Let Me Get This Straight About Impeachment Over Trump's Ukraine Phone Call

LOL. See? You’re crazy Joe. Just admit it.

You think Donny is Hitler. WTF MAN!

I knew you were nuts, just not this nuts.

Sorry, man, my grandparents fled Nazi Germany... Um, yeah, Trump really is Hitler.
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.
"So let me see if I understand..."

No, you don't understand.

Timeline: Key dates in the U.S. political controversy over Ukraine

Shokin had investigated Burisma but the probe was dormant at the time Biden pushed for the prosecutor’s termination, Bloomberg reported earlier this year, citing a former Ukrainian official.
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.


And if they kick up enough dust about it and call you a 'conspiracy theorist' enough, they hope to fool enough low info voters to make it stick this time.

May you live in interesting times, they said.

Uh huh
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal
THAT is a LIE....

The prosecutor was not investigating Burisma at the time of the loan guarantee being held back.... how many TIMES do ya'll have to be told such?

It was USA policy, and the EU. UK. IMF and World bank's stance to remove the corrupt prosecutor,

because he DID NOT investigate companies such as Burisma... and did not help the EU prosecutors, prosecute Burisma,

Years prior to Hunter's employment, when the Russian Puppet President hired Shokin as prosecutor.

exactly how would it stop any investigation on any corrupt companies by hiring a new incorruptible prosecutor?

but the prosecutor said he was investigating them at the time of his firing,,,

so you need to get better info cause yours is wrong
He says that now. And he has an axe to grind against the man who got him fired

Meanwhile, the news, quoting a former Ukraine president, prosecutor & deputy prosecutor general, says there was no open investigation at the time.

And if they kick up enough dust about it and call you a 'conspiracy theorist' enough, they hope to fool enough low info voters to make it stick this time.

May you live in interesting times, they said.

Uh huh

Tell you what, SourSue.

Today, I want you to go into work, and tell a co-worker of color to go back where she came from.
Then I want you to walk up to a disabled co-worker and mock her disability.
Then go ahead and call a female co-worker ugly.
Then grab another co-worker by the genitals.

My guess... you won't have a job by the end of the day.

So, if we wouldn't tolerate this sort of behavior from our co-workers, why do we tolerate it from the President?

And if they kick up enough dust about it and call you a 'conspiracy theorist' enough, they hope to fool enough low info voters to make it stick this time.

May you live in interesting times, they said.

Uh huh

Tell you what, SourSue.

Today, I want you to go into work, and tell a co-worker of color to go back where she came from.
Then I want you to walk up to a disabled co-worker and mock her disability.
Then go ahead and call a female co-worker ugly.
Then grab another co-worker by the genitals.

My guess... you won't have a job by the end of the day.

So, if we wouldn't tolerate this sort of behavior from our co-workers, why do we tolerate it from the President?

Shut up Joe you're no better than the president, but accuse everyone around you of being worse. Classic Leftist.
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here.

Well, you start off wrong. That prosecutor wasn't investigating that company. He was fired because he was actually FRUSTRATING efforts by the EU to look into this company. None of which had anything to do with Hunter, who was hired after the misconduct in question to try to rehabilitate their image.

But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Um, yeah. Because clearly, the goal was not to investigate, but to dig up dirt on an opponent. Whatever happened here, there was no violation of US Law.

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

Actually, what his kids are currently doing is much worse, and they are getting away with it.

Look, the point is, none of you made a big deal about this when it happened, and even Repbulicans called for this corrupt prosecutor to be removed.

Republican senators echoed Biden in urging Ukrainian president to reform prosecutor general's office - CNNPolitics

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.

No, we want to impeach him for illegally asking a foreign government to intervene in a domestic election, which is against the law.

he is investigating corruption and running for office doesnt protect you from that,,
Then you're on board with the impeachment inquiry, right? That's an investigation into corruption from which Trump, the Republican running for office, is not shielded.
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.

It is clear that there is no corruption. Getting a $50,000 a month retainer to sit on the board of directors is not illegal. There is no evidence that Hunter Biden committed any crimes. Hunter Biden is not related to Barack Obama. Biden represented the views of Obama, many in the federal government, the world community and Ukrainian reformers. The prosecutor was corrupt and it was the right thing to do.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

She is a Ukrainian who has fought corruption in Ukraine longer than Trump has been President.

Trump cut military aide to Ukraine which was totally unexpected and before he spoke to Zelensky. Then he says we give you a lot of money and we would like you to investigate the Bidens. That clearly is a quid pro quo. Since the prosecutor in question was not investigating Burisma, Biden had no vested interest in kicking Shokin out.

no one said he committed a crime,,, it about joe Bidens ethics and pay to play,,,

and trump didnt withhold money for them to investigate,,,
its time to get your facts straight or shut up...
Then why did trump hold up the money?
Shut up Joe you're no better than the president, but accuse everyone around you of being worse. Classic Leftist.

Well, I don't conduct myself at work the way this president does...

That's the point you don't seem to get. Now, on a message board, I'll call an Islamophobic Twat what it is... you know, when it gets on here and lies trying to slander someone else's faith with bullshit.

At work, though... I'd just report that sort of shit to HR. And snicker quietly when that person is cleaning out her desk.
Shut up Joe you're no better than the president, but accuse everyone around you of being worse. Classic Leftist.

Well, I don't conduct myself at work the way this president does...

That's the point you don't seem to get. Now, on a message board, I'll call an Islamophobic Twat what it is... you know, when it gets on here and lies trying to slander someone else's faith with bullshit.

At work, though... I'd just report that sort of shit to HR. And snicker quietly when that person is cleaning out her desk.

"Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks."--Luke 6:45
"Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks."--Luke 6:45

Wow... you can tell when you break a bible thumper when it starts quoting scripture.

So one more time... if your boss started conducting himself like Trump does, would you be cool with it?
Sorry, man, my grandparents fled Nazi Germany... Um, yeah, Trump really is Hitler.

Good to hear your grandparents got out in time, Joe. Still, Trump really isn't Hitler. The main reasons for that might not be differences of personality - there certainly are certain similarities - but the dissimilarities of the 21st century U.S. and 1930s Germany, most notably the far more resilient institutions of democracy and the rule of law of the former. That's why, much as he might try, Trump cannot succeed in his efforts to transform Congress, the law-enforcement and justice systems, and the military into tools of his personal will. And that's why Trump isn't Hitler, and never will be, and that remains so even while Republicans up and down the country can't seem to find their voice to speak up against the Trumpish corruption and autocratic tendencies. Well, granted, Trumpletons have been swimming in an ocean of mendacity either to keep mum or defend Trump. Still, he is not Hitler.
Good to hear your grandparents got out in time, Joe. Still, Trump really isn't Hitler. The main reasons for that might not be differences of personality - there certainly are certain similarities - but the dissimilarities of the 21st century U.S. and 1930s Germany, most notably the far more resilient institutions of democracy and the rule of law of the former. That's why, much as he might try, Trump cannot succeed in his efforts to transform Congress, the law-enforcement and justice systems, and the military into tools of his personal will. And that's why Trump isn't Hitler, and never will be, and that remains so even while Republicans up and down the country can't seem to find their voice to speak up against the Trumpish corruption and autocratic tendencies. Well, granted, Trumpletons have been swimming in an ocean of mendacity either to keep mum or defend Trump. Still, he is not Hitler.

Here's the thing. If people as Smart as Germans can fall for Fascism, people as STUPID as Americans don't stand a chance.

The fact is, we ALREADY have several safeguards that should have prevented Trump from happening. - The Electoral College, the 25th Amendment... and we aren't using them because the elites fear the MAGA hats just like Germany's institutions feared the Brown Shirts.

The only thing that saves us from Trump being Hitler is Trump's own incompetence... not his intent.
Apparently it’s because the blob asked a foreign power to investigate the son of a political opponent in return for military aid.
The “political opponent” part of this is where this whole thing falls on its face. You aren’t sheltered from legal scrutiny just because you happen to be running for political office. This is where you and many other people are being led astray. I don’t care about whether or not trump gets impeached over this, the fact remains that asking for information about someone allegedly committing a crime transcends elections. But if you want to go ahead and support stopping anyone from being investigated because they happen to also be running in an election then go right ahead. But be honest with yourself about it.
"The “political opponent” part of this is where this whole thing falls on its face. You aren’t sheltered from legal scrutiny just because you happen to be running for political office."

That applies to Trump too.
Good to hear your grandparents got out in time, Joe. Still, Trump really isn't Hitler. The main reasons for that might not be differences of personality - there certainly are certain similarities - but the dissimilarities of the 21st century U.S. and 1930s Germany, most notably the far more resilient institutions of democracy and the rule of law of the former. That's why, much as he might try, Trump cannot succeed in his efforts to transform Congress, the law-enforcement and justice systems, and the military into tools of his personal will. And that's why Trump isn't Hitler, and never will be, and that remains so even while Republicans up and down the country can't seem to find their voice to speak up against the Trumpish corruption and autocratic tendencies. Well, granted, Trumpletons have been swimming in an ocean of mendacity either to keep mum or defend Trump. Still, he is not Hitler.

Here's the thing. If people as Smart as Germans can fall for Fascism, people as STUPID as Americans don't stand a chance.

The fact is, we ALREADY have several safeguards that should have prevented Trump from happening. - The Electoral College, the 25th Amendment... and we aren't using them because the elites fear the MAGA hats just like Germany's institutions feared the Brown Shirts.

The only thing that saves us from Trump being Hitler is Trump's own incompetence... not his intent.

I would suggest you read my posting again, Joe. The smart, the dumb, and the imbecilic, I am convinced, are about equally distributed around this world we inhabit.

There may have been institutions that did not prevent Trump, as you note, but preventing Trump isn't what they are supposed to do; they are supposed to prevent Hitler. The man became the all-powerful figure because withing weeks, or months at the longest, the institutions of the Weimar Republic collapsed, and bent the knee to the Fuehrer. That is not what is happening in the U.S., and that's why Trump cannot become Hitler. Granted, Trump's incompetence also helps.
Apparently it’s because the blob asked a foreign power to investigate the son of a political opponent in return for military aid.

to bad those arent the facts,,,
Facts???? Republicans wouldn't know a fact if it hit them in the head If the misfit in our WH repeats some bullshit often enough trumpettes believe it's fact Wait till all the whistle blowers get through with the trump garbage

More bullshit from the pos's mouth "When I became president the military had no ammunition "" Ask a soldier you fn idiot Guess if he repeats it 10 time the right will believe it
Apparently it’s because the blob asked a foreign power to investigate the son of a political opponent in return for military aid.
The “political opponent” part of this is where this whole thing falls on its face. You aren’t sheltered from legal scrutiny just because you happen to be running for political office. This is where you and many other people are being led astray. I don’t care about whether or not trump gets impeached over this, the fact remains that asking for information about someone allegedly committing a crime transcends elections. But if you want to go ahead and support stopping anyone from being investigated because they happen to also be running in an election then go right ahead. But be honest with yourself about it.
"The “political opponent” part of this is where this whole thing falls on its face. You aren’t sheltered from legal scrutiny just because you happen to be running for political office."

That applies to Trump too.
No shit. But the president asked for info about a person who may have committed a crime. Adding in that he’s a candidate for president or “political opponent” is irrelevant. The executive branch is allowed to request information to investigate corruption. I’m not even trying to defend trump on this, I couldn’t possibly care less who sits in that office anymore. If you want joe fucking Biden to be your president you can have at it. At this point I would hope there’s no one left who would want biden to be the president after everything we’ve learned about him but I’m sure there’s still plenty of you who don’t care. I’m just glad some corruption has been exposed. If trump goes down for exposing it then that’s good enough for me. You can go back to fighting over dem and repub now :thup:
So let me see if I understand the Democrats' position on this: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian company that was paying Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here. But, Donald Trump's request to Ukraine that Ukraine investigate the suspicious, apparently corrupt firing of that prosecutor is an impeachable offense!

Can you imagine what Democrats would be saying if Trump had a troubled son, if that troubled son were hired by a Ukrainian company for the amazing salary of $50K per month (even though the son possessed no job skills that would justify such a salary), if a Ukrainian prosecutor began to investigate the company that was paying Trump's troubled son such an exorbitant salary, if Trump then threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the prosecutor weren't fired, and if Ukraine then fired the prosecutor? They would justifiably argue that this smelled to high heaven of corruption.

So the Democrats want to impeach Trump because he wanted Ukraine to investigate what clearly appears to have been a case of corruption involving Joe Biden, his son, and the Ukrainian company, and the previous Ukrainian government that fired the prosecutor.
if you want credibility - stop the drama.

"Biden's drug-using, Navy-discharged-for-drug-use son Hunter $50K per month--and that's no big deal, nothing to see here"

is drama supposition and it just seems the people who engage in it hate it when the OTHER side does also. quite, odd.

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