Let Me Get This Straight About Impeachment Over Trump's Ukraine Phone Call

You provided a link? Is that another product of your imagination? I never saw one.

I provided your asshat friend a link when he challenged me Skippy. Keep up.

Here's YOUR link

The Mueller Report

You fucking retard! What makes you think I read a post intended for someone else that I likely have on ignore?

You are stupid beyond belief.
LOL...you have Thinker 101 on ignore?

I don't blame you. He's as big a troll as you are

Have a nice night Mr Maginot Line
You provided a link? Is that another product of your imagination? I never saw one.

I provided your asshat friend a link when he challenged me Skippy. Keep up.

Here's YOUR link

The Mueller Report

You fucking retard! What makes you think I read a post intended for someone else that I likely have on ignore?

You are stupid beyond belief.
LOL...you have Thinker 101 on ignore?

I don't blame you. He's as big a troll as you are

Have a nice night Mr Maginot Line

In order for your name calling to have any impact, you should first understand what you are saying. You don't.

Stop drinking and turning your brain into mush and maybe you can figure it out.
In order for your name calling to have any impact, you should first understand what you are saying. You don't.

Stop drinking and turning your brain into mush and maybe you can figure it out.

Oh Really?

Tell us again what a great strategic thing the Maginot Line was Skippy.'

You provided a link? Is that another product of your imagination? I never saw one.

I provided your asshat friend a link when he challenged me Skippy. Keep up.

Here's YOUR link

The Mueller Report
It's actually pretty well laid out in the index.

Don't even pretend you read it troll

Listen up fucktard, you are responsible to back up your claims. You failed. You can't even cite one sentence in the report that bears any resemblance to your pathetic and ridiculous claims. You are stupid beyond compare on this message board. Everyone knows it because they never back up your stupidity.
In order for your name calling to have any impact, you should first understand what you are saying. You don't.

Stop drinking and turning your brain into mush and maybe you can figure it out.

Oh Really?

Tell us again what a great strategic thing the Maginot Line was Skippy.'


I never claimed it was. That is how stupid you are! You make shit up as you go like a true libtard!
The Mueller Report contains no proof, only possibilities.
And there is nothing in it about the Russians actually being able to do anything to effect any election.

Bullshit.The Mueller Report

Page, and paragraph citation for every one of your asinine assertions.

Don't bother! Just slink off to your bed and sleep it off. We will have plenty of time to ridicule your sub room temp IQ tomorrow night if you ever get sober.
You provided a link? Is that another product of your imagination? I never saw one.

I provided your asshat friend a link when he challenged me Skippy. Keep up.

Here's YOUR link

The Mueller Report
It's actually pretty well laid out in the index.

Don't even pretend you read it troll

Listen up fucktard, you are responsible to back up your claims. You failed. You can't even cite one sentence in the report that bears any resemblance to your pathetic and ridiculous claims. You are stupid beyond compare on this message board. Everyone knows it because they never back up your stupidity.
Dude...I gave you the report.

You lied about having read it so now you have a chance to do so .

More importantly actual people with open minds (which leaves dishonest trolls like you out) can read it.
Everything I detailed is shown in the index. It's 8 friggin pages.

Now troll someone else Skippy
Here's just SOME of what it says

The Report that said that

The Russians engaged in a massive attack on our election in 2016 in favor of Trump

The Trump team knew this

The Trump team encouraged this

The Trump team knew in advance of some of the wikileaks dumps that they were coming'

The Trump USED that Russian attack in their strategy

The Trump team met over 100 times with Russian government figures and lied about all of them

The Trump team engaged in 10 instances of Obstruction of Justice to hide all of that
You provided a link? Is that another product of your imagination? I never saw one.

I provided your asshat friend a link when he challenged me Skippy. Keep up.

Here's YOUR link

The Mueller Report
It's actually pretty well laid out in the index.

Don't even pretend you read it troll

So you admit you cannot support your claims? I will accept that as a surrender. It's so sad that someone suffering from poor education and alcoholism cannot function as a normal human being. You have my pity!

Lush, you need to seek help before it is too late, and they stuff your brain in a oversize pickle jar for medical students to study. That is appropriate because it appears your brain is pickled.
So you admit you cannot support your claims? I will accept that as a surrender. It's so sad that someone suffering from poor education and alcoholism cannot function as a normal human being. You have my pity!

Lush, you need to seek help before it is too late, and they stuff your brain in a oversize pickle jar for medical students to study. That is appropriate because it appears your brain is pickled.

You're a fuckin troll Skippy

I gave you the report and even told you how to navigate it. It's on you that you can't manage that
Even if those institutions are currently doing as little as you are "seeing", they still exist, while three years into Hitler's reign they did not, not as independent entities. In the U.S., the courts still rule, at times even against the would-be Dear Leader, the other party still exists, legislates and investigates, an independent press still uncovers dirt as opposed to adulating the Fuehrer, law enforcement still works under legal guidance, not the Fuehrer's will, trade unions still act even while the Fuehrer disagrees. How come you (and, seemingly, IM2) know so little about Germany in 1933/4/5, and, based on that ignorance, speak with such monumental confidence?

Actually, I know more than you do. Germany was not "BAM" dictatorship after 1933. Quite the contrary, Hitler faced quite a bit of opposition from the industrial complex, the Reichswehr and other groups he had to play nice with until he got his people into position. In fact, he only held a majority in the Reichstag initially because of his alliance with the German National People's Party (DNVP) and Von Papen's Zentrum Party. When he re militarized the Rhineland in 1936, it was because the regime had lost popularity during an economic crisis. Had the French responded in force, it would have been the end of his regime, and he knew it.

Remilitarization of the Rhineland - Wikipedia

Equating Trump to Hitler is dumb and ignorant. The damage Trump is doing still is manifold, and that damage manifests itself very prominently in his followers' loss of sound judgment, access to reality, and moral fiber. Sadly, that damage is compounded by the fact that some on the other side take Trump's reign as a license resolutely to ditch facts and reality, and thus they lose whatever sense of perspective and sound judgment they may have possessed as well. That's no way to protect and keep the Republic. Rather, that's a way to jump into the same swamp of otherworldly insanity that devours the GOP.

You and Stormy Mac can get out there and whine about how uncivil everyone is, and cry, "See, Trump isn't reading from Mein Kampf, so he can't possibly be like Hitler.... Oh, what was that. His ex wife said that he DID read from Mein Kampf?"

People who had all proclaimed Hitler was a buffoon in 1933 were enthusasitcally yelling "Seig Heil" in 1935.
People who had all proclaimed Trump was a Buffoon in 1935 were enthusiastically yelling "MAGA" in 2019.


We won't throw Trump out because he put babies in concentration camps, or because he sold out the Kurds, or because he conspired with the Russians and Ukrainians to pervert our democracy. If the gets thrown out at all... it will because the economy goes south.

A very sad commentary on human nature.. but with "Von Papen" Liberals like you, not unexpected.
What's stunning about the "Phone Call" is that Trump has now been caught doing what he was accused of and got away with in 2016
You provided a link? Is that another product of your imagination? I never saw one.

I provided your asshat friend a link when he challenged me Skippy. Keep up.

Here's YOUR link

The Mueller Report
It's actually pretty well laid out in the index.

Don't even pretend you read it troll

Listen up fucktard, you are responsible to back up your claims. You failed. You can't even cite one sentence in the report that bears any resemblance to your pathetic and ridiculous claims. You are stupid beyond compare on this message board. Everyone knows it because they never back up your stupidity.
Dude...I gave you the report.

You lied about having read it so now you have a chance to do so .

More importantly actual people with open minds (which leaves dishonest trolls like you out) can read it.
Everything I detailed is shown in the index. It's 8 friggin pages.

Now troll someone else Skippy
why do you and others keep referring to a point that failed in it's ONLY GOAL in life - find crap on trump?

this "well they didn't clear him!" is utter bullshit and only exists to give you hope. but please, just shut the unholy hell up and point out what is in the Mueller report that Mueller himself missed in accomplishing his goal.

betcha $5 you can't do it.
so they charge people with a crime and then investigate if the crime happened???
you are one dumb mother fucker

You are the dumb motherfucker. You have to see some kind of suspicious activity to open a investigation. You don't just say "I am going to open a investigation on someone today."

Yet idiot libs seem to be the ones doing it...go figure, dumbass.

You are the idiot. Mueller's report alone has 10 potential cases of obstruction of justice.

potential means nothing except you got nothing but think you do,,,

That is why Mueller wanted Congress to conduct further investigations.
/——/ Is your Google broken?
Did You Know There’s a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation For Prosecuting Crimes?

It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton.
A comprehensive treaty agreement that allows cooperation between both the United States and Ukraine in the investigation and prosecution of crimes.
It appears President Trump was following the law to the letter when it comes to unearthing the long-standing corruption that has swirled in Ukraine and allegedly involves powerful Democrats like Joe Biden and others

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