Let Me Get This Straight: The Women's March....

She's an advocate for women's rights

Not if she supports Sharia Law.

What specifically has she advocates that is anti-women? Key word is specifically.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali says controversial Women’s March organizer is a ‘fake feminist’

I see a lot of accusations from Hirsi, I don't see much substance.

the bitch decided that HIRSI does not "deserve" to be a WOMAN because she objected to the filth and stink of FGM. You need MORE Happy slut?

Um, yeah. I do.
She's an advocate for women's rights

Not if she supports Sharia Law.

What specifically has she advocates that is anti-women? Key word is specifically.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali says controversial Women’s March organizer is a ‘fake feminist’

I see a lot of accusations from Hirsi, I don't see much substance.

No. I can’t imagine that you would

There really isn't much to the article, read it for yourself. So, what has she done that is against women? Name something other than "she supports sharia law (drool)".
Not if she supports Sharia Law.

What specifically has she advocates that is anti-women? Key word is specifically.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali says controversial Women’s March organizer is a ‘fake feminist’

I see a lot of accusations from Hirsi, I don't see much substance.

No. I can’t imagine that you would

There really isn't much to the article, read it for yourself. So, what has she done that is against women? Name something other than "she supports sharia law (drool)".

I realize you drool over having your own personal Islamic sex slave to do with as you choose, but some of us actually support women' rights, little boy child.

I see a lot of accusations from Hirsi, I don't see much substance.

No. I can’t imagine that you would

There really isn't much to the article, read it for yourself. So, what has she done that is against women? Name something other than "she supports sharia law (drool)".

I realize you drool over having your own personal Islamic sex slave to do with as you choose, but some of us actually support women' rights, little boy child.

So basically you can't find any cause that this woman has against other women other than to whine about sharia law? You support women's rights but shit on the lady who held a national protest for women. That's consistent.

There really isn't much to the article, read it for yourself. So, what has she done that is against women? Name something other than "she supports sharia law (drool)".

I realize you drool over having your own personal Islamic sex slave to do with as you choose, but some of us actually support women' rights, little boy child.

So basically you can't find any cause that this woman has against other women other than to whine about sharia law? You support women's rights but shit on the lady who held a national protest for women. That's consistent.
What sharia law entails has been explained to you more than once.

Your particular combination of utter retardedness and complete dishonesty prevents that information from penetrating the impervious substance that surrounds the void between your two ears.
...that claims to want to 'live according to the principles of freedom of speech, of religion, to live free of fear', is being led by a woman who is an outspoken Muslim activist, advocate of the extremely OPPRESSIVE Sharia law...

...and co-chairs the Women's March along with Zahra Billoo and Omar Suleiman, Dawud Walid, Talib Shareef, Nihad Awad and Mujahid Fletcher from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) - a known supporter of Muslim terrorism...


"Authorities arrested Linda Sarsour at Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s office Monday while demanding Ryan meet with her and others protesting current inaction on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA) program.

An outspoken Muslim activist, advocate of Sharia law and co-chair of the Women’s March, Sarsour — along with Zahra Billoo and Omar Suleiman, Dawud Walid, Talib Shareef, Nihad Awad and Mujahid Fletcher from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) — were arrested for civil disobedience according to MSN.com

“We don’t want to live based on fear. We want to live according to the principles of freedom of speech, of religion,” said Fletcher, an immigrant from Columbia who doesn’t want to see DACA end."

(BTW, 'DACA' never LEGALLY started - it does not exist. It was an ILLEGAL, UN-CONSTITUTIONAL 'edict' issued by the former dictator-wannabe President who admitted before he issued his edict that he did not have the Constitutional authority to do so. 'DACA' can't end until it STARTS!)

Not long ago the Women's March named Donna Hylton as an 'Honored Guest Speaker' at one of their marches. Hylton was a convicted criminal who kidnapped, tortured, sodomized, murdered, then attempted to ransom an 80+ year-old man.


Stories like this one, idiot women who claim to want to live without fear and oppression, women who claim to want free speech - following a female Muslim activist who advocates Sharia Law, the highly oppressive Sharia Law that mistreats and abuses women so much - helps 'you' understand how snowflakes could have so easily been duped by the Russians into organizing and marching for them.


Women's March Leader Linda Sarsour Arrested

Women’s March Featured Speaker Who Kidnapped And Tortured A Man

Liberal feminists are deathly afraid of islam and will submit totally to these extremists.
...that claims to want to 'live according to the principles of freedom of speech, of religion, to live free of fear', is being led by a woman who is an outspoken Muslim activist, advocate of the extremely OPPRESSIVE Sharia law...

...and co-chairs the Women's March along with Zahra Billoo and Omar Suleiman, Dawud Walid, Talib Shareef, Nihad Awad and Mujahid Fletcher from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) - a known supporter of Muslim terrorism...


"Authorities arrested Linda Sarsour at Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s office Monday while demanding Ryan meet with her and others protesting current inaction on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA) program.

An outspoken Muslim activist, advocate of Sharia law and co-chair of the Women’s March, Sarsour — along with Zahra Billoo and Omar Suleiman, Dawud Walid, Talib Shareef, Nihad Awad and Mujahid Fletcher from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) — were arrested for civil disobedience according to MSN.com

“We don’t want to live based on fear. We want to live according to the principles of freedom of speech, of religion,” said Fletcher, an immigrant from Columbia who doesn’t want to see DACA end."

(BTW, 'DACA' never LEGALLY started - it does not exist. It was an ILLEGAL, UN-CONSTITUTIONAL 'edict' issued by the former dictator-wannabe President who admitted before he issued his edict that he did not have the Constitutional authority to do so. 'DACA' can't end until it STARTS!)

Not long ago the Women's March named Donna Hylton as an 'Honored Guest Speaker' at one of their marches. Hylton was a convicted criminal who kidnapped, tortured, sodomized, murdered, then attempted to ransom an 80+ year-old man.


Stories like this one, idiot women who claim to want to live without fear and oppression, women who claim to want free speech - following a female Muslim activist who advocates Sharia Law, the highly oppressive Sharia Law that mistreats and abuses women so much - helps 'you' understand how snowflakes could have so easily been duped by the Russians into organizing and marching for them.


Women's March Leader Linda Sarsour Arrested

Women’s March Featured Speaker Who Kidnapped And Tortured A Man

Liberal feminists are deathly afraid of islam and will submit totally to these extremists.
Agreed. And any woman standing with someone who supports shariah and who said a victim of FGM should have her vagina removed and didn’t deserve to be a woman, aren’t feminists, and we already know they aren’t real liberals either.
I see a lot of accusations from Hirsi, I don't see much substance.

No. I can’t imagine that you would

There really isn't much to the article, read it for yourself. So, what has she done that is against women? Name something other than "she supports sharia law (drool)".

I realize you drool over having your own personal Islamic sex slave to do with as you choose, but some of us actually support women' rights, little boy child.

So basically you can't find any cause that this woman has against other women other than to whine about sharia law? You support women's rights but shit on the lady who held a national protest for women. That's consistent.
What sharia law entails has been explained to you more than once.

Your particular combination of utter retardedness and complete dishonesty prevents that information from penetrating the impervious substance that surrounds the void between your two ears.

Much of sharia law is mundane, but you're not really interested in that.

Now, I'll ask again, what has Sarsour done that is anti-woman? I mean other than coordinate a national women's' march to bring attention to women's issues. Why are failing to answer this?
This should tell anyone what they need to know: One of the speakers at the march.....the women cheered this speaker.

"Hylton, along with three men and three other women, kidnapped 62-year-old real-estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo and held him for ransom, before eventually killing him. As noted in a 1995 Psychology Today article, when asked about forcibly sodomizing the victim with a three foot steel pole, one of Hylton’s accomplices replied: “He was a homo anyway.”
Seems the ‘ladies’ also like a bit of antisemitism along with their shariah law!
You cool with this too, OLd Lady?
I suppose since shariah law is OK and murderer/torturers are OK, anything goes?
Incredible that a single thinking female can attend and lend their support to such a despicable bunch of degenerates.

Why Women’s March leaders are being accused of anti-Semitism
The movement has been embroiled in controversy after a member of its leadership team attended a speech by the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan.
By P.R. Lockhart Mar 7, 2018, 10:40am EST

Several of the original organizers of the Women’s March have found themselves at the center of a controversy revolving around Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Last week it was revealed that Women’s March organizer and co-president Tamika Mallory was present at a speech Farrakhan gave before the Nation of Islam in February. During the speech, Farrakhan made several anti-Semitic comments, including saying that “the powerful Jews are my enemy,” according to CNN. The Anti-Defamation League notes that Farrakhan also argued that Jewish people control the media and use that influence to increase the number of gay and transgender individuals in the US, said Jewish people control the US government, and claimed the FBI — under Jewish influence — pushed marijuana onto black men to “feminize” them, in addition to a number of other comments.

“White folks are going down,” Farrakhan said during the speech. “And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew, and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through.”...

Why Women’s March leaders are being accused of anti-Semitism
This should tell anyone what they need to know: One of the speakers at the march.....the women cheered this speaker.

"Hylton, along with three men and three other women, kidnapped 62-year-old real-estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo and held him for ransom, before eventually killing him. As noted in a 1995 Psychology Today article, when asked about forcibly sodomizing the victim with a three foot steel pole, one of Hylton’s accomplices replied: “He was a homo anyway.”

Yeah, she was there as an advocate for women in prison and what lead her from an abused teen, single mother and criminal to earning her bachelors degree while in prison.

I had no idea she was at the rally, thank you for demonstrating the diverse stories of women that were showcased at the event.

You can read more about here here:
Women's March Speaker Donna Hylton Served Time for Murdering a Man | Snopes.com
This should tell anyone what they need to know: One of the speakers at the march.....the women cheered this speaker.

"Hylton, along with three men and three other women, kidnapped 62-year-old real-estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo and held him for ransom, before eventually killing him. As noted in a 1995 Psychology Today article, when asked about forcibly sodomizing the victim with a three foot steel pole, one of Hylton’s accomplices replied: “He was a homo anyway.”

Yeah, she was there as an advocate for women in prison and what lead her from an abused teen, single mother and criminal to earning her bachelors degree while in prison.

I had no idea she was at the rally, thank you for demonstrating the diverse stories of women that were showcased at the event.

You can read more about here here:
Women's March Speaker Donna Hylton Served Time for Murdering a Man | Snopes.com

I'll not celebrate someone who murdered another innocent life.
Especially those people who hear the dog whistle 'sharia law' and then pretend they have enough info to make a judgement. amiright?

Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law

She's an advocate for women's rights
Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law
The child does not know the first thing as to what sharia law entails. All he knows is that he is required to defend it.

I'm not defending sharia law, dunce.

You are simply a remedial child too stupid and ignorant to be able to understand that her advocacy for sharia law completely contradicts any claim that she is for women's rights.
It's not your call. You're not part of the movement.
Unfortunately for you and the remedial pussy brigade, one doesn’t have to be part of ‘the movement’ to understand and comment on the absurdity of having a shariah law advocate heading up a march that is allegedly about women’s rights. That you and the organisers apparently haven’t even noticed your own stupidity is testament to how deep it runs.
Machiavellianism, Advanced Course

You don't understand how power freaks work. In order to test the blind loyalty of their choir, they will purposely do something they know is contradictory.

But why do we let the On-Air Airheads off the hook for doing the same thing to test their own dominance? The presstitutes know perfectly well that spelling mike "mic" is ignorant, anti-phonetic, and silly. But they must be gratified about how many in their captive audience are suckered into parroting this absurdity, especially the self-deluded ones who claim to be against the media.
Linda Sarsour is a known advocate for strict adherence to Islam and Sharia Law

She's an advocate for women's rights
The child does not know the first thing as to what sharia law entails. All he knows is that he is required to defend it.

I'm not defending sharia law, dunce.

You are simply a remedial child too stupid and ignorant to be able to understand that her advocacy for sharia law completely contradicts any claim that she is for women's rights.
It's not your call. You're not part of the movement.
Unfortunately for you and the remedial pussy brigade, one doesn’t have to be part of ‘the movement’ to understand and comment on the absurdity of having a shariah law advocate heading up a march that is allegedly about women’s rights. That you and the organisers apparently haven’t even noticed your own stupidity is testament to how deep it runs.
Machiavellianism, Advanced Course

You don't understand how power freaks work. In order to test the blind loyalty of their choir, they will purposely do something they know is contradictory.

But why do we let the On-Air Airheads off the hook for doing the same thing to test their own dominance? The presstitutes know perfectly well that spelling mike "mic" is ignorant, anti-phonetic, and silly. But they must be gratified about how many in their captive audience are suckered into parroting this absurdity, especially the self-deluded ones who claim to be against the media.

This should tell anyone what they need to know: One of the speakers at the march.....the women cheered this speaker.

"Hylton, along with three men and three other women, kidnapped 62-year-old real-estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo and held him for ransom, before eventually killing him. As noted in a 1995 Psychology Today article, when asked about forcibly sodomizing the victim with a three foot steel pole, one of Hylton’s accomplices replied: “He was a homo anyway.”

Yeah, she was there as an advocate for women in prison and what lead her from an abused teen, single mother and criminal to earning her bachelors degree while in prison.

I had no idea she was at the rally, thank you for demonstrating the diverse stories of women that were showcased at the event.

You can read more about here here:
Women's March Speaker Donna Hylton Served Time for Murdering a Man | Snopes.com

I'll not celebrate someone who murdered another innocent life.

This does not deter these uneducated little twits because all they are doing is acting out like children.

Heck, if the little loser is willing to support a traitorous individual advocating for replacing our way of life with a jack booted theocracy, he'll support anything.
This should tell anyone what they need to know: One of the speakers at the march.....the women cheered this speaker.

"Hylton, along with three men and three other women, kidnapped 62-year-old real-estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo and held him for ransom, before eventually killing him. As noted in a 1995 Psychology Today article, when asked about forcibly sodomizing the victim with a three foot steel pole, one of Hylton’s accomplices replied: “He was a homo anyway.”

Yeah, she was there as an advocate for women in prison and what lead her from an abused teen, single mother and criminal to earning her bachelors degree while in prison.

I had no idea she was at the rally, thank you for demonstrating the diverse stories of women that were showcased at the event.

You can read more about here here:
Women's March Speaker Donna Hylton Served Time for Murdering a Man | Snopes.com

I'll not celebrate someone who murdered another innocent life.

This does not deter these uneducated little twits because all they are doing is acting out like children.

Heck, if the little loser is willing to support a traitorous individual advocating for replacing our way of life with a jack booted theocracy, he'll support anything.

She is not advocating replacing our legal system with sharia law. Seek help.
This should tell anyone what they need to know: One of the speakers at the march.....the women cheered this speaker.

"Hylton, along with three men and three other women, kidnapped 62-year-old real-estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo and held him for ransom, before eventually killing him. As noted in a 1995 Psychology Today article, when asked about forcibly sodomizing the victim with a three foot steel pole, one of Hylton’s accomplices replied: “He was a homo anyway.”

Yeah, she was there as an advocate for women in prison and what lead her from an abused teen, single mother and criminal to earning her bachelors degree while in prison.

I had no idea she was at the rally, thank you for demonstrating the diverse stories of women that were showcased at the event.

You can read more about here here:
Women's March Speaker Donna Hylton Served Time for Murdering a Man | Snopes.com

I'll not celebrate someone who murdered another innocent life.

This does not deter these uneducated little twits because all they are doing is acting out like children.

Heck, if the little loser is willing to support a traitorous individual advocating for replacing our way of life with a jack booted theocracy, he'll support anything.

She is not advocating replacing our legal system with sharia law. Seek help.

She is speaking in favor of sharia law which oppresses and allows for the beating and raping and killing of a woman.
...that claims to want to 'live according to the principles of freedom of speech, of religion, to live free of fear', is being led by a woman who is an outspoken Muslim activist, advocate of the extremely OPPRESSIVE Sharia law...

...and co-chairs the Women's March along with Zahra Billoo and Omar Suleiman, Dawud Walid, Talib Shareef, Nihad Awad and Mujahid Fletcher from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) - a known supporter of Muslim terrorism...


"Authorities arrested Linda Sarsour at Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s office Monday while demanding Ryan meet with her and others protesting current inaction on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA) program.

An outspoken Muslim activist, advocate of Sharia law and co-chair of the Women’s March, Sarsour — along with Zahra Billoo and Omar Suleiman, Dawud Walid, Talib Shareef, Nihad Awad and Mujahid Fletcher from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) — were arrested for civil disobedience according to MSN.com

“We don’t want to live based on fear. We want to live according to the principles of freedom of speech, of religion,” said Fletcher, an immigrant from Columbia who doesn’t want to see DACA end."

(BTW, 'DACA' never LEGALLY started - it does not exist. It was an ILLEGAL, UN-CONSTITUTIONAL 'edict' issued by the former dictator-wannabe President who admitted before he issued his edict that he did not have the Constitutional authority to do so. 'DACA' can't end until it STARTS!)

Not long ago the Women's March named Donna Hylton as an 'Honored Guest Speaker' at one of their marches. Hylton was a convicted criminal who kidnapped, tortured, sodomized, murdered, then attempted to ransom an 80+ year-old man.


Stories like this one, idiot women who claim to want to live without fear and oppression, women who claim to want free speech - following a female Muslim activist who advocates Sharia Law, the highly oppressive Sharia Law that mistreats and abuses women so much - helps 'you' understand how snowflakes could have so easily been duped by the Russians into organizing and marching for them.


Women's March Leader Linda Sarsour Arrested

Women’s March Featured Speaker Who Kidnapped And Tortured A Man
Liberal women...How stupid are liberal women? See picture...

View attachment 180984
Awesome Post!

Women’s March ‘Feminists’ Unable to Define ‘What a Woman Is.’


Asked to define "what a woman is." These champions of women's rights proved unable to give a coherent answer. In fact, many of them said a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman. One even said, "I think it's a choice."

They could not define the very concept supposedly at the center of their cause. If anyone can be a woman, then the oppression of the "Patriarchy" can have no meaning. If there is no real difference between men and women, the gender pay gap cannot even exist.

"How would you define what a woman is?" Backholm asked the protesters.

"I think a woman... That's a trick question," one of them shot back.

"I think a woman is anything that she wants to be defined as," said another.

"She's an individual."

"Like, we’re selling uterus pins, but that doesn’t mean that if you have a uterus, you're a woman, or if you don’t have one, you’re not a woman," one protester replied.

"I think a woman is someone who chooses to express themselves … can be in the feminine way but also can be in the non-binary way as well," another said.

"A woman is love and strength and power," one protester insisted.

Others chimed in, "A woman is anyone that identifies as a woman, simple as that."

"I think a woman is, like, if you identify as a woman," another said. "If you want to be a woman, then you’re a woman."

Backholm went on to ask, "Are there any innate differences between men and women today?"

Many of the protesters struggled to answer that question, as well.

"Do you think that anyone can be a woman?" he further queried.

"Anyone probably could be a physical woman if they would like to," one protester said.

"Yes, I think it’s a choice," another insisted.

"Yes, yes because I think it’s a mindset,"

One more chimed in, "I think anybody can be a woman."

Although many people do suffer with gender dysphoria, the condition of identifying with the gender opposite their biological sex, maleness and femaleness are determined down to the level of DNA — and men and women have different physiologies throughout their lives, beginning in the womb.

Women and men are different, and those differences would be vital for any women's movement worthy of the name.

Better luck next year, ladies! The way things are going now, you'll get four more chances to get the Women's March right.

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