Let Me Get This Straight: The Women's March....

"California Reps. Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee, Illinois Rep. Danny Davis, Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, New York Rep. Gregory Meeks and Texas Rep. Al Green have all attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress"...not to mention Barry's smiling photo of him with Farrakhan...

No one should be surprised the Woman's March has been represented by a woman who kidnapped / tortured / sodomized / murdered / ransomed an 80+ yo man, a Muslim activist and advocate of highly oppressive ANTI-WOMAN Sharia Law, and Farrakhan supporters / allies....
...that claims to want to 'live according to the principles of freedom of speech, of religion, to live free of fear', is being led by a woman who is an outspoken Muslim activist, advocate of the extremely OPPRESSIVE Sharia law...


"Authorities arrested Linda Sarsour at Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s office Monday while demanding Ryan meet with her and others protesting current inaction on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA) program.

Stories like this one, idiot women who claim to want to live without fear and oppression, women who claim to want free speech - following a female Muslim activist who advocates Sharia Law, the highly oppressive Sharia Law that mistreats and abuses women so much - helps 'you' understand how snowflakes could have so easily been duped by the Russians into organizing and marching for them.


Women's March Leader Linda Sarsour Arrested

Women’s March Featured Speaker Who Kidnapped And Tortured A Man

Let me explain islam from the POV of 1 1/2 billion muslims-----
here goes>>>>> everyone is HAPPY under shariah law.
DELERIOUSLY HAPPY. Muslim men are happy because
allah loves them best and allows them all kinds of terrific
favors like wealth and sex slaves and control of muslim women and non muslim women. Non muslim men are happy because if they work hard and pay jizya and do all sorts of menial jobs for muslims they get to bask in the GLORY OF
A MUSLIM LAND and the shine of the fact that allah loves
muslims. I know these facts from muslims educated in muslim lands------lots of them, very nice people. They want the WHOLE world to be as happy as are the people back home. Most of them, however---do not want to go back home but that is ONLY because their societies were rendered
jewish controlled media

Women brought the child molester Moore down. Women will help turn the Congress blue in November.
I didn’t realize they we’re marching again. That is the inner peace I get for not watching the news the last few days.
You missed about 11 fuckups and 14 lies by your cult leader.

I have missed nothing. I have consistently stated earlier Trump is a bull in a China shop, I would never vote for him, Trump needs to stop using Twitter, he should never have signed the tax cuts and he should not have increased spending. In your fucked up world that makes him my leader. You keep up with your stupidity and I will continue to laugh at you, you are great comedic relief.
I didn’t realize they we’re marching again. That is the inner peace I get for not watching the news the last few days.
You missed about 11 fuckups and 14 lies by your cult leader.

I have missed nothing. I have consistently stated earlier Trump is a bull in a China shop, I would never vote for him, Trump needs to stop using Twitter, he should never have signed the tax cuts and he should not have increased spending. In your fucked up world that makes him my leader. You keep up with your stupidity and I will continue to laugh at you, you are great comedic relief.

but he is interesting----------
I didn’t realize they we’re marching again. That is the inner peace I get for not watching the news the last few days.
You missed about 11 fuckups and 14 lies by your cult leader.

I have missed nothing. I have consistently stated earlier Trump is a bull in a China shop, I would never vote for him, Trump needs to stop using Twitter, he should never have signed the tax cuts and he should not have increased spending. In your fucked up world that makes him my leader. You keep up with your stupidity and I will continue to laugh at you, you are great comedic relief.

but he is interesting----------

Who is interesting, Trump or the partisan bigot Reasonable?
I didn’t realize they we’re marching again. That is the inner peace I get for not watching the news the last few days.
You missed about 11 fuckups and 14 lies by your cult leader.

I have missed nothing. I have consistently stated earlier Trump is a bull in a China shop, I would never vote for him, Trump needs to stop using Twitter, he should never have signed the tax cuts and he should not have increased spending. In your fucked up world that makes him my leader. You keep up with your stupidity and I will continue to laugh at you, you are great comedic relief.

but he is interesting----------

Who is interesting, Trump or the partisan bigot Reasonable?

Trump is interesting-----I do not discuss personal characteristics of persons present----I am coy
I didn’t realize they we’re marching again. That is the inner peace I get for not watching the news the last few days.
You missed about 11 fuckups and 14 lies by your cult leader.

I have missed nothing. I have consistently stated earlier Trump is a bull in a China shop, I would never vote for him, Trump needs to stop using Twitter, he should never have signed the tax cuts and he should not have increased spending. In your fucked up world that makes him my leader. You keep up with your stupidity and I will continue to laugh at you, you are great comedic relief.

but he is interesting----------

Who is interesting, Trump or the partisan bigot Reasonable?

Trump is interesting-----I do not discuss personal characteristics of persons present----I am coy

He is interesting and some of his polices I like and some I don't like. His use of Twitter and his inability to control tongue is irritating to me, why stir up trouble when you don't need to. However, on the other side of the coin, he as sure stirred up the left and they have become quite entertaining themselves.
The Women's March has been exposed as a platform to push liberal intolerance, racism, violence / the acceptance of liberal crime, and acceptance of Sharia Law....

...and women continue to line up to support it / them. Remarkable...
Looks like the special needs portion of the left has risen to the occasion here.

I love it when threads point out the utter stupidity of so - called liberals supporting sharia law and the utterly stupid so - called liberals show up to prove such utter stupidity exists in spades.
View attachment 181012

Women love this president.
. And that has what to do with a sharia supporting subversive, exactly?

Are you really so stupid as to think that if a person doesn't like trump, they need to support the Islamists who also do not like Trump.
A Muslim Activist Sharia Law advocate is co-chairing the Democrats' Women's March...that supposedly wants freedom from fear, oppression, the right of free speech.....

'Oil and Water'....

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