Let me get this straight, France gets attacked and we're the one's who want to declare WAR!!!

I don't mind declaring war against Muslims, as long as the Trump boys are drafted!!!!

You can not, I repeat can defeat ideology....no matter how many of these terrorist you kill, a million or more will take their place. You can not kill what is in a person's head, thats why these lone wolves are so effective. Nice guy one day, plowing into a crowd the next. Nice guy one day, killing cops the next....its a head game that nobody can detect or prevent.

So, yeah lets declare war again....don't we have 3 going on so far? Lets declare war, but who do we attack??????

Newt and Trump are the main reasons today, we have this shit...because Bush Jr. instead of taking a deep breath and thinking this declare war on Iraq shit out first, took it upon himself to shit crazy and now we got this mess.

And somebody please tell me, why isn't the Muslim countries upset???? Do these people ever give press conferences and get mad like we do??? Why must it always be our war mongering nuts that say shit???

I don't want to declare war. I just want to send them all the weapons of mass destruction they've been hankering for. :laugh:

It doesn't matter now who did it. We're stuck with it. Do we just throw up our hands and do nothing? This is pissing me off. You, too, seemingly. How DO we stop it, if not Trump's way?

Stop what? And what part of the Trump's way? Not allowing immigrants or refugees into the US? Yeah, that'll stop it <rolls eyes>...
No one said that, your ignorance of US politics is stunning. We have a whole lot of unvetted immigrants coming in and Hillary wants to up the ante by quite a bit. We need to learn from Europe, not copy it.
I don't mind declaring war against Muslims, as long as the Trump boys are drafted!!!!

You can not, I repeat can defeat ideology....no matter how many of these terrorist you kill, a million or more will take their place. You can not kill what is in a person's head, thats why these lone wolves are so effective. Nice guy one day, plowing into a crowd the next. Nice guy one day, killing cops the next....its a head game that nobody can detect or prevent.

So, yeah lets declare war again....don't we have 3 going on so far? Lets declare war, but who do we attack??????

Newt and Trump are the main reasons today, we have this shit...because Bush Jr. instead of taking a deep breath and thinking this declare war on Iraq shit out first, took it upon himself to shit crazy and now we got this mess.

And somebody please tell me, why isn't the Muslim countries upset???? Do these people ever give press conferences and get mad like we do??? Why must it always be our war mongering nuts that say shit???

control yourself. Benjamin Franklin LOVED the French---
He loved the ladies---the cuisine and he even love LAFAYETTE------The French gave us our best STATUE----
and-----they even gave us JULIA CHILD and that movie that
comes on late night since I was a teen---CASABLANCA---
(it was French people----the place was morocco ---but that
does not matter) We love the French----without the French
we would not have had BASTILLE DAY ------and would not
have gotten to read TALE OF TWO CITIES----in the ninth
grade. ------think of SIDNEY CARTON
Great food, great works, but don't forget the most important one--without the French, we would have lost the Revolution.
No one said that, your ignorance of US politics is stunning. We have a whole lot of unvetted immigrants coming in and Hillary wants to up the ante by quite a bit. We need to learn from Europe, not copy it.

They are not unvetted. The only unvetted ones and those streaming through your southern border, and they are economic immigrants who have nothing to do with terrorism or Islam. I'd put your knowledge of your politics against mine any day of the week. It's a pretty basic (but corrupt) system.
It doesn't matter now who did it. We're stuck with it. Do we just throw up our hands and do nothing? This is pissing me off. You, too, seemingly. How DO we stop it, if not Trump's way?

Stop what? And what part of the Trump's way? Not allowing immigrants or refugees into the US? Yeah, that'll stop it <rolls eyes>...
Stop WHAT? The innocent bombing, driving over and shooting of innocent civilians all over the world. Day after day after day. Trump has not actually GOT a way, militarily, that he is willing to share, anyway. By "Trump," I mean "not the Democrat's strategy." I agree with you that stopping immigrants/refugees is not going to stop it. However, I get the idea that Trump would have a more aggressive military stance. I was just asking Tiger what she thinks will work. I don't know. Do you?
Frankly, our concern for their civilians should match their concern for ours.

Drop the collateral damage nonsense, and this could all be mopped up fairly quickly.
No one said that, your ignorance of US politics is stunning. We have a whole lot of unvetted immigrants coming in and Hillary wants to up the ante by quite a bit. We need to learn from Europe, not copy it.

They are not unvetted. The only unvetted ones and those streaming through your southern border, and they are economic immigrants who have nothing to do with terrorism or Islam. I'd put your knowledge of your politics against mine any day of the week. It's a pretty basic (but corrupt) system.
There's no background information on them, they may actually lie in the interview. Like I said, your ignorance is stunning. You are a highly opinionated moron.
I don't mind declaring war against Muslims, as long as the Trump boys are drafted!!!!

You can not, I repeat can defeat ideology....no matter how many of these terrorist you kill, a million or more will take their place. You can not kill what is in a person's head, thats why these lone wolves are so effective. Nice guy one day, plowing into a crowd the next. Nice guy one day, killing cops the next....its a head game that nobody can detect or prevent.

So, yeah lets declare war again....don't we have 3 going on so far? Lets declare war, but who do we attack??????

Newt and Trump are the main reasons today, we have this shit...because Bush Jr. instead of taking a deep breath and thinking this declare war on Iraq shit out first, took it upon himself to shit crazy and now we got this mess.

And somebody please tell me, why isn't the Muslim countries upset???? Do these people ever give press conferences and get mad like we do??? Why must it always be our war mongering nuts that say shit???

control yourself. Benjamin Franklin LOVED the French---
He loved the ladies---the cuisine and he even love LAFAYETTE------The French gave us our best STATUE----
and-----they even gave us JULIA CHILD and that movie that
comes on late night since I was a teen---CASABLANCA---
(it was French people----the place was morocco ---but that
does not matter) We love the French----without the French
we would not have had BASTILLE DAY ------and would not
have gotten to read TALE OF TWO CITIES----in the ninth
grade. ------thing of SIDNEY CARTON
oh, but you left out the most important thing they've given us, the french fries.....listen, Bush declared a verbal war against france when they wouldn't co sign onto this his madness of attacking Iraq, did you send him this bullshit list back then, just askin?
Remember "American Fries?"
There's no background information on them, they may actually lie in the interview. Like I said, your ignorance is stunning. You are a highly opinionated moron.

The vetting process is pretty good. I know of two people who do it down here. You seem to have the idea that they arrive at the borders and are waved through.

Not surprising really. You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

As for opinionated, sure. As are you. And you calling me a moron is like Trump calling Pope John Paul II a racist.
Frankly, our concern for their civilians should match their concern for ours.

Drop the collateral damage nonsense, and this could all be mopped up fairly quickly.
My "emotional" side agrees. But a full out attack of Syrians would lead to some pretty angry Russians and Iranians, wouldn't it? Just askin.' If it were that easy, I think we already would have done it. Obama may be anti-war, but he's not THAT stupid. Honest, he's not. There's a reason he's fighting this war one person at a time, and it's not just to be nice.
No one said that, your ignorance of US politics is stunning. We have a whole lot of unvetted immigrants coming in and Hillary wants to up the ante by quite a bit. We need to learn from Europe, not copy it.

They are not unvetted. The only unvetted ones and those streaming through your southern border, and they are economic immigrants who have nothing to do with terrorism or Islam. I'd put your knowledge of your politics against mine any day of the week. It's a pretty basic (but corrupt) system.
Haven't you figured out after eight years that obummer will lie to you? Tell me you are not that dense!
I don't mind declaring war against Muslims, as long as the Trump boys are drafted!!!!

You can not, I repeat can defeat ideology....no matter how many of these terrorist you kill, a million or more will take their place. You can not kill what is in a person's head, thats why these lone wolves are so effective. Nice guy one day, plowing into a crowd the next. Nice guy one day, killing cops the next....its a head game that nobody can detect or prevent.

So, yeah lets declare war again....don't we have 3 going on so far? Lets declare war, but who do we attack??????

Newt and Trump are the main reasons today, we have this shit...because Bush Jr. instead of taking a deep breath and thinking this declare war on Iraq shit out first, took it upon himself to shit crazy and now we got this mess.

And somebody please tell me, why isn't the Muslim countries upset???? Do these people ever give press conferences and get mad like we do??? Why must it always be our war mongering nuts that say shit???

control yourself. Benjamin Franklin LOVED the French---
He loved the ladies---the cuisine and he even love LAFAYETTE------The French gave us our best STATUE----
and-----they even gave us JULIA CHILD and that movie that
comes on late night since I was a teen---CASABLANCA---
(it was French people----the place was morocco ---but that
does not matter) We love the French----without the French
we would not have had BASTILLE DAY ------and would not
have gotten to read TALE OF TWO CITIES----in the ninth
grade. ------thing of SIDNEY CARTON
oh, but you left out the most important thing they've given us, the french fries.....listen, Bush declared a verbal war against france when they wouldn't co sign onto this his madness of attacking Iraq, did you send him this bullshit list back then, just askin?
Remember "American Fries?"

lovers spat.......
Frankly, our concern for their civilians should match their concern for ours.

Drop the collateral damage nonsense, and this could all be mopped up fairly quickly.
My "emotional" side agrees. But a full out attack of Syrians would lead to some pretty angry Russians and Iranians

Why attack Syrians? And realistically, would the Russians and Iranians be willing to risk the viability of their own nations to interfere? I don't think so.

Obama may be anti-war, but he's not THAT stupid.

It's not a question of stupidity, but where his personal support lies.
Haven't you figured out after eight years that obummer will lie to you? Tell me you are not that dense!

All politicians lie. It's in their DNA.
Cop out answer.

Not really. It's how much or often they lie and what about that matters to me.

Example A: I did not have sex with that woman.
A lie? Sure. Does it bother me? A little. Does it affect me in any way? Nope.

Example B: Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
A lie? Sure. Does it bother me? The resulting actions from that lie? Absolutely. Does it affect me in any way? Fuck yeah...

See....they all lie. Context and outcomes matter, not the lie.
I don't mind declaring war against Muslims, as long as the Trump boys are drafted!!!!

You can not, I repeat can defeat ideology....no matter how many of these terrorist you kill, a million or more will take their place. You can not kill what is in a person's head, thats why these lone wolves are so effective. Nice guy one day, plowing into a crowd the next. Nice guy one day, killing cops the next....its a head game that nobody can detect or prevent.

So, yeah lets declare war again....don't we have 3 going on so far? Lets declare war, but who do we attack??????

Newt and Trump are the main reasons today, we have this shit...because Bush Jr. instead of taking a deep breath and thinking this declare war on Iraq shit out first, took it upon himself to shit crazy and now we got this mess.

And somebody please tell me, why isn't the Muslim countries upset???? Do these people ever give press conferences and get mad like we do??? Why must it always be our war mongering nuts that say shit???

"Newt and Trump are the main reasons today, we have this shit...""

This shit was going on long before Newt and Trump arrived on the scene
Really Sassy? Prey tell, who was going around the country hating so bad on Muslims that now we want to kick them in the nuts? But as usual, you won't answer, so have a great weekend!!

WTF I always answer your idiotic drivel. If you think Trump is the reason the goat fuggers are comminting JIhad you probably should refrain from commenting on it. It reveals how utterly fucking clueless and uninformed you are on the matter. Case in point....Boston bombing? Newt and Trump were the cause of it? Nope...radical Islam was
Moron, I'm talking about top leaders saying stupid shit like lets question all muslim on what the fuck they believe in, etc. Put it this way, dumb ass, keep this bullshit talk up and keep alienation these muslims here in America, and Paris will pale in comparison. We need these people on our side, they're here they're not going anywhere and the more we marginalize this group, the more dangerous this country will become...just ask Paris. I'm 1000% certain the backlash on all them immigrants that sought refuge there, is the main reason they keep getting targeted!!

Sounds like you got it figured out there Tigger. Just let a lot of Muslims into your country without knowing anything about them, and as long as you are nice to them they won't get mad and shoot up cafes or run people over with semi- trucks. We need more smart people like you at the top when all the refugees come here. Maybe you could host a meet and greet to welcome them here and give them a map and restaurant coupon book. You know, make nice and keep us all safe.
Frankly, our concern for their civilians should match their concern for ours.

Drop the collateral damage nonsense, and this could all be mopped up fairly quickly.
My "emotional" side agrees. But a full out attack of Syrians would lead to some pretty angry Russians and Iranians

Why attack Syrians? And realistically, would the Russians and Iranians be willing to risk the viability of their own nations to interfere? I don't think so.

Obama may be anti-war, but he's not THAT stupid.

It's not a question of stupidity, but where his personal support lies.

who is attacking Syrians?
I don't mind declaring war against Muslims, as long as the Trump boys are drafted!!!!

You can not, I repeat can defeat ideology....no matter how many of these terrorist you kill, a million or more will take their place. You can not kill what is in a person's head, thats why these lone wolves are so effective. Nice guy one day, plowing into a crowd the next. Nice guy one day, killing cops the next....its a head game that nobody can detect or prevent.

So, yeah lets declare war again....don't we have 3 going on so far? Lets declare war, but who do we attack??????

Newt and Trump are the main reasons today, we have this shit...because Bush Jr. instead of taking a deep breath and thinking this declare war on Iraq shit out first, took it upon himself to shit crazy and now we got this mess.

And somebody please tell me, why isn't the Muslim countries upset???? Do these people ever give press conferences and get mad like we do??? Why must it always be our war mongering nuts that say shit???
New York
San Bernadino
DC Beltway
Fort Hood
Arlington County
....... You waiting until your home address shows up?
Frankly, our concern for their civilians should match their concern for ours.

Drop the collateral damage nonsense, and this could all be mopped up fairly quickly.
My "emotional" side agrees. But a full out attack of Syrians would lead to some pretty angry Russians and Iranians

Why attack Syrians? And realistically, would the Russians and Iranians be willing to risk the viability of their own nations to interfere? I don't think so.

Obama may be anti-war, but he's not THAT stupid.

It's not a question of stupidity, but where his personal support lies.
Yes, Russia and Iran will risk it because we know what's coming.

Iran (Persia), with Russia (Magog), and a coalition of allies (including Turkey, Libya, Sudan) will go to war and will invade Israel. Ezekial 38-39. And guess what - here we are today 3,500 years later and those nations are very likely to do such a thing.

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