Colorado Republicans double down on hate.


Yep, and all of us knew back then what the real agenda was, and now there is proof we were right. It goes all the way to allowing adults to have sex with minors or whatever the hell they want to have sex with. They got what they said they wanted, took over the symbol of God's promise to not destroy humanity again for their evil ways to shove it in everyone's faces, they just keep pushing and pushing, and then label you when you push back. I used to be a supporter of gay marriage, now I say fuck them, they deserve everything they get with what they're trying to push today.

And pride is one of the seven deadly sins, they just don't want to hear it. They will someday.
Maybe you don't hate but the Republican Party of Colorado displays it proudly.

Being against what the 'gay agenda' is trying to push today is not hate. But you're getting close. Leave the children alone.
I'm not projecting anything Short Bus. I'm flat out telling you homosexuality isn't a mental illness since you wanted to pretend earlier like the frail bingo that you are.
Oh it's certainly a DEFECT, much like your lack of self-awareness.
You've got to be DEFECTIVE to vote Democrat.
Oh it's certainly a DEFECT, much like your lack of self-awareness.
You've got to be DEFECTIVE to vote Democrat.
Making the words all caps doesn't really make your post any more intellectually sound or effectively hide how emotional it is. :itsok:
No. Yes.

Your turn: Why is your goal to motivate, incentivize, energize and animate your political enemies?
You have no clue what my goals are.
On this forum debating differing points of view "motivates, incentivizes, energizes and animates my political enemies"
Then they support a dude who's committed adultery, the Bible says "stone him", they say "elect him"

You people are hilarious, are you into judgement and shaming now? Is it up to you tell others how to lives their lives or make their own decisions? When we go by our faith and say homosexuality is a sin, we're called homophobes, labeled as wanting to shove our values onto other people, and being authoritarians. But when we don't vote the way you want us to, you harass us for supposedly not following our faith. You just seem really confused and a little bit crazy, why don't you make up your mind which way you want it. Of course, we all know what this really all is, don't we? 🤡
I simply can't fathom this sort of hate and hypocrisy. Seems odd it's OK to be gay as long as you run as a Republican.

It seems as if the Westboro Church has infiltrated the Republicans in Colorado.

Libs have normalized burning the straight, US Flag as well as the Rebel Flag honored by Southerners.

So what's wrong with conservatives burning a flag that symbolized men violating each other's butt holes?
I never argued that it isn't free speech. I asked why the hate?

I did note though that I do understand it's largely because of the cult of politics. I don't understand it still.

Leave the children alone, quit shoving it down everyone's throats 24/7 on regular and social media, maybe then you could just live your lives in peace. But that's not what you really want, we all know that.
People seem proud to elect a sexual deviant for president.

Just go off that.

Yes, your side was very proud of Clinton back in the day. And Biden as well. But we'll all pretend that since he has never been brought up on any official charges, that's he's never done anything wrong. :rolleyes:
So its okay to make kids read "Gender Queer" and other groomer books, but its not okay to teach what deviant behavior is, or what behaviors are against most religions. It used to be that teaching basic decency was normal. Now they want to push "gay pride" and have tranny dancers in schools.

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really DISLIKE this photo. Photo shopped??? or just nasty.

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