Let Me Get This Straight About Impeachment Over Trump's Ukraine Phone Call

for example???
all those subpoenas issued to people he refuses to let testify the original calls to Ukraine president his tax returns,his bank records He's afraid to even show his college grades
just because you want something doesnt mean hes required to give it to you,,,and why should he after Obama set the precedent that its none of your business,,,
and if I were him especially after the russia collusion hoax I would tell you to go fuck yourself too,
You still believe russia didn't help Trump in the election ?? Think trump and you republicans here are the only ones who don't know that
I've seen no proof of it,,,,,and I'm not a republican,,,they disgust me only slightly less than democrats, thats why I never vote for either,,,

speaking of collusion,, what do you say about all the evidence coming out that the DNC colluded with ukrain officials to effect the 2016 election??
haven't seen any of it Must be all the fake news around I will say you do get points for not being a republican

to bad you havent,, its a bunch of court and government documents and also 2 guys admitted in court and were convicted of giving dirt on trump and manafort to the DNC,,
so there is a lot of documentation and evidence that kinda proves it,,,

hopefully it goes somewhere and some people go to jail,,
but as we have seen in the past dems and repubes protect each other,,,
Yeah, but Trump is just like Hitler. You don't have any clue whereof your speak.

The most disheartening thing about you is your proclamation, "I know more than you do". Then you cease to listen, and therefore learn nothing. I do hope, very much so, that liberals won't follow your path into intellectual irrelevance, as no one with a lick of sense listens to "Hitler, Hitler, Hitler" screechers with no relation to fact or reason.

If I had gotten on this board in 2016 and said, "Trump will give us Concentration camps!!!" Hand-wringing pearl clutchers like you would have said that was hysterical.

Um. GUess what. We've got Concentration Camps. All the wonderful "institutions" aren't doing jack shit about it. They are impeaching Trump over some petty-ante bullshit of campaign dirty tricks, not his outright crimes against humanity. So quite honestly, fuck off with how you "liberals" are "Brave". You aren't.

Here's the ugly truth of dictatorships... No government can withstand without at least the tacit support of it's people. The fact is, average Germans had no problem with what Hitler did. They might have had the world stood up to him after he rearmed the Rhineland, Annexed Austria or dismembered Czechoslovakia...
You know, it is sort of funny. You start out declaring I am "wrong". Then you move to confirm what I have been saying all along, praising the U.S. institutions' resilience. And you top it off by warning, darkly, that there may not be a recovery five years on. That, of course, is pretty much Biden's selling strategy. None of the points actually contradicts what I am saying, with the possible exception that I am more optimistic than you are about the U.S., and the country's ability to resist the Trumpish onslaught. I would guess, it's possible reasonably to disagree about that, as none of us is able to tell with certainty what the future holds. So, when I state Trump is not Hitler, and unlikely to become Hitler, what separates us are just nuances.

Here's the problem with your statement.

Much like the Reichswehr and all the other institutions of Germany quickly fell in line with Hitler.

We've watched our entire "system" pretty much fall in line with Trump. Did you hear the one about the brave ICE agent who was so sickened by what he saw at Trump's concentration camps he took pictures and resigned his job?

Nope. Neither have I. Because much like those professional bureaucrats and soldiers in Hitler's Germany, all the people in government are just kind of going along with this.
In order for your name calling to have any impact, you should first understand what you are saying. You don't.

Stop drinking and turning your brain into mush and maybe you can figure it out.

Oh Really?

Tell us again what a great strategic thing the Maginot Line was Skippy.'


I never claimed it was. That is how stupid you are! You make shit up as you go like a true libtard!
What you did... you stupid fuck... was claim that Saudi Arabia had all of their air defenses on the Yemeni border and none looking east to Iran and you thought this was normal.

If they did ( which I highly doubt and which you couldn’t actually substantiate) that is the kind of stupid strategic mistake that the Maginot Line was.

And you claim to be some high level military type. God help is if that’s true

I never said they were on the Yemeni border. Why are such a dumbass? You make shit up because you don't know anything about the topic!
Trump looking for dirt on an opponent of his in an election first from Ukraine and now from China is impeachable

but a POTUS looking into corruption isnt,,,

now go back and play with your dolls,,,

That doesn't cancel out the other.
one is a constitutional requirement the other isnt,, and since the constitution is the supreme law of the land yes it does

What's in the Constitution that you think helps Trump here?
Trump looking for dirt on an opponent of his in an election first from Ukraine and now from China is impeachable

but a POTUS looking into corruption isnt,,,

now go back and play with your dolls,,,

That doesn't cancel out the other.
one is a constitutional requirement the other isnt,, and since the constitution is the supreme law of the land yes it does

What's in the Constitution that you think helps Trump here?
OH I'm pretty ure that's in the mueller report also. Don't you read?
Trump looking for dirt on an opponent of his in an election first from Ukraine and now from China is impeachable

but a POTUS looking into corruption isnt,,,

now go back and play with your dolls,,,

That doesn't cancel out the other.
one is a constitutional requirement the other isnt,, and since the constitution is the supreme law of the land yes it does

What's in the Constitution that you think helps Trump here?

what in it thinks it helps biden??
Trump looking for dirt on an opponent of his in an election first from Ukraine and now from China is impeachable

but a POTUS looking into corruption isnt,,,

now go back and play with your dolls,,,

That doesn't cancel out the other.
one is a constitutional requirement the other isnt,, and since the constitution is the supreme law of the land yes it does

What's in the Constitution that you think helps Trump here?

what in it thinks it helps biden??

Dumbfuck, don't answer my question with a question.

You made a claim -- it's yours to defend.
but a POTUS looking into corruption isnt,,,

now go back and play with your dolls,,,

That doesn't cancel out the other.
one is a constitutional requirement the other isnt,, and since the constitution is the supreme law of the land yes it does

What's in the Constitution that you think helps Trump here?

what in it thinks it helps biden??

Dumbfuck, don't answer my question with a question.

You made a claim -- it's yours to defend.

obviously common knowledge isnt your strong point,,,

and your the one that said its not his job,,,so you back up your claim first,,,

of course one could say we can start his oath of office and go from there
Ambassador to Ukraine accuses trump of pushing for her removal over false claims and questionable motives

Giuliani is also up to his mouth in deep shit
"common knowledge" is usually barber shop bullshit

And TRUMP broke the Oath of Office
I never said they were on the Yemeni border. Why are such a dumbass? You make shit up because you don't know anything about the topic!


Tell us what you DID say then Skippy...cause I'll go find it after and compare...

That is your fucking problem, asshole! You claimed I said something different, it is YOUR responsibility to find it. That's the way message boards work. If you can't do that, why not just STFU?
So you
I never said they were on the Yemeni border. Why are such a dumbass? You make shit up because you don't know anything about the topic!


Tell us what you DID say then Skippy...cause I'll go find it after and compare...

That is your fucking problem, asshole! You claimed I said something different, it is YOUR responsibility to find it. That's the way message boards work. If you can't do that, why not just STFU?
So you won't go on record about what you said. Cause ya know I will go find what you actually said and shove it up your ass huh Commander Maginot...

Too funny
If I had gotten on this board in 2016 and said, "Trump will give us Concentration camps!!!" Hand-wringing pearl clutchers like you would have said that was hysterical.

Um. GUess what. We've got Concentration Camps.

Yeah. While I - in 2016 - maintained this narcissistic megalomaniac spelled catastrophe, you would inform us, "That can never happen here."

And still, Trump is not like Hitler. Not anywhere near what Hitler was during the third year of his reign, much less the threat to humanity itself he became later. That's what a hysterical, "Hand-wringing pearl clutcher" looks like, which you'd realize if, for once, you'd venture a look into a mirror.
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.

Democrats believe being corrupt is a right. Trump is violating their right.

This from a Trump worshiper!


And what problem is that ?

The fact that you can't add 2 and 2 isn't our problem.
If I had gotten on this board in 2016 and said, "Trump will give us Concentration camps!!!" Hand-wringing pearl clutchers like you would have said that was hysterical.

Um. GUess what. We've got Concentration Camps.

Yeah. While I - in 2016 - maintained this narcissistic megalomaniac spelled catastrophe, you would inform us, "That can never happen here."

And still, Trump is not like Hitler. Not anywhere near what Hitler was during the third year of his reign, much less the threat to humanity itself he became later. That's what a hysterical, "Hand-wringing pearl clutcher" looks like, which you'd realize if, for once, you'd venture a look into a mirror.
Not for lack of trying.

What keeps Trump from becoming that kind of horror is his personal incompetence and the fact that he can't formulate a "coherent" strategy.
We also have a much longer and stronger Democratic tradition than Germany had.

Trumpers call that the "deep state" and are trying desperately to destroy it

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