Let Me Get This Straight: The Women's March....


What does that have to do with the utter stupidity and hypocrisy inherent in a sharia advocate leading a feminist group?

Is the ENTIRE left incapable of understanding how utterly ridiculous that is?
Where are your words, OL?
I see this thread as a reaction by men who are threatened by the idea of women marching, women agitating for change. They've always got some excuse to denigrate the movement. Pink hats. The woman's religion. Call her a lesbian, insult her looks. Whatever. It's boring.
Wow :cuckoo:

SHEEEESH old lady-----I AM NOT A MAN. For what
"change" do you imagine those jerks are agitating?
Change of WHAT? Linda had made a big point of the
notion arises in every rant she farts forth. I am very familiar
and the place in which she now lives-----that bitch was NEVER OPPRESSED (unless she rejected her parents'
choice of husband when she was 17) She made a big issue
of the fact that her mom did not DECORATE herself with a
HIJAB on 9-12-01. ---why? because she was OPPRESSED? wishful thinking-----muslims thruout the
RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THEIR FILTH. In fact, muslim organizations were URGING muslim women to COMPLAIN.

What does that have to do with the utter stupidity and hypocrisy inherent in a sharia advocate leading a feminist group?

Is the ENTIRE left incapable of understanding how utterly ridiculous that is?
Where are your words, OL?
I see this thread as a reaction by men who are threatened by the idea of women marching, women agitating for change. They've always got some excuse to denigrate the movement. Pink hats. The woman's religion. Call her a lesbian, insult her looks. Whatever. It's boring.
.... She says in order to support a legal system where a woman's testimony is less than a man's , where women receive the short end of the stick in divorce and custody, and where women receive less inheritance than a man.

What does that have to do with the utter stupidity and hypocrisy inherent in a sharia advocate leading a feminist group?

Is the ENTIRE left incapable of understanding how utterly ridiculous that is?
Where are your words, OL?
I see this thread as a reaction by men who are threatened by the idea of women marching, women agitating for change. They've always got some excuse to denigrate the movement. Pink hats. The woman's religion. Call her a lesbian, insult her looks. Whatever. It's boring.
That’s what you took from this?
No comment on who is chosen to head a march that is supposed to be about women’s rights?
I despair, I really do.
Regressives are not only profoundly ignorant and incapable of even a semblance of logic, but they are downright proud of themselves for it as well.

Why think when you can just chitter away with slogans and platitudes, eh?
View attachment 181012

Women love this president.
. And that has what to do with a sharia supporting subversive, exactly?

Are you really so stupid as to think that if a person doesn't like trump, they need to support the Islamists who also do not like Trump.
A Muslim Activist Sharia Law advocate is co-chairing the Democrats' Women's March...that supposedly wants freedom from fear, oppression, the right of free speech.....

'Oil and Water'....

I'm going to find a big rock, so when she comes to town, I will oblige
Regressives are mentally ill and most people are stupid.

Especially those people who hear the dog whistle 'sharia law' and then pretend they have enough info to make a judgement. amiright?

Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law

She's an advocate for women's rights
Regressives are mentally ill and most people are stupid.

Especially those people who hear the dog whistle 'sharia law' and then pretend they have enough info to make a judgement. amiright?

Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law
The child does not know the first thing as to what sharia law entails. All he knows is that he is required to defend it.

I'm not defending sharia law, dunce.
Regressives are mentally ill and most people are stupid.

Especially those people who hear the dog whistle 'sharia law' and then pretend they have enough info to make a judgement. amiright?

Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law

She's an advocate for women's rights
Regressives are mentally ill and most people are stupid.

Especially those people who hear the dog whistle 'sharia law' and then pretend they have enough info to make a judgement. amiright?

Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law
The child does not know the first thing as to what sharia law entails. All he knows is that he is required to defend it.

I'm not defending sharia law, dunce.

You are simply a remedial child too stupid and ignorant to be able to understand that her advocacy for sharia law completely contradicts any claim that she is for women's rights.

What does that have to do with the utter stupidity and hypocrisy inherent in a sharia advocate leading a feminist group?

Is the ENTIRE left incapable of understanding how utterly ridiculous that is?
Where are your words, OL?
I see this thread as a reaction by men who are threatened by the idea of women marching, women agitating for change. They've always got some excuse to denigrate the movement. Pink hats. The woman's religion. Call her a lesbian, insult her looks. Whatever. It's boring.
That’s what you took from this?
No comment on who is chosen to head a march that is supposed to be about women’s rights?
I despair, I really do.
I didn't know you cared.
There is ALWAYS a reason to discredit any women's march or women's movement articles or books or a convention or a speech. I've got no problems with Sarsour leading a march. Good on her.
And it always ends up being about vaginas.
See how that goes?
Regressives are mentally ill and most people are stupid.

Especially those people who hear the dog whistle 'sharia law' and then pretend they have enough info to make a judgement. amiright?

Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law

She's an advocate for women's rights
Regressives are mentally ill and most people are stupid.

Especially those people who hear the dog whistle 'sharia law' and then pretend they have enough info to make a judgement. amiright?

Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law
The child does not know the first thing as to what sharia law entails. All he knows is that he is required to defend it.

I'm not defending sharia law, dunce.

You are simply a remedial child too stupid and ignorant to be able to understand that her advocacy for sharia law completely contradicts any claim that she is for women's rights.
It's not your call. You're not part of the movement.
What does that have to do with the utter stupidity and hypocrisy inherent in a sharia advocate leading a feminist group?

Is the ENTIRE left incapable of understanding how utterly ridiculous that is?
Where are your words, OL?
I see this thread as a reaction by men who are threatened by the idea of women marching, women agitating for change. They've always got some excuse to denigrate the movement. Pink hats. The woman's religion. Call her a lesbian, insult her looks. Whatever. It's boring.
Wow :cuckoo:

SHEEEESH old lady-----I AM NOT A MAN. For what
"change" do you imagine those jerks are agitating?
Change of WHAT? Linda had made a big point of the
notion arises in every rant she farts forth. I am very familiar
and the place in which she now lives-----that bitch was NEVER OPPRESSED (unless she rejected her parents'
choice of husband when she was 17) She made a big issue
of the fact that her mom did not DECORATE herself with a
HIJAB on 9-12-01. ---why? because she was OPPRESSED? wishful thinking-----muslims thruout the
RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THEIR FILTH. In fact, muslim organizations were URGING muslim women to COMPLAIN.
Okay, so I'll change my words a bit: "I see this thread as a reaction by people who are threatened by the idea of women marching, women agitating for change."
In your case, Rosie, I think it's probably got more to do with her being Muslim, but whatever.
Regressives are mentally ill and most people are stupid.

Especially those people who hear the dog whistle 'sharia law' and then pretend they have enough info to make a judgement. amiright?

Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law

She's an advocate for women's rights
Especially those people who hear the dog whistle 'sharia law' and then pretend they have enough info to make a judgement. amiright?

Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law
The child does not know the first thing as to what sharia law entails. All he knows is that he is required to defend it.

I'm not defending sharia law, dunce.

You are simply a remedial child too stupid and ignorant to be able to understand that her advocacy for sharia law completely contradicts any claim that she is for women's rights.
It's not your call. You're not part of the movement.
You are either too stupid or too dishonest to comprehend that sharia is incompatible with women's rights

You regressives are batting a thousand in this thread. Not a single one of you is intelligent enough to figure out something as simple as that.
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What does that have to do with the utter stupidity and hypocrisy inherent in a sharia advocate leading a feminist group?

Is the ENTIRE left incapable of understanding how utterly ridiculous that is?
Where are your words, OL?
I see this thread as a reaction by men who are threatened by the idea of women marching, women agitating for change. They've always got some excuse to denigrate the movement. Pink hats. The woman's religion. Call her a lesbian, insult her looks. Whatever. It's boring.
That’s what you took from this?
No comment on who is chosen to head a march that is supposed to be about women’s rights?
I despair, I really do.
I didn't know you cared.
There is ALWAYS a reason to discredit any women's march or women's movement articles or books or a convention or a speech. I've got no problems with Sarsour leading a march. Good on her.
And it always ends up being about vaginas.
See how that goes?
You make absolutley no sense whatsoever, as usual.
And the fact that you cannot see or acknowledge the absurdity of having a woman who champions the oppression and mutilation of her own kind at the helm of a woman’s rights march indicates you really are a disgraceful leftwing moron who cannot possibly care for women’s rights.
I see this thread as a reaction by men who are threatened by the idea of women marching, women agitating for change. They've always got some excuse to denigrate the movement. Pink hats. The woman's religion. Call her a lesbian, insult her looks. Whatever. It's boring.
Wow :cuckoo:

SHEEEESH old lady-----I AM NOT A MAN. For what
"change" do you imagine those jerks are agitating?
Change of WHAT? Linda had made a big point of the
notion arises in every rant she farts forth. I am very familiar
and the place in which she now lives-----that bitch was NEVER OPPRESSED (unless she rejected her parents'
choice of husband when she was 17) She made a big issue
of the fact that her mom did not DECORATE herself with a
HIJAB on 9-12-01. ---why? because she was OPPRESSED? wishful thinking-----muslims thruout the
RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THEIR FILTH. In fact, muslim organizations were URGING muslim women to COMPLAIN.
Okay, so I'll change my words a bit: "I see this thread as a reaction by people who are threatened by the idea of women marching, women agitating for change."
In your case, Rosie, I think it's probably got more to do with her being Muslim, but whatever.
You can change the words, but they are still as utterly stupid. People are pointing out the fact this same woman is advocating for a legal system that discriminates terribly against women. You are very shallow and lack the ability to understand concepts, so chalk it up to something people haven't even hinted at rather than responding to the points they are actually making.

If you want to continue sticking your fingers in your ear and screaming "I am woman, hear me roar", however, do feel free. It just makes you look shallow and pathetic.
I see this thread as a reaction by men who are threatened by the idea of women marching, women agitating for change. They've always got some excuse to denigrate the movement. Pink hats. The woman's religion. Call her a lesbian, insult her looks. Whatever. It's boring.
That’s what you took from this?
No comment on who is chosen to head a march that is supposed to be about women’s rights?
I despair, I really do.
I didn't know you cared.
There is ALWAYS a reason to discredit any women's march or women's movement articles or books or a convention or a speech. I've got no problems with Sarsour leading a march. Good on her.
And it always ends up being about vaginas.
See how that goes?
You make absolutley no sense whatsoever, as usual. And the fact that that you cannot see or acknowledge the absurdity of having a woman who champions the oppression and mutilation of her own kind at the helm of a woman’s rights march indicates you really are a disgraceful leftwing moron who cannot possibly care for women’s rights.

When did the left get THIS stupid, anyway?

It's downright embarrassing.
Regressives are mentally ill and most people are stupid.

Especially those people who hear the dog whistle 'sharia law' and then pretend they have enough info to make a judgement. amiright?

Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law

She's an advocate for women's rights
Especially those people who hear the dog whistle 'sharia law' and then pretend they have enough info to make a judgement. amiright?

Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law
The child does not know the first thing as to what sharia law entails. All he knows is that he is required to defend it.

I'm not defending sharia law, dunce.

You are simply a remedial child too stupid and ignorant to be able to understand that her advocacy for sharia law completely contradicts any claim that she is for women's rights.
It's not your call. You're not part of the movement.
Unfortunately for you and the remedial pussy brigade, one doesn’t have to be part of ‘the movement’ to understand and comment on the absurdity of having a shariah law advocate heading up a march that is allegedly about women’s rights. That you and the organisers apparently haven’t even noticed your own stupidity is testament to how deep it runs.
Regressives are mentally ill and most people are stupid.

Especially those people who hear the dog whistle 'sharia law' and then pretend they have enough info to make a judgement. amiright?

Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law

She's an advocate for women's rights
Regressives are mentally ill and most people are stupid.

Especially those people who hear the dog whistle 'sharia law' and then pretend they have enough info to make a judgement. amiright?

Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law
The child does not know the first thing as to what sharia law entails. All he knows is that he is required to defend it.

I'm not defending sharia law, dunce.

You are simply a remedial child too stupid and ignorant to be able to understand that her advocacy for sharia law completely contradicts any claim that she is for women's rights.

"Sharia law" isn't specifically anti-woman. Now calm down.
Where are your words, OL?
I see this thread as a reaction by men who are threatened by the idea of women marching, women agitating for change. They've always got some excuse to denigrate the movement. Pink hats. The woman's religion. Call her a lesbian, insult her looks. Whatever. It's boring.
That’s what you took from this?
No comment on who is chosen to head a march that is supposed to be about women’s rights?
I despair, I really do.
I didn't know you cared.
There is ALWAYS a reason to discredit any women's march or women's movement articles or books or a convention or a speech. I've got no problems with Sarsour leading a march. Good on her.
And it always ends up being about vaginas.
See how that goes?
You make absolutley no sense whatsoever, as usual. And the fact that that you cannot see or acknowledge the absurdity of having a woman who champions the oppression and mutilation of her own kind at the helm of a woman’s rights march indicates you really are a disgraceful leftwing moron who cannot possibly care for women’s rights.

When did the left get THIS stupid, anyway?

It's downright embarrassing.
It’s ALMOST incredible. If the evidence wasn’t right before our eyes, it would be hard to believe! But it’s happening, and here is OL very foolishly endorsing it.
Regressives are mentally ill and most people are stupid.

Especially those people who hear the dog whistle 'sharia law' and then pretend they have enough info to make a judgement. amiright?

Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law

She's an advocate for women's rights
Especially those people who hear the dog whistle 'sharia law' and then pretend they have enough info to make a judgement. amiright?

Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law
The child does not know the first thing as to what sharia law entails. All he knows is that he is required to defend it.

I'm not defending sharia law, dunce.

You are simply a remedial child too stupid and ignorant to be able to understand that her advocacy for sharia law completely contradicts any claim that she is for women's rights.

"Sharia law" isn't specifically anti-woman. Now calm down.

Women's testimony is worth less than a man's, they receive less inheritance, get the short end of the stick in divorce and custody cases and are adjudicated by extremely misogynistic Imams - how is that not anti-women, little boy?
I see this thread as a reaction by men who are threatened by the idea of women marching, women agitating for change. They've always got some excuse to denigrate the movement. Pink hats. The woman's religion. Call her a lesbian, insult her looks. Whatever. It's boring.
That’s what you took from this?
No comment on who is chosen to head a march that is supposed to be about women’s rights?
I despair, I really do.
I didn't know you cared.
There is ALWAYS a reason to discredit any women's march or women's movement articles or books or a convention or a speech. I've got no problems with Sarsour leading a march. Good on her.
And it always ends up being about vaginas.
See how that goes?
You make absolutley no sense whatsoever, as usual. And the fact that that you cannot see or acknowledge the absurdity of having a woman who champions the oppression and mutilation of her own kind at the helm of a woman’s rights march indicates you really are a disgraceful leftwing moron who cannot possibly care for women’s rights.

When did the left get THIS stupid, anyway?

It's downright embarrassing.
It’s ALMOST incredible. If the evidence wasn’t right before our eyes, it would be hard to believe! But it’s happening, and here is OL very foolishly endorsing it.

It's even more incredible that someone says 'sharia law' and instantly the right pisses itself.

Here's a good read.


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