying to milk Benghazi for political points?

Bin Laden didn't need to attack America again after 9/11. BUsh was sending him plenty of Americans to kill in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So on Bush's watch. 3000 die on 9/11 and 4500 die in the unnecessary war in Iraq, and you guys think that wonderful.

On Obama's watch, 3 people die in Boston and 4 in Benghazi and OH MY GOD THE TERRORISTS ARE WINNING, HIDE YOUR WIFE AND CHILDREN.

Get a fucking grip.
See what Richard Clarke had to say about Bushs interest in the threat of terrorism

Did Richard Clarke ever saying anything about terrorists flying jets into skyscrapers?

No, he did not. Nobody did.

Dude, tell the nurse to cut back on the morphine drip, mkay?

No and he never said anything about 9AM on Sept 11 either

But he did mention the threat of AlQaeda and the need for stricter security measures. Bush would not even meet with him....he had an invasion of Iraq to plan......now, if only he had a reason

By stricter security measures you must mean profiling muslims or anyone who looked to be from the middle east. Clinton didn't allow it and made profiling a dirty word.
Take into consideration the fact that the consulate in Benghazi was attacked twice before the attack on Sept. 11, 2012 and they still couldn't seem to figure out what they needed to stop another one. Yet you feel the need to criticize Bush when in fact he prevented another attack on our homeland up until the Boston Marathon bombing.

Yawn, guy, you are still trying to milk Benghazi for political points?

Bin Laden didn't need to attack America again after 9/11. BUsh was sending him plenty of Americans to kill in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So on Bush's watch. 3000 die on 9/11 and 4500 die in the unnecessary war in Iraq, and you guys think that wonderful.

On Obama's watch, 3 people die in Boston and 4 in Benghazi and OH MY GOD THE TERRORISTS ARE WINNING, HIDE YOUR WIFE AND CHILDREN.

Get a fucking grip.

I can't believe how Republicans brag that Bush did not give up TWO attacks
9-11 happened on Bushs watch.....not even close

9/11 happened on Clinton's watch junior (the recruiting, financing, training, and planning all happened under Clinton's watch because he allowed it to)

Sorry wrongwinger, as always, you are wrong :)

Eight months is a long time

Especially when you have a President who ignored the threat of terrorism

You are blatantly ignoring the inactions and lack of response of Clinton over 8 years. Starting with '93 World Trade Center and the events thereafter, he did nothing except to bomb an empty aspirin factory. Obama inherited a very solid intelligence infrastructure.
Take into consideration the fact that the consulate in Benghazi was attacked twice before the attack on Sept. 11, 2012 and they still couldn't seem to figure out what they needed to stop another one. Yet you feel the need to criticize Bush when in fact he prevented another attack on our homeland up until the Boston Marathon bombiung.

Yawn, guy, you are still trying to milk Benghazi for political points?

Bin Laden didn't need to attack America again after 9/11. BUsh was sending him plenty of Americans to kill in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So on Bush's watch. 3000 die on 9/11 and 4500 die in the unnecessary war in Iraq, and you guys think that wonderful.

On Obama's watch, 3 people die in Boston and 4 in Benghazi and OH MY GOD THE TERRORISTS ARE WINNING, HIDE YOUR WIFE AND CHILDREN.

Get a fucking grip.

For most Americans, 4 American lives lost in one 9-11 attack is just as bad as 3,000 lives lost in the Original 9-11 attack. With you guys, it is a fucking numbers game. Bush responded to prevent more attacks. Clinton and Obama did nothing except make excuses and blame when it happened on their watch. How any future US President could ever sleep soundly on another 9/11 date is beyond me.
Our warning came in February 1993 when the World Trade Center was attacked and Americans died. What steps did Clinton Administration take to prevent another attack? Bombing an aspirin factory to take the attention of gizzing a blue dress is not sufficient. You liberals love to give Obama an open end to fix what you call Bush's fault yet you expected Bush to make sense of uncorrelated intelligence in 8 months after 8 years of neglect.
I expected him to do something, a meeting with top advisors, a request for more intel, a phone call to Tenant, etc., but he did nothing. Zero. Nada. Zip. Nothing. Not a damn thing. He didn't do shit! And the intel wasn't "uncorrelated". There were some specific red flags.

Even as the attack was unfolding, he didn't do anything. He just sat in some classroom reading a book about some goat.

"Mr President, the nation is under attack!"

"In a minute, I need to find out what happens to the goat!"​

And how would any of those things helped? What good would it done to run out of the room screaming and panicking as you libtards do and as you expect others to do?

He was waiting on information, stupid. Libtards love to crow about Obama's calm demeanor and rational "thinking" (as if Obama has done that even once in his miserable life - he's just a puppet for daddy's ideology) but when a Republican does the same thing and doesn't go off half-cocked on a knee-jerk reaction, you cry about it.

Proof that you are a blind, retarded, partisan HACK!
Take into consideration the fact that the consulate in Benghazi was attacked twice before the attack on Sept. 11, 2012 and they still couldn't seem to figure out what they needed to stop another one. Yet you feel the need to criticize Bush when in fact he prevented another attack on our homeland up until the Boston Marathon bombing.

Yawn, guy, you are still trying to milk Benghazi for political points?

Bin Laden didn't need to attack America again after 9/11. BUsh was sending him plenty of Americans to kill in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So on Bush's watch. 3000 die on 9/11 and 4500 die in the unnecessary war in Iraq, and you guys think that wonderful.

On Obama's watch, 3 people die in Boston and 4 in Benghazi and OH MY GOD THE TERRORISTS ARE WINNING, HIDE YOUR WIFE AND CHILDREN.

Get a fucking grip.

I can't believe how Republicans brag that Bush did not give up TWO attacks

Because he didn't junior. The entire 9/11 operation (recruiting, financing, training, planning, etc.) occurred under Clinton and the actual attack occured under Clintons final defense-gutted budget. Bush's hands were tied.

Liberal Logic at it's finest here folks:

5 years later and 100% of ALL policies implemented, the shit-hole economy is the former presidents fault.

8 months after taking office and ZERO policies - including even his own budget in place - 9/11 was the current presidents fault.

Indisputable proof that wrongwinger is a blind partisan HACK
See what Richard Clarke had to say about Bushs interest in the threat of terrorism

Did Richard Clarke ever saying anything about terrorists flying jets into skyscrapers?

No, he did not. Nobody did.

Dude, tell the nurse to cut back on the morphine drip, mkay?

You mean other than the PDB that said, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike" US that specifically talked about how hijacking planes might be a possibility?

Bush's response.

"Well, you've covered your ass!" and then he went fishing.

A month later, the towers fell.

Highjacking planes does not mean flying them into buildings
See what Richard Clarke had to say about Bushs interest in the threat of terrorism

Did Richard Clarke ever saying anything about terrorists flying jets into skyscrapers?

No, he did not. Nobody did.

Dude, tell the nurse to cut back on the morphine drip, mkay?

No and he never said anything about 9AM on Sept 11 either

But he did mention the threat of AlQaeda and the need for stricter security measures. Bush would not even meet with him....he had an invasion of Iraq to plan......now, if only he had a reason

Pure propaganda and rewriting history after the fact. Clinton's policies proved to be more of a hindrance than an asset it turns out, or didn't you hear about the 911 Commission's report?
Take into consideration the fact that the consulate in Benghazi was attacked twice before the attack on Sept. 11, 2012 and they still couldn't seem to figure out what they needed to stop another one. Yet you feel the need to criticize Bush when in fact he prevented another attack on our homeland up until the Boston Marathon bombing.

Yawn, guy, you are still trying to milk Benghazi for political points?

Bin Laden didn't need to attack America again after 9/11. BUsh was sending him plenty of Americans to kill in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So on Bush's watch. 3000 die on 9/11 and 4500 die in the unnecessary war in Iraq, and you guys think that wonderful.

On Obama's watch, 3 people die in Boston and 4 in Benghazi and OH MY GOD THE TERRORISTS ARE WINNING, HIDE YOUR WIFE AND CHILDREN.

Get a fucking grip.

How many hundreds of thousands have died during the Arab Spring?

Oh, sorry. Those are just Christians and Muslims. They aren't even Americans. They don't matter. They're invisible.

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