Lessons of History and Trying To Avoid the Same Mistakes

[ Power......by threats and intimidation ]

In a new interview with The Washington Post, Gates reveals that Trump’s and his supporters’ actions following the 2020 election have been such a mental strain on him he was eventually diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. It’s a heartbreaking story reminiscent of the testimony of Shaye Moss and her mother, Ruby Freeman, two Georgia election workers who were brutally harassed following the election and testified about their experiences to the House Jan. 6 committee. The biggest difference? Gates is a Republican, and the harassers were supposed to be his pals. But that didn’t stop him from going into hiding to avoid them

The threats and harassment Gates endured came to a head on the day of Trump’s lawless Jan. 6 putsch.

The Washington Post:

As members of Congress gathered in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, to certify the 2020 election, about 1,000 Trump loyalists protested outside of the state capitol in Phoenix, where they erected a guillotine and carried rifles. Gates watched on television in disbelief as rioters climbed the U.S. Capitol steps and pounded their way inside. What he had mistaken as tough-talk was actually the impetus of a violent attempt to overthrow the government.
Gates worried his family may not be safe in their home. He had been labeled a “traitor” and worried a mob might come for him.
He booked a rental home for what he and his wife called a family “staycation.” But his daughters knew they were hiding out. He worried about what this traumatic experience was doing to their childhood. But he hoped the attempted coup would be a wake-up call for leaders in his party who had endorsed or even echoed Trump’s rhetoric.
The Post goes into great detail about Gates’ and his family’s ordeal—so much so that the article occasionally becomes difficult to read. Gates’ example also perfectly illustrates why losing presidential candidates have unerringly conceded elections shortly after it became clear they’d lost them. Doing anything less sows chaos and threatens the health of our democracy—something Trump clearly doesn’t care about. (The health of our democracy, that is; he clearly loves the chaos.)

Gates says he began suffering PTSD symptoms on the heels of severe abuse and harassment from the very people with whom he’d previously aligned himself politically. He was told he was a traitor who should be hanged or shot. One person said his daughters should be raped, and he even worried about his Fox News-watching parents turning against him.

His usual cheerfulness and optimism evaporated in the face of the onslaught, and he started to lose sleep, as well as his appetite. And, as The Post notes, “his ever-simmering anger would increasingly explode into view during public meetings, interviews with journalists and social gatherings.”

He began to question his own worth. His wife said she no longer recognized him, his daughters stopped asking him to help them with their problems, and he was “consumed” by feelings of abandonment over his strained relationships with his fellow Republicans.

Through all that, Gates stuck to his guns, but his dedication to his sworn duty and the truth extracted a considerable toll. Eventually, in May 2022, Gates sought therapy. He discussed his feelings of betrayal, as well as how the unfair and dishonest criticism he’d received led to insecurity and anger and manifested in physical problems like high blood pressure, anxiety, headaches, and insomnia.

And in the process, says Gates, the ordeal—which continued through the November 2022 midterm elections when GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake decided her election had been stolen, too—robbed him of much of his identity.

(full article online)

The OP is so loaded with irony. Big lies, obsession with controlling culture, creating and exploiting chaos.. Amazing.
Your post is full of empty words. No evidence that anything the OP says is untrue.

Just saying that it is not true, does not make it not true.
Your post is full of empty words. No evidence that anything the OP says is untrue.

Just saying that it is not true, does not make it not true.
You're one of the ones that doesn't even realize it. I can respect it as a strategy, but just being clueless is a shame.
You're one of the ones that doesn't even realize it. I can respect it as a strategy, but just being clueless is a shame.
More empty words. Try saying something really. Being in a fog and trying to make the other side look like the ones who are lost........losing strategy.

You did not understand understand the OP at all. Did not even read it. Do not know who Joyce Vance is talking about. Or what .
More empty words. Try saying something really. Being in a fog and trying to make the other side look like the ones who are lost........losing strategy.

You did not understand understand the OP at all. Did not even read it. Do not know who Joyce Vance is talking about. Or what .
LOL. I read that garbage. You don't know what irony means, do you?
LOL. I read that garbage. You don't know what irony means, do you?
I know you are a BSRrrrrr

If you understood the opposite of what it said, that is on you.

Or....you know what it means and you just have to go against it, just to feel better for yourself.

Keep defending and protecting all the things Trump and the GOP/MAGA/QANON, etc have done and continue to do.

November 2024 is going to tell Republicans, again, what they continue to insist......they do not understand.
[ Florida, behaving like a country which decides what people can read, study, know. AKA.....Fascism]

State education officials flagged several potential textbooks for “political indoctrination,” including one lesson urging parents to speak with their children about kneeling during the National Anthem as a symbol representing America. Publishers also amended some of the books at Florida’s urging, such as removing a reference to the police killing of George Floyd in a middle school book, as Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to fight against “wokeness” in education.

“To uphold our exceptional standards, we must ensure our students and teachers have the highest quality materials available — materials that focus on historical facts and are free from inaccuracies or ideological rhetoric,” Education Commissioner Manny Diaz Jr. said in a statement Tuesday.
The textbook adoption process for social studies was expected to face intense scrutiny in Florida following the state education agency denying dozens of proposed math textbooks last year for containing “impermissible” content, including lessons on critical race theory.

Florida determined this content broached “unsolicited topics,” yet critics pan the state’s decision to reject it.

“Look at the revisions they are celebrating & ask yourself if you trust [Florida] to write our history,” the Florida Freedom to Read Project, an organization that monitors local book challenges, wrote in a tweet.

(full article online)


Raising the debt ceiling has never been a big deal when there's a Republican in the White House​

Republicans in Congress raised it three times under President Donald Trumpwithout issue, even as Trump was adding nearly $7.8 trillion to the national debt. It’s a dumb and dangerous cudgel being swung about by lummoxes who don’t care if others get hurt.

The debt ceiling allows the country to pay debts it has already incurred​

It has nothing to do with new spending. It’s like refusing to pay this month’s credit-card bill until your teenager agrees to stop buying expensive lattes. You’re bickering over money already spent. You pay the bill and then take away the kid’s card, not the other way around.

The Republican House Speaker McCarthy is fully in the pocket of Big MAGA​

Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is a wholly owned subsidiary of Greene and the House’s collection of destructive MAGA lawmakers, politicians whose every decision is driven by the questions “Will this make me look cool on Fox News?” and “Will this make former President Donald Trump love me more?” So rather than attempt to be reasonable or concerned about the nation’s economy, the speaker is all-in on demanding that President Joe Biden make massive budgetary concessions in exchange for McCarthy and his merry band of bunglers doing quite literally the bare minimum — not tanking the U.S. economy.

(full article online)

"The predictably disastrous @cnn town hall was indeed disastrous," Mark Lukasiewicz, the former broadcast exec who is dean of the Lawrence Herbert School of Communication at Hofstra University, tweeted. "Proving again: Live lying works. A friendly MAGA crowd consistently laughs, claps at Trump's punch lines - including re sex assault and Jan 6 - and the moderator cannot begin to keep up with the AR-15 pace of lies."

"CNN set up a format in which the audience just cheered when Trump called moderator 'a nasty person' for pressing him on the issue of the documents he took from the WH, now under investigation," the Times' Trip Gabriel added.

The MSNBC anchor Mehdi Hasan, who was wary about the event before it began, called it "hard to watch."

"What did CNN think would happen?" Hasan wrote on Twitter.

In response to a request for comment from Insider, CNN said Collins "exemplified what it means to be a world-class journalist."

"She asked tough, fair and revealing questions. And she followed up and fact-checked President Trump in real time to arm voters with crucial information about his positions as he enters the 2024 election as the Republican frontrunner," a CNN representative told Insider.

"That is CNN's role and responsibility," the person added, "to get answers and hold the powerful to account."

(full article online)


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