Let me get this straight, France gets attacked and we're the one's who want to declare WAR!!!

Frankly, our concern for their civilians should match their concern for ours.

Drop the collateral damage nonsense, and this could all be mopped up fairly quickly.
My "emotional" side agrees. But a full out attack of Syrians would lead to some pretty angry Russians and Iranians

Why attack Syrians? And realistically, would the Russians and Iranians be willing to risk the viability of their own nations to interfere? I don't think so.

Obama may be anti-war, but he's not THAT stupid.

It's not a question of stupidity, but where his personal support lies.
Why attack Syrians? Isn't ISIS holding territory in Syria that is full of Syrian civilians who were overrun when ISIS came in? So if we go full bore on ISIS, won't we be killing a bunch of Syrian civilians? Still some Iraqis in the same situation, I believe.
It's not a question of stupidity, but where his personal support lies. Please don't tell me you believe he is a closet Muslim. If not, what do you mean?
Frankly, our concern for their civilians should match their concern for ours.

Drop the collateral damage nonsense, and this could all be mopped up fairly quickly.
My "emotional" side agrees. But a full out attack of Syrians would lead to some pretty angry Russians and Iranians

Why attack Syrians? And realistically, would the Russians and Iranians be willing to risk the viability of their own nations to interfere? I don't think so.

Obama may be anti-war, but he's not THAT stupid.

It's not a question of stupidity, but where his personal support lies.
Yes, Russia and Iran will risk it because we know what's coming.

Iran (Persia), with Russia (Magog), and a coalition of allies (including Turkey, Libya, Sudan) will go to war and will invade Israel. Ezekial 38-39. And guess what - here we are today 3,500 years later and those nations are very likely to do such a thing.
"There is nothing new under the sun." History does indeed repeat itself.
Frankly, our concern for their civilians should match their concern for ours.

Drop the collateral damage nonsense, and this could all be mopped up fairly quickly.
My "emotional" side agrees. But a full out attack of Syrians would lead to some pretty angry Russians and Iranians

Why attack Syrians? And realistically, would the Russians and Iranians be willing to risk the viability of their own nations to interfere? I don't think so.

Obama may be anti-war, but he's not THAT stupid.

It's not a question of stupidity, but where his personal support lies.
Why attack Syrians? Isn't ISIS holding territory in Syria that is full of Syrian civilians who were overrun when ISIS came in? So if we go full bore on ISIS, won't we be killing a bunch of Syrian civilians? Still some Iraqis in the same situation, I believe.
It's not a question of stupidity, but where his personal support lies. Please don't tell me you believe he is a closet Muslim. If not, what do you mean?

There is no evidence that he could not be a closet Muslim, given his upbringing and his policy decisions, but that is not the issue. The issue is that he and his likeminded cronies see America as something to be knocked down, not raised up. It's in the way of other goals, and I don't think he much cares what causes the wear and tear.
I don't mind declaring war against Muslims, as long as the Trump boys are drafted!!!!

You can not, I repeat can defeat ideology....no matter how many of these terrorist you kill, a million or more will take their place. You can not kill what is in a person's head, thats why these lone wolves are so effective. Nice guy one day, plowing into a crowd the next. Nice guy one day, killing cops the next....its a head game that nobody can detect or prevent.

So, yeah lets declare war again....don't we have 3 going on so far? Lets declare war, but who do we attack??????

Newt and Trump are the main reasons today, we have this shit...because Bush Jr. instead of taking a deep breath and thinking this declare war on Iraq shit out first, took it upon himself to shit crazy and now we got this mess.

And somebody please tell me, why isn't the Muslim countries upset???? Do these people ever give press conferences and get mad like we do??? Why must it always be our war mongering nuts that say shit???
"At times, it seems like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together," Bush saidto the crowd at the Dallas memorial service, adding: "Argument turns too easily into animosity. Disagreement escalates into dehumanization. Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions." George Bush
"Newt and Trump are the main reasons today, we have this shit...""

This shit was going on long before Newt and Trump arrived on the scene
Really Sassy? Prey tell, who was going around the country hating so bad on Muslims that now we want to kick them in the nuts? But as usual, you won't answer, so have a great weekend!!

WTF I always answer your idiotic drivel. If you think Trump is the reason the goat fuggers are comminting JIhad you probably should refrain from commenting on it. It reveals how utterly fucking clueless and uninformed you are on the matter. Case in point....Boston bombing? Newt and Trump were the cause of it? Nope...radical Islam was
Moron, I'm talking about top leaders saying stupid shit like lets question all muslim on what the fuck they believe in, etc. Put it this way, dumb ass, keep this bullshit talk up and keep alienation these muslims here in America, and Paris will pale in comparison. We need these people on our side, they're here they're not going anywhere and the more we marginalize this group, the more dangerous this country will become...just ask Paris. I'm 1000% certain the backlash on all them immigrants that sought refuge there, is the main reason they keep getting targeted!!
Well then you're 1000% fuckin' stupid, but then we already knew that.
I don't mind declaring war against Muslims, as long as the Trump boys are drafted!!!!
Youll have no problem being drafted too then, or do you just want other people to do the dirty work while you sit safely in your home?
Let me get this straight, France gets attacked and we're the one's who want to declare WAR!!!

Yes. The Russians and Chinese know that with our weakened economy and susceptibility, if we are baited into war by sending their radical Islamic allies to provoke France, a nation known for it's hotheaded kneejerk retaliation, and our ally, we will be dragged into a war we cannot sustain. Thereby, our economy will collapse finally and they can just waltz in and take the place.

And Trump is ready to walk right into that stink bait. One more reason not to vote for him. Narcissists are so easy to bamboozle, since they've substituted social manipulation in real time for thinking ahead carefully in a sober, mature and pragmatic manner..
I don't mind declaring war against Muslims, as long as the Trump boys are drafted!!!!

You can not, I repeat can defeat ideology....no matter how many of these terrorist you kill, a million or more will take their place. You can not kill what is in a person's head, thats why these lone wolves are so effective. Nice guy one day, plowing into a crowd the next. Nice guy one day, killing cops the next....its a head game that nobody can detect or prevent.

So, yeah lets declare war again....don't we have 3 going on so far? Lets declare war, but who do we attack??????

Newt and Trump are the main reasons today, we have this shit...because Bush Jr. instead of taking a deep breath and thinking this declare war on Iraq shit out first, took it upon himself to shit crazy and now we got this mess.

And somebody please tell me, why isn't the Muslim countries upset???? Do these people ever give press conferences and get mad like we do??? Why must it always be our war mongering nuts that say shit???

Are you going to sign up?
The terrorist ideology killed 3,000 Americans about 16 years ago which was almost exactly the number of Americans killed in the "Day of Infamy" 74 years ago. If the U.S. defeated criminal ideology with military force in WW2 why isn't it possible today?
I don't mind declaring war against Muslims, as long as the Trump boys are drafted!!!!

You can not, I repeat can defeat ideology....no matter how many of these terrorist you kill, a million or more will take their place. You can not kill what is in a person's head, thats why these lone wolves are so effective. Nice guy one day, plowing into a crowd the next. Nice guy one day, killing cops the next....its a head game that nobody can detect or prevent.

So, yeah lets declare war again....don't we have 3 going on so far? Lets declare war, but who do we attack??????

Newt and Trump are the main reasons today, we have this shit...because Bush Jr. instead of taking a deep breath and thinking this declare war on Iraq shit out first, took it upon himself to shit crazy and now we got this mess.

And somebody please tell me, why isn't the Muslim countries upset???? Do these people ever give press conferences and get mad like we do??? Why must it always be our war mongering nuts that say shit???
New York
San Bernadino
DC Beltway
Fort Hood
Arlington County
....... You waiting until your home address shows up?
Sandy Hook
Holocaust Museum
Planned Parenthood
The terrorist ideology killed 3,000 Americans about 16 years ago which was almost exactly the number of Americans killed in the "Day of Infamy" 74 years ago. If the U.S. defeated criminal ideology with military force in WW2 why isn't it possible today?
Who do you declare war on? And that would be total war, mind you....which means the U.S. goes on a total war footing with the Draft just the beginning.

Up for that?
The terrorist ideology killed 3,000 Americans about 16 years ago which was almost exactly the number of Americans killed in the "Day of Infamy" 74 years ago. If the U.S. defeated criminal ideology with military force in WW2 why isn't it possible today?

Of course it can be defeated by military force. Our resident Democrats simply prefer to continue with failed diplomacy and love.

After all, they're trying to wear this country down, not build it up.
I don't mind declaring war against Muslims, as long as the Trump boys are drafted!!!!

You can not, I repeat can defeat ideology....no matter how many of these terrorist you kill, a million or more will take their place. You can not kill what is in a person's head, thats why these lone wolves are so effective. Nice guy one day, plowing into a crowd the next. Nice guy one day, killing cops the next....its a head game that nobody can detect or prevent.

So, yeah lets declare war again....don't we have 3 going on so far? Lets declare war, but who do we attack??????

Newt and Trump are the main reasons today, we have this shit...because Bush Jr. instead of taking a deep breath and thinking this declare war on Iraq shit out first, took it upon himself to shit crazy and now we got this mess.

And somebody please tell me, why isn't the Muslim countries upset???? Do these people ever give press conferences and get mad like we do??? Why must it always be our war mongering nuts that say shit???
"At times, it seems like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together," Bush saidto the crowd at the Dallas memorial service, adding: "Argument turns too easily into animosity. Disagreement escalates into dehumanization. Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions." George Bush
One of the smartest things he ever said.
The terrorist ideology killed 3,000 Americans about 16 years ago which was almost exactly the number of Americans killed in the "Day of Infamy" 74 years ago. If the U.S. defeated criminal ideology with military force in WW2 why isn't it possible today?

Of course it can be defeated by military force. Our resident Democrats simply prefer to continue with failed diplomacy and love.

After all, they're trying to wear this country down, not build it up.
Up for total war...the draft...industry on a war footing...rationing?
The terrorist ideology killed 3,000 Americans about 16 years ago which was almost exactly the number of Americans killed in the "Day of Infamy" 74 years ago. If the U.S. defeated criminal ideology with military force in WW2 why isn't it possible today?

Of course it can be defeated by military force. Our resident Democrats simply prefer to continue with failed diplomacy and love.

After all, they're trying to wear this country down, not build it up.
Up for total war...the draft...industry on a war footing...rationing?

Beats being turned into Venezuela by you Democrats.
It's all so easy when one is sitting in their living room punching some keys on a keyboard... Everybody knows everything and they can do it better...
It's all so easy when one is sitting in their living room punching some keys on a keyboard... Everybody knows everything and they can do it better...

It's mere common sense that an enemy sworn to destroy you (and off to a pretty good start with help from Obama and his global cronies) is better dead.

What Islamists have they NOT supported by their policies?
I don't mind declaring war against Muslims, as long as the Trump boys are drafted!!!!

You can not, I repeat can defeat ideology....no matter how many of these terrorist you kill, a million or more will take their place. You can not kill what is in a person's head, thats why these lone wolves are so effective. Nice guy one day, plowing into a crowd the next. Nice guy one day, killing cops the next....its a head game that nobody can detect or prevent.

So, yeah lets declare war again....don't we have 3 going on so far? Lets declare war, but who do we attack??????

Newt and Trump are the main reasons today, we have this shit...because Bush Jr. instead of taking a deep breath and thinking this declare war on Iraq shit out first, took it upon himself to shit crazy and now we got this mess.

And somebody please tell me, why isn't the Muslim countries upset???? Do these people ever give press conferences and get mad like we do??? Why must it always be our war mongering nuts that say shit???

Um. That's not exactly true. It is possible. It is just a very dirty business if you want fast results. Or a very long one if you can go for the long term game.
The terrorist ideology killed 3,000 Americans about 16 years ago which was almost exactly the number of Americans killed in the "Day of Infamy" 74 years ago. If the U.S. defeated criminal ideology with military force in WW2 why isn't it possible today?

Of course it can be defeated by military force. Our resident Democrats simply prefer to continue with failed diplomacy and love.

After all, they're trying to wear this country down, not build it up.
Up for total war...the draft...industry on a war footing...rationing?

Beats being turned into Venezuela by you Democrats.
Ah yes...pull out the silly RW talking points.....again.

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