Let Me Get This Straight About Impeachment Over Trump's Ukraine Phone Call

Here's just SOME of what it says
The Report that said that
The Russians engaged in a massive attack on our election in 2016 in favor of Trump
The Trump team knew this
The Trump team encouraged this
The Trump team knew in advance of some of the wikileaks dumps that they were coming'
The Trump USED that Russian attack in their strategy
The Trump team met over 100 times with Russian government figures and lied about all of them
The Report that said that the Mueller investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.
So sorry.
[The Report that said that]
The Trump team engaged in 10 instances of Obstruction of Justice to hide all of that
This is a lie.
You’ll note that “conspired “ or “coordinated with” we’re NOT in the summary I provided
The Mueller investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities - and there's nothing you can say or do to change this.
So sorry.
Yes it was adoption Dump jr was talking about with high russian officials at Dump towers
I'm sorry you do not like the fact the Mueller investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities - but there's nothing you can do about it.
You're wrong.

Trump came to power not expecting to and with no real philosophy or experience.

Incompetence has protected us so far, and our system and norms are in place and have a relatively strong history (that is the "Deep State" that he has been attacking)

But he has systematically replaced people with sycophants and simply hollowed out agencies by firing and not replacing those that get fed up and leave.

So far our system has held up reasonably well...but bear in mind...it's only been 3 years. Another five years of this...and we may not recover

You know, it is sort of funny. You start out declaring I am "wrong". Then you move to confirm what I have been saying all along, praising the U.S. institutions' resilience. And you top it off by warning, darkly, that there may not be a recovery five years on. That, of course, is pretty much Biden's selling strategy. None of the points actually contradicts what I am saying, with the possible exception that I am more optimistic than you are about the U.S., and the country's ability to resist the Trumpish onslaught. I would guess, it's possible reasonably to disagree about that, as none of us is able to tell with certainty what the future holds. So, when I state Trump is not Hitler, and unlikely to become Hitler, what separates us are just nuances.

Now, what evidence is there in the current developments pointing to either paths - recovery or not? What I am seeing is folks using the institutions set up to preserve the Republic, and following procedures designed to safeguard it against enemies within, and thus strengthening the Republic and its institutions. Moreover, as news about the rot are being reported and digested by the electorate, support for impeachment and removal is growing, and edging above the 50% threshold just these days. I'd say, by and large these are encouraging signs.

Yes, the damage is immense, as federal agencies are bleeding, losing competent staff, and are being hollowed out, as you say. They can be rebuilt, at considerable cost, and restored, even though that will take time, and all the while the population will be made to suffer from the loss of protection - from meat inspection to climate change regulation. Elections do, in fact, have consequences. That, however, is not permanent. Maybe, just maybe, as the victims of Trump's wrecking-ball style of policy-making are piling up - as they sure will - citizens are going to learn that a well-functioning federal government is nothing to sneeze at. Wouldn't that be glorious?

"Survey Finds More People Would Support Impeachment If They Knew What Crime Trump Was Supposed To Have Committed
October 10th, 2019

U.S.—A new study found that support for impeaching President Trump would rise significantly if someone, anyone could just tell people what crime Trump is supposed to have committed.

Republicans and many independents are stubbornly resisting the impeachment inquiry, as though you have to have some kind of reason to impeach the president. Democrats oppose this logic, saying that impeaching a president who insists on being Trump is a constitutional duty. Many Americans are just kind of confused by the whole thing and are waiting for something more interesting to come on TV.

"Impeachment is polling pretty strong just goin' on emotion and stuff," said one pollster, "but man, if we could point to some kind of impeachable offense, the numbers would go way, way up. We're talking very strong support once there is a crime to impeach for."

"Man, if we could just find that Trump, like, secretly nuked Canada or something---that would be the smoking gun," he added wistfully.

A small minority of Americans said they would support Trump even if there ends up being a clear, blatant high crime exposed, though this demographic was almost entirely made up of televangelists and Seb Gorka."
Survey Finds More People Would Support Impeachment If They Knew What Crime Trump Was Supposed To Have Committed
Trump looking for dirt on an opponent of his in an election first from Ukraine and now from China is impeachable
but a POTUS looking into corruption isnt,,,
now go back and play with your dolls,,,
He wasn't "looking" for corruption (we have an entire agency that does that which he didn't use).
He was ENGAGING in it
Hitting the sauce early, or did you ever stop last night?
Trump did NOTHING illegal.
Democrats believe Trump should be impeached for doing his job.
This tells you all you need to know.
His job is NOT looking for dirt from other countries to help him in our election
but his job as POTUS is to root out corruption where ever it lays its ugly head,,,
but a POTUS looking into corruption isnt,,,
now go back and play with your dolls,,,
He wasn't "looking" for corruption (we have an entire agency that does that which he didn't use).
He was ENGAGING in it
Hitting the sauce early, or did you ever stop last night?
Trump did NOTHING illegal.
Democrats believe Trump should be impeached for doing his job.
This tells you all you need to know.
His job is NOT looking for dirt from other countries to help him in our election
but his job as POTUS is to root out corruption where ever it lays its ugly head,,,
Especially when that corruption relates to the actions of an elected officer of the US government.
but a POTUS looking into corruption isnt,,,
now go back and play with your dolls,,,
He wasn't "looking" for corruption (we have an entire agency that does that which he didn't use).
He was ENGAGING in it
Hitting the sauce early, or did you ever stop last night?
Trump did NOTHING illegal.
Democrats believe Trump should be impeached for doing his job.
This tells you all you need to know.
His job is NOT looking for dirt from other countries to help him in our election
but his job as POTUS is to root out corruption where ever it lays its ugly head,,,
And give t THE PILE DRIVER!!! that's right. THE PILE DRIVER
but a POTUS looking into corruption isnt,,,
now go back and play with your dolls,,,
He wasn't "looking" for corruption (we have an entire agency that does that which he didn't use).
He was ENGAGING in it
Hitting the sauce early, or did you ever stop last night?
Trump did NOTHING illegal.
Democrats believe Trump should be impeached for doing his job.
This tells you all you need to know.
His job is NOT looking for dirt from other countries to help him in our election
but his job as POTUS is to root out corruption where ever it lays its ugly head,,,
The president's job is to put the country before himself.
The president is using the power of his office to serve himself.
The president's job is to set policy to ensure the laws are implemented, but not to enforce the laws himself. That task must be delegated to the appropriate agency.
He wasn't "looking" for corruption (we have an entire agency that does that which he didn't use).
He was ENGAGING in it
Hitting the sauce early, or did you ever stop last night?
Trump did NOTHING illegal.
Democrats believe Trump should be impeached for doing his job.
This tells you all you need to know.
His job is NOT looking for dirt from other countries to help him in our election
but his job as POTUS is to root out corruption where ever it lays its ugly head,,,
The president's job is to put the country before himself.
The president is using the power of his office to serve himself.
The president's job is to set policy to ensure the laws are implemented, but not to enforce the laws himself. That task must be delegated to the appropriate agency.

and by rootin out corruption he is putting the country first,,,not his fault the guy wants to run for office, nor is it his fault your guy is corrupt,,,
He wasn't "looking" for corruption (we have an entire agency that does that which he didn't use).
He was ENGAGING in it
Hitting the sauce early, or did you ever stop last night?
Trump did NOTHING illegal.
Democrats believe Trump should be impeached for doing his job.
This tells you all you need to know.
His job is NOT looking for dirt from other countries to help him in our election
but his job as POTUS is to root out corruption where ever it lays its ugly head,,,
And give t THE PILE DRIVER!!! that's right. THE PILE DRIVER

I'm more of a fan of the ronnie garvin stomp

The president is using the power of his office to serve himself.
Why do you believe the President should not investigate, or have investigated, potentially corrupt actions taken by a VP of the US simply because said VP is running for election?
How is he preventing corruption by investigating purported corruption from years ago? If he's going to ask the president of Ukraine to investigate corruption, doesn't it make more sense to ask that president to investigate currently ongoing corruption?
We’ll see here’s the thing.. I’m not privy to every conversation a president has had with foreign leaders so for all I know the guy has asked all of the leaders he’s talked to about various different aspects of corruption but THIS PARTICULAR ONE just happens to be one about a current candidate for president so I’m supposed to be outraged about it, right? Here’s what I know for sure.. before this I had no idea that Biden threatened the Ukraine over aid. Now I know about it. It’s too bad obama didn’t try to uncover John mccain’s corrupt history. I would’ve been equally as happy about that. That’s what’s so amazing about not being a partisan retard
No problem. Be sure to let the forum know if you ever find where Trump asked Zelensky to investigate anything other than the Bidens or the DNC server.
I’m not just talking about zelensky you thick headed retard
So what? I am. Trump asked Zelensky to investigate a political rival. That's illegal. That's impeachment article I. That's also an abuse of office, that's article II. Now he's obstructing the impeachment inquiry . That's article III.
Im so glad my brain doesn’t work the way yours does you need help
Mine employs punctuation when applicable.
How is he preventing corruption by investigating purported corruption from years ago? If he's going to ask the president of Ukraine to investigate corruption, doesn't it make more sense to ask that president to investigate currently ongoing corruption?
We’ll see here’s the thing.. I’m not privy to every conversation a president has had with foreign leaders so for all I know the guy has asked all of the leaders he’s talked to about various different aspects of corruption but THIS PARTICULAR ONE just happens to be one about a current candidate for president so I’m supposed to be outraged about it, right? Here’s what I know for sure.. before this I had no idea that Biden threatened the Ukraine over aid. Now I know about it. It’s too bad obama didn’t try to uncover John mccain’s corrupt history. I would’ve been equally as happy about that. That’s what’s so amazing about not being a partisan retard
No problem. Be sure to let the forum know if you ever find where Trump asked Zelensky to investigate anything other than the Bidens or the DNC server.
I’m not just talking about zelensky you thick headed retard
So what? I am. Trump asked Zelensky to investigate a political rival. That's illegal. That's impeachment article I. That's also an abuse of office, that's article II. Now he's obstructing the impeachment inquiry . That's article III.

He was not investigating a political rival. He was asking for them to investigate a former VP of the United States and his son for corruption.
They're both running for president in the same election.
We’ll see here’s the thing.. I’m not privy to every conversation a president has had with foreign leaders so for all I know the guy has asked all of the leaders he’s talked to about various different aspects of corruption but THIS PARTICULAR ONE just happens to be one about a current candidate for president so I’m supposed to be outraged about it, right? Here’s what I know for sure.. before this I had no idea that Biden threatened the Ukraine over aid. Now I know about it. It’s too bad obama didn’t try to uncover John mccain’s corrupt history. I would’ve been equally as happy about that. That’s what’s so amazing about not being a partisan retard
No problem. Be sure to let the forum know if you ever find where Trump asked Zelensky to investigate anything other than the Bidens or the DNC server.
I’m not just talking about zelensky you thick headed retard
So what? I am. Trump asked Zelensky to investigate a political rival. That's illegal. That's impeachment article I. That's also an abuse of office, that's article II. Now he's obstructing the impeachment inquiry . That's article III.

He was not investigating a political rival. He was asking for them to investigate a former VP of the United States and his son for corruption.

Based on what evidence? He was asking them to investigate a political rival. He has absolutely no evidence of corruption. When the Democrats win in 2020 maybe people like you should be investigated for corruption.
/----/ "Based on what evidence? He was asking them to investigate a political rival."
Being a political rivalis not a get out of jail free card. The democRATs are investigating their political rivals as we speak.
In order for your name calling to have any impact, you should first understand what you are saying. You don't.

Stop drinking and turning your brain into mush and maybe you can figure it out.

Oh Really?

Tell us again what a great strategic thing the Maginot Line was Skippy.'


The Maginot Line would have had some value if it had not stopped at the the beginning of the Belgium border.
The way the Germans bypassed the Maginot Line was by going around it, through Belgium.

the line did not extend to the English Channel due to the then alliance with Belgium. Unfortunately when the Second World War began in the West on May 10th, 1940, Belgium had become a neutral nation in an effort along with the Netherlands, to appease Adolf Hitler and his ever more aggressive Third Reich. Further construction on the Belgium border section of the Maginot Line had only just begun when the Wehrmacht's panzers emerged from the Ardennes.
However, the French line was weak near the Ardennes forest. Marshal Maurice Gamelin, when drafting Plan "D" or Dyle, believed this region, with its rough terrain, would be an unlikely invasion route of German forces; if it were traversed, it would be done at a slow rate that would allow the French time to bring up reserves and counterattack. The German Army, having reformulated their plans from a repeat of the First World War-era plan, became aware of and exploited this weak point in the French defensive front. A rapid advance through the forest and across the River Meuse encircled much of the Allied forces, resulting in a sizable force being evacuated at Dunkirk leaving the forces to the south unable to mount an effective resistance to the German invasion of France.[2]

The line has since become a metaphor for expensive efforts that offer a false sense of security.

Great cut and paste! Now, what does that have to do with your delusions?

BTW, not citing your source is plagiarism.
We’ll see here’s the thing.. I’m not privy to every conversation a president has had with foreign leaders so for all I know the guy has asked all of the leaders he’s talked to about various different aspects of corruption but THIS PARTICULAR ONE just happens to be one about a current candidate for president so I’m supposed to be outraged about it, right? Here’s what I know for sure.. before this I had no idea that Biden threatened the Ukraine over aid. Now I know about it. It’s too bad obama didn’t try to uncover John mccain’s corrupt history. I would’ve been equally as happy about that. That’s what’s so amazing about not being a partisan retard
No problem. Be sure to let the forum know if you ever find where Trump asked Zelensky to investigate anything other than the Bidens or the DNC server.
I’m not just talking about zelensky you thick headed retard
So what? I am. Trump asked Zelensky to investigate a political rival. That's illegal. That's impeachment article I. That's also an abuse of office, that's article II. Now he's obstructing the impeachment inquiry . That's article III.

He was not investigating a political rival. He was asking for them to investigate a former VP of the United States and his son for corruption.
They're both running for president in the same election.

Irrelevant, as the Chief Justice of SCOTUS will inform you should it ever get to that point.
Hitting the sauce early, or did you ever stop last night?
Trump did NOTHING illegal.
Democrats believe Trump should be impeached for doing his job.
This tells you all you need to know.
His job is NOT looking for dirt from other countries to help him in our election
but his job as POTUS is to root out corruption where ever it lays its ugly head,,,
The president's job is to put the country before himself.
The president is using the power of his office to serve himself.
The president's job is to set policy to ensure the laws are implemented, but not to enforce the laws himself. That task must be delegated to the appropriate agency.

and by rootin out corruption he is putting the country first,,,not his fault the guy wants to run for office, nor is it his fault your guy is corrupt,,,
That a good one Trump rooting out corruption of a candidate for president while the scumbag hides all info proving he's a lying crook
The president is using the power of his office to serve himself.
Why do you believe the President should not investigate, or have investigated, potentially corrupt actions taken by a VP of the US simply because said VP is running for election?
Because your president makes up shit and isn't it in our constitution?
Thank you for demonstrating you cannot present anything resembling a reasoned, rational argument as to why you believe the President should not investigate, or have investigated, potentially corrupt actions taken by a VP of the US simply because said VP is running for election.
but a POTUS looking into corruption isnt,,,
now go back and play with your dolls,,,
He wasn't "looking" for corruption (we have an entire agency that does that which he didn't use).
He was ENGAGING in it
Hitting the sauce early, or did you ever stop last night?
Trump did NOTHING illegal.
Democrats believe Trump should be impeached for doing his job.
This tells you all you need to know.
His job is NOT looking for dirt from other countries to help him in our election
but his job as POTUS is to root out corruption where ever it lays its ugly head,,,
Then let the POS fumigate the WH and his office
He wasn't "looking" for corruption (we have an entire agency that does that which he didn't use).
He was ENGAGING in it
Hitting the sauce early, or did you ever stop last night?
Trump did NOTHING illegal.
Democrats believe Trump should be impeached for doing his job.
This tells you all you need to know.
His job is NOT looking for dirt from other countries to help him in our election
but his job as POTUS is to root out corruption where ever it lays its ugly head,,,
Then let the POS fumigate the WH and his office

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