Let me get this straight, Man made CO2 is causing the Earth to eventually burn up, because as CO2 rises, temperatures rises, correct? Explain this..


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
In a year of extreme heat, Antarctica’s last six months were the coldest on record.
“For the polar darkness period, from April through September, the average temperature was -60.9 degrees Celsius (-77.6 degrees Fahrenheit), a record for those months,” the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) said.
The last six months is also the darkest period at the South Pole, which is where the name polar darkness (also called polar night) comes from. Here, the sun sets for the last time around the spring equinox, and does not rise again until near the autumn equinox six months later.
You see the Environmental Whackos never add the coldest areas in with the warmest areas, because then the means average wouldnt be the results the Globull Warming Zealots are looking for. Even the fist statement of CNN, proves my point. Since 20 years ago, when all the Antarctic ice was melting because down there even though scientific ships were caught in growing ice sheets, the Marxist kept saying how hot it was. How can this be, when we have RECORD COLD down where it is supposed to be so hot, the ice melts>

See signature line.
I am going to buy dry ice to set outside, to cool the earth. We all should.

Dry ice is also good for drop yields
I suspect it required the use of some energy to make the dry ice. Is that going to cool the Earth and will that be good for crop yields? What happened to this thread? It gets listed and displayed via the Next Thread Previous Thread entries, but not in the forum as a whole and post #1 doesn't display even here.

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