Let me guess, conservatives. You agree with Trump's new sanctions on Turkey

The Juicy Parts -

National [REACTIONS]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Syria.svg.png
    Syria — The Syrian Government strongly condemned and categorically rejected the deal, dubbing it a "blatant attack" on the nation's national sovereignty, as well as a violation of international law.[131][132][e]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Turkey.svg.png
    Turkey — Turkish foreign minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu warned that Turkey would not allow the plans for the implementation of the buffer zone to "stall" and cautioned that Turkey would not tolerate a repetition of the unenforced Manbij roadmap. Cavusoglu further pleged to clear the buffer zone of "YPG terrorists".[133][134] Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan expressed dissatisfaction with the size, scope and implementation timeline of the deal numerous times and has threatened to void the agreement, as well as allow free refugee migration to Europe, if the deal's terms are not altered and interpreted more in line with Turkey's vision for the zone.[135][136][137][138]
  • 23px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png
    United States — The US embassy in Turkey released a statement, in which it noted that US and Turkish military delegations had met and agreed to work together to address Turkey's 'security concerns'.[139]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Russia.svg.png
    Russia - Russia warned of what it deemed were efforts to divide northeastern Syria and added that any legitimate agreement would require the approval of the Syrian Government. Russia urged dialogue between the Syrian Government and Rojava as a means to prevent the partition of Syria.[140][e] However, several weeks later, during a visit by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his support for a buffer zone in principle, stating that Turkey had been shouldering a "huge refugee load" and had "legitimate concerns" over the security of its southern borders.[141] Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov commented that Russia "always supports" de-escalation agreements, but insisted that all such agreements "respect Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as the rights of the Arab tribes, traditionally living around the Euphrates." [142]
  • 23px-Flag_of_Iran.svg.png
    Iran - Iran condemned the agreement, considering it a "provocative and worrying step", which it deemed to violate the principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations.[143][144][e]
  • 20px-Flag_of_Denmark.svg.png
    Denmark - Shortly before joint US-Turkish ground patrols within the zone were due to begin, Denmark announced that it would be sending Danish army troops and medical personnel to SDF-held areas in Northern Syria, in what the Danish Government dubbed a move assist SDF and 'residual' U.S. forces in their fight against ISIL.[145][146] The United States Department of Defense welcomed this announcement.[147]

Nothing to change my mind there.
Haha, yeah I didn’t think so. Would you say this statement is accurate?

The USA aligned with the Kurds in the fight against ISIS, the Kurds took the front lines and sacrificed thousands of lives. In the aftermath the US served as the go between with Turkey and the Kurds to set up a DMZ along the border. We got the Kurds to demilitarize and turkey to agree to a safe zone for refuge resettlement. Turkey decided to break the deal and attack. Instead of standing with the Kurds and preventing Turkey from attacking, Trump pulled our forces which has lead to death destruction and loss of trust, power, peace and strategic positioning in the Middle East. Russia and Syria will take the power we gave up and we no longer have a hold on rogue ISIS terrorists, many of which have already escaped captivity.

is that a fair statement? If no then why?

Because the story has not yet played out. There is more here than meets the eye.
well then lay out your argument. I made mine and you pasted a list from an article with no analysis of your own. Then I made another argument and you say that you don’t agree because we shall see? How about you just give direct responses to my points and engage in a real debate? Might be refreshing for a change.

I've not engaged in an argument in this matter at all, but merely posted a few opinions. I'll wait for the punchline before venturing a final.

At this time I have no problem with Trump's action.
innocent people are dead. We abandoned an ally who was depending on us for a safe zone. That’s all done, it’s history, nothing to wait for in regards to that. How do you justify it?

I need not "justify" anything until the matter is completed.
Haha, yeah I didn’t think so. Would you say this statement is accurate?

The USA aligned with the Kurds in the fight against ISIS, the Kurds took the front lines and sacrificed thousands of lives. In the aftermath the US served as the go between with Turkey and the Kurds to set up a DMZ along the border. We got the Kurds to demilitarize and turkey to agree to a safe zone for refuge resettlement. Turkey decided to break the deal and attack. Instead of standing with the Kurds and preventing Turkey from attacking, Trump pulled our forces which has lead to death destruction and loss of trust, power, peace and strategic positioning in the Middle East. Russia and Syria will take the power we gave up and we no longer have a hold on rogue ISIS terrorists, many of which have already escaped captivity.

is that a fair statement? If no then why?

Because the story has not yet played out. There is more here than meets the eye.
well then lay out your argument. I made mine and you pasted a list from an article with no analysis of your own. Then I made another argument and you say that you don’t agree because we shall see? How about you just give direct responses to my points and engage in a real debate? Might be refreshing for a change.

I've not engaged in an argument in this matter at all, but merely posted a few opinions. I'll wait for the punchline before venturing a final.

At this time I have no problem with Trump's action.
innocent people are dead. We abandoned an ally who was depending on us for a safe zone. That’s all done, it’s history, nothing to wait for in regards to that. How do you justify it?

I need not "justify" anything until the matter is completed.
asking about your thoughts on those specific events and actions
Haha, yeah I didn’t think so. Would you say this statement is accurate?

The USA aligned with the Kurds in the fight against ISIS, the Kurds took the front lines and sacrificed thousands of lives. In the aftermath the US served as the go between with Turkey and the Kurds to set up a DMZ along the border. We got the Kurds to demilitarize and turkey to agree to a safe zone for refuge resettlement. Turkey decided to break the deal and attack. Instead of standing with the Kurds and preventing Turkey from attacking, Trump pulled our forces which has lead to death destruction and loss of trust, power, peace and strategic positioning in the Middle East. Russia and Syria will take the power we gave up and we no longer have a hold on rogue ISIS terrorists, many of which have already escaped captivity.

is that a fair statement? If no then why?

Because the story has not yet played out. There is more here than meets the eye.
well then lay out your argument. I made mine and you pasted a list from an article with no analysis of your own. Then I made another argument and you say that you don’t agree because we shall see? How about you just give direct responses to my points and engage in a real debate? Might be refreshing for a change.

I've not engaged in an argument in this matter at all, but merely posted a few opinions. I'll wait for the punchline before venturing a final.

At this time I have no problem with Trump's action.
innocent people are dead. We abandoned an ally who was depending on us for a safe zone. That’s all done, it’s history, nothing to wait for in regards to that. How do you justify it?

I need not "justify" anything until the matter is completed.
what do you think about Trumps claim that Joe and Hunter Biden are crooks because of this Ukraine and China business?
I need not "justify" anything until the matter is completed.
what do you think about Trumps claim that Joe and Hunter Biden are crooks because of this Ukraine and China business?
Perhaps Shiffft can hold a secret kangaroo court to find out.[/QUOTE]
Trump's own aides told Trump there was nothing to this story. Trump talks & you believe him, Can't get dumber than that.
This has zero to do with pulling our of wars.

This has to do with Trump knowing that the Turkish Army was going to advance on the Kurds & him moving our troops out of the way.

This is about abandoning those who fought along side us.

So you would have preferred that US soldiers be caught up in a battle between two of our supposed "allies"?

We have been doing it for years. Trump evident was too inept to do it & tucked tail & ran.
Because the story has not yet played out. There is more here than meets the eye.
well then lay out your argument. I made mine and you pasted a list from an article with no analysis of your own. Then I made another argument and you say that you don’t agree because we shall see? How about you just give direct responses to my points and engage in a real debate? Might be refreshing for a change.

I've not engaged in an argument in this matter at all, but merely posted a few opinions. I'll wait for the punchline before venturing a final.

At this time I have no problem with Trump's action.
innocent people are dead. We abandoned an ally who was depending on us for a safe zone. That’s all done, it’s history, nothing to wait for in regards to that. How do you justify it?

I need not "justify" anything until the matter is completed.
asking about your thoughts on those specific events and actions

We'll see when the matter is concluded.
Because the story has not yet played out. There is more here than meets the eye.
well then lay out your argument. I made mine and you pasted a list from an article with no analysis of your own. Then I made another argument and you say that you don’t agree because we shall see? How about you just give direct responses to my points and engage in a real debate? Might be refreshing for a change.

I've not engaged in an argument in this matter at all, but merely posted a few opinions. I'll wait for the punchline before venturing a final.

At this time I have no problem with Trump's action.
innocent people are dead. We abandoned an ally who was depending on us for a safe zone. That’s all done, it’s history, nothing to wait for in regards to that. How do you justify it?

I need not "justify" anything until the matter is completed.
what do you think about Trumps claim that Joe and Hunter Biden are crooks because of this Ukraine and China business?

I thought Joe a crook long before Trump was involved. I haven't followed his kid's adventures until recently.
well then lay out your argument. I made mine and you pasted a list from an article with no analysis of your own. Then I made another argument and you say that you don’t agree because we shall see? How about you just give direct responses to my points and engage in a real debate? Might be refreshing for a change.

I've not engaged in an argument in this matter at all, but merely posted a few opinions. I'll wait for the punchline before venturing a final.

At this time I have no problem with Trump's action.
innocent people are dead. We abandoned an ally who was depending on us for a safe zone. That’s all done, it’s history, nothing to wait for in regards to that. How do you justify it?

I need not "justify" anything until the matter is completed.
asking about your thoughts on those specific events and actions

We'll see when the matter is concluded.
the things I’m asking you about have concluded. Why are you trying so hard to not engage?
well then lay out your argument. I made mine and you pasted a list from an article with no analysis of your own. Then I made another argument and you say that you don’t agree because we shall see? How about you just give direct responses to my points and engage in a real debate? Might be refreshing for a change.

I've not engaged in an argument in this matter at all, but merely posted a few opinions. I'll wait for the punchline before venturing a final.

At this time I have no problem with Trump's action.
innocent people are dead. We abandoned an ally who was depending on us for a safe zone. That’s all done, it’s history, nothing to wait for in regards to that. How do you justify it?

I need not "justify" anything until the matter is completed.
what do you think about Trumps claim that Joe and Hunter Biden are crooks because of this Ukraine and China business?

I thought Joe a crook long before Trump was involved. I haven't followed his kid's adventures until recently.
so now that you’re following the Ukraine and China business what say you? Crook or no crook?
I've not engaged in an argument in this matter at all, but merely posted a few opinions. I'll wait for the punchline before venturing a final.

At this time I have no problem with Trump's action.
innocent people are dead. We abandoned an ally who was depending on us for a safe zone. That’s all done, it’s history, nothing to wait for in regards to that. How do you justify it?

I need not "justify" anything until the matter is completed.
what do you think about Trumps claim that Joe and Hunter Biden are crooks because of this Ukraine and China business?

I thought Joe a crook long before Trump was involved. I haven't followed his kid's adventures until recently.
so now that you’re following the Ukraine and China business what say you? Crook or no crook?

Insufficient data. One does wonder however for what exactly he was being paid.
I've not engaged in an argument in this matter at all, but merely posted a few opinions. I'll wait for the punchline before venturing a final.

At this time I have no problem with Trump's action.
innocent people are dead. We abandoned an ally who was depending on us for a safe zone. That’s all done, it’s history, nothing to wait for in regards to that. How do you justify it?

I need not "justify" anything until the matter is completed.
asking about your thoughts on those specific events and actions

We'll see when the matter is concluded.
the things I’m asking you about have concluded. Why are you trying so hard to not engage?

They are not concluded. It's just beginning.
innocent people are dead. We abandoned an ally who was depending on us for a safe zone. That’s all done, it’s history, nothing to wait for in regards to that. How do you justify it?

I need not "justify" anything until the matter is completed.
what do you think about Trumps claim that Joe and Hunter Biden are crooks because of this Ukraine and China business?

I thought Joe a crook long before Trump was involved. I haven't followed his kid's adventures until recently.
so now that you’re following the Ukraine and China business what say you? Crook or no crook?

Insufficient data. One does wonder however for what exactly he was being paid.
Good, so probably no cool for the POTUS to be calling them crooks with insufficient data, right. Pretty much shows hes trying to start a witch hunt, right?
I need not "justify" anything until the matter is completed.
what do you think about Trumps claim that Joe and Hunter Biden are crooks because of this Ukraine and China business?

I thought Joe a crook long before Trump was involved. I haven't followed his kid's adventures until recently.
so now that you’re following the Ukraine and China business what say you? Crook or no crook?

Insufficient data. One does wonder however for what exactly he was being paid.
Good, so probably no cool for the POTUS to be calling them crooks with insufficient data, right. Pretty much shows hes trying to start a witch hunt, right?

I suspect he has more information on the matter than I do.

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