Lessons of History and Trying To Avoid the Same Mistakes

There’s a subcommittee in Congress covering management of Native lands, the relationship between the federal government and Native communities and Tribes, sovereignty, and other matters relating to Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Native Alaskans.

This used to be called the Subcommittee for Indian and Insular Affairs. Since “Indian” is a colonizer word and “insular” means uncivilized, ignorant, and narrow-minded, Natives advocated for a name change -- and the name was updated to the Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States.

However, MAGA Republicans in Congress have changed the name back to the offensive Subcommittee for Indian and Insular Affairs.

This is a shameful act, an insult to Native communities that attempts to diminish our inherent and legal standing as nations once again -- as if Indigenous communities are not a part of the U.S. They need to call us by what we want to be called, not the terms that colonizers used.
[ The Party which now proposes to secede the Union in order to bring back slavery, is trying to cancel the Democratic Party because of some being pro slavery in the 1800s ]

Florida Sen. Blaise Ingoglia is backing a new bill in Florida that he calls the “Ultimate Cancel Act,” aimed to ban any political party that once included slavery in their platforms from running in the state, including the Florida Democratic Party.

While the bill does not specifically name the Democratic Party, Senator Ingoglia has made it clear that this is his target.

“For years now, leftist activists have been trying to ‘cancel’ people and companies for things they have said or done in the past. This includes the removal of statues and memorials and the renaming of buildings,” he said in a statement. “Using this standard, it would be hypocritical not to cancel the Democratic Party itself for the same reason.”

On Tuesday night, Ingoglia quote tweeted a tweet that said, “This man just single handily trolled an entire state political party…..and they fell for it LMAO Say something nice about Blaise Ingoglia.”

Ingoglia responded, “Fact check: TRUE,” seeming to indicate that filing the legislation was a stunt.

The measure (SB 1248) would switch Democratic voters to no-party voters or give them the option of choosing another party.

Senator Ingoglia noted that the Democratic Party adopted pro-slavery positions in their platforms during conventions in 1840, 1844, 1856, 1860, and 1864. He believes that canceling the Democratic Party is a necessary step to confront their past.

“Some people want to have ‘uncomfortable conversations’ about certain subjects. Let’s have those conversations,” Igoglia said.

Historically, the Democratic Party’s beginningswere rooted in states’ rights, including slavery. The party split during the Civil War, with Southern Democrats favoring slavery in all territories and Northern Democrats arguing it should go to a popular vote.

A century later, it was a Democratic president from the South, Lyndon Johnson, who signed the Civil Rights Act.

This action led to what is often referred to as a “party switch”, where the Democratic Party began to embrace progressive policies and civil rights, while the Republican Party which was once associated with abolitionism and progressive policies, now champions conservative values and policies.

This historical context adds another layer of complexity to Senator Ingoglia’s proposal to cancel the Democratic Party based on their past association with slavery.

According to Ingoglia’s bill, the Division of Elections would decertify any political party that has “previously advocated for, or been in support of, slavery or involuntary servitude.”

Registered voters of that party would receive notices from the state that their party has been “canceled” and that they’re now no-party voters.

As for the canceled Democratic Party, members could re-register with the state so long as the name is “substantially different from the name of any other party previously registered.”

If passed, the law would take effect on July 1.

Ron DeSantis shows how not to run an education system, Jennifer Rubin, The Washington Post
The Florida governor seems to view schools as the battleground for his war on inclusivity and truth. Whether it is Desantis’s “don’t say gay” law or his vendetta against African American and gender studies, his obsession with telling teachers what they cannot teach far outweighs his concern for how students are performing.

And as it turns out, that performance is pretty lousy.

While Florida officials — including DeSantis — have boasted about the state’s relatively high proficiency scores among fourth-graders, they have largely ignored how quickly those scores drop as students grow older. As education journalist Billy Townsend writes in an opinion piece for the Tampa Bay Times, “No other state comes close to Florida’s level of consistent fourth to eighth grade performance collapse.”

(full article online

There’s a subcommittee in Congress covering management of Native lands, the relationship between the federal government and Native communities and Tribes, sovereignty, and other matters relating to Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Native Alaskans.

This used to be called the Subcommittee for Indian and Insular Affairs. Since “Indian” is a colonizer word and “insular” means uncivilized, ignorant, and narrow-minded, Natives advocated for a name change -- and the name was updated to the Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States.

However, MAGA Republicans in Congress have changed the name back to the offensive Subcommittee for Indian and Insular Affairs.

This is a shameful act, an insult to Native communities that attempts to diminish our inherent and legal standing as nations once again -- as if Indigenous communities are not a part of the U.S. They need to call us by what we want to be called, not the terms that colonizers used.
We have a Bureau of Indian Affairs....why hasn't Xiden changed the name?
My advice to you is as follows:

If you are this obsessed with a party and apparently are this incensed over them, maybe you shouldn't vote for them next time.
I did not vote for the Republicans.

Maybe you did. It is your obsession you need to deal with.
I did not vote for the Republicans.

Maybe you did. It is your obsession you need to deal with.
I did not start a thread and spew many posts expressing irrational hatred against various peoples that have done absolutely nothing to harm me at all. You, OTOH, did just that. All I'm saying is, you should find out why you're this obsessed with the party, maybe then you can move on and be happy. A starting point could be you showing us on the doll where the party hurt you.
I did not start a thread and spew many posts expressing irrational hatred against various peoples that have done absolutely nothing to harm me at all. You, OTOH, did just that. All I'm saying is, you should find out why you're this obsessed with the party, maybe then you can move on and be happy. A starting point could be you showing us on the doll where the party hurt you.
You are blind and deaf, like most Republicans, QAnon and Trumpters.

Stay that way :)
You are blind and deaf, like most Republicans, QAnon and Trumpters.

Stay that way :)
Well, I tried to help you start letting go of some of that irrational hatred and anger, but it seems that you're just not ready to do it yet.
Well, I tried to help you start letting go of some of that irrational hatred and anger, but it seems that you're just not ready to do it yet.
You are a fan of MTG?
An extremist religious woman who is a QANON conspirator and liar of the worse kind?

You got upset with that tweet. For her.

The one with the lies and conspiracy theory issues is you as you approve of all the lies and conspiracy theories she spews on a daily basis.
You are a fan of MTG?
An extremist religious woman who is a QANON conspirator and liar of the worse kind?

You got upset with that tweet. For her.

The one with the lies and conspiracy theory issues is you as you approve of all the lies and conspiracy theories she spews on a daily basis.
Wow, you went from irrationally angry and obsessed to thinking that you can read my mind. I've told you that those foil helmets you get from the last page of your comic books don't give you mind reading abilities, but here we are...

If you can just remember that I'm not the topic here, you'll do better.
Wow, you went from irrationally angry and obsessed to thinking that you can read my mind. I've told you that those foil helmets you get from the last page of your comic books don't give you mind reading abilities, but here we are...

If you can just remember that I'm not the topic here, you'll do better.
You are not the topic here. Never were, and never will be.

Now back to my thread.

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