Let the Biden Bashing Begin!


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Now that the United States Supreme Court has told Donald Trump that his "evidence" of massive voter fraud amounts to little more than toilet paper, it's only a matter of a few weeks until Joe Biden will be sworn in as our next President. With this blessed event, the Biden bashing will commence in earnest. Lost in all the bashing however is a tiny little detail..... Just like the evidence of voter fraud, none of the bashers can produce any evidence of the Biden's wrongdoing that is admissible in a court of law.

It's easy and fun to lie to the general public (you can also sell a lot of books that way!) In Americas courts of law however even Trump appointed judges have rules they must follow, and if the Biden bashers can't win a court case with their "evidence" of wrongdoing, then they too have little more than toilet paper.

So, to all you Biden bashers out there, take your evidence, go to court with it, and show us what you have! Otherwise....take your toilet paper home to your bathrooms.
Supporting the destruction of highways and train tracks into blue cities would be legitimate. Destroying energy into cities would be also. It would really be easy compared to violence in the streets. If people were pushed enough to do so. And had the fortitude to do it.
Now that the United States Supreme Court has told Donald Trump that his "evidence" of massive voter fraud amounts to little more than toilet paper, it's only a matter of a few weeks until Joe Biden will be sworn in as our next President. With this blessed event, the Biden bashing will commence in earnest. Lost in all the bashing however is a tiny little detail..... Just like the evidence of voter fraud, none of the bashers can produce any evidence of the Biden's wrongdoing that is admissible in a court of law.

It's easy and fun to lie to the general public (you can also sell a lot of books that way!) In Americas courts of law however even Trump appointed judges have rules they must follow, and if the Biden bashers can't win a court case with their "evidence" of wrongdoing, then they too have little more than toilet paper.

So, to all you Biden bashers out there, take your evidence, go to court with it, and show us what you have! Otherwise....take your toilet paper home to your bathrooms.

SCOTUS never looked at the evidence, moron! Get your head out of your ass!
Now that the United States Supreme Court has told Donald Trump that his "evidence" of massive voter fraud amounts to little more than toilet paper, it's only a matter of a few weeks until Joe Biden will be sworn in as our next President. With this blessed event, the Biden bashing will commence in earnest. Lost in all the bashing however is a tiny little detail..... Just like the evidence of voter fraud, none of the bashers can produce any evidence of the Biden's wrongdoing that is admissible in a court of law.

It's easy and fun to lie to the general public (you can also sell a lot of books that way!) In Americas courts of law however even Trump appointed judges have rules they must follow, and if the Biden bashers can't win a court case with their "evidence" of wrongdoing, then they too have little more than toilet paper.

So, to all you Biden bashers out there, take your evidence, go to court with it, and show us what you have! Otherwise....take your toilet paper home to your bathrooms.

Pedo Joe didn't come within sniffing distance of winning the election. He is a fraud and an unmitigated joke. He is a career "compromised" leftist and a Chi-com puppet. Evidence proves beyond a shadow of a doubt backed by the affidavits of hundreds of poll watchers that there was massive fraud and especially in the swing states that all basically shut down ballot counting around the same time. Dominion software anomalies ( proven by experts), missing USB drives that were not under any kind of scrutiny, poll watchers for Trump not even allowed to inspect mail-in ballots. Votes for Biden by the dead and those that simply made up addresses in volumes and paid by every fraudulent ballot they filled out, etc, etc......

I know that leftist fucks like yourself believe that by screaming loud and long that it somehow legitimizes Pedo Joe.....it doesn't. Seventy five million LEGITIMATE voters (if not ten million more) will never view Pedo Joe, the gaffe machine, as anything more than a puppet.....thems be the facts.
Now that the United States Supreme Court has told Donald Trump that his "evidence" of massive voter fraud amounts to little more than toilet paper, it's only a matter of a few weeks until Joe Biden will be sworn in as our next President. With this blessed event, the Biden bashing will commence in earnest. Lost in all the bashing however is a tiny little detail..... Just like the evidence of voter fraud, none of the bashers can produce any evidence of the Biden's wrongdoing that is admissible in a court of law.

It's easy and fun to lie to the general public (you can also sell a lot of books that way!) In Americas courts of law however even Trump appointed judges have rules they must follow, and if the Biden bashers can't win a court case with their "evidence" of wrongdoing, then they too have little more than toilet paper.

So, to all you Biden bashers out there, take your evidence, go to court with it, and show us what you have! Otherwise....take your toilet paper home to your bathrooms.
You have to be joking. After the last 4 years you expect partisans to require evidence to support the insults they will heap on the president, his wife and children, and anyone who dares to utter support for him? It is to laugh. No, I fully expect the next president to receive the same kind of support that the previous one did.
One has to wonder why the SC hasn't looked at the evidence cause there's a shit load of it??

Michigan just got the results of the forensic teams look into Dominion. They found that the machines should never have been used. Thirty States used those damned things even after Texas checked them out and refused to use them.

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