Let Me Get This Straight About Impeachment Over Trump's Ukraine Phone Call

So Trump is the only person on the face of the Earth who could get Zelensky to investigate Biden??

Sounds like you think Trump is a god.

Let's say, Trump is one of not all that many who think prosecuting someone at the direction of a politician pursuant political aims is not only commendable, but a valid part of an anti-corruption crusade - rather than the epitome of corruption.

Okay, I sort of fibbed saying there are not that many. It would seem his entire base is perfectly willing to swallow that turd.
/——/ You know Billy Clintooon signed a treaty with Ukraine to cooperate on corruption investigations. Trump is following the law.

Step back from this a couple of steps, and imagine your sixth grader were giving you these kinds of excuses. Would you buy it? Or would you send them to their room without dinner?
/——-/ My 6th grader would know how to do simple research- something you are incapable of doing. Easier for you to call names and lash out.
BREAKING: Clinton/Biden Treaty WithUkraine REQUIRES Trump ...
Trump Infuriates Top Republican Allies with Syria Withdrawal – USSA News | The Tea Party's Front Page
So it turns out there is this treaty… Yes, there is an actual treaty between the U.S. and Ukraine which obligates the leaders of both countries to cooperatefully and together on investigations of corruption, particularly criminal matters and corruption that involves both the United States and the U
why do you and others keep referring to a point that failed in it's ONLY GOAL in life - find crap on trump?

this "well they didn't clear him!" is utter bullshit and only exists to give you hope. but please, just shut the unholy hell up and point out what is in the Mueller report that Mueller himself missed in accomplishing his goal.

betcha $5 you can't do it.

The Report that said that

The Russians engaged in a massive attack on our election in 2016 in favor of Trump

The Trump team knew this

The Trump team encouraged this

The Trump team knew in advance of some of the wikileaks dumps that they were coming'

The Trump USED that Russian attack in their strategy

The Trump team met over 100 times with Russian government figures and lied about all of them

The Trump team engaged in 10 instances of Obstruction of Justice to hide all of that

And here's the report

The Mueller Report
why do you and others keep referring to a point that failed in it's ONLY GOAL in life - find crap on trump?

this "well they didn't clear him!" is utter bullshit and only exists to give you hope. but please, just shut the unholy hell up and point out what is in the Mueller report that Mueller himself missed in accomplishing his goal.

betcha $5 you can't do it.

The Report that said that

The Russians engaged in a massive attack on our election in 2016 in favor of Trump

The Trump team knew this

The Trump team encouraged this

The Trump team knew in advance of some of the wikileaks dumps that they were coming'

The Trump USED that Russian attack in their strategy

The Trump team met over 100 times with Russian government figures and lied about all of them

The Trump team engaged in 10 instances of Obstruction of Justice to hide all of that
obama knew about it also and did nothing.

you've yet to cite any law broken. $5 please.
Actually, I know more than you do. Germany was not "BAM" dictatorship after 1933. Quite the contrary, Hitler faced quite a bit of opposition from the industrial complex, the Reichswehr and other groups he had to play nice with until he got his people into position. In fact, he only held a majority in the Reichstag initially because of his alliance with the German National People's Party (DNVP) and Von Papen's Zentrum Party. When he re militarized the Rhineland in 1936, it was because the regime had lost popularity during an economic crisis. Had the French responded in force, it would have been the end of his regime, and he knew it.

Bla, bla, bla.

Hitler was appointed "chancellor" on January 30, 1933.

Less than 24 hours after the Reichstag fire of February, 1933, the constitution - foremost basic civil rights - was largely suspended, political parties "suspected" of having a hand in the fire made subject to prosecution, censorship of the press enabled, and much more.

After the Enabling Act of March, 1933, legislative power was conferred to the chancellor. Thereafter, there no longer were parties not aligned with the Nazis, because they either dissolved, became Nazi subsidiaries, or were prosecuted into non-existence.

On April 1, 1933, the first concentration camp (Dachau) was manned with SS personnel, rapidly filling up with liberals (social democrats) you love to besmirch, who were the only ones to resist Hitler, along with communists, journalists, the liberal intelligentsia.

On that day, barely more than two months after Hitler seized power, the Weimar Republic was turned into an autocracy. The Fuehrer's will had effectively become law, the occasional ineffectual upheaval notwithstanding.

Yeah, but Trump is just like Hitler. You don't have any clue whereof your speak.

The most disheartening thing about you is your proclamation, "I know more than you do". Then you cease to listen, and therefore learn nothing. I do hope, very much so, that liberals won't follow your path into intellectual irrelevance, as no one with a lick of sense listens to "Hitler, Hitler, Hitler" screechers with no relation to fact or reason. Instead I hope they will continue to work, methodically and calmly, within the constitutional framework, to preserve the Republic. For resilient institutions preserved by those who maintain their relevance along with the mandated procedures, are the only thing standing between Trump and his autocratic desires. Goes without saying, you and those like you, are of no help.
Trump looking for dirt on an opponent of his in an election first from Ukraine and now from China is impeachable
Gee, have you ever heard the term "dead in the water"....that would be Mueller's report.

The Report that said that

The Russians engaged in a massive attack on our election in 2016 in favor of Trump

The Trump team knew this

The Trump team encouraged this

The Trump team knew in advance of some of the wikileaks dumps that they were coming'

The Trump USED that Russian attack in their strategy

The Trump team met over 100 times with Russian government figures and lied about all of them

The Trump team engaged in 10 instances of Obstruction of Justice to hide all of that

THAT Mueller report?
/-----/ And if democRATs had proof of any of that, Trump would have been impeached by now. All you have is wishful thinking.
so great. trump can setup a company to do this for him.

if you're gonna let one side bypass this for any stated reason, you must allow all. period. end of story. this one sided shit is killing us all and people are so quick to put the noose around their neck and kick out their own chair because they hate the other side so much they can't see they're really looking in a mirror.

As long as Trump the candidate does it, it would be fine.

When Trump the president uses the power of the Fed Govt to do it, that changes things.

Surely you can see the difference...right?
I’m not sure this is correct and if it is it makes literally no sense. How can the president be prevented from investigating corruption? Why would we even want that?
How is he preventing corruption by investigating purported corruption from years ago? If he's going to ask the president of Ukraine to investigate corruption, doesn't it make more sense to ask that president to investigate currently ongoing corruption?
We’ll see here’s the thing.. I’m not privy to every conversation a president has had with foreign leaders so for all I know the guy has asked all of the leaders he’s talked to about various different aspects of corruption but THIS PARTICULAR ONE just happens to be one about a current candidate for president so I’m supposed to be outraged about it, right? Here’s what I know for sure.. before this I had no idea that Biden threatened the Ukraine over aid. Now I know about it. It’s too bad obama didn’t try to uncover John mccain’s corrupt history. I would’ve been equally as happy about that. That’s what’s so amazing about not being a partisan retard
No problem. Be sure to let the forum know if you ever find where Trump asked Zelensky to investigate anything other than the Bidens or the DNC server.
I’m not just talking about zelensky you thick headed retard
Trump looking for dirt on an opponent of his in an election first from Ukraine and now from China is impeachable

but a POTUS looking into corruption isnt,,,

now go back and play with your dolls,,,
He wasn't "looking" for corruption (we have an entire agency that does that which he didn't use).

He was ENGAGING in it
and he is the HNIC of that agency

so thanks for your opinion,,, but I prefer to live in reality
So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.
The Democrats want to impeach Trump.... for doing his job.
This cannot be said often enough, or loud enough.
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Here's just SOME of what it says
The Report that said that
The Russians engaged in a massive attack on our election in 2016 in favor of Trump
The Trump team knew this
The Trump team encouraged this
The Trump team knew in advance of some of the wikileaks dumps that they were coming'
The Trump USED that Russian attack in their strategy
The Trump team met over 100 times with Russian government figures and lied about all of them
The Report that said that the Mueller investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.
So sorry.
[The Report that said that]
The Trump team engaged in 10 instances of Obstruction of Justice to hide all of that
This is a lie.
As long as Trump the candidate does it, it would be fine.

When Trump the president uses the power of the Fed Govt to do it, that changes things.

Surely you can see the difference...right?
I’m not sure this is correct and if it is it makes literally no sense. How can the president be prevented from investigating corruption? Why would we even want that?
How is he preventing corruption by investigating purported corruption from years ago? If he's going to ask the president of Ukraine to investigate corruption, doesn't it make more sense to ask that president to investigate currently ongoing corruption?
We’ll see here’s the thing.. I’m not privy to every conversation a president has had with foreign leaders so for all I know the guy has asked all of the leaders he’s talked to about various different aspects of corruption but THIS PARTICULAR ONE just happens to be one about a current candidate for president so I’m supposed to be outraged about it, right? Here’s what I know for sure.. before this I had no idea that Biden threatened the Ukraine over aid. Now I know about it. It’s too bad obama didn’t try to uncover John mccain’s corrupt history. I would’ve been equally as happy about that. That’s what’s so amazing about not being a partisan retard
No problem. Be sure to let the forum know if you ever find where Trump asked Zelensky to investigate anything other than the Bidens or the DNC server.
I’m not just talking about zelensky you thick headed retard
So what? I am. Trump asked Zelensky to investigate a political rival. That's illegal. That's impeachment article I. That's also an abuse of office, that's article II. Now he's obstructing the impeachment inquiry . That's article III.
You are the dumb motherfucker. You have to see some kind of suspicious activity to open a investigation. You don't just say "I am going to open a investigation on someone today."

and how do you know that didnt happen???

or are you on the inside in washington and ukrain??

There is no investigation of Biden in Washington or Ukraine. If there were Trump would not be demanding a investigation.
how would you know that???
and when did trump call for one???

then why do you keep complaining about an investigation without charges being filed???
He called for one on the call and called for a investigation by China and Ukraine on the White House lawn. China sees this for what it is. They are not going to get involved in domestic politics.
man you dems are running scared,,, just wait until it all comes out that it was the dems that colluded in 2016,,,

youre toast,,,

I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat and I have voted for far more Republicans than Democrats. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, I didn't leave the3 Republican Party they left me. It was Trump who accepted Russian help.

Stick some butter on you. That is what goes with toast.
You're wrong.

Trump came to power not expecting to and with no real philosophy or experience.

Incompetence has protected us so far, and our system and norms are in place and have a relatively strong history (that is the "Deep State" that he has been attacking)

But he has systematically replaced people with sycophants and simply hollowed out agencies by firing and not replacing those that get fed up and leave.

So far our system has held up reasonably well...but bear in mind...it's only been 3 years. Another five years of this...and we may not recover

You know, it is sort of funny. You start out declaring I am "wrong". Then you move to confirm what I have been saying all along, praising the U.S. institutions' resilience. And you top it off by warning, darkly, that there may not be a recovery five years on. That, of course, is pretty much Biden's selling strategy. None of the points actually contradicts what I am saying, with the possible exception that I am more optimistic than you are about the U.S., and the country's ability to resist the Trumpish onslaught. I would guess, it's possible reasonably to disagree about that, as none of us is able to tell with certainty what the future holds. So, when I state Trump is not Hitler, and unlikely to become Hitler, what separates us are just nuances.

Now, what evidence is there in the current developments pointing to either paths - recovery or not? What I am seeing is folks using the institutions set up to preserve the Republic, and following procedures designed to safeguard it against enemies within, and thus strengthening the Republic and its institutions. Moreover, as news about the rot are being reported and digested by the electorate, support for impeachment and removal is growing, and edging above the 50% threshold just these days. I'd say, by and large these are encouraging signs.

Yes, the damage is immense, as federal agencies are bleeding, losing competent staff, and are being hollowed out, as you say. They can be rebuilt, at considerable cost, and restored, even though that will take time, and all the while the population will be made to suffer from the loss of protection - from meat inspection to climate change regulation. Elections do, in fact, have consequences. That, however, is not permanent. Maybe, just maybe, as the victims of Trump's wrecking-ball style of policy-making are piling up - as they sure will - citizens are going to learn that a well-functioning federal government is nothing to sneeze at. Wouldn't that be glorious?
You are the dumb motherfucker. You have to see some kind of suspicious activity to open a investigation. You don't just say "I am going to open a investigation on someone today."

Yet idiot libs seem to be the ones doing it...go figure, dumbass.

You are the idiot. Mueller's report alone has 10 potential cases of obstruction of justice.

potential means nothing except you got nothing but think you do,,,

That is why Mueller wanted Congress to conduct further investigations.

Gee, have you ever heard the term "dead in the water"....that would be Mueller's report.

That is what you are hoping for.

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