Let me guess, conservatives. You agree with Trump's new sanctions on Turkey

You think Trump is holding information that shows the Biden’s committing crimes?! Are you joking? Why would he release his phone call but hold on to this information ? How does that make sense in your warped mind
Your desperate attempt at a "whatabout" is failing miserably.

Bidens idiotic admission of bribing the Ukes this enough to start an investigation.

Keep digging.
You think Trump is holding information that shows the Biden’s committing crimes?! Are you joking? Why would he release his phone call but hold on to this information ? How does that make sense in your warped mind
Your desperate attempt at a "whatabout" is failing miserably.

Bidens idiotic admission of bribing the Ukes this enough to start an investigation.

Keep digging.
the fact that you just ignored a direct question to say I’m failing just shows that you got nothing. Thanks for playing... comeback when you can actually make an argument and answer a question.
The elements I’m asking you about have concluded. We told the Kurds we’d provide security, the demilitarized, we pulled out, turkey attacked, many Kurds have died, many Isis soldiers have escaped. Those are facts and have already happened. Sound good to you?
Are you really that pussywhipped by Trump that you can’t be an honest critic of something we all know was a huge fuck up?

I never criticize a promising book until I finish reading it.

FYI, besides the fact that the Democrats offer me nothing of worth, I voted for Trump because he agrees with me, not because I agree with him.

Do you grok the difference?
Do I grok the difference?! Uh sure I guess, but what does that have to do with anything we are talking about? I don’t care why you voted for trump.

Your inability to make simple connections is interesting.
what’s interesting here is your inability to make a rational argument. I’m surprised you came back to this conversation as it sounded like you did a tuck and run. I present very simple and direct questions and you dodge answering them. I present simple arguments and you give vague dismissive responses. That’s not how you win a debate. You win by making clear statements and using logic and facts, not dismissive quotes and off topic statements that need the dots connected. Do better.
what happened to the OP? seems he did the tuck and run.
Did this guy just ignore the Turkey sanctions question and accuse the author of "running"? LOL
I never criticize a promising book until I finish reading it.

FYI, besides the fact that the Democrats offer me nothing of worth, I voted for Trump because he agrees with me, not because I agree with him.

Do you grok the difference?
Do I grok the difference?! Uh sure I guess, but what does that have to do with anything we are talking about? I don’t care why you voted for trump.

Your inability to make simple connections is interesting.
what’s interesting here is your inability to make a rational argument. I’m surprised you came back to this conversation as it sounded like you did a tuck and run. I present very simple and direct questions and you dodge answering them. I present simple arguments and you give vague dismissive responses. That’s not how you win a debate. You win by making clear statements and using logic and facts, not dismissive quotes and off topic statements that need the dots connected. Do better.
what happened to the OP? seems he did the tuck and run.
Did this guy just ignore the Turkey sanctions question and accuse the author of "running"? LOL
you asking me? sure that's what you did.
Do I grok the difference?! Uh sure I guess, but what does that have to do with anything we are talking about? I don’t care why you voted for trump.

Your inability to make simple connections is interesting.
what’s interesting here is your inability to make a rational argument. I’m surprised you came back to this conversation as it sounded like you did a tuck and run. I present very simple and direct questions and you dodge answering them. I present simple arguments and you give vague dismissive responses. That’s not how you win a debate. You win by making clear statements and using logic and facts, not dismissive quotes and off topic statements that need the dots connected. Do better.
what happened to the OP? seems he did the tuck and run.
Did this guy just ignore the Turkey sanctions question and accuse the author of "running"? LOL
you asking me? sure that's what you did.
The question was posed to everyone, dodger.
what happened to pyetro
I'm here waiting for you to say whether you support sanctions on Turkey. What happened to JC?
sure I do. where'd you go, we had a discussion on a thread I posted up yesterday. you left.
Did you suggest that Trump should sanction Turkey in any way before I forced you to finally answer?
sure, I posted a link to a thread from a month ago to answer your OP question. you disappeared.
Your inability to make simple connections is interesting.
what’s interesting here is your inability to make a rational argument. I’m surprised you came back to this conversation as it sounded like you did a tuck and run. I present very simple and direct questions and you dodge answering them. I present simple arguments and you give vague dismissive responses. That’s not how you win a debate. You win by making clear statements and using logic and facts, not dismissive quotes and off topic statements that need the dots connected. Do better.
what happened to the OP? seems he did the tuck and run.
Did this guy just ignore the Turkey sanctions question and accuse the author of "running"? LOL
you asking me? sure that's what you did.
The question was posed to everyone, dodger.
and I provided you a thread that was started over a month ago to answer your OP question. you ran.
what’s interesting here is your inability to make a rational argument. I’m surprised you came back to this conversation as it sounded like you did a tuck and run. I present very simple and direct questions and you dodge answering them. I present simple arguments and you give vague dismissive responses. That’s not how you win a debate. You win by making clear statements and using logic and facts, not dismissive quotes and off topic statements that need the dots connected. Do better.
what happened to the OP? seems he did the tuck and run.
Did this guy just ignore the Turkey sanctions question and accuse the author of "running"? LOL
you asking me? sure that's what you did.
The question was posed to everyone, dodger.
and I provided you a thread that was started over a month ago to answer your OP question. you ran.
I'm going to copy and paste an excerpt from my thread that fits you perfectly, runner:
You think the sanctions are an awesome idea, and you thought it was a good idea all along but you were just too busy to include it in your postings here.
what happened to the OP? seems he did the tuck and run.
Did this guy just ignore the Turkey sanctions question and accuse the author of "running"? LOL
you asking me? sure that's what you did.
The question was posed to everyone, dodger.
and I provided you a thread that was started over a month ago to answer your OP question. you ran.
I'm going to copy and paste an excerpt from my thread that fits you perfectly, runner:
You think the sanctions are an awesome idea, and you thought it was a good idea all along but you were just too busy to include it in your postings here.
so you're just going to ignore my post huh?
Did this guy just ignore the Turkey sanctions question and accuse the author of "running"? LOL
you asking me? sure that's what you did.
The question was posed to everyone, dodger.
and I provided you a thread that was started over a month ago to answer your OP question. you ran.
I'm going to copy and paste an excerpt from my thread that fits you perfectly, runner:
You think the sanctions are an awesome idea, and you thought it was a good idea all along but you were just too busy to include it in your postings here.
so you're just going to ignore my post huh?
You wish I ignored it. Here it is for the World to see it:

You think Trump is holding information that shows the Biden’s committing crimes?! Are you joking? Why would he release his phone call but hold on to this information ? How does that make sense in your warped mind
Your desperate attempt at a "whatabout" is failing miserably.

Bidens idiotic admission of bribing the Ukes this enough to start an investigation.

Keep digging.
the fact that you just ignored a direct question to say I’m failing just shows that you got nothing. Thanks for playing... comeback when you can actually make an argument and answer a question.
I didnt avoid squat, tard.

You can't handle the fact that the latest fake scandal is unravelling before your eyes, just like the rest of them.

Your lust for a Fascist Coup still goes unsatisfied, and your clown car candidates all have "Loser" tattooed on their foreheads.

I see why you're so pissy, but that's your choice, not mine.
Today President Donald Trump imposed sanctions on Turkey, something that no conservative I've seen in this board has suggested.
Correct me if I'm wrong: You think the sanctions are an awesome idea, and you thought it was a good idea all along but you were just too busy to include it in your postings here. Oh, and you are not just saying that because you say yes to everything Donald Trump does. Oh, and you would have totally supported sanctions if Obama had imposed them, not Trump.
U.S. imposes new sanctions on Turkey over Syria offensive

So are you FOR sanctions or not against Turkey? Make it clear.

I am trying to figure out if you are aware that 'Sanctions' are one of many 'tools' a country has to deal with another country. The military is also a 'tool', one that should be the very last resort when Diplomacy and every other 'tool' fails to achieve the objective.

Considering the situation right now, sanctions are ONE of the several options the United States can use to Influence Turkey's actions. Another being used / implemented right now is pressure from other NATO countries on Turkey, threatening to strip Turkey of its membership from NATO.

Turkey, meanwhile, was intent on pushing into / invading Syria to target the Kurds. They have invaded 3 other times - this is reportedly their 4th time over decades. HOW LONG WOULD DEMOCRATS / SNOWFLAKES KEEP US TROOPS IN SYRIA, FIGHTING THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINER'S WAR, AS 'HUMAN SHIELDS' FOR THE KURDS OR ANYONE ELSE?

Do Democrats / snowflakes want to go to war with Turkey? It was reported yesterday while US troops were pulling out of one area Turkish / Turkish-backed forces approached. An Apache helicopter was called in and hovered feet off the ground between the US and Turkish forces while the US finished packing up and heading out. Are snowflakes advocating the course of action should have been to attack an allied (Ally in name only, granted) NATO nation?

Let's say we do attack / fight Turkey in Barry's War in Syria, which Obama invaded...what happens at the US bases in Turkey where US personnel are still based? What happens to the several U. S. nuclear weapons located in Turkey?

EMOTION causes quick comments without actually thinking things through clearly.

SANCTIONS allow influence to be imposed upon even an 'ally' while diplomacy / negotiations continue.

Saying we should never have decided to leave another nation in which we never should have been, another nation a US President decided on his own to invade - dragging us into the middle of another war - this time in the middle of a raging civil war in Syria....with what objectives?

1. US Military Personnel As Human Shields / a Damn to hold back the eventual 'flood' / attack - that Turkey has conducted 3 times before now? How long? 1 year? 2 years? 10 years? And when we begin pulling out THEN and Turkey starts to invade again, are we going to have this conversation all over again and make the decision to stay another 1 / 2 / 10 years?
-- Some one give me a SPECIFIC timeframe - 1) how long do we keep troops in Syria, & 2) WHAT is the benchmark / 'finish line' that defines 'It's time to go ho,e'?

2. Until ISIS is destroyed?
ISIS is an ideology. Terrorism is not usually defined by national boundaries. Keeping Troops in Syria to 'eradicate' ISIS has already failed - yesterday it was announced ISIS committed several terrorist attacks in AFGHANISTAN! Don't look now, but ISIS is no longer 'penned up in Syria'. Terrorism, because it is an ideology, is like water / jello in your hands - squeeze it, and it escapes through all sorts of cracks. The ISIS attacks in Afghanistan yesterday is a 100% successful demonstration that we are NOT in Syria to 'finish off' ISIS...so why ARE we there?

Again, back to the Kurds? If Barry had not invaded Syria, if US troops had NEVER invaded Syria, what would the Kurds being doing right now? What did they do the last 3 times the Turks invaded and the US wasn't there?

Democrats and snowflakes used to say the US / US troops are not the world's policeman....but today they are attacking the President for pulling our troops out and are advocating for keeping US troops in Syria to be not only the Syrian neighborhood policeman but to be Human Shields for the Kurds and others.

Everyone is entitles to their own opinion....mine is No Thanks. Give me a clearly defined set of achievable objectives and a timeline so I know it will not last forever, that one day I can go home, and I will stay and fight. Tell me we are staying with no realistic achievable objectives for an indefinite time, to be Human Shields for decades...nope.

....meanwhile the US should be considering alternate bases other than those in Turkey and how to get our Nukes out of Turkey.
Today President Donald Trump imposed sanctions on Turkey, something that no conservative I've seen in this board has suggested.
Correct me if I'm wrong: You think the sanctions are an awesome idea, and you thought it was a good idea all along but you were just too busy to include it in your postings here. Oh, and you are not just saying that because you say yes to everything Donald Trump does. Oh, and you would have totally supported sanctions if Obama had imposed them, not Trump.
U.S. imposes new sanctions on Turkey over Syria offensive

No, I vehemently disagree with sanctions. I think Trump should have asked for a declaration of war and we should have sent at least 500,000 troops over for an invasion and occupation of Turkey.
you asking me? sure that's what you did.
The question was posed to everyone, dodger.
and I provided you a thread that was started over a month ago to answer your OP question. you ran.
I'm going to copy and paste an excerpt from my thread that fits you perfectly, runner:
You think the sanctions are an awesome idea, and you thought it was a good idea all along but you were just too busy to include it in your postings here.
so you're just going to ignore my post huh?
You wish I ignored it. Here it is for the World to see it:

Not sure what you’re posting? The Kurds aren’t our ally, turkey is
Today President Donald Trump imposed sanctions on Turkey, something that no conservative I've seen in this board has suggested.
Correct me if I'm wrong: You think the sanctions are an awesome idea, and you thought it was a good idea all along but you were just too busy to include it in your postings here. Oh, and you are not just saying that because you say yes to everything Donald Trump does. Oh, and you would have totally supported sanctions if Obama had imposed them, not Trump.
U.S. imposes new sanctions on Turkey over Syria offensive

No, I vehemently disagree with sanctions. I think Trump should have asked for a declaration of war and we should have sent at least 500,000 troops over for an invasion and occupation of Turkey.
I could live with this. I would have phrased it differently, if I were trump, I’d have said, if you don’t want a pull out, declare war

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