Let Louisiana drown!

You idiots don't even get the sarcasm of my first post.

And you still won't answer my questions about compulsory insurance , big gov, the "nanny stAte", and welfare !!!

Maybe it's cause you are exposed for the frauds you are . You righties sure talk a lot of shit . But the second you are in trouble it's "obama save meeeeee!" .

Timmy, I know you're young and don't know much, but here's the deal. These people lived in an area that has NEVER flooded like this; it was in an area that the was deemed outside the flood zone. A lot didn't have flood insurance. Like 75%. It was a 1,000 year event.

Totally different from Katrina where you know you are always vulnerable. Yet liberals beat their chests demanding that people that had no flood insurance be compensated.

You kid, are a hypocrite. I was caught up in it driving back from Jackson, MS on I-55 that Friday. I have never seen anything like it.

Wow! It flooded in Southern Louisiana! Who would have thought it! Only a psychic like Sister Cleo could have predicted that! Why would anyone think that they needed flood insurance?
I'm now convinced that the OP is Obama because 'let Louisiana drown' is actually what he did.

Yes or no . Would you eliminate FEMA if you could ?

I don't see anywhere where such a thing is authorized in the constitution to do such a thing.

That's a yes. So you WOULD leave them to drown. After all, saving people from floods is not in the constitution, right?

You have a lot of nerve talking shit on how Obama is handling this.
This is not the place for the federal govrnment Prior to 1979 there was no FEMA. We had disasters prior to 1979. No FEMA means the states do not have to contribute FEMA funds. They can use those funds for their own disasters and do so without jumping through federal hoops. It also means that the states will absolutely be guaranteed their own funds and not have to get turned down like Texas did when it had wildfires.
End FEMA it's the right thing to do.

Who you kidding? You think those idiot swamp billies can handle shit themselves? Playa please ! 90% of the states GDP comes from FEMA , Katrina , BP spill funding . The other 10% is from whores!

You mean the obama sluts are turning in their take?

Let states keep their money, end FEMA. It started in 1979, it's been a failure. End it.
Yes or no . Would you eliminate FEMA if you could ?

I don't see anywhere where such a thing is authorized in the constitution to do such a thing.

That's a yes. So you WOULD leave them to drown. After all, saving people from floods is not in the constitution, right?

You have a lot of nerve talking shit on how Obama is handling this.
This is not the place for the federal govrnment Prior to 1979 there was no FEMA. We had disasters prior to 1979. No FEMA means the states do not have to contribute FEMA funds. They can use those funds for their own disasters and do so without jumping through federal hoops. It also means that the states will absolutely be guaranteed their own funds and not have to get turned down like Texas did when it had wildfires.
End FEMA it's the right thing to do.

Who you kidding? You think those idiot swamp billies can handle shit themselves? Playa please ! 90% of the states GDP comes from FEMA , Katrina , BP spill funding . The other 10% is from whores!

You mean the obama sluts are turning in their take?

Let states keep their money, end FEMA. It started in 1979, it's been a failure. End it.

Not so much on the 1979 thing. Per wiki

Federal emergency management in the U.S. has existed in one form or another for over 200 years.[citation needed] FEMA's history is summarized as follows.

Prior to 1930sEdit
A series of devastating fires struck the port city of Portsmouth, early in the 19th century. The7th U.S. Congress passed a measure in 1803 that provided relief for Portsmouth merchants by extending the time they had for remitting tariffs on imported goods. This is widely considered the first piece of legislation passed by the federal government that provided relief after a disaster.[4]
You idiots don't even get the sarcasm of my first post.

And you still won't answer my questions about compulsory insurance , big gov, the "nanny stAte", and welfare !!!

Maybe it's cause you are exposed for the frauds you are . You righties sure talk a lot of shit . But the second you are in trouble it's "obama save meeeeee!" .

Timmy, I know you're young and don't know much, but here's the deal. These people lived in an area that has NEVER flooded like this; it was in an area that the was deemed outside the flood zone. A lot didn't have flood insurance. Like 75%. It was a 1,000 year event.

Totally different from Katrina where you know you are always vulnerable. Yet liberals beat their chests demanding that people that had no flood insurance be compensated.

You kid, are a hypocrite. I was caught up in it driving back from Jackson, MS on I-55 that Friday. I have never seen anything like it.

If it never floods , then flood ins would be really cheap.

How am I a hypocrite by the way ? And why won't anyone answer my questions !?
They don't offer flood insurance in No Flood Zones, dumbass.

My neighborhood is such an area & 6 months ago a freak storm flooded most of the area. Neighbors lost everything & insurance paid nothing because no one had flood insurance because it wasn't offered here.
A bit too extreme. Don't allow your petty hate for political opponents to cloud your better judgement. As long as they're still being required by law to pay so much taxes, they should expect Government relief in some capacity. Fair is fair on that.

However that being said, too many Americans are too dependent on Government for survival. I mean if you live in a swamp, that's on you. Government isn't responsible for providing folks with common sense. Just look at Katrina. They were not prepared. They relied solely on Government for their survival. If you live in dangerous locations, be prepared for the worst, or relocate. In the end, it is on you.
I mostly agree with what you said. However, not everyone is in a position to move from where they live. Also, to brand everyone in a community as being government leaches is a form of prejudice or bias in itself. And not all southerners are red necks or right wing extremists.

If you can't or won't relocate, be fully prepared for the worst. Because the worst is likely to happen at some point. Don't depend solely on Government for survival. Katrina was a prime example of people not being prepared at all.

They truly believed the Government 'Hurricane Fairy' was gonna come along and whip that mean ole Hurricane. Too many were raised on relying on Government for everything. But Mother Nature taught everyone a deadly lesson. Folks probably won't take her so lightly anymore.
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A bit too extreme. Don't allow your petty hate for political opponents to cloud your better judgement. As long as they're still being required by law to pay so much taxes, they should expect Government relief in some capacity. Fair is fair on that.

However that being said, too many Americans are too dependent on Government for survival. I mean if you live in a swamp, that's on you. Government isn't responsible for providing folks with common sense. Just look at Katrina. They were not prepared. They relied solely on Government for their survival. If you live in dangerous locations, be prepared for the worst, or relocate. In the end, it is on you.

To be fair, every part of our country lives under threat of some kind of natural disaster .

True, but some much more than others. Too many humans continue to develop and live close to water. It's a very dangerous decision. Bad things are likely gonna happen at some point. People need to fully understand that before deciding to live in such locations. The Government can't hold everyone's hand from cradle to grave 24/7. You make decisions, they're on you.
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